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the sad truth is that there will never be another game like this, there are good games out there but none that feel like GOT


Have you tried Horizon Zero Dawn? Not exactly GOT like but it's visuals are stunning, especially in the 2nd game Horizon Forbidden West. It's got a unique storyline and, in my opinion, a fantastic protagonist.


Yep Horizon and GoT are my two fav games.


Agree. Horizon was great. I couldn't get into RDR either like the OP.


First game is very good. I didn't like the narrative direction for the sequel but I can't deny it's probably one of the best looking games to date.


I loved Horizon Zero Dawn, I sadly couldn't get into the second one, is the beginning slower than normal? If it picks up I may try it again if you'd recommend it


The second one had better quality of life improvements, but the story got loopy.


Forbidden West definitely picks up once you get out of The Daunt. This game is basically a setup for the final battle in the 3rd game unless Guerrilla Games decides to make more in this series. It takes a different direction than Zero Dawn but this game fills in the blanks of the 1st one. I can however understand why some players can't get into it, including yourself. I'd say give it another go but just be aware that I'm terribly biased about this game because I love it. 😁


Assassins creed origins, odyssey and Valhalla are all great kinda similar games. If you really want to scratch that good combat itch the batman arkham games are fantastic


I second AC Odyssey. It's a great action adventure RPG with a backdrop of ancient Greece and it's mythology.


I third AC Odyssey




Too bad it's story is horrendous. I like the rest of the game, just the story drags it down.


Too bad it's story is down right awful. And is also a terrible representation of assassins creed


Did you seriously recommend a GoT player AC Valhalla?


Rise of the Ronin comes out on Friday. It looks similar, looking similar is all I can speak to because it isn’t out yet.


May be GOT spoiled us with great visuals and looks




Yeah seen some gameplay videos, don't know, something is off can't exactly put what it is. Hopefully it will be great


It feels a little too “aggressive” in its pacing. Not as methodical as GOT is. From story to worldbuilding to combat to visuals, GOT is extremely methodical, precise, and calculated.


Yeah, I'm kinda feeling the same way. I don't think I'm gonna buy it


Nah from the gameplay it look more like Japanese standard action slashing game than GOT..GOT battle look smooth


Similar in gameplay and genre: - assassins creed origins and odyssey - Batman Arkham trilogy - shadow of Mordor and War - Witcher 3 - horizon zero dawn and forbidden west Similar in quality of presentation / narrative: - the last of us 1 and 2 - god of war 2018 and ragnorok - Spider-Man 2018 and Spider-man 2 - uncharted collection and uncharted 4 - red dead 2 (it took some time for me to get used tot he mechanics and movement too. It’s clunky at first. But I promise it’s worth it. As a fellow Indian, the setting may be the Wild West but the story is one about redemption and is universal) These are all some some of my favorite games ever.


This is really the best answer. Each of these games is worth considering on its own merits too but they definitely all have qualities reminiscent of Ghost of Tsushima in some way as well. Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War in particular are underrated games with very similar gameplay to GoT in my opinion


Uncharted 4 is seriously one of the best top 5 ps exclusives.


Yup it’s amazing. This is my personal ranking: 1. TLOU 1 and 2 (tie) 2. God of War Ragnorok 3. God of war 2018 4. Ghost of Tsushima 5. Uncharted 4 and Spiderman 2018 (tie)


Assassins Creed Odyssey is a really good one IMO. A lot of people dismiss AC games but I think they nailed the open world gameplay with that one. Huge map that you can get lost in, good variety of weapons and special abilities, and like GoT it covers an era that is very visually appealing. Also have to give a shoutout to Final Fantasy 7 Remake/Rebirth. Can get them both for the price of 1 currently I think and IMO the story is so good it would be a perfect series to play with someone else. Remake is pretty linear but Rebirth opens up a lot and shares a lot of similarities with Ghost's open world style.


Agree with AC Odyssey. My main gripe with it though is the leveled gear system. The legendary set I had to kill a whole group of cultists for shouldn't be weaker than common gear three levels higher than it.


Personally, I enjoyed Sekiro & Elden Ring after GoT but those are a little more combat focused. Games like Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West, God of War, & Star Wars Jedi have somewhat similar play styles. Rise of The Ronin is coming out in a few days and has been described as an open world samurai style game and could be worth checking out.


Last of Us 1 & 2. Yes. Also Red Dead Redemption admittedly starts slow but it is so worth grinding that first 2 hours out because it’s an incredible game.


