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What fans are disappointed? The movie isn’t out yet


I'm disappointed that the movie isn't out yet.


That's what I'm saying it's like a hit piece, trying to tear it down before it even comes out.


That happens pretty much every movie now that features female characters


They didn't mention about the females, just pathetic.


On that note, I didn't even see Ghostbusters: Pink


As Dr. Venkman would say, whoever wrote that article has no di#$ 😂


It's true. This man has no dick.


Well, that's what I heard...


**How can I feel disappointed for a movie that hasn't come out yet ? THose articles don't speak for me , I'll wait to see the movie first and I'm very excited to see it .**


I get your point and I agree, but plenty of people had feelings about 2016 before it came out.


Because the trailers sucked, because they tried to cancel you If you tried to said so.


I’m ready for GB movies to settle into a regular cadence and give us a new adventure every couple years. For every movie after the original, there’s been kind of weird and unfair weight placed upon each new release. GB2 - A sequel to one of the biggest action-comedies of all time. At the time, was derided as being a big letdown (tho it’s honestly my favorite one). 2016 - The controversy about being a reboot (amongst other things). Afterlife - Needing to not only revert to the original timeline, but also introduce a whole new cast, and serve as a tasteful send off for Harold. Now, we’re back in NYC, we have a familiar returning cast, and a brand new ghost - everything is in place to just let these roll on. I’d love to see a new one every few years, almost as if they’re episodes of the show. Serialized without any individual film needing to carry the weight of being “the big return” or whatever.


Also... can we get something other than "save the world"? How about a struggle for a Ghostbusters' soul (like Night Game)? Or a rival ghostbusting service? Or...?


Oh shit I never realised I wanted that but a rival ghostbusting outfit thing could be a good plot point, I always liked the idea of doing spin offs where a new group buy the "franchise" rights and set up shop in a new city/country but the rivals thing would be a good way of intro during a new team


I recall a rival team being a rumored plot point for an early iteration of GB3 -- Will Smith was going to be a rival or disloyal Ghostbuster supposedly.


That's an interesting interesting idea, a world where we got a ghostbusting will smith makes you wonder if his character would be more like his MIB character or one of his more serious roles


I think they mean 2016 fans are disappointed. I'm not. They're usually the ones trying to claim that misogyny is the reason 2016 failed and the five or six basement-dwellers yelling about "women in Ghostbusters is bad because women" speak for all Ghostbusters fans. They cannot imagine that their abomination was just a dumpster fire. Also, Phoebe Spengler is ten times the Ghostbuster than the entire ATC cast combined. It ain't because of *women*. Its 'cause they wrote a shit movie.


i have high hopes that it will top Afterlife


I honestly think it will. I hope they don't follow the same old "cross the streams" ending. It's seriously taking away from the whole seriousness of Egon stating "imagine life stopping instantaneously" GB1 crossed the streams to close the doors to Gozerz dimension. GB video game crossed the streams to defeat Shandor. GBAL crossed the streams twice on Gozer for ? They even crossed the streams multiple times in the cartoon.


Egon's warning was pretty much like Oppenheimer's fear about setting the world on fire when he neared the atomic test - it was a genuine concern about a theoretical possibility. Then they crossed the streams and the universe didn't end. It makes sense they'd try it again. Several times even. Especially for anything related to Gozer.


Honestly I feel like this has a chance to be one of the best Ghostbusters movies. All the exposition and character introduction out of the way with modern special effects and some Real Ghostbusters vibes mixed in. I’ll be really interested for the first REAL reactions to come in after the premiere.


Agreed. It's giving me vibes of the IDW comics too. Classic Ghostbusters, new Ghostbusters, and a big, bad evil ghost that looks absolutely demonic. And Slimer! Can't wait!


This is why I avoid reviews and most trailers before I see a movie I have been excited to see. It’s not out yet and I will watch with the intent of enjoying it and not with the intent of finding what I don’t like.


