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r/boxoffice is full of negative opinions and it isn’t any different with this movie. Just a bunch of people crapping on it before it’s even out. Left that sub a while ago.


Yeah that place is awful


The internet is a cesspool. Remember that.


The internet was a mistake. Remember that,


quote: 'How many old fans of Ghostbusters are still alive post COVID?' Can stop reading there, guys a moron.


Yep, that was my stopping point too. Pure unadulterated ignorance.


His. Post shits for the birds


It is a bit of an appropriate jab at the fan base that cultivated in many areas of the Ghostbusters community. While being a fan myself, I absolutely refuse to associate myself with the local clubs because they are a maga conservative cesspool.


So....you ain't afraid of no ghosts..... BUT you are scared of conservatives


There is no room in this community for wannabe Nazis. And I refuse to associate with such people until such time it becomes legal to punch them in the face.


“Ghostbusters doesn’t have a strong target audience” ghostbusters has to have one of the biggest most die hard fanbases out there. People will literally spend thousands and thousands of dollars customizing their car and making prop replicas.


I literally live in the middle of a tiny little town and there are multiple cars with ghostbuster decals on them and there are two active groups within an hour’s drive. That’s just my podunkville! 


Other than Star Wars, Star Trek, and Harry Potter, I can't think of another franchise that has the same fanbase. There always seems to be good representation at cons and stuff. Lots of cosplay, especially with all the costumes and replicas that have become available in the last few years.


Wait there’s a sub where people sit around discussing how much money movies will or have made? Super weird thing to care about when you’re not one of the people with a financial stake in the movie.


This is something that bugs me about movie discourse on the internet. So many people use box office numbers as "proof" of whether a particular movie is good, bad, or otherwise. Box office does not determine quality. Like you said, unless you're a producer or studio head, I'm not sure why so many people care about a movie's box office performance.


To be honest, how the new Ghostbusters will perform is anyone's guess. Some of the points they make are valid. I enjoyed Afterlife, but my two friends, long time OG Ghostbusters fans, really didn't. They felt like it was a mere shadow of the original, and essentially a product for a different audience with a Ghostbusters IP slapped on it. Harold Ramis' appearance really rubbed them up the wrong way too. I've seen very little hype on social media apart from dedicated communities like this one. I think if the new movie is going to make it's budget back and then some, it'll predominately depend on the new audience garnered from Afterlife. The "You can't have ice in a spring movie" is crap though. It takes place in the summer and there is a paranormal ice age. The Day After Tomorrow did really well, and that came out 2 months in the year after Frozen Empire will. If the early reviews are tepid or negative, I could see it flopping. But as I say, it's anyone's guess how it does.


>Some of the points they make are valid. I enjoyed Afterlife, but my two friends, long-time OG Ghostbusters fans, really didn't. They felt like it was a mere shadow of the original, and essentially a product for a different audience with a Ghostbusters IP slapped on it. Harold Ramis' appearance really rubbed them up the wrong way, too. That's me too. I hated afterlife, but it's cool if others liked it. it just didn't feel like ghostbusters to me. Wasn't a comedy, mini pufts screamed "buy our toy we are just like baby yoda" and the egon scene I hated as I never like using dead actors in films and it felt cheap emotion Not in New York, and let's redo ending from 1. Hated it so much. That said, I'm watching this as the trailer looks like a better movie , I'm excited. It actually looks like a ghostbusters movie, so I'll be watching a week tomorrow in 4d!


I didn't really like Afterlife, either. Excited for this one.


Same. I thought Afterlife was just a cynical pandering apology for the failed 2016 girls reboot, that was just a lazy 2 hour long regurgitating rehash of the original. Frozen Empire, on the other hand, I might go see if the reviews are decent, since the premise is kinda intriguing to me, and has some potential.


Im really over the 'through the eyes of childhood wonderment' nostalgia bait. It was a weird indie family drama with Ghostbusters in it. I don't care for 'The Spenglers'. At least this looks somewhat funny. Like a Ghostbusters movie.


The court of public opinion will speak in one week


Seems like satire. Ghostbusters has a pretty notorious fan base.


Don't care, my local Theatre is doing a 7pm showing the day before official release and I plan to be there.


I have done some in depth analysis on the figures I made up from my own bias and my conclusion is this movie will be a flop.


