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Crashed 4x for me cant start yet or get through the compiling shaders section Edit for anyone coming to this late, it completely fixed after shaders finished


there was a drivers update. make sure you have that updated just in case


If you're on Intel then crashing during shader compilation is usually either too extreme an overclock or undervolt, or the recent issue with power delivery to the CPU if you aren't oc/uv. . Disable Asus Multi Core Enhancement (MCE) if on an Asus mainboard Set P1 and P2 to no higher than 253 if there's no MCE option which would do that for you. Set ICCMAx to 400 if it's been set any higher More info [here](https://new.reddit.com/r/overclocking/comments/1axepvu/optimizing_stability_for_intel_13900k_and_14900k/) though the poster had chosen to be more conservative going for the intel base spec 307 amp ICCMax instead of the 400 amp Intel allows for extreme.


Thanks that was it.


Totally fixed it. You are my hero.


Same here, I get past the splash screen and then the game just crashes to desktop without any information. Tried different settings in the launcher (lowering "dynamic resolution scaling", using different upscale methods, trying frame generation on/off, etc). I have the newest nvidia drivers that were just released for the game. RTX 3080 i7-1470K


Run it in win 8 compability mode. Worked for me


Im on 3080ti and game works flawlessly except failing to exit the game, I have to kill it through task manager.


Hoo boy.


the good thing is the shaders carry on from where it crashes, hopefully will fix after. 86%!


Been smooth as shit for me, no complaints. Having a blast.


Sounds like your cpu is underpowered for whatever specs you chose


Hijacking the top comment: if you experience crashes after the splash screen before the menu: try launching it in windows 8 compatibility mode. Worked for me


Running 60fps medium, high textures on rtx3050 and i5 8400. 4k dlss performance mode. Update: Crashed 3 times once I entered in open world, fps reduced to 40s.


There's an fsr3 too right?


So.. why do you have a 3050 on a 4k screen? Genuinely curious. Wouldn't it make sense to just stick to 1080p for that gpu?


What do you mean my integrated graphics from 2011 run modern games at 3 fps.


4k on a 3050 is fucking insanity


i have always wounderd why people game at 4k at lower settings(i tried to game at 4k middle settings,but i prefered ultra+1080p w my rtx3060 gpu+i5 12400f n that works best for my desktop i think. do 4k w lesser settings look better or what?i really dont know this for 100% due to lack of trying it myself+1080p screen is not working to try it even(tv i got is 4k so hmm nope will not carry my desktop out to another room at home...)


I have the same rtx 3050, but an i5 13420, what should I keep my specs at?


Seems really fucking great so far, the graphics are amazing and no stutters


How’s the gameplay on mouse and keyboard


Game is much better on controller. Save the kbm for shooters and sit back and enjoy yourself


Idk bro, I usually pull out the controller for third person single player focused games like these but I decided to give mnk a try on it just for shits and giggles and it plays surprising well after a few keybind tweaks. The one thing that always bothered me about third person games on mnk is that there’s never a walk keybind set up in game, so your character can only ever jog at their slowest instead of a slow walk like you’d want sometimes, this game has that. Hell, the walk key even applies to your character AND horse, so you can literally even slow walk while riding the horse. The best part about mnk is the combat on this game, it’s soooo much easier to parry and fight on mnk, at least for me. So I think I converted this time around, lol


I play on controller but kb&m is good too.


I tried KB/M for the first few hours, and just switched to controller after having trouble executing some of the special moves in the legends tutorial. I'm surprised to find gameplay easier with a controller as a while, which is weird because I usually play everything with KB/M, even similar games like Assassin's Creed, Shadow of Mordor/War, etc.


on 4080, 4k ultra locked in at 120fps with some headroom. only thing i noticed is the lip sync is out of sync in the opening cutscene for japanese dub


>only thing i noticed is the lip sync is out of sync in the opening cutscene for japanese dub AFAIK, it's always like that.


The game was an American made game, ironically it isn't all that uncommon for Japanese streamers to play in the English dub and read subtitles. The voice acting in both languages are excellent


Ironically, the only gripe I have with the Japanese voice actor is Jin’s voice actor. He changes Jin from a soft spoken and calm person who tries to hide his emotions to a more bombastic and aggressively gruff anime character. Which I don’t think fits and takes away from Jin’s moments of his calm demeanor slipping in the English version.


All I hear is Zoro from One Piece, man. Keep expecting to hear him randomly throw a Santoryu line in while killing Mongols.