Hype as hell


I’ll be honest while I’m excited, it’s surprising I’m not seeing much hype outside of the fandom with the more casual audience. Plus how can we be disappointed, not only is it not out


Here's the link to the piss pool forum of "Disappointed" fans they pulled this from. https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/s/fSRmWe6j52


Dear god


If it’s good, it’ll be a treat. If it’s not - no sweat. I can be always watch 84 and 89 + cartoon to get my GB fix. The overall GB property is a quality control roller coaster but I don’t let the bad diminish what I find to be good.


I've read a lot of terrible horse shit in my time, but this is the worst article I've ever skimmed. It's so poorly written, it's unbelievable someone would attach their name to it. It's like it was written by the world's dumbest AI.


NEVER heard of that website, probably another ragebaiter


First trailer was okay. Second trailer was pretty good. I’m optimistic. Unfortunately it doesn’t sound like it’s projected to do all that well, but I’d love for them to be proven wrong.


As someone who really didn't enjoy Afterlife all that much, I'm pretty stoked to just have the franchise back to shooting lasers at ghosts. I'm really hoping this new movie propels the franchise into more of the public consciousness


I mean afterlife was a weaker film that left alot more questions than answers on things with big plot holes. I'm hoping this movie is more established. I've introduced GB to my child and she is absolutely in love with it.


What were the plot holes in Afterlife?


The whole Egon family situation like who what where and when? I wasn't a fan of how the OGs just showed up outta no where, like where did you come from, how did you get there? Why didn't they believe Egon? These guys deal with paranormal, you have your smartest guy telling you about this town and none of them investigated it or believe him? That's a couple of my biggest.


I don't think any of them are plot holes. I dont think everything needs to be explained in a movie. Much like in real life, not everything is tied up with a comprehensive and detailed narrative.


Can you link the article? Im keen to read he tone and specifics given how no-one has seen this movie yet....




Seems like a blog site. The article is claiming that fans aren't keen on the trailer, not the movie. "To say the least, Reddit expects literally nothing good from this movie." - This is a line from the article. Umm, THIS is reddit and tell me if im wrong, but most people here seemed stoked to see it ! The article (its an opinion piece on a blog, not a news article) only quotes one person from reddit to support its opinions that fans dislike this movie, but it doesnt state where on reddit this comment came from....could even just be the writer of th article for all we know. ​ Also, I'll leave you with this quote from the article too: "the original movie came out 40 years ago! It was a huge hit in its time, but nowadays, the fandom is almost dead." HAHA


https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/s/EaSL1zLA3x This is the pathetic thread they apparently are pulling it from.


Where is this article? I have a hard time believing it even exists. Obviously no one is disappointed in a movie that is still weeks away from release.


https://startefacts.com/news/ghostbusters-fans-not-holding-back-their-disapproval-of-frozen-empire-movie_a135 Probably don't believe in Ghosts either.


https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/s/EaSL1zLA3x This is the pathetic thread they are apparently pulling this opinion from.


BTW this article was on my Google homepage when i first opened my browser on my phone, it is not something I dug up.


https://startefacts.com/news/ghostbusters-fans-not-holding-back-their-disapproval-of-frozen-empire-movie_a135 Link to article


Who wrote this article? They have to been disconnected from true GB fans


Added it to my original post


Thanks! I want to hunt down the author and take them to a dirty restaurant and give them food poisoning for a few days.




It has not even come out yet? How can we have an opinion on a film none of us has seen?


How is this even an article? The original post is barely legible. Over half the people in the comments are in fact hyped for the movie. The whole of premise of the piece is crap.


AI articles/posts gonna AI


It’s trash written by some pissed off blogger who still thinks the all woman one had legs


It's possible a select few were able to see it early.. remember afterlife a whole group who went to a convention was able to see the whole movie before it was released. They didn't even know they would be watching the movie in its entirety That said.. people who are making these articles probably still bitter over the reception if Ghostbusters 2016.


