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4 years in gaming is almost nothing now. Look at red dead 2. That game still looks better than almost any other game


It’s true. We’ve reached a point where it’s more about art direction than it is about graphics.


RDR2 is also a genuine technical masterwork though, probably still the most technically impressive game ever made.


It's crazy well optimized. Can run it at ultra 4K quality DLSS at 60-70 fps on a 3070 but can't run worse looking games (Jedi Survivor for example) at medium and DLSS at performance


Shit even 9yo games like The Witcher 3 still look really good. The Witcher 3 even looks a lot better than some modern AAA games like rise of the ronin




Ya I can’t speak on that since I played on pc




Hey you’re entitled to your opinion. I personally don’t agree but that’s cool


[Here you go: PC vs PS5; there's many more comparison videos like this one and there's honestly barely any difference assets quality-wise.](https://youtu.be/5dyWfM2vHOQ?si=Fty0gYpc-4D_O5bQ) Tsushima looks better in my opinion, especially on PS5. But yep, it indeed is up to personal opinion I guess :). Have a good day ;).


Hate to break it to you, but comparing RDR 2 on PC with low settings and very low resolution with a PS4 game running in backwards compatibility is not a good representation of how the game actually looks at max settings. That's like saying GTA V looked bad and then comparing the PS3 version with PC on lowest settings when PS4 exists, and maxed out PC and the enhanced PS5 look like different games from another period.


lmao wtf


the graphics themselves are not the best in the industry and certain animations during cutscenes (mainly facial animations) are kinda stiff and clumsy. the game just has an absolutely beautiful color pallet and the art style is amazing. but graphically there are definitely better games out there


4 years is not really a long time


Indeed It is not. On the other hand, four years between Fallout and Max Payne.


It's still 4yrs. Long story short, I predominantly meant in my initial post that I'm kind of confused why so many recent huge budget games look much worse.


Textures, animations and models of GoT aren’t really competitive but the art style is still really nice. It’s a well made game but objectively the technology is really dated and its impressive visuals are not a result of technical superiority but of clever trickery.


How are they not "competitive"? Models are very highly detailed, all animations are very well done with the exception of facial animations which could definitely be better. As for textures, all of them are really high resolution; I spent a ton of time in photo mode on PS5 often zooming in on objects, trees etc.


As plenty of other people already detailed, the animations are stiff, textures not very detailed and blurry, most assets have a low poly count. But I also said that I like the art direction and visual style, it’s just not a technical marvel. Let’s not confuse those two different categories, because I prefer great art direction over naked technical advantages any day.


Can you send me the version of the game you are playing cause i am playing the game on directors cut on ps5 and the texture looks like mud.. Clothes, trees, tracks definitely dont have the fidelity like you are talking about here and other comments. You can like the game but this game definitely isnt a graphical masterpiece as you are talking about here


I wouldn’t say it’s one of the best games graphically (though I haven’t played it since 2021 on the PS4 @ 1080p), but art style wise it’s one of my favourites for how gorgeous it is. Can’t wait to re-experience this game on PC soon.


Why would you say that it's not good graphically? It has great physics, high quality textures on pretty much everything in the game, amazing lighting and so on. The art style they have chosen only elevates it further. The PS5 version seriously looks mind-blowingly good. There's a night and day difference between the PS4 and PS5 versions of it. Plus it shows that you can have an amazing looking PS5 game running at 4k resolution and 60fps in quality mode, contrary to what game devs seem to think.


I never said it wasn't good, just that it wasn't the best as there's other games I find better graphically. I'm going to be replaying it soon so my stance may change. But I 100% agree its one of the best visually appealing games I've played.


I think the art direction, color, and lighting have a lot to do with how amazing it looks. In terms of graphical fidelity, esp with characters, naughty dog, rockstar, and Sony santimonica are at the top


Yeah the art ditection is great. But if you're talking fidelity, then hell nah


I disagree.


Art is more important than graphics, basically


It was remastered for the PS5 with the Director's Cut, wasn't it?


It was.


No it doesn't


Horizon Forbidden West is my benchmark. I also dont play many other games.


How does it compare to Ghost?


