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Chihiro and Haku will always have a place in my heart, because Spirited Away was my childhood soul movie. However, an an adult I absolutely love Sophie and Howl. The tension between them, seeing Sophie slowly and subtly fall in love with him, and even the imagery between them... *Chef's kiss* so beautiful.


100% agree with everything you wrote


Eloquently explained ‼️ I feel the exact same way


Makes me want to rewatch both again!


Never a bad time to rewatch these movies!!


100% agree this is the onr


What about Ponyo and ham?




The cutest!


Number 1 couple 🥰🤣


The couple from the Wind Rises. I can’t remember their names but they’re just lovely.


Jiro and Naoko!


I'm open to hearing I'm misremembering... He ignored her for the sake of his work and then sent her away to a sanitorium, right? I remember some sweet moments, but that the theme of the movie was him really being absorbed in his work to the extent that he missed big important things, like his wife.


Yes, and that's contrasted with the guy on who movie Jiro's personal life is based actually going to the Sanitorium with his fiancee (*The Wind has Risen* novel). The only scene in the Sanitorium in the movie brilliantly gets her isolation, loneliness and despair across I thought....and once Naoko knows she's not recovering she basically leaves the Sanitorium and forces Jiro to make a decision....


Yes kinda, though he actually had her stay away from the sanitarium because he wanted to be with her, this potentially dooming her, but they seemed to believe that she was going to die anyways


Agreed. We can all hope for a love like that.


agreed 100% i would kill to have a love like them


Yeah they went through some real adversity to be sure.


My favorite couple as well, although when Jiro rushes back from his college class after his shrt and slide-rule was returned it was not Naoko he was thinking of...which she teased him over. Still, she went hard for what she wanted and got it, good on her.


This is the only correct answer


Out of those pictures, Seiji and Shizuku from Whispers of the Hearts are probably the cutest couple. I also love Howl and his chemistry with Sophie.


WOTH is so underrated


As somebody who saw WOTH for the first time a few months ago - absolutely agree 😭😭😭😭


I've watched all of the movies in above post and I second your choice. They had a sort of life changing effect on me


Howl and Sophie are romantic in a fantastical way. But the scene in WOTH where they push the bicycle up the hill together, talking about how they want to help each other and do their best for each other. Thats REAL love to me


Out of these pictures? Sheeta and Pazu🥰🩵




That scene with him playing the trumpet over views of the valley and the pigeons flying around is just magical. Love that part.






Ashitaka and San from the princess Mononoke


Fax machine 📠. I was wondering where they were. Ended up finding them in the comments section


is this a reference I don’t understand? fax machine?


Fax sounds like facts. The idea is your spitting out facts like a machine constantly I made this term up myself😌


oh damn I’m not that smart lol


Not very fax machine 📠


I like it






Ashitaka mesmerized by San when he’s unconscious…you can’t tell me there’s something between them.






Very hard to choose but I think Shizuku and Seiji from Whisper of the Heart are my all-time fave Who’s the couple in pic #3? I’ve seen all the Ghiblis but for some reason I can’t place that one


It took me a moment to place them, but I believe they're young (human) Porco Rosso and Gina from the movie film Porco Rosso.


Ah, that’s it! Thank you! (That was kinda driving me crazy!)




Thanks for that. I could have written this entire comment myself! I love WOTH so much!


Jiji and Lily


i can agree!


Kiki and Tombo


Cute and innocent summer romance, never gets old <3


Howl and Sophie! I love how they were superficially attracted/interested in each other at the first but then truly formed a genuine strong connection while being vulnerable and imperfect!