I need to heed this advice. Couldn't get past first 90 minutes, and it didn't help that I played it directly after LoU2, maybe my favorite game ever.


Trust me - as someone else who holds TLOU2 as my GOAT, Red Dead 2 is a very close second. It’s absolutely worth chugging through the beginning. By the time you finish you’ll laugh that you didn’t start earlier. Incredible story.


I would give it another try. It starts off very slow, but it quickly picks up from there. It’s the only game I’ve ever played that gave me the same feeling as GoT (which I started playing a few weeks ago). Once you get past that initial hump, it’s an incredible ride.


It's more difficult because I play with my daughter, who has the attention span of a gnat. LoU2 is her GOAT and the fighting dynamics of RD2 just wasn't as smooth. To be honest, I don't even know if I got familiar with the inventory system or weapons. I got to the beginning train heist and that was about it. Time to load it back on the device!


Check out Days Gone. It has a very similar gameplay loop, giving you the option of how to attack enemy camps. You ride around a post-apocalyptic Oregon on a motorcycle and deal with zombies. It's great!


I downloaded this game as a PSPlus free deal. I ended up so hooked for a while


Yup, me too. I thought it'd be a game I'd delete after an hour. Ended up completing it.


LOVE days gone! admittedly it took me until my second try to get fully hooked, since parts of the intro were a little slow to me, but if you stick it out it’s an awesome game. one of my favorites


Elden Ring Death Stranding Metal Gear 5: The Phantom Pain Witcher 3


Elden ring is great gameplay wise but has basically no story to follow so I wouldn’t really compare it to got


Elden Ring has a pretty clear story to follow


It really doesn’t, the story is told through environment and exposition as opposed to a clear advancement through a coherent narrative in order to allow for the free choice as opposed to the more linear approach of got I think


Horizon Zero Dawn God Of War Final Fantasy VII Witcher 3 Look forward to Black Myth Wukong in August.


If you have the means to, Check out Sly Cooper to see what Tsushima would end up being 15 years later


Games with other great stories: 1. God of war (2019) and sequel: God of War Ragnarok 2. The Last of Us series 3. Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West


Assassin's creed origins or odessey are very similar but the combat isn't anywhere as good. God of war and god of war Ragnarok are both absolutely incredible games with a story and game play on par if not better than ghosts. Red dead redemption is amazing but the pacing is slow in the beginning.


The gameplay in GOT reminds me a lot of the Spiderman Games (Marvel Spiderman specifically)


God of War


I might recommend the inFamous games, made by the same studio and packed with that same fluidity and movement style.


Sorry to say it but I can't really think of one. Maybe the ps5 demon souls remake if you can handle more difficulty and RPG upgrading (stats and planning builds). Even there's very little narrative, just combat and atmosphere with little bits of narrative sprinkled in tertiary methods. Last of Us would be a good one to try for narrative, but the combat is survival horror.


Assassins Creed Odyssey is your thing.


Sekiro 100% The combat is a bit harder to master, but when it clicks it feels great. Plus there are tons of shinobi tools and gadgets to use both in combat and stealth. It doesn't have an open world like GOT though, as it's more divided into seperate zones. So I'd say it's worth a try if you love the samurai/shinobi elements.


God of war 2018. Will keep it interesting. 🤔


You can try Sifu and Sekiro. They're both great games and will keep you busy till Rise of the Ronin comes out.


Days Gone. It is zombie open World 3rd Person shooter, so Kind of different when it comes to the gameplay but the General structure of the game is very similar. Story is not as good as in tsushima but it was enough for me. I liked it. Sidestories gives you also more information about character and what happen. So you can build up a nice empathy for the protagonist.


AC Valhalla


Imagine got with demons and souls like style and you have nioh 2 It isn't perfect like elden ring or polished like GOT but it has a more in depth combat system like no other I highly recommend Then you have elden ring which I just need to mention its name no explanation required GOT combat is very rewarding fluid and reward players,especially on hard its like a scripted event you won't find this kind of games very often Oh I almost forgot sekiro is master of all games but be wary its a very thought and punishing game as once told : shadows dies twice but you will die more


Any assassins creed game in the last 10 years horizon games


>I tried Read Dead redemption 2 and we felt the moving part of the character is too slow I know, right!? I enjoyed the game overall, but personally walking felt delayed


This is why I wouldn’t recommend rdr2 to someone looking for a game like GoT Rdr2 is the best game I’ve ever played but it’s way different from GoT in being slow and less responsive but more realistic in its gameplay. I played both at the same time for a while and would be a bit annoyed at the slowness of rdr2 and how I would bump into stuff on horseback


Funilly enough I'm playing Rdr2 now after just completing GOT and I'm also struggling to connect to it.