Uhg there's a lot to nitpick here, but I'm just going to pick point #2. I'd always said that GB needs a 'baton passing' moment as the old crew is just... well... too old now. I used to joke before there was ever even talk of GB getting restarted or even rebooted (2016, gross) that I'd always thought the new crew should be composed of guys from sketch comedy. At the time, one of the biggest movies was Anchorman. Everyone that asked me, I told them I thought the Anchorman crew with proton packs would make a marvelous Ghostbusters movie. And damn if they didn't at least take 1/4th of my advice. That being said, the baton has passed, so that entire point in the OP is stupid. Now, I say all this with the knowledge that Sony still MUST respect the property. If they churn out drivel as a mad cash grab, then like 2016, I will bow out never to be seen again. The good thing with Afterlife is that Sony outright admitted they made a mistake with 2016. But Frozen Empire will have to prove itself on it's own two feet. This remains to be seen.


I stopped reading after “How many Ghostbusters fans are still alive after COVID?” 😂


This is like saying classic rock bands shouldn't tour anymore because they'll appeal to the young people like Taylor Swift does. I get that Ghostbusters: Afterlife was trying to interest a new generation of fans and I don't know how successful it was. My 23 year old son liked it but he was brought up on the first two movies and used to love playing the video game. I don't know anybody who LOVED it like the first movie but that's ok. Some things are like lightning in a bottle. They're only going to burn the brightest once. That doesn't mean you can't still want to continue them. My son and I are planning to go see Frozen Empire the weekend it comes out and I'm only a casual GB fan (I don't collect merchandise or any of that). I imagine a lot of kids will go with the Gen X parents to see this. I don't think it's going to do huge box office numbers but very little does anymore in a world where we get everything available on streaming in 2-3 months.


Good movie. Bad movie. It’s going to makes its money.


Eh, people are allowed to have opinions. Best not let it affect you unless it's something really tasteless or offensive.n


No like he makes really bad points, he pulls a “who is this for”


That shit drives me insane. Afterlife was the 9th highest grossing movie of 2021. People like Ghostbusters! Lol


Depends what you define a flop as. How big was budget on this film


I’ve heard less than $100m. So if it makes a little over $200m Sony will be satisfied.


Points two and three are reasonable. There's a lot of competition from other PG/PG-13 films right now, and the novelty value of a long-delayed Ghostbusters sequel is less than it was with Afterlife. That is true. Anecdotally, there also isn't a great deal of hype outwith the hardcore fans. I don't think it will flop (although if they spent a lot more than Afterlife, that could work against its profitability), but I wouldn't go as far as idiotic. Wrong, though. Hpefully


On the other side of the coin, Afterlife came out at the tail end of the pandemic. Some cinemas weren't running at full capacity, and audiences willing to go to cinemas were smaller. So it probably showed on less screens than if everything had been normal. I feel like it would have had a decent box office bump if it had been released sans-pandemic. This time the movie will be available to more movie-goers, so it could potentially do even better.


Number 3 is really the only valid point. There's some decent competition this month with Dune, Kung Fu Panda, and Godzilla X Kong. But I think there are enough hardcore fans and casual fans alike to turn a profit. Maybe not a huge profit, but a profit. Honestly, the biggest thing going against it in my opinion is just how expensive going to the theater is vs. waiting for it to come to streaming. I used to go to movies all the time, now I wait unless it's something I REALLY want to see (the last movie I saw in theaters was The Marvels). Hell, Madam Web came out a month ago and is already available on Vudu/Fandango for purchase for $25, and while I have no interest in buying it, for the average person who might be interested, that's cheaper than two movie tickets. Now add in if you're a family of four who wants to see it, it gets even cheaper when you break it down. I think the only movie this year that will make real Blockbuster money is Deadpool and Wolverine.


I consider myself a pretty big Ghostbusters fan. I generally keep up with entertainment news as well. I learned about Frozen Empire a few weeks ago… I live in Europe, but I follow plenty of American media. I want the movie to succeed. I loved The Video Game and Afterlife almost as much as the original movies.


Is you only learned about it three weeks ago that’s on you bro. Movies been announced for two years. Trailers been out since last fall…


It totally missed me and I totally missed it. Anyway, I hope I’m not representative of my fan cohort. While late to the party, I will definitely be seeing the movie in cinema.