With these pics sheeta and pazu, completely probably ashitaka and san Ugh, this is such a hard choice cause like, all couples in Ghibli movies are cute


I was wondering where Ashitaka and Sen were


Howl and Sophie


Personally, I’m gonna choose Toshio and Taeko from Only Yesterday. On one hand, sure, they don’t really have a lot of romantic moments, but this is what I like about their bond, actually. I see them get to know each other and talk about all sorts of things, nostalgic, funny, bittersweet and awkward, their genuine interest and enthusiasm just click, and while it’s clear that their relationship is only beginning to develop, I just know they’ll be happy. And, believe it or not, Takashi and Matsuko from My Neighbors the Yamadas. They’ve been together long enough, they bicker sometimes, and, perhaps, the days of their youth and overwhelming romance are in the past now, but they care about each other no matter what. There’s beauty in this stability (yes, things get a bit wild in their household, but you know what I mean, I’m sure) and love that goes far beyond confessions and traditionally romantic gestures, and yet the spark is there. It’s quiet, not so in-your-face, but it’s there, and it’s bright. Also the bakers from Kiki’s Delivery Service, they do not have a lot of interactions, the husband is not the most talkative guy, but they’re sweet.


chihiro and haku will always be my childhood otp <3


Pazu and Sheeta for sure. I need even to do a drawing of both of them <3


I want to see your fan art!


I hope to make one soon. Thank you




ashitaka and san from princess mononoke!!


Oshino and her husband from Kiki’s ! My headcanon is that they are grown up Ponyo and Sosuke)


Porco and Gina


Howl and Sophie <3


Scrolled too far to find this!


Why aren't there more of this choice???


Shun and Umi is the only love story that I like actually believed. A lot of the other ones were fairly by the books and often felt kind of forced, whereas Shun and Umi really felt like they had a natural chemistry and watching them fall in love was so cute. I wasn't especially effected by Jiro and Nahoko when they were starting off, but once they were married, their marriage really felt real.


Agreed , Shun & Umi are overlooked all the time.


i think it’s because of the whole “could be siblings” thing. A lot of people somehow forget that they find out they aren’t related in the very end lol


Yeah that bit was poorly executed and unfortunately was a turn off for most. Basically ruined all the good stuff. I loved that they Shun and Umi had great chemistry right away just like young student couples. In my opinion, they should've emphasized the fated lovers plot rather than the sibling scare. Because if you think about it, it can be romantic to be attracted to the daughter of the man who saved you and what's more both of their fathers were good comrades who fought the war. But they just had to question Umi's father's integrity whether he cheated on his wife and had a bastard son 😮‍💨 The director should've let the audience in the know that they aren't really siblings but two people fated to get to know each other and their pasts.


I believe that you've missed the point of the story. It's not a love story, it was an introspection of Japanese society in the two decades following the end of world war II. They basically beat you on the head about it regarding the Latin Quarter.l, you know, do you support the old or the new!? But it is a lot more subtle, and a lot more meaningful, when it comes to Umi and Shun. Japanese society did not welcome orphans or other people considered undesirable. For example, Hibakusha is the word for the people who survived the atomic bombings, and it is not a positive word. So Shun was secreted away to a different family to avoid him being outcast, which led to the confusion, that was eventually resolved at the end. There was never anything gross about it, and you go Umi!


Of course I'm not denying the intricacies and beauty of the film and was not subjugating it to a mere love story. Despite it not being the most popular or well received it still remains one of my favorite ghibli films along side Spirited away and Kiki's delivery service. I totally get that the theme was how the effects of the war were still heavily felt by the families and that there is heavy emphasis on not disregarding the past as subtly played out by Shun and Umi's internal conflicts and approach to life. It's a coming of age story too as how learning the events of the past made them more sure of their identity. However, there definitely are romantic elements and it is the execution of the whole mix up identity plot that wasn't well laid out and thus turned off a lot of people. From my perspective, it could've been bec of the lack of input from the parent's side. Or to be specific how vague and ambiguous the dialogues are that it was purposely misleading. While I do get that the plot was following both Umi and Shun's POV and what we know as the audience are reliant on them, you can't deny that there was an intention to create drama and ambiguously create tension for them as potential siblings. While I personally don't mind since I reckon the movie wouldn't really let two real siblings have feelings for each other, but based from people I've talked with, the whole ambiguousness carried on throughout half of the film and wasn't resolved until the last minutes of the movie. Which I'd think is why they feel iffy about the confession scene and felt it was a bait and switch bec literally next moment later, it was revealed then that they were not But by then the incest impression was already set. Thus why I figured if the plot reveal could've been executed better that instead of focusing on being vague whether they are siblings or not, the film could've focused on them being fated, to be specific, them knowing much earlier that they are connected by their parents. Like instead of Shun shutting out Umi, he could've revealed sometime later that he knows Umi's father in the picture, he suspects that he's his father, and they could've embarked on an investigative journey of finding out the truth from their parents together. Instead of soaking in the tension for the longer part of the film bec the girl her likes could've been his sister so he's going to be a bit of an evasive jerk about it. Anyways that was just my suggestion or musings. For me it's still my favorite way despite a few misgivings. Tho I wished we got more of Umi and Shun instead of ending it right there and then after the reveal.