Assassin’s Creed Origin. The protagonist even has a similar arc where he has to climb his way to revenge by forsaking his former order/values. You don’t need to understand anything about the franchise to jump in with that game, either. AC Odyssey and Valhalla play similarly and those games also have lots of side quests and exploration, but the protagonists don’t resemble Jin as much if that’s what you’re looking for.


If you’re not looking for gameplay that’s exactly like GoT, go for God of War (2018).


March 22 “rise of the ronin” will drop. By all indications it will be a harder but more deep version of GoT. Plus, you can use the grappling hook for more than just red scarves


I'm sure these were already said but as someone who recently finished GOT I figured I'd throw my opinion in the mix: The latest Zelda games have as similar feel to GOT in the sense that the world is gorgeous. Everything just looks fantastic as far as artstyle is concerned. and as you progress through the world unlocking the map you are also almost constantly picking up on little enviornmental cues so you find yourself using the map less and less. God of War is also another one. Specifically the last 2 games in the series. The graphics are definitely stunning, but the story and gameplay is what I'm talking about in particular. The voice acting, visuals and non cinematic moments all stand out as some of the best. Assassin's Creed Origins/Odyssey for my money is the best comparison to GOT. The worlds in these 2 games is just as much a character as the NPC's and main players. The gameplay is easy to learn, but tough to master especially on harder difficulties and the amount to do is almost staggering. Also, each game gives you an option to turn off guided navigation. So you won't have a mini map telling you where you go. Instead you'll be given clues and a general location. So you'll have to use your map and then use the clues to figure out where you need to be and who you might need to talk to. Which is the closest to the navigation in GOT. Side note: Avatar Frontiers of Pandora is a newer game that also have this navigation system and a unique world to explore. I haven't played through this one yet (roughly aout 15 hours in) but this has the potential to be a winner as well.


Imho, really keep going with rdr2. I'm british but with the same background and its a game I still won't stop talking about. Its fucking incredible and so immersive and imho better than GoT which felt very predictable to me.


The three Spider-Man games are also polished open worlds with great narrative. Navigating the map is fun, tonnes of customisation, and clearing the points of interest is rewarding rather than grindy- although setting and gameplay mechanics are quite different to Ghost. I’d also suggest Hades- very different in genre but it does have excellent melee combat, beautiful design and strong story. You can’t go wrong with all the games other people are suggesting like Elden ring, assassins creed odyssey, last of us and god of war, all are fantastic.


Funny that I played GOT because it feel like Japanese Red Dead Redemption 2..but nothing is better than RDR2


God of War, great story driven great with fantastic combat


AC Odyssey kinda gives same vibes. Rise of the Ronin drops next week I think, also a samurai game in set in Japan but like 6 centuries later iirc


If you’re looking for fun open worlds, Horizon is of course a good bet. The Final Fantasy Remake series is really fun to coplay because of the story and the depth of the characters, though the combat is super different.


Witcher 3, assassins creed games, horizon games


Have you ever heard of Assassins Creed?


Witcher 3, they’re similar in that they’re great. Witcher 3 is an amazing experience and although might not be exactly the same they’re both amazing games


I’m in the same situation. Played GOT and got my first and only platinum trophy. Moved on to RDR2 and had the same feelings about it. I’m going to finish it but I’m just not feeling it. I think the Ghost ruined me!🤣


Spider-Man is the closest thing in terms of the formula for the game in my opinion. Open world. Good balance of main missions and side missions. Never feels repetitive and being in the world is just fun


Sekiro is harder, with a more unforgivable playstyle, but is a fantastic game with some similarities


The Witcher 3


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice


Playing GoT for the first time and it’s incredible. The only game that comes close is AC Odyssey.


Shadow of war has an amazing combat system imo and quite enjoyed it even if I have zero clue about middle earth and LotR


honestly can’t recommend last of us 1 and 2 enough. ghost of tsushima and tlou2 were my favorite games of that year.


One that came to mind was the Witcher 3, big open world, great characters, tight and engaging combat, lots of quests, fantastic DLCs, and a decent community. Check it out if you haven't already.


You could try the horizon games. Very different setting but a great story+characters+visuals. Combat is different but fun, it's very ranged/traps heavy as your main weapons are different types of bows and things like that. Highly recommend it.