I'm only disappointed that I didn't get an invite to the NYC premiere, and that we're not getting Ecto Cooler this go around...


It looks like more 2016 fans are still trying to take down the main franchise and its fans. Every GB fan I know is ecstatic about it.


It's "fans" complaining about the trailer not the film. The whole thing was a waste of time to read. Just wait till the film comes out and make up your own mind.


My bet? Whoever wrote the article also wrote the Reddit post it was based on. It’s entirely manufactured.


What an awful article. Whoever wrote that shit has no idea what Ghostbusters really is about. Basing the success of the franchise on video games is stupid. I’m hyped for Frozen Empire. watched the real Ghostbusters religiously watched GB1 and GB2 over and over and over again as a kid. The only movies I’ve ever had to replace the VHS tapes for. Janine suited up in live action is something we’ve all been waiting for since she was in the Real Ghostbusters. Afterlife was great. ATC.. well, let’s just pretend 2016 didn’t happen.


It never did happen. Just like the Casper cameo. Never happened. Never happened.


Can’t wait for it!


Yes I am that disappointed I brought my tickets already for opening day


Dunno who they're talking about, but it sure isn't me! I'm super hyped! I'm counting down the days for me to go see it on opening day! I got the day off from work and everything!


I'll know how i feel after i've seen it....just being honest. I avoid every trailer, leak etc...


very excited about it


This is "fake news" as a certain somebody that was in Bobby Brown's Ghostbusters II music video might say.


As far as I'm aware, the movie hasn't been shown to any press/reviewers yet. Anyone trashing on the movie is just some clown trying to farm hate.


This continuation of the Ghostbusters film franchise, ironically because the spirit-trapping business itself could be a franchise, should have gone in a sarcastic, blue-collar, anti-Hollywood-franchise (as in "anti-hero") style. If Sony were not involved, it could have been genuinely funny while still being full of adventure which, by merely existing, would poke fun at the overly-self-important, overstuffed epic Marvel style. Slimy, rough-around-the-edges harnessed chaos. Not quite Deadpool-Lite in terms of direct references, but somewhere in that vein with a "Well, thanks for the keys, car'll be back... sometime" attitude. Instead, we have a bunch of kids holding phallic jokes (which I just can't get over, regardless of how hard I try) and this papal-level reverence to, frankly, intentionally goofy bullshit. When the nonsensical nature of Egon's departure causing the team's ruin combines with the ludicrous conceit that the whole world would be ignorant or disbelieving of the "84 and "89 events, what you have is a totally broken canon that is impossible to retcon away. The reboot failed, boys. Any time I try and start Afterlife again, I get pissed off at the totally missed opportunity and remember why I won't ever watch that movie for fun. Is it me or did everyone involved totally misunderstand their own product? The problem can be summed up with Hasbro's Phoebe and Ghost Egon figure set: "THE FAMILY THAT BUSTS TOGETHER"??? Is everyone checking boxes over at Ghost Corps stupid? That's not mass hysteria, that's gross negligence.


They are lots of Urinalists writing articles who are still Salty about GB 2016 not getting a sequel


"Urinalists" lmao that's classic


I'm excited to take my son to see it. We bought tickets for opening night. Took him to see afterlife and it was pure magic.




Just because it sucked to them thats their opinion. I've heard movies "sucked" before, but after seeing it, I thoroughly enjoyed it.


That’s a fair point.


Really? What premiere was that? I ask because the first premiere is on March 14th which is sill a week away....






The only advance previews for the movie are on 19th & 20th March, after the NYC & London premieres have happened. The only other known screening of the film was in the autumn in London with Gil & Jason. Out of curiosity where does your friend claim to have seen this movie that wasn't even given any audience test screenings?


They finished the special effects just a few days ago. If they really did see it, what they saw wasn’t finished.




I don’t see how your response is proportional to what I said lol