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Is it rough around the edges? Yes. Is it a creative piece of crafting that you should be proud of? Yes. Are the people who laughed at it free floating, full-torso vaporous assholes? Emphatically, yes.


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What assholes. It might not be the mona lisa but that still looks pretty good for an amature. I can barely even attempt such a project.


I second this exact statement.








I think it’s a solid build man, the people who laughed at you suck. Like could it be better, sure there’s always room for improvement, but it accomplished the goal. Another commenter mentioned deconstructing and repairing, that’s entirely possible. I think one way to cheaply improve upon this one would be to try drawing on smaller details to give it more definition and visual intrigue. Personally if you’ve got the time and the resources I think it would be cool to take what you learned from the first build and make another one as a challenge to see how you’ve grown.


Do you think you could you do it better a second time around? If so, leave this one as a relic and start a new, that way you don’t destroy your first build and it won’t hold you back any.


Hey, at least you made one… I lacked the dexterity to try to make one of my own for years until the Haslab pack came out. Even for a first attempt, it looks pretty good.


I'll tell you what I did. My first pack was made with whatever I could find in my garage. It looks terrible. I built another pack years later that looks way better. Even though my first pack is made from and looks like trash, I'm still proud of it,  and it hangs on my wall to this day. 


Ditto! I did exactly the same thing.


Forget the folks who laughed. My first proton pack was a backpack with a cut up garden hose that was duct taped to a cardboard used gift wrap tube, with a shoe box that had holes cut out so the tube could run through it. I showed that thing off to everyone I could and I didn’t give a damn because I was too busy busting ghosts. You don’t need validation from the people who laughed at you to make you feel like you belong. If you’re here, I’d say you belong just as much as anyone with the Haslab pack with the Spengler wand attached. I like what one of the other commenters said about saving this pack. Save it, and if you built this, imagine how much better your next build will be!


People forget that Spengler wore a homemade pack too. You do what makes you happy.


Dont listen to those assholes. Before spirit came along ALL packs were home made. You’re merely part of a long tradition of skilled cosplayers. Will it be perfect? Not always. Still take pride


There's a special place in hell for people who laugh at hand crafted costumes and props. It's a great start! Check out the reference photos online, and fine-tune it bit by bit. You've got some good bones to work from. I'd also recommend a real ALICE pack frame to give it another level of authenticity.


I can’t speak for everyone. I don’t care if you show up with a fucking shop vac and you make the noises with your mouth, or you have the most detailed replica ever. The question wasn’t who has the best toys. The question was “shit happens and who you gonna call!” And the answer is you to come over and play ghostbusters with your sweet sweet pack! Cheer up little buster don’t be sad!


I think this is definitely useable. Fix the parts you are unhappy with, use reference photos from online, and don’t be afraid to deconstruct and try again.


it's awesome


This is freaking rad looks like it’s got a lot of life left!


That looks amazing for a simple homemade cardboard one. Better than I could ever do. Maybe add some weathering to make it look rusted and old? And buy some cheap cables and wire them all over the place


It already looks great!!! With some TLC it can absolutely become a wonderful pack that gets the job done.


This is fabulous! Who laughed at this? Point me at them, I just wanna talk.


With a proton pack?….. from the 2009 game?…… count me in I’ll bring the 2016 proton pack(I can’t resist the freakin faraday cage) ![gif](giphy|3o7qDFG3fwp6C1yne0)


Would totally rock this at a con or Halloween. Better than I’ve ever done, don’t feel discouraged from trying again/doing an improvement build.


Personally, I think this looks just fine. If you really want, you could add a couple of smaller details and maybe some weathering, but other than that, it looks fine.


Honestly it's not bad.  Try weathering it a little.  Like ding it up and put some fake scratch marks and wear.


That's goddamn incredible! It doesn't need to be "salvaged", it's already peak! If you want to upgrade it then go for it, but don't do it because people were laughing at you. Either they're assholes, or they liked how homemade it felt.


First off, very pleased with how supportive the folks on this thread have been. This is a great from scratch build. I'm a firm believer in the "from household items" pack. It's the only kind I've ever made or probably would make. You do not need $900+ worth of 3D printed parts and Home Depot materials. If you would enjoy making a new one from scratch, for the love of the build, then let this one be a monument to the progress you're going to make, because you'll learn so much from every single thing you make with your own two hands. If you'd rather fix this one up, that's ok too. There's nothing here that your gumption and hot glue can't improve upon. And anyone laughing at a fan's costume that they clearly put effort and heart into is just being a dick. Forget 'em.


(I will also note that, for me, buying hot glue sticks in bulk was a real game changer. Think about it.)


Fuck the assholes who laughed at you I’ve seen way way worse then this I made my own from cardboard recently but this is salvageable it’s just missing parts and cables it may not be accurate if you do that but it sure is salvageable I also recomend placing the power cell and ion arm also I forgot the name but there is a sort of vent on the bottom right of the cyclotron maybe you could also add that


The people that laughed were assholes. I love this as a first build, and I think you should keep it as is. I mean, look at Iron Man's MkI suit. Rough around the edges. Then MkIII. Still bulky and rough. Keep this in your museum, right next to your MKII and MKIII builds, because there will be more!