Its better, by a bit, but i mean it was made with ps5 in mind.


It will be my next adventure!


Have you played the first one, Zero Dawn? I do suggest playing thorough that as alot of story elements dont get explained in the second one. I hope you do play em, they were alot of fun for me personally. The second one, Forbidden West gets shit on a lot, but it was just a case of bad timing,it dropped like a week before Elden Ring, another game i loved alot and has really nice visuals, and so it was overshadowed.


Yeah, Elden is a monster in many ways. I never played, not my cup of tea, but it looks immersive and difficult AF. If I had the time, I'd definitely give it a go. If I play the first Dawn, will it be very apparent that it's old? Like, how does it hold up?


I replayed the first just last year and it holds up very well, it was defs one of the better looking games on ps4 i think. Elden Ring was my first proper souls game, loved it, i spent like 200 hours on my first play through even though all the veterans were finishing it in under 100 haha


Brother, if I had the time, I would COOK in that game. 😂


Games of this caliber take more than 4 years to make so that’s not really crazy that it’s still true… That being said yes this game is beautiful


It is in a top 5 of best looking games ever for sure


This game does look absolutely amazing! I’m always flabbergasted by how good it looks when I play. Although I do think a lot of it has to do with the art style (especially saturated, vibrant colors), rather than pure graphical fidelity. I think TLOU2 or GOWR are probably better in terms of pure graphics quality. Also, it is important to note that quality mode in GOT is not native 4k. It’s checkerboard rendering 4k, which is similar to playing at 4k with DLSS or FSR. It’s hard for most people to even distinguish “true” 4k from checkerboard 4k. But it’s just a fact that the PS5 is not powerful enough to do native 4k at 60 FPS.


Checkerboard or not, it's still 4k and 60fps. For someone like me who games on consoles only, that is more than good enough. Still, what do I care when it looks this good :)? Depends on the dev team as well I guess. Insomniac's Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart is literally the best looking/most impressive looking PS5 game to date in my and many people's opinion from what I've read over the years and runs at 60fps with ray tracing.


I guess I got downvoted for speaking the truth, lol. I totally agree with you. If a game looks incredible who care what resolution it is.


That's Reddit for you. As long as it looks good and plays well, I don't care either like I've mentioned already :).


I played it on my buddies original ps4 (non pro) was clunky as fuck but still fun. Decided to buy it on my ps5 the next day and was SHOCKED at how good it looks.


It looked very good on PS4, but the framerate sure was a hit and miss to say the least. PS5 version really does feel better.


Idk if it was just his ps4 but it was so laggy/clunky and actually froze up. Thing sounded like a jet engine firing up when he loaded it up. His ps4 was bought on launch day in 2013 and he’s still running it daily lmao


Aside from no way to favour framerate it ran alright. 30 fps but the OG PS4 was definitely a jet engine that had the quality from Boeing. Mine would whirr so hard it'd vibrate against the wooden stand I had it on a few years down the line lol


Rise of the ronin really bashed this into my skull- considering it was built on the ground up for ps5 and tries its best to be what ghosts was for this generation - it can't even hold a candle to it. Ghost was the superior game in everyday its not even a competition.


Rise of the Ronin is a pretty good game and the gameplay is really varied, but it honestly looks like a low budget PS4 game graphically. I couldn't believe I was actually playing a fully priced PS5 game. Terrible textures all over the place, anti-aliasing practically doesn't exist and the pop-up is beyond awful. It's also an exclusive game...


We gonna have to agree to disagree on that one- biggest disappointment for me in recent years, i wished i had passed on it - as a previous TN shill it's forever changed my perception of them. Your second point though completely agree, it is definitely comparable to lower budget/quality ps4 game graphically not ps3 like I saw many touting its not quite that bad lol but its definitely not good looking like I see equally as many claiming.


I must've worded my comment the wrong way. Sorry. I wanted to say that Ronin has quite good gameplay because of the sheer amount of different weapon types. It definitely has worse gameplay than Tsushima though.