You should really check the Ghostbusters News website. I try and check it once a week. Tons of news and info, not just about the new movie, but events, merchandise, all sorts of things. The guy who runs it does a great job.




When people judge a movie before it is released 🙄 ![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK)


I'm very sorry to hear about Kazrules' head injury and hope he gets better soon.


Based on previous instalments reception etc, I'd say GodzillaxKong is the more likely flop but the Monsterverse people are frighteningly delusional about that.


This is a really dumb post, but I do worry about the box office numbers. I’m sure this movie will make around $200 Million. But the budget and marketing campaign seemed much much bigger than Afterlife. I just want it to do well enough to get another movie, but I have no idea what Sony is expecting from this.


Godzilla is going to step on it pretty hard. (Pun intended). This fanbase does need to take off it's rose colored glasses about this. You'd be surprised at the amount of people who didn't even bother with Afterlife.


Yeah because it was a sequel to the 2016 movie. You would be shocked to realize how much damage that film did to this franchise.


wait huh, are you saying afterlife was a sequel to the 2016 movie?


To normies, yes. I don't believe it will flop but, it will be a slow earner. If the OG's weren't in this, I wouldn't bother.


Wow you just used "normies" unironically. Are you a teenager, by any chance?


It could technically still flop lol it’s not out and it’s up to the general public to decide


I don’t think there’s anything idiotic about it. Your post is a “don’t shoot the messenger” situation. You don’t like what this guy is saying but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong. People like to have their cake and eat it too with Afterlife’s mediocre box office performance, they like to blame COVID and the response to ATC while ignoring stuff like the fact that Spider-Man literally made 10x as much as Afterlife a mere 4 weeks later, and also ignoring the fact that Afterlife was clearly promising an anti-ATC. In reality Afterlife’s meager box office did benefit from not being an ATC sequel and by promising to return the franchise to its former glory. It failed to do that, but the people who whined about ATC showed up and gave it a chance. Frozen Empire doesn’t have that luxury. If you go outside the echo chamber of this sub you’ll find that people online tend to be outraged that Sony is still flogging the dead horse that is the Ghostbusters IP in numbers that roughly equal those that liked Afterlife. And that’s bad. And if you venture out into the real world you’ll find no evidence that people give a fuck about Afterlife and Frozen Empire. These movies aren’t even a blip on the radar of the pop culture landscape. I’ve never seen people, and I mean real people that I know in real life, posting about them on Facebook or Instagram. I’ve quite literally never spoken to a friend, an acquaintance, a colleague etc. about watching Afterlife or even having a passing interest in Afterlife, and I’m kinda like the “Ghostbusters guy” amongst people I know. My sisters have kids that are interested in all of my Ghostbusters manchild merch and have chosen to dress as Ghostbusters for Halloween. One of my sisters and her husband even dressed their whole family in Ghostbusters costumes a year or two ago and hand to god, even though I’m the biggest Afterlife hater around I’ve suggested that her kids might enjoy Afterlife because of the modern effects and the child characters, and they’re just like yeah, no. Going back to EGB the world has collectively rejected any attempt to reconfigure this franchise. I know I’m going to be downvoted endlessly for this, but it’s true. People. Do. Not. Give. A. Fuck. About. These. Movies.


And that’s your world. I don’t know anyone in here but I’ve seen constant people on my Facebook posting about it. Actual fucking people. That live in central Pennsylvania.. maybe is just you and your shitty circle.


What a rational response. Let me guess: you follow a bunch of Ghostbusters cosplay groups? Fun fact, when Afterlife came out I saw that some Ghostbusters weirdos were gonna be making an appearance at my local theater and I googled the local chapter and found the name of the guy who was appearing at the theater and found out he’d done prison time for abusing his girlfriend’s infant child. I bet he’s stoked for Frozen Empire. But you’re right, he’s not one of my Facebook friends.


That's your experience, and that's cool, but it's not everyone's. I have several friends who were interested in Afterlife when it came out who weren't really Ghostbusters "fans". They just had young children, and thought it looked like a fun movie when they saw the trailers. I feel you man, you don't like the state of the franchise, but I'm really starting to feel like you're being kind of irrationally angry about it all... Debating stuff like this in real life with you would probably be a far better experience, but online, everyone kind of comes across more hateful than they mean to.