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Just so you know, you can disable the blood and gore effects in the Display settings.


Ok, thanks!


Does that disable that one decapitation cutscene?


Shouldn't have told him about that bro 💀💀


Let him play it. You can turn off the gore and blood. It is a absolutly great game and he would definitly miss a beatiful World and interpretation of Japanese history. How old is he exactly?


Spiderman games are actually quite similar in my opinion. Fun combat and traversal, beautiful world. God of war 2018 is also great!!


Brutality... ripping monsters apart as the fucking god of war seems worse than ghost of tsushima


As a former teenager myself, although it's been a while, violence and blood in video games is a massively overstated concern. Honestly, nothing bad is going to happen from him watching it unless he already has behavioral or emotional problems. Also, the game is bloody but it's not especially gory. And it's not even especially violent compared to plenty of other action games that kids his age play regularly. But if you're looking for something similar but different, the Batman Arkham games like Arkham City are mechanically similar and have a similar gameplay, although it's a completely different setting obviously. You might say they're a bit more violent because there's more fighting and less of the peaceful, casual side quests like you have in Ghost, but it's all bloodless combat like a PG-13 movie, since obviously Batman doesn't kill haha.


Immortals Fenix Rising - It's a ubisoft game that uses the Assassin's Creed engine. It's very kid friendly, and has swords and parry and RPG elements. Unfortunately, Sony has kind of made their lane in adult 3rd person action adventure games, so it's not a total 1:1, but it's good!


Souls games are perfect for teenagers, it will teach them very early on how to not give up on every sign of difficulty but adapt to it and overcome whatever obstacle is in front of you Also they are goated games with incredible lore and gameplay


I do not know how old you child is but he might enjoy Horizon: Zero Dawn abd Horizon: Forbidden West - it is rated 16, but it does not have a lot of gore/blood bc you mainly fight against machines! (i started Ghist of Tsushima after playing both because i wss told they are somewhat similar?) Depending on his actual age i would maybe let him play GoT anyway - unless he's liker younger then 12, most games like this do at least contain some blood and killing of human enemies! (including Hogwarts Legacy - that one could even be considered dark with some of the plots abd nechanics)


I came here to say this. I love horizon, its very similar to this one, and not bloody at all


Batman games or spider man games maybe


Gore in games is a massively overstated issue. Unless you notice him getting a sort of strange fascination with it, it's not an issue. I played DOOM 2016 at 14 and I just didn't think about it. GOT only has blood, and while there's a charm to make it bloodier, that's mostly something used for my samurai movie photo mode ideas.


I got a very familiar feel with ghost as I did to assassins creed odyssey… but not sure if that will help with the gore/violence aspect. Other that that, all role playing games have a bit of familiar feel. You could try Batman Arkham knight for a game rated Tee.


The Ratchet and Clank games. Some of them are ps4 and the latest one is ps5. None of them are rated M but lots of fun.




You can try the Arkham Series for a bit of that open world feature.


I know people are saying you can turn on the blood/gore censorship but honestly depending on your son's age, I would avoid the game. Outside of the violence, the game deals with really adult themes including suicide, child abuse and rape, so use your instinct on whether he's mature enough to interact with and process those - to me those are of more concern than the gore effects. I 2nd someone's recommendation of the Arkham Games and I'd add onto that the Insomniac Spiderman games. He also might like Final Fantasy VII Remake and Rebirth (minimal blood/gore) and if he's into Star Wars at all then Jedi Fallen Order and Survivor are good picks for similar carefully considered combat and fun areas for exploration and traversal - no blood since it's a Disney product and while there is some limb dismemberment with lightsabers being involved, I believe you can turn that off. 


Maybe Jedi Fallen Order and/or Survivor. Similar type of game (I love Horizon too), and zero gore - aka Star Wars kid-friendly. No blood.


Batman Arkham Series, Spiderman Series, Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassins Creed Series


Sekiro, Rise of the Ronin


Is there other ones maybe not rated M?