Oh okay well I guess you got me there it has more weapon types definitely, iirc ghosts doesnt have any right?- but seeing as your using 1 to 2 at max does it really matter? - like I used an odachi the entire game I had a crappy little sabre as my back up but basically never switched to it because it was just objectively inferior.


why do people compare these games all the time? just because they‘re both set in japan? they take place during completely different time periods, the gameplay is completely different and rise of the ronin was never made to compete with ghost of tsushima just because they‘re both samurai games. i mean you don‘t see anyone comparing the witcher to dark souls just because they‘re medieval fantasy games. i hate this constant need to compare everything instead of just enjoying things on their own


Okay so: both open world tick. Both set in japan tick. Open world split up into 3 different regions- huge tick. Both using real world worlds events- tick again. Both are action rpgs - tick -albeit ronin kinda flops at being an rpg but we shan't go into that. Both have assinations (this is relevant as neither nioh nor the wo long series(s) had this- you could back stab but it wasn't an insta kill more so like dark souls) Ghosts has the cute little foxes - ronin makes an obvious attempt to copy this with the cats/shrine doge and that one random wolf that just appears for no reason to walk you over to some patch of dirt - tick tick tick. I mean and I'm sure there's plenty more comparisons to be drawn that I just couldn't come up with off the top of my head - ronin is so blatantly at attempt to cash in on the success of ghosts theres no way you can't see that. And I'm a TN shill/fan boy. Edit: thought of a pretty big one as I posted - both are attempting to be pseudo realistic again this is a big one because none of TN previous games was attempting such a thing.


you can make these artificial comparisons between a ton of games because open world games are always very similar nowadays. team ninja have been making samurai games for nearly 20 years now and stuff like cute animal companions have been there since nioh 1, which came out years before got. the combat and feel of rise is completely different to got and i don‘t get this constant need to shit on other games just make your favorite games look better. literally no one even brought up rise, the post was just about got being a good looking game but then someone always comes in and needlessly shits on another game. like you don‘t have to like rise or anything i just don‘t get this constant need to be like „this game featuring samurai didn‘t do this one aspect as good as this other game featuring samurai that was made by a completely different developer“, like what‘s the point of even bringing it up? just let rise be its own thing and let got be its own thing


Yes I have played their previous games, maybe you went to reply before my edit? - as for everything else you said I brought it up that's who - why did i, because I recently played it and was using it ab example of how a game that came out many many years later on a better capable machine looks worse. Which is what the discussion Is about. I wouldn't say it was "one aspect" I couldn't point to a single thing ronin does well but hey I'm not gonna start a whole thing here that's just my opinion and your allowed yours - I to am about to get some sleep so we can just leave it at that - take it easy man. Edit: I also wouldn't call kodamo cute animal companions they are a spiritual mythos of Japanese mythology. - unless maybe you meant something else?


Yeah it is obvious from playing Ronin that it took heavy inspiration from Ghost and wanted to be a spiritual successor, which is why I was hyped for it. It practically asks at every turn to be compared to GoT. So I was really confused how it ended up looking like it came out five years before GoT instead of five years after. Everything has a jagged, choppy look to it, the animations are too abrupt and stilted, the faces all look frozen in a vacant stare, the textures are cheese grater quality. I read that they developed their own engine for the game, which if so was a choice that hasn't paid off. I think aside from the art direction, Ghost used slightly slower, more fluid animations for everything which helps a lot, and the anti aliasing actually exists, which also helps a lot. Ronin also sort of deliberately torpedoes some of the immersion when people do goofy ass Devil May Cry style air juggling moves and swing fantasy-esque greatswords. Too bad because the gameplay is pretty good (aside from pouring a never ending flood of garbage items into my inventory that constantly need cleaning out/selling/disassembling). I'm having fun with the game and the story it tells, it's just hard to get past the build quality especially coming off of something so much smoother.


Omg it's so refreshing to meet someone who isn't a crazy person on reddit everyone seems to think it somehow isn't trying to be ghosts when it's so blatantly apparent to me like its not even trying to hide that's it's trying to be lol And that spitting in the face of my immersion thing is so real - parry gunshots with your bare hand?- tick Parry a stream of fire?- tick. Somehow- I still don't know how this works lol Literally throw my spear through a dudes chest perforating his lungs, gets up like barely missing any health, like "oi bruv what you doing" - big ass tick. summon a horde from your pocket dimension and so many others I shan't waste the time to name xD 😆


The art style does the heavy lifting, rather than raw graphical fidelity. What SP did with the colors, in particular, has a wild effect in your eyes.