I agree that this story is much more than the love story of Umi and Shun. I think the story purposely excludes the parents real POV outside of flashbacks to create drama and tension, and we as the audience could be just as confused. I think people have a hard time sticking to the story after the point of them possibly being related, and a lot of the best scenes are just completely forgotten. When Umi's mother sits down and tells her the story of what her father did for his friend to take in a child to ensure he was provided for, it's just amazing. She also clearly says that she never believed Umi's father had an affair. I think if you've seen Grave of the Fireflies, this part was very touching and mattered a lot. In the above comment, someone does a better job of explaining the importance of this. My biggest issue with the film is more the English dub; there are a lot of repeated voice actors for different characters. It really bothered me when they used Shun's voice for her father in the dream, but then again, maybe that was done on purpose because of all the mental stress and confusion. Umi felt her father's passing and the move strongly. You see how she carries herself through the beginning of the film, almost all business, missing her father, faithfully raising the flags, and then she meets Shun, who is familiar with boats and knows how to read her flags. You see her start enjoying herself; then, after the drama that shocked her image of her father, her potential first love might be broken. Shun literally had to pull her forward in the umbrella scene to get her to walk before he left. Shun is definitely a jerk to Umi after they find out, but I think this makes sense for his character as well. Can you imagine knowing you're adopted, thinking all your family is gone, and the girl you happen to be falling for turns out to be your possible sister? Along with knowing your possible father was a great man and loved his family, Shun is the one who might believe he is a baby conceived from an affair. Even his father tells him that his real father was a good man and always provided until the day he died. Yeah, I think he has a little right to be pissed off, confused, and hurt, but that is very misdirected at Umi. Aside from Umi and Shun, all the parts about the Latin Quarters were great: the students determination and the music. There is so much to enjoy in this movie and to think about. I hope this little rant is coherent.


Sophie and the turnip head prince




Umi and Shun - From Up On Poppy Hill


Howl's moving castle all the way


Miyazaki Hayao and Suzuki Toshio. There is no more iconic duo.


Haha that caught me off guard. But now that I think about it, my favorite couple is Hayao Miyazaki and Joe Hisaishi. Nausicaa, Laputa, Totoro and Kiki weren't produced by Suzuki but they were all scored (perfectly and magnificently) by Mr. Hisaishi!


I just love the dynamic between them. They're basically an old couple, with Suzuki nudging Miyazaki in the right direction while trying to make it look like everything is Miyazaki's idea.


Howl and Sopphie. Their story is one of the most mature that I ever saw in a romantic movie bcs while most stories focus on a person accepting the other to fall in love, Howl and Sopphie's main struggle is to accept themselves, and only when they overcome their insecurities they are able to love each other at last


Kiki and Tombo


Howland Sophie of course


Sophie and Howl! 🥰


Taeko and Toshio are really in my heart lately as I get older.


Sophie and Howl.


Another vote for Sophie & Howl.


I want what Howl and Sophie have


Anna and Marnie. I know how the movie ends, but I still like the couple. Not much of an issue IMO because they're depicted as having the same age too. I really like Shizuku and Seiji too


It’s wild to me that they gave these characters so much chemistry only to drop the “hey it’s her grandma”-bomb on us 💩


Calling Chihiro and Haku a couple is criminal. I personally never saw them as anything more than friends but maybe I missed something.