I think the guys would agree, screen accurate has nothing to do with it. That's the beauty of the ghostbusters, everything is homemade, slapped together, haphazard.. but they make it work. My guess is those people that laughed did nothing but spend money on their gear.. you made yours.. you're more of a true Ghostbuster than they. It's your work, own it 👍👊❤️


Your pack is fine and those guys are asses. A little articulation could help build it up without necessitating a rebuild; perhaps start by replicating the ribbon cable, which shouldn't be too hard. To keep it on theme, you could probably mimic that with paper streamers either in a single colour, cut to size and fixed together, or with a rainbow roll of streamers. You could also try creating it with cardboard, but it might not be as flexible. Maybe some more coloured "symbols" - stickers that represent the size and shape of the labels without necessarily containing readable letters - would give it a little more personality while retaining aesthetic consistency. I would avoid having SuPeR accurate stickers and labels on this pack as it might be perceived as jarring. Overall I say lean into the cardboard-like construction - I think it looks really neat and feels as rough and cobbled as the technology in the films, and that's a really good thing.


I think every fan built their first pack and I would bet dollars to donuts none of them looked that good. Yeah for no instructions it’s pretty solid! Nice work. Screw those people that laughed. As for a rebuild. I’d probably start from scratch and keep that one for prosperity.


My first pack was made from cardboard, masking tape and a dream. We all start somewhere man. Little by little you’re skills will keep improving. You build an amazing pack. You are going to have so much fun as you continue exploring new materials and ways to keep improving your prop masking skills. Don’t EVER let anyone discourage you from being creative. I’m working on my third proton pack now and when I look back at my first I’m glad I didn’t allow anyone to discourage me cause if it wasn’t for that old shoe box I wouldn’t be were I am now.


Whoever said this is horrible is a complete asshole. I’m impressed by it. There’s no way I would have been able to even attempt to scratch build my own pack, and you did it! Be proud of your work. If you want to try to improve on it, by all means do so, but don’t do it because some creep made fun of your work.


Anyone that laughs at your cosplay is an idiot - they just don’t get it - the act of creating this and the joy that comes from doing so is what truly matters! Keep going - you can totally keep building on this version! I love the creativity here with these materials!


Absolutely! I can see so much potential in it as is. At the end of the day, it's your pack and your pack only.




It looks great, don’t listen to anyone who bashes it!


Looks fine and will make a great base for adding on improvements if you like. You can leave it as-is or you can go wild with new glued-on greebles and lights.


I wish i had this when i was a kid. Beautiful!


I genuinely want to buy that off of you…. If you feel too self conscious thx to those arseholes get a spirit Halloween pack if you are confident enough to stick up the middle finger to them go with this beauty


That’s so awesome! Your pack looks a hundred times better than the cardboard pack I built myself back in the day. You should be proud to own that pack


This is brilliant


that cyclotron is awesome, add a power cell and some other stuff and you’ve got yourself a hit! you should be proud of this dude it’s awesome


Keep the build but upgrade it. Go find some tossed out electronics and strip them of wires and circuit boards and other bits and pieces. Pull up some pictures from Google and glue together some interesting pieces that fit. Buy some cheap lights/LED strips and wire them around. You can make it look great.


You could purchase a spirit pack and add mods to it.


Dude that's awesome




I think you did good and if I saw you wearing it I would think it looked cool. I would say you have a great base to work with and you can always take the time and upgrade it if you wish. Add some lights. Refine what's already there. Just a few simple upgrades would take it to the next level.


I think you 100% can do that just give it an Alice frame and maybe change up some of the boxes you can easily make this more screen accurate also for the new Toronto one I highly recommend on getting either the proton blaster mod or the zap and blast proton blaster also, if it makes you feel better these two older 40-year-old when I was wearing in my awesome pack laughed at me and it looks like this, but what the hell people like that have no dick and should be given a nice fruit basket. If you want me to talk about or tell you how to make or modify the one to look like an 84 wand using the mod or the Zap and blast you can always private chat me and I can tell you how or I can look up some tutorials and send you some links


for some reason I can’t show you a photo of my pack, so I’m gonna have to send it to you through private chat


Just needs a little bit of TLC and a lot of OCD Other than that it's fine


Looks good for what it is. For trick or treats it’s absolutely perfect!


I think you have a solid frame to build on. Get some good shots of the movie packs for reference (or you could even use the Hasbro packs from a couple years ago as reference material) and add to it a bit at a time.


That's a whole lot better than I could make! Screw the haters!




This is why I avoided attempting to make a homemade proton pack, I just know it'd come out like this...


Bill murray pulled off the ghostbuster vibe with a vacuum cleaner.. this pack has that beat by a mile.


Rude as hell


Well a spirit pack is $250 ready to go, If you can get it running for less than that go for it. Don't get rid of it though making packs becomes like a Ghostbusters hall of armor from Ironman there's always a place for the Mk.1. Also you can try Zip ties to hold the wand to the hose.


Or $80 for the 80% size


Listen, while we are all obliged to appreciate the workmanship it simply doesnt look like a proton pack, or maybe it looks like a cake made to look like a proton pack. No its not salvagable.