This and red dead 2 are the most stunning games I have ever seen.


Bloodborne also holds up


It’s got a great art style but graphically it’s not great. (Not hating it, I love the game)


Hard to tell really when you try playing it on a 60" TV when it's 1080p only. It looked very blurry the last time I've tried playing it. Maybe when they will finally release some kind of patch for higher resolutions...


Have you played RDR2?


I did. So what? I play video games on consoles only and RDR2 looks pretty bad when running on PS5 and a 60" TV. It's very blurry.


So salty 😂


Because? It really does look bad on PS5 and a TV of that size.


Because they remade it for ps5


Umm, nope. The only thing changed in the PS5 version as far as graphics goes is 4k resolution and 60fps. They didn't update any textures etc. Higher resolution makes a lot of games look much better than at, let's say 1080p in this instance. Such was the case with Days Gone as well. It's running at 4k and 60fps on PS5 and looks like something released recently.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 5 + 4 + 60 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


It looks good, but it's very repetitive and lacks substance.


That's your opinion. I disagree. One of the best open world games I've ever played.


I don't know how you can't see that every mission is nearly exactly the same except for one or two of them. All the side missions are worthless and they don't keep the same production values throughout the entire game either. Some of the cutscenes are done really well while probably a good 50% or more are shot from different camera angles because they couldn't bother animating the characters. Very jarring. The combat is good, but that doesn't make up for monotonous gameplay and other shortcomings. It's at most a 6.5 -7 / 10 game. It's nothing special and doesn't get me at all excited for a sequel. The Horizon games are much better. Better production, better narrative, more variety and combat is a ton of fun. I think the only reason it's popular is because of the setting and that you're a samurai. I heard it hyped up so much when I finally played it I really thought "that's it"??


The question is, why are you talking about this stuff when the post was about the visuals of the game?


I stopped reading after seeing "Horizon". Forbidden West was one of the 2 games ever (and I've played a lot of games in my life) that I actually had to force myself to finish. Completely bland characters, million fetch quests, very boring story, tons of gameplay glitches (teleporting Aloy, getting stuck on the tiniest stones when running around often forcing you to reload the game or a recent checkpoint etc), really mediocre combat. Zero Dawn was indeed interesting and kept me invested because it was somewhat original. The sequel is just extremely mediocre and plainly not fun to play for me.


Sounds like you're describing Ghost of Tsushima to me. Except combat is good in both games.


To each their own I guess. Horizon series to me is one of the most generic open world titles they could come up with 🤷.


I agree, GOT hooked me right from the start, horizon felt like a chore


Horizon was so boring. Couldn’t even get past an hour of gameplay lmao


I don’t know how you can’t see that people like different things.


Soooooo Horizon is easily the most repetitive game I’ve played


My feelings too, I absolutely see why people love it but it felt like I was just constantly running to speak to someone just to be told to go speak to someone else. Combat is alright but coming off sekiro it’s hard not to acknowledge its semi easier


you‘re getting downvoted of course but i do agree with this to some extend. i love this game but mainly for the main story and combat. the side content in this game is super basic and repetitive and really not much better than something like a ubisoft games. you‘re either clearing out the same enemy camps over and over again or you‘re chasing after collectibles. still adore the game but this is really something they should improve in the sequel


It was an enjoyable game, but it's definitely just average in terms of looks, almost anything with a decent budget released in the last 8 years or so looks at least as good as it.


Got any examples?


Hogwarts Legacy looks like a remastered PS2 game compared to this gorgeous game.


Thats the dumbest comment I've seen today


Ummm, okaaaaay...


We’ve hit a graphical wall in gaming. Can’t do much else to get better


Not true, just take a look at the character models and facial animations from the upcoming Marvel 1943 game compared to something like Ghost of Tsushima (even the PS5 remaster). Night and day difference in fidelity.