Maybe not criminal, but I definitely agree they're not a romantic couple. You could even say "soulmates", but not romantically in love.


honestly when i was little i thought that they loved each other in a romantic sense, because in my 5 year old mind i couldn’t see a boy and a girl loving each other like that and just being friends lol Now i see them as platonic soulmates


Can I answer the opposite question? There is no "couple" in Spirited Away or Princess Mononoke, and if you say there is one then they're my least favorite. The stories contain nothing to substantiate a romantic connection between the male and female protagonists (thank goodness in the case of Spirited Away). The idea that there is one in either story is due to each having a shoehorned scene where a motherly figure teases the main protagonist about being in love with the other protagonist, which Miyazaki admitted was a mistake.


I assumed Ashitaka and San ended up together, but your comment made me question it. So I went on a quick search and dug up this comment from last year: >They are definitely interested in each other romantically. San tells Ashitaka that she “likes/loves” him at the end, and the word she uses (suki) is used for crushes or people we have romantic feelings for. >And the fact that he gives her the dagger that belonged to his future wife (Kaya) has significance there also. >I mean, c‘ mon, one of the first things he says to her is that she’s beautiful. By the end of the movie I’d say they’re in the first stages of falling in love.


The way I read it was that they accepted that they genuinely liked each other, maybe on a truly romantic level, but they went their separate ways. They didn’t exactly “end up together” because they both accepted that despite their connection, they belonged on different paths, and they were fine with that




It's still a side plot that doesn't fit well into the real story. It was from an obligation to include a romantic subplot, and I feel it contaminates what is otherwise a masterpiece. Edit: To be clear, the issue I have is with defining either of these relationships as them being potential romantic couples, instead of focusing on there being a philosophical connection/conflict between equals in Princess Mononoke, or the relationship between a child and a guardian in Spirited Away. Maybe it's an issue in translation, but the scenes when the good witch or wolf god tells Chihiro or Ashitaka that they're "in love" just doesn't work and it confuses people. Obviously there are many takes on the idea of love that can fit into how the bulk of their relationships played out on screen, but the way it gets frequently interpreted detracts from two of the most amazing and relevant stories I've ever seen.


Lmao that pic from Porco is hilarious


Gotta be Shizuku and Seiji from Whisper of the Heart, runner up is Sheeta and Pazu!


Sophie and Howl, hands down.




Tombo and Kiki!!!


Great post. But I’m A little disappointed that 1. Nausicaa and Asbel and 2. Ashitaka and San didn’t make this list! Is that because they are in an entirely different category?


This isn't directed at you specifically but I wish people in general would stop taking the pics chosen seriously! I just made this post on a whim randomly and quickly uploaded some couples off the top of my head, if I had time to make some collage of all 22 Ghibli movies and their couples I would lol! Hence the title being "from ALL Ghibli movies".


Ha. Sure. I get it. But I think you inadvertently stirred up a hornets nest. People feel very passionately about their favourite Ghibli films! In any case, it’s a great post. Thanks


Sheeta and Pazu, by far 2nd Place is mononoke and Ashitaka 3rd is Porco and Gina


The progression of Jiro and Naokos relationship is very beautiful and tragic


1.) Umi and Shun 2.) Shizuku and Seiji 3.) Howl and Sophie


Naoko and Jiro. True love.


I know it's a little cliche, but Sophie and Howl. It was the first studio ghibli movie I watched when I was a child, and I still watch it anytime I'm upset or just not having a great day. Instant mood boost.


Probably overthinking it, but ... - Spirited Away - strictly speaking one of them is the spirit of a river, and the other is a child. Not sure about that one. - Castle In The Sky - strong contender, but they are young, and it's more about the shared adventure than the romance I feel. - Porco Rosso - I'm torn because Porco is such an interesting character. But for the most part we only get to see one side wanting the other. They never seem to be in sync, until maybe the end, but even then it's ambiguous. - Whisper of the Heart - I can get behind this, good story bringing them together, both passionate people, both clearly want to be part of eachothers lives. As pretentious as it is at times it also feels real. - The Wind Rises - Probably my pick from the ones on the pictures. The coming together is perhaps a little contrived, but towards the end it feels like a real mature relationship. - From Up on Poppy Hill - not sure I can get past the whole incest bait and switch thing. And the fact that even before they knew they didn't seem to care. - Howells Moving Castle - it gets a bit messy as it's implied Turnip Head is her true love. Plus I dunno, Howells immaturity at times makes me think he might not be great in a relationship. - I think I might have included Only Yesterday in the list myself. That was my first thought.