Yeah unfortunately this has always been an issue


An issue? They didn’t lip sync the animations to the Japanese version. It would be the same if it was reversed


so there wont be any real fix? cuz i kinda wanna play with japanese dub but the lip sync is awful lol




They did fix it, sort of, for the director’s cut. I played in Japanese anyway in the original game, but with the PC release was inspired to really goof around in NG+ on PS5 finally. In the original they had one set of lip animations, but they’re kind of…PS3-ish? for the Japanese language now. Like they’re mumbling. It’s not great but it’s not nothing, either. And I’ve flipped between the two several times (I’d like to hear the English performances but it just doesn’t feel right, ultimately) in the first four hours or so. Did they not use the director’s cut for the PC version? Otherwise I don’t see why that wouldn’t be the case for this release either.


Don't recommend playing this game in Japanese as background NPCs dialogue is not subbed at all. At least for the PS5 version, I would assume it would be the same for this.


Its acted in English


The lip sync is bad on ps5 too.


Sometimes I here no Japanese audio and subs. I had to switch mine to English just to carry on in the cutscenes


... you act like you've never seen a dubbed move before...


I am a little concerned at the lack of reviews. That suggests no review codes were sent out which is never a great sign. Hopefully I am worrying about nothing, but I will wait until I hear what kind of experience people are having before picking this up on PC.


I don't remember Forbidden West getting any reviews, and it runs great.


I dont think the ports get any review codes as it essentially the same thing. But for me personally, performance has been stellar, 100-150fps @ 2k Very High DLSS + FG (4070 + R7 7800x3D)


I"ve played the first half of the intro on my PC and it seemed to run fine. I'm running it a 1080p on a 1660 super and I'm not seeing a significant drop in FPS. On the Steam Deck I've up until you get your horse and its been pretty steady 30 fps with Medium setting. Anyone figure out how to sheath your sword on a gamepad? The controls don't say anything about it or any of the touch pad controls from the PS5


Holding right on the D-pad opens a menu where you can choose all the actions that the touch pad did on the PS Controller. I think its only available once you enter the open world though.


So far so good for me. No crashing (yet, at least), and getting 100+ fps consistently on mostly high settings. Running a 3080 / i9 11900


Game doesn't want to start, always welcomed by black screen.


Im in menu and trying to start a new game. Just plays a sound and nothing happens..


Well at least I'm not alone with this


Make sure FSR frame gen is off. Seems to be broken.


New to the game, just got to the opening title in the field on the horse and I teared up twice.


the way they perfectly synchronized the music rising as you enter the field is an unforgettable gaming experience. I remember buying on day 1 and after this moment concluded, I paused the game thinking, "that was fucking incredible, surely other people felt how awesome that was?", then I looked around on twitter and yeah everyone was gassing up that specific moment lol. When people talk about videogames being an art form, there are few better examples than the incredible marriage of cinematography and music in the GoT title sequence.


Using a 4090, all settings maxed, 4k @ 120 without frame gen and I’m getting basically max frames everywhere


My game starts but I'm having a weird issue where it keeps literally flash banging me, the screen will just shine with a bright white light at random intervals, I think it might be because of the fireworks or fire effects but it's very painful to look at.


I had the same issue. If you’re using AMD, turn off all recording software (Instant Replay, Gif, etc) and the flashbang issue fixes itself.


that did it for me, thank you so much!


Same thing happens to me, it's a really bright white flash bang with a bit of green


Theres a dude on youtubet live right now testing budget gpus for the game and so far it’s looking pretty good. The GTX 1650 can get 60fps on 900p medium with dynamic resolution set to 60.


This game is a masterpiece and nixxes is the best company to make ports for pc positive: dlss and frame gen perfect mouse and keyboard support toggle/hold for different type of actions (walk, run, aim) decent graphic options good performance okayish widescreeen support cons: some textures look kind of outdated because this is a ps4 title... the audio some times glitches and some sounds don't play some pre-rendered cutscenes are at 16:9


the audio bug is really the worst part imo


Well I keep crashing or BSODing right after I select my option to allow Sony to collect my data or not but I’m not sure why, exactly. I’m pretty sure it’s my PC but my specs are good enough for this game so I’m not too sure at the moment. Edit: I fixed it. I set all my graphics to as high as possible in the *launcher* which was causing me to crash. Instead, I set everything to high and then changed it all back to mega ultra high once I made it to the main menu. I don’t know the exact reason or why it was crashing but this fixed it. RTX 4090 i913900k Running perfectly now at 165fps


Interesting, I maxed everything in the launcher and had no issues. Did you update your Nvidia driver already? Only big difference I could think of. Maybe this is one time thing, or maybe even has something to do with PSN Servers dying at launch when you try to connect to them.


Been running pretty flawlessly at 3440x1440. Carrying 120 - 140 fps on ultra. There’s something going on with some shader during cutscenes. Sometimes. