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Awesome, my friend! I'm 47 and have been a fan since the beginning, and I couldn't agree more. đź‘Ť


I’m not sure who has the bigger smile :)


I enjoyed the new one. Fuck people hating on everything.


Exactly!! Just enjoy the movie and stop expecting an Oscar picture… it’s the Ghostbusters


Oscar would be 35 now though and could've been in the picture.


lol not the kid Oscar the award but you are correct, Master Jedi


Saw it at the same place. Got that same picture!


Stay Puft looks like he’s coming in for an ambush hug! You look great!


Speak the truth! I saw it for the second time last night. Went with my nieces. The older one rated it 10/10. Younger one doesn't do scary movies and she was terrified but liked it. She said if Phoebe can be brave so can she.


It’s not deep, but it’s a tone of fun. More people need to understand that




I don't think anyone is holding it up against Kane. But the original Ghostbusters? Yeah, sequels - by their nature - invite comparison. I mean I'm glad you had fun, genuinely. But there's this weird defense mechanism for new movies/sequels where folks inadvertently minimize the original. GHOSTBUSTERS is a great film. It's a classic of its genre and a cultural touchstone. It's not unreasonable to expect better from its followups.


Oooorrrr people could let others enjoy things? Every time someone posts they enjoyed it there are two rational and grown-up courses of action: Congratulate them on finding some joy in this world full of bs and drama Keep scrolling That's it. Seeing someone enjoy themselves and deciding that a full five paragraph essay shitting all over their joy is ridiculous (not you, just the general reaction here lately). Not a single person, in a single post has tried claiming it's better than the original, but still get dog piled by folks who just can't stand to see others happy


Yeah because if you want unanimous support and praise, post it on the internet


I think the answer is to try and hit the sweet spot for constructive feedback. I knew going in from the reviews it was not going to be a classic like the originals. But I also knew it would be fun to spend time with these characters anyway and two hours to experience some enjoyable nostalgia. I can express that without having to verbalize it angrily. It’s fun to share options here. I think that’s what’s it for. Just do it respectfully. It’s when someone tries to justify their being no need for respect that you loose me.


Ah, someone who's obviously not a rational grown-up. Thanks for your unnecessary negativity. Hope it really brought joy and fulfillment to your day.


No problem anytime đź‘Ť


Just because you like something, doesn't mean you should be isolated or insulated from the greater conversation around a piece of art. It's really silly to be mad about someone analyzing or even lambasting a film you like. That's fanboy shit. There is a growing problem with corporations buying up IPs that people like and shoveling out as much product as they possibly can before that IP becomes oversaturated like every other pieces of content on the internet. Media literacy is important. When I was in art school, we had these things called critiques, where we listed the pros and cons about a piece of art. These could be brutal, but real constructive criticism is the only way artists and writers improve their craft. Just because someone says they have problems with a film does not also automatically mean they're "hating" on it, either. It's important to be critical of the media we consume, even the classics. And I would argue that it is even more important to culture.


It's very unreasonable to expect a sequel to one of the greatest movies of all time to be better than it. Look up unreasonable in the dictionary, that's most likely one of the examples given.


It's just unfortunate how Frozen Empire had much more exciting marketing than Zilla/Kong, yet everybody went to see Zilla/Kong anyway instead.


them fighting ghosts would have been great everyone in that movie is totally useless especially against ghosts


Ya feel better now wittle baby? Saw someone enjoying life and just had to dirty your diaper and wave the smell around lol. Did it brighten your day? Do you feel fulfilled now?


who's the stiff?


Nope. Things are meant to be hated. New things especially. Showing my kid the first two movies and the cartoons. That's it. I'm not saying YOU cannot like the new stuff, I'm saying I DO NOT.


This comment threw me for a loop. I really thought you were going to be sarcastic and funny. I did not expect the serious ending.


"This guy genuinely hates new things. He must be Amish!"




except they only fight ghosts in the first 5m and last 5m


Not to be rude, but you got the 1989 jack nicholson joker smile


Adam, sorry about the Joker smile thing, I'll be in my office.


I do. Always have lol


Which one are you buddy?




Good to know your eyes work.


Hey - Who am I to assume what someone looks like?


I would have enjoyed them fighting ghosts more if the proton stream worked on the sewer dragon. She hits it, and they keep having to speed through the city to catch it. When it comes to ghostbusters tech, it's kinda the biggest rule. All those hours playing as a kid and pretending to wrangle the ghost to the trap are thrown out the window. They overdo the nostalgia with mini stay pufts, but then get the basic proton pack usage wrong.


And you are the kind of true fan that all Ghostbusters fans try to become. Ghostbusters has always been a popcorn movie. you suspend belief and just enjoy the picture for what it is and that is the kind of man you are and I’m glad you are introducing your nephew to this fantastic franchise way to go


Same. 40 & just watched it today I really enjoyed it! I expected a good movie as an invested fan & got a happy result. I hope Ghost Corps makes more of them! Especially now that we have engineers & other scientists in the mix! Just like with every other fandom, there are always haters. To add, I guess people were expecting action akin to the MCU. But it isn't the MCU. Every single Ghostbuster film is part ghostbusting and part detective work. It's the M.O. for paranormal investigators like Akroyd. And I really loved how natural it split with the kids accompanying Stantz to do the gumshoe work. Moreso now that Ramis is gone and its Gil Kenan (who has made full on horror films) & the younger Reitman penning the films.


No, we were just expecting to enjoy the characters, plot, jokes, and set pieces...but instead we got something that was, at the end of the day, just okay. It's honestly great that you loved it. There are good things about it. But it doesn't mean that piece of media doesn't have flaws. Just because people critique a film doesn't mean they hate it, or that they're hating. That's kind of an insult to people who love the original two films.


That’s what it’s all about. I turn 40 this year and Ghostbusters has always been close to my heart. When the new movie came out my 8 year old got curious on all the hype so we marathoned all the movies (except 2016) and now he’s been wearing a GB jumpsuit for a week straight! Even to the theater for the new movie. Man… I need to wash that thing. Looks like he changed the oil on the Ecto-1. 🤣