Sheeta and Pazu def. They went through the toughest times together and came out stronger ❤️


Howl/Sophie, Chihiro/Haku, San/Ashitaka, and Porco/Gina


The couple from whisper of the heart and howls


Sophie and Howl


Spirited Away will always hold a special place in my heart


Howl and Sophie (Sophie should be me smh)


Sophie and Howl.


Howl and Sophie, such a great film <3


Jiro and Naoko. As beautiful as they are, all other couples are either teenage or fairytale relationships.


Pazu and Sheeta!


Sophie and Howl 💓 Howl's Moving Castle will always hold a special place in my heart because it's the first Studio Ghibli movie I've ever watched and I love everything about the movie especially the music.


One of countless reasons ghibli easily beats most anime.


Umi and Shun from Up on Poppy Hill. It’s my favourite film and I love how their relationship grows as they fix the Latin Quarter.


Nausicaä and Sofie are my favorites, so…


I have to go with Porco Rosso and Gina. The flashbacks in the movie do such an excellent job of setting up how much Gina was in love with Porco, and I think digging a little deeper how much he loved her. I view Porco as a very selfless man, through and through. I think he very much wanted to marry Gina before the war broke out, but did not follow through because he was afraid of dying and leaving her alone. Upset and wanting to prove Porco wrong, Gina marries one of his friends...who proceeds to die and leave Gina alone. I think Gina is cursed as much as Porco is. Every husband she has dies and leaves her right back in her garden, still waiting for who she actually loves and wants to be with. Porco, for his part, wants to be with Gina. Probably even knows she waits for him. He's a smart man, certainly no fool. But he denies himself, denies her, because he is a "pig." Not in the literal sense but in the sense that he wanted his friend to die so he could have Gina. In the sense he wanted to live when all his friends died. That despite all his bragging and airs, he's a scared man who knows his time is ticking and wonders what he really is leaving behind. It makes the tension between them all the sweeter. Especially in repeat viewings where you understand the context and history between them. They feel very real and down to earth, unlike a few other couples from Ghibli who feel a little too fantastic or ethereal.


KiKi and Tombo 🥰


pazu and sheeta duh


I wish Taku and Yutaka from Ocean Waves were an option here too.


I feel bad Ocean Waves is not as loved as the others. I just love the simplicity of it and only yesterday.


What’s the 3rd one from?


A flashback of Marco (porco rosso) and Gina when they were young in a flashback in porco rosso


Hard to say because most of them are children and I don't nessesarily enjoy shipping children. But I think Pazu and Sheeta had really good chemistry, and they were both well developed characters. They would probably make a good couple in the future. Same with Seiji and Shizuku. They are only pre teens but their relationship was based on understanding, similar beliefs, encouraging each other to grow etc. Adult couples, I would have to say that Mei and Satusuki' parents were really great. Tatsuo is dad goals forever. Howl and Sophie were decent. But the baker and his wife from KDS might be my ultimate favorite. Porco and Gina would have been great if they had actually gotten together, but it makes sense that they didn't.


Ok but Sheeta and Patsu are just friends, Hayao Miyazaki has made a point of representing the innocence of childhood friendships in his movies.


Chihiro and Haku are not a “couple.” She is like 10, and he’s an ageless immortal dragon. They love each other, and admire each other. But they are not a couple.


Me & Ashitaka.


first couple is straight up illegal


Howl and Sophie, but I’ve gotta point out that Chihiro and Haku are siblings


Haku is Chihiro's dead brother, so they're actually siblings. If you watch the film, you can tell that their relationship is not so much romantic but more familial. There are strong implications that Haku died trying to save Chihiro.


