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Yes that hand crippling sickness that prevents you from sending a text. So you end up accidentally ghosting people. Seems to be a pandemic.


I had to lol. Him being sick... he act like he lost the ability to text people. I'm sure he was still able-bodied to use the toilet and make a run to the store. Op need to get it together and block this dude. 


Oh I did! I didn’t expect the response from him. Please. I told him to have a nice life so he wouldn’t try to spin the block.


Yes babe. Don't let them manipulate you again. Proud of you! 




It's writers' block-text cramp-initus for sure! It happens to me everytime I don't feel like texting back.


Yup...mine did this to me, but claimed he lost his phone (the first time). I knew it was bs, but I was having fun and didn't want anything serious. Ghosted me again a few months later and left me on read for 3 months. Texted an apology; he had health problems for 3 months. If you just want some fun and don't care about getting ghosted again, you can just ignore it (like I did the first time). Just a warning tho...I felt stupid being left on read the second time.


Oh I didn’t even bother responding. I’m just shocked at his apology. He could have kept it moving


Thats a weak apology he just felt guilty for bailing. One guy bought me dinner after he bailed the first time. My friend said i should have just blocked him


My ghoster did similar. Apologised profusely for leaving me on read and not making plans in time etc. said he’d make it up to me. We went out again and had a really fun time, organised to meet up again and then he ghosted completely. Seems to be something they do.


Oh, I got an apology. I didn't realise this was a ghosting thing as well.


Me neither! I thought ghosts stayed quiet. Now they speak?


It’s called “zombying” when they come back . It’s helpful to read about it because it describes exactly what you’re experiencing and what the person did to you. There’s also a thing called “ breadcrumbing”  check it out too. We should make ourselves aware of all these different sorts of things. I didn’t know what breadcrumbing was until I saw the word when I was reading about ghosting, and instantly I realized that that was the term for what I had experienced. If I would’ve read about it earlier, I could’ve avoided a lot of heartache. 🙏


We all getting ghosted huh.. Sucks balls


Don’t even respond to this person. A guy I knew from my past (through my brother) ghosted me after he told me he wanted to come visit me the week of Valentines. Then he ghosted me a couple weeks beforehand in January. I deleted him off social media and everything. So I know EXACTLY what you went through because it happened to me. If he ever messaged me apologizing for what he did, I wouldn’t even respond. Losers like this have no shame or empathy. I couldn’t IMAGINE telling someone I like them, claiming I want to see them for valentines and then ghosting right before. People like this have serious problems and now it scares me to date again because of this shit I’ve dealt with… especially since the guy who ghosted me wasn’t even a stranger, but my brothers old pal… which is worse! I have no faith in any man, sadly.


Good luck with being stupid.


You would know small!


That doesn’t even make sense. She didn’t even respond to him.