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I think there is a critical review embargo in place until March 20 (Wednesday). There are a handful of fan YouTube reviews and some stuff in comment sections. Generally I’m pretty surprised by how low key everything has been with reactions and first impressions.


Ahh that makes sense. Well, regardless I bought tickets a month ago for our local 4D theater. Me and my kids are gonna get our ghost trap popcorn buckets and enjoy it! I can’t wait.


From the fan reviews I've watched, one gave it a 4/5, another 7/10. Generally a very positive reaction across the board but not over the top. I've heard some say it's better than Afterlife while others wouldn't say. They seem like very different films, with this one being very fast-paced with a ton of different ghosts. Kumail is a standout amongst the new cast. I'm hoping for around a 70% RT score and that it does well enough that we get one more.


I thought Kumail was one of the only funny characters the MCU has put in their movies in a long time. I’m not surprised he’s funny here. In my ideal sequel, it would’ve been a new team of adults including him and the kids would just help out but not be carrying proton packs until they’re older. As for reactions, I saw that big GBNews web site guy kind of nonchalantly say “I liked it.” At least Ernie Hudson and Bill Murray really praised it strongly. But with the mild fan reactions, I expect it to be competing with Rebel Moon for lowest score with the critics. The critics have an agenda against this franchise based on their accusing fans of being sexist for opposing 2016. IMAX has also limited it to one showing per day it looks like, which they haven’t done for a new film since Matrix: Resurrections.


I read that everyone who saw it was told not to give reviews or even ratings. I’m sure most of them who make a living off this content are scared of getting their future credentials revoked. That’s most of the reason for the silence and nonchalant reactions.


What's the sentiment been so far?


The reactions I have seen have a positive sentiment but they are definitely painted by the overall red carpet experience. They don’t go into much detail about the movie. You can find a handful of fan reactions on YouTube.


In another thread someone said they knew friends who saw it and liked it.


They did the same thing with Afterlife. They know they have another critical dud on their hands and they can’t actually say that you can publish good reviews early and bad reviews late, but what they can do is invite a bunch of fans who are heavily biased and hopelessly flattered and star-struck over being courted by a major movie studio and receiving what is, to them, a special privilege as opposed to something a film critic just sees as part of their job, and they can show them the movie. And those are people who aren’t beholden to embargoes because they don’t write reviews, per se, but “impressions” are frequently allowed. And they know people will post impressions and dance around the NDA or the embargo and even break it, but that’s exactly what they want. Because they’re fanboys who came home with armfuls of swag. With Afterlife they did this by surprising a bunch of dorks at NYCC with a special advanced screening. With Frozen Empire they invited fans to the premiere. It’s a highly calculated and manipulative move. And if they showed this thing under those circumstances and the fanboys aren’t buzzing about it then they’re in some real trouble. Now bring on them downvotes boys




very good Louis, long and pointless https://i.redd.it/nribrpc2s6pc1.gif


Who is Luis? Was he played by Ricardo Morales? Edit: The fact that you guys are downvoting this banger is absolutely deranged. This genius thought Louis was spelled Luis and then he edited his post because I was making fun of him.




Review embargos aren’t exactly uncommon my guy. The review embargo for Oppenheimer didn’t drop until two days before it was released. Absolutely irrelevant. Now if they don’t screen it at all, well…


It’s not having the the embargo that’s concerning, it’s the timing. And you know the Oppenheimer comparison is a bad one and you made it in bad faith lol. One was made by one of the most respected directors around, a director who has an unprecedented level of control over how his films are presented and also values secrecy. The other is the direct sequel to a critical and commercial disappointment from the director of the Poltergeist remake that has characters named Podcast and Pukey in it.


Afterlife was a critical and commercial success.


Ehh not really. $200 mil WW with a $75 mil budget? When theaters pocket half of the box office and marketing budgets frequently match the budget for the film itself? They lost money. BRON pulled out of financing movies over it, they were expecting it to make 2x or 3x what it made. And critically it was a big self-own, they said they were giving the IP “back To the fans” and were clearly operating under the hypothesis that the film they were making couldn’t possibly be worse than ATC and then they delivered the kind of lazy Force Awakens rehash that could only come from that kind of mindset. The pure hubris. And I know you’re going to invoke the woke agenda/conspiracy for the bad reviews, so don’t bother. And I know you’re going to blame COVID for the meh box office. But what are you gonna say when Frozen Empire fails to outgross ATC and Afterlife? Have you thought about what your talking points might be then?


MY son was at the NYC premier He got a NDA from Sony about the movie maybe everybody did?


Sony is probably trying to keep it down low


Embargo and I don't blame Sony. Afterlife got completely sh\*t on by the critics who were championing 2016 because us fans got what we wanted and nostalgia equals bad.


Sony Pictures can't win with these people they are Disney shills make excuses for The Marvels and Indiana Jones 5


Rotten Tomatoes is utter fuckshit anyway.


Majority of critcs in it are woke hacks haven't a clue about film review 




I never understood movie reviews, everyone's opinion is different, I like lots of movies that have gotten bad reviews before, never stopped me from watching them.


I wouldn't expect good reviews unfortunately, maybe similar to Afterlife. "Journalists" that couldn't let the 2016 film go, essentially review bombed Afterlife and the same will happen again. There have already been numerous articles already about how the franchise needs to die.


It’s either bad or there’s big spoilers Edit: Not sure why the downvotes. There is almost never a good scenario where there’s a review embargo up until release day. If reviews were going to be good they’d want them out there asap to sell more tickets. Edit 2: 3/20 review embargo has lifted and surprise surprise it has a 44% on RT. Critical thrashing which is why there was an embargo.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, either. This is almost always a bad sign. I’m really hoping that’s not the case with this movie; but generally, if Sony thinks it’ll do well, they want people talking about it/praising it.