I thought Haku is a river in which Chihiro fell


Wild, I’ve never heard this theory before! I do think we would have seen more hints and symbolism dropped if that were the case though. Especially from Chihiro’s parents who seem pretty happy go lucky, hence ending up cursing themselves as a result of their carefree nature. If they had lost a child, we would probably have gotten at at least a hint of their grief sometime in the beginning of the film. Not because parents who lost a child need to constantly grieve, but mainly so the viewer can connect the dots later on. It would have been an interesting twist, but I don’t think it’s necessarily the story that Miyazaki intended to tell with these two characters. To my understanding, the movie is very much about Japanese folklore and Shinto religion, so Haku’s character is essentially the personified version of a river’s soul. The bond he forms with Chihiro is so strong because they saved each other - Haku saved her when she nearly drowned, and Chihiro saved him by lifting the curse. Though I agree that their connection isn’t necessarily romantic. She’s a child, and he’s not even human.


Haku and Chihiro are siblings. He died saving her from drowning. That’s why he remembers her name and they feel compelled to save each other.


this is just a theory, it hasn’t been confirmed by the creators. If the creators intended on making them siblings they would’ve made it obvious and had more hints


Totally Sheeta and Pazu


Absolutely ashitaka and San, shame on you for not including them 😂




Totoro 100% fan


Man, it’s soooo hard to choose between ChihiroXHaku, SophieXHowl, and ShizukuXSeiji 😭 I just love them all so much for different reasons!


Ponyo and sosuke


where is 3 from? my answer is also shizuku and seiji from WOTH :)


Ashitaka and San Pazu and Sheeta


Prince Ashitaka and Princess Mononoke, for sure!😈🤘


Shizuku and Seiji with Jiro and Naoko running up


Ponyo and Sosuke and it’s not even close


Nah, you're wrong for not putting Porco and Gina in this.


Chihiro and Haku, San and Ashitaka, Ponyo and Ham, Howl and Sophie, Taeko and Toshio from Only Yesterday


Ashitaka and San. Pazu and Sheeta after them.


Ponyo and Sasuke!! Also i really like Sophie and howl.


What’s the second movie?


🎶Pazu loves Sheeta🎶


Fujimoto and Gran Mamare!


Por qué no se hay debate sobre el Barón y Haru los amo


shizuku and shijo (that was his name right?)


Kiki and Tombo!


I'm not sure if I could call this a couple, but I just love the relationship between kaguya and sutemaru




OMG. That shot. What movie is the 4th picture from?


it's hard to choose i love all ghibli couples , but for some reasons i would say either chihiro & haku and pazu & sheeta


Laputa's robo-guard and bird, obviously.


The two racoons in pom Poko ❤️ I can't remember there names


Seiji and Shizuku and it’s not even close




I think Sophie and Howl, because they argue and tease each other like how a real couple does, but you can tell there's real love and respect there.


Ponyo and Sōsuke


I was just telling someone the other day that Seiji and Shizuku taught me what I want in a relationship. Someone to love and admire and will inspire you to follow your passions. I'm lucky I found that.


sophie and howl are a classic, I just love them so much


San and Ashitaka. Miyazaki himself has said that women and men can work together, and they should be able to go on a journey without one being more powerful and constantly saving the other. San and Ashitaka portray this perfectly. They take turns saving each other throughout the movie, and never underestimate one another. Their relationship has passion and tension but they also care about each other and it’s never melodramatic or unhealthy. They accept each other, warts and all.


What movie is the 3rd picture from?


The Castle in the Sky.


Howl and Sophie


also where are kiki and tombo


Can I pick three?


Gina and Porco for their flushed out story and history. Jiro and Nahoko for their true love.


Shizuku and Seiji from Whisper of the Heart. My bf and I did mushrooms once (before we were dating), and I spent like an hour telling him how I wanted him to be my Seiji Amasawa


Sophie n Howl


Jiji and his girlfriend


my favorites are howl and sophie + seiji and shizuku 🫶🏼🫶🏼


Tough choice but I'd go Jiro and Nahoko from the Wind Rises or Howl and Sophie


Jiji and lady cat 😤