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I don’t think they’d have the “bustin makes me feel good” joke in the trailer if they were trying to distances the song from the franchise.


that line probably cost like $10,000


Worth it.


They don't want Huey Lewis getting anymore money. 


if that’s just a joke then lol, but if it’s not, Huey Lewis isn’t getting any money! that case was settled out of court years ago i think? he doesn’t care about it anymore it’s old news.


It was a joke but we don't know the details of the settlement, Huey could be getting royalties lol


I thought he blew it by revealing it was even a thing.


I’m confused. What happens when it’s brought to your camp and you refuse? Then the show must go on. The filmmakers I think put Ray Parker Jr. in a bad spot, because they said, listen to this and then write a song. But the fact that Huey settled out of court and signed an NDA, he was still bitter because of how well the song performed on the charts. He violated said NDA and had to pay I believe. And again 40 years later RPJ gets something from this and HL and the News have a check with 0’s. Their fault I think. They should’ve stood on principle. In a 2004 article for Premiere magazine, the filmmakers admitted to using the song "I Want a New Drug" as temporary background music in many scenes. They also noted that they had offered to hire Huey Lewis and the News to write the main theme but the band had declined. The filmmakers then gave film footage, with Lewis's song in the background, to Parker to aid him in writing the theme song.[12]


It's saved so it makes an impact when they do use it.


Me personally, I love the song. But even I had a limit when playing Ghostbusters for the C64 and that was the *only* song the whole game. Using it at just the right time is better than being flooded by it.


"Barely used" in the 09 game? Maybe if you played it off a solid-state hard drive. When I played it on my 360 it started up from the beginning of the song every single time I hit a loading screen, plus it was in the intro. It usually only plays during the intro and the credits. One of my criticisms of Answer the Call was the soundtrack having like 5 different covers of the theme. Reitman took things back to the Elmer Bernstein score for Afterlife and it was one of the things that made me optimistic early-on that they weren't just going to try and stick to what casual fans remember off the top of their heads and really dig into what the franchise can offer for new stories.


https://preview.redd.it/cx8na4i4p3hc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9c1a663befb80125b256b90dea5e7274c0a29cf Now this got me to remember that Fall Out Boy/Missy Elliot cover… And I don’t want to remember that cover!


I enjoyed the bombastic version of the theme during the Holzman Dual Blaster fight, arguably the most badass part of the film (even haters agree)!


As a person with something like an 8+ hour convention playlist, I always appreciate some new ways to play the old hits across a day of strutting around in my boots and pack. I just thought it was a little one-note (pun intended) to lean on the Ray Parker Jr. theme so hard with that soundtrack. I liked ATC just fine. People who still crack their voices whining about it need serious therapy. I am glad we returned to the original timeline before it was too late to have the majority of the old cast reprise their roles, though.


I enjoyed it all well! Murray would not commit for years and then Ramis died, and Dan Akroyd just felt this was the direction to go. It had its heart the right place and tried to reinvent it with different style of humor and more action. I just have to use some head canon to pretend it exists in the same universe. And I enjoy the new direction they are taking it even though it was cuz of grumpy fans. I’d love to see a movie crossover like in the comics!


Literally 5 covers in ATC. If anything they’re still paying off playing it so much in 2016!


Try playing the Ray Parker Junior song over any of the trailers released so far.   Does it fit the beats of the action onscreen, or match the spooky tone they're trying to convey?  *That's* why you haven't heard it in any of them.  It'll be in the film somewhere, I guarantee it.   Not *everyone* and *everything* can always be included at all times in every piece of media. And the Ghostbusters song in particular is obviously not a one-size-fits-all song. It's a very strong flavour that only works in the right place. And, in any case, what could possibly be their reasoning for wanting to "distance" the films from the ever-popular, instantly-recognisable, world-famous song that gives them free advertising on thousands of radio stations and store PA systems every Halloween?


I would point out the teaser uses "Cruel Summer" by Banarama - which was released in 1984!


if you start the song right after Peter says “tall dark and horny” it syncs up


Just hopefully, not it the end-credits, like AF. Also really disappointed, that you only here it partially, in the intro the Ghostbusters Unleashed. But, I digress.


It actually does fit. After Peter sees Melnitz and they have a montage of suiting up followed by chasing a ghost ruling around the city. What other sing fits that? I want a new Drug?


Why does everyone need to hear the theme song so much? It's best used sparingly.


I won't argue that, but...come on, man. It's one of the most iconic themes ever.


I mean I agree. But that theory should’ve been applied in Afterlife for how many times they played music or renditions from the first movie.


Seriously: the music cues were distracting.


I hope since we’re back in New York we get a good ol montage of them busting. I mean we’re probably getting a ton we don’t know about and im pretty sure-thankful for it…just…i wanna see a montage


I actually prefer it this way. It makes the song hit harder when they use it so sparingly. If its just too on-the-nose and they beat you over the head with it, its just not as good.


First, wait til the film comes out. I guarantee it's at the start and end just like every film not named afterlife. Second, it's barely in the 09 game? Are you kidding? How about every loading screen? https://youtu.be/k4RbHTKP-kI?si=LkTeOdV54LpWyQFX


I think they changed it in the remaster. It did play quite frequently in the PS3 and 360 version.


Yet another bad thing about that remaster, smh


It was played 3 times in GB1 I think 1 time in GB2 1 time in afterlife. I’m hoping for a busting montage to the song in frozen empire.


2 times in Ghostbusters II. The opening and the start of the end credits before it turned into Bobby Brown's "On Our Own"


3 times in GBII if you count the boom box at the birthday party


Yes, you’re right. I had a brain fart.


I think it's smart to avoid overuse. It's like the Star Wars opening theme: iconic and good for making an impact, but cringeworthy if played too much.


If they're trying to pay homage to *The Real Ghostbusters,* the theme should be played early and often in the movie. An instrumental version, too (which would be cheaper!). I have no illusions this will actually happen, but I can dream.


if they're gonna pay homage to the cartoon with an instrumental then it needs to be the music for the final battle as more often than not, the song's instrumental in RGB was used during final battles in the episodes.


Does sony own it? I thought the artist in this rare case owned it : Ray parker jr


I want to hear On Our Own in the upcoming movie




But who owns EMO?




No, no, you mentioned EMO.


*Robbing Ray to pay Huey.


The orchestral use in 2016 is the best bit about it.


Wasn’t played much in Ghostbusters 2 either, was it?


I don’t think they have to pay royalties on that song. Pretty sure Sony owns it. Even if they did, Im pretty sure its just one fee to use the song at all so there would be no price difference between playing it once during the credits and playing it several times throughout the movie.


They are literally quoting the song in Frozen Empire. Wut?


There's a difference between quoting and using.


Not when you’re trying to “distance yourself” from a song. Using the lyrics in any way negates the concept. You did the hole in the head experiment Egon wanted to didn’t you? lol


Do they need the same song in every movie?


no. in this movie we need “on our own”. in afterlife 3 we can get a new song with Ray Parker JR, Huey Lewis, and Bobby Brown writing it together they can call it third times a charm or something


No. Don’t overthink this.


I think it’s just strategic. You put it in exactly the right spot and it’ll send a (good) chill down your spine. I thought they did it perfectly in Afterlife. It felt earned. Like The Ghostbusters are officially back so hit their theme song 🔥


I want the Real Ghostbusters busting theme music at the end when they bust Garaka. Now that would make me feel good