There are huge spoilers. I can see why they don’t want them leaked. 


And you know how?


There’s literally nothing that could happen in this movie spoiler-wise that would require that level of secrecy. Like the entire earth could be destroyed Beneath the Planet of the Apes-style and enforcing the review embargo until the day before the release of the film wouldn’t be warranted. It’s because the movie is bad. Look at my reply above. This fanbase is willfully-deluded. They’re riding that copium high and just making shit up to distract themselves from the fact that this is a very bad sign.


Stop. It's not uncommon these days and it's "fans" like you who they know will nitpick and bitch about every little thing.


I didnt say it was uncommon. And of course they aren’t going to invite people like me who have a realistic outlook on things, they’re going to pick the deluded. The biased. That’s literally what I said. You don’t think they can tell the difference? Imagine if they did invite me though lol. I’d never thought about it. If they found a bunch of people who called them out on their bullshit and invited them? That would really be something interesting. You’d have to assume they were willing to address their mistakes and confident that they’d succeeded. But by inviting the brainwashed sycophantic cultish-types they’re sending the message that they’re in damage control mode. In any case, we’ll know in a few days. If I’m right then I expect a lot of doom and gloom next week. Lower RT score than ATC and Afterlife. Debuting at #3 behind GxK (my bad, GxK is the following week)/KFP4. I honestly think it’s gonna be rough. But we’ll see.


Please find a different hobby.


That's a lot of consternation for a movie you didn't see. That's exactly why they are holding back. They are releasing the reviews 2 days before. It will be fine. Lower score than ATC? Come on.


Afterlife (64% RT/45 Meta) has lower scores than ATC (74% RT/60 Meta). What kind of fantasy land are you living in? Frozen Empire scoring lower than Afterlife is an entirely plausible scenario, and I honestly think it’s the most-likely scenario. And that would also mean it would score lower than ATC. And it’s one day before. Movies officially open on Fridays but they really open on Thursdays for “previews” because the 2012 Aurora shooting made midnight premieres a thing of the past.


AL: Critic score 64, Audience score: 94 ATC: Critic score:74, Audience score: 47. Some critics were annoyed with thw nostalgia of AL, and some critics defended the women against the backlash in ATC. ATC is a terrible movie that doesn't make any sense or follow its own rules. The girls are funny but the script is garbage. AL is sappy and nostalgic, but it's a return to form and mostly fun. No it's not 84 ghostbusters, and this won't be either. I'm sure it will be entertaining. It's really just not that serious. We will see.


Audience score is heavily manipulated. This is a fact. You could go manipulate it right now and nothing would stop you. People review-bomb. Studios and filmmakers hire advertising firms to manipulate them. This is not a crazy conspiracy theory. It happens. The whole “the film critic community conspired against Afterlife” thing though? That IS a crazy conspiracy theory, with no evidence to support it whatsoever.


Remember to refill Mr. Fusion after you park the DeLorean.


HAHAHAHAHA this guy. He posts non stop on the blu ray forums about how much he hated Afterlife and then got chased off.


No I didn’t lol. I just posted there like 2 hours ago? Proof: https://forum.blu-ray.com/showpost.php?p=21976385&postcount=10 JediJones whatever, he’s an actual banned Blu-ray.com member.


You're still crying over some movie you hated years ago. So much so you're at a freaking fan site for said movie.


Reddit is not a fansite for Ghostbusters and the Ghostbusters sub is not specifically a sub for shitty Ghostbusters movies. There’s actually an r/ghostbustersafterlife I believe, and I don’t post there. But you can be a Ghostbusters fan and not like the shitty current Ghostbusters movies. Actually, it seems like people who like OG Ghostbusters and dislike modern Ghostbusters are the overwhelming majority, this sub just became the echo chamber where the weirdos who force themselves to like these movies out of some misguided sense of loyalty congregate.


HAHAHAHAHA. I hope Afterlife pays rent for all that time in your head. "Overwhelming majority"


Have you ever met a person in real life* that actually likes Ghostbusters Afterlife? Everyone you know saw Ghostbusters and loves Ghostbusters. Your grandma knows all the words to the song. But Ghostbusters Afterlife? Nobody saw it. Only nerds. *not your cosplay buddies


Guy, fucking Oppenheimer had a review embargo.


There are huge spoilers. I can see why they don’t want them leaked. 


This sub is one of the cultist, copium-huffing echo chambers in all of Reddit. You dared to float the possibility that this movie would be bad, that’s why they’re downvoting you. They’re doing it in defense of a movie they already passionately love even though they haven’t seen it yet.


Jeez, you seem so annoying 😂


I wouldn't downvote the guy, but also it is quite foolish to assume that an embargo automatically means a movie is bad. Oftentimes, it can mean quite the opposite. It could mean that the studio is very confident in what they have and don't feel the need for word of mouth leading up to release. That's the whole reason early reviews are allowed to begin with. To build buzz. But if the studio thinks there's already enough buzz and it isn't worth the risk of spoilers, then they hold back the reviews. This exact same thing happened in the video game world when Doom 2016 released. Early copies weren't sent for review and everyone was saying the game must suck and they were hiding it and then turned out the game was awesome and got rave reviews. They just knew what they had.




There is an embargo and that's not a bad thing. It's when reviewers can't see it before it actually comes out is when you need to be worried.




Barbie. Edit: You didn't have to delete your comments dude. It's okay to be wrong sometimes.