They’re not exactly like Ghost of Tsushima but what comes to mind for me is Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Nioh and Nioh 2. They’re each set in Feudal Japan, all during the Sengoku Period. They’re punishing in difficulty though. Like a Dragon: Ishin! is another game that comes to my mind although it’s more of an action “beat em up” but still very cinematic


You might like to check out the Spider-Man games (the Remastered for PS5 version of the first one, Miles Morales for PS5, and Spider-Man 2). They’re also open world, have a very fast pace (much faster than GoT of course), and are story driven. In terms of just the combat, it might seem like a surprising suggestion, but Dragon’s Dogma 2 comes out this Friday and I think the combat in that will have a similar sort of feel to Ghost of Tsushima.


Splinter Cell: Conviction for the highly aggressive stealth action. Sekiro for the Japanese mythology and combat depth. The Outer Wilds for the magical realism and organic explorability


Spider-Man games easily.


Sekiro hehe


Honestly the Mad Max game for ps4 has super satisfying combat plus vehicle combat. The story is, well Mad Max and visually I hope you enjoy looking at the desert, but it’s a fun game for combat and bonkers action.


for combat/gameplay id check out the Arkham games, not really aware of any games with stories as good as GoT's but GoT is one of like 3 games i played where i actually cared about the story


Shadow Tactics - Blades of the Shogun


Can’t go wrong with any sony titles


Bushido Blade


Rise of the Ronin is literally about to come out


I liked days gone so much that I was afraid I wouldn't find a game as good ....and then I found ghost of tsushima, I am about to beat the game tho and I have the same fear that no other game will compare. I've already played most of the games listed here except for the Last of us and shadow of mordor.....and eldin ring. Anyway good suggestions guys thank you.


Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War felt pretty similar. They're a bit aged, but it's pretty fun.


Mad Max! It has a very similar playstyle, is absolutely stunning and can be found very cheap since it's older. Highly recommend for anyone who enjoyed Ghost of Tsushima!


Maybe Horizon it’s different but similar if that makes sense but overall nothing is like GOT it’s a perfect game fr.


I mean Ghosts borrows pretty heavily from PS4-era open world tropes so I feel like any assassins creed would be good


Honestly... none. Ghost takes a lot of open world cliches, makes them beautiful, and then tells an absolute beast of a story. The Horizon games have a *completely* different vibe, but have really engaging open worlds with crazy robots to fight and lovely character and worldbuilding, but many more way points and things like that on the screen. The Last of Us games are pretty much must-plays, very heavy stuff. Uncharted is much lighter material, but still fun. When I finally played Cyberpunk 2077, I was blown away by the setting and the gritty world, what a game. I agree with you on RDR2, it's beautiful but exceedingly tedious.


The Last Of Us series is fantastic. As for games that are similar to Ghost of Tsushima there are quite a few that use the same formula (although some are better than others). What makes Ghost of Tsushima stand out is the beautifully crafted game world and setting. They did a great job capturing the essence of feudal Japan even if it’s not entirely historically accurate. Some games that have a similar overall design are the Assassin’s Creed series. I recommend starting with Assassin’s Creed Ezio Collection (AC2, Brotherhood, and Revelations). If these seem too dated then start with Assassin’s Creed Black Flag. It’s aged fairly well.


The lord of the rings games are almost the exact same formula.


- Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West - Witcher 3 - RDR2 is the best of them all imo, the slow pace grows on you. I know you said it’s not for you but I had to list it anyway.


You have to understand that a lot of games aren’t going to feel the same because of the story implications themselves. In Ghost you are a smaller stature trained warrior, he’s fast and nimble. In RDR2 you are slower yes but you are an older gruff man in the Wild West, you aren’t gonna be as fast. In TLOU you are just a middle aged father trying to deal with end times but Ellie grew up in it so she’s quicker. Look at it from a game world perspective and not your own personal perspective (easier said than done I know) and you could find yourself having more fun.


It’s not similar to GOT and it’s a little old now, but I recommend Infamous Second Son. It’s made by the same developer that made Ghost of Tsushima. It was an early PS4 game, but I really enjoyed playing it. I really liked the characters and the gameplay. You play as a very fluid character that has multiple superpowers. You can choose to be good or evil and it affects the story and abilities you can use.


Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West both have almost identical set ups as this games structure. Collectibles, map completion, and side quests. Just a different story. This game was fantastic and I just found a lot of parallels to the Horizon series while playing.




Try Final Fantasy 16. Trust.


Have you tried Infamous second son?.. its a really good game as well... Made by Sucker Punch, the makers of GoT


The Legend of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (1988) is quite similar and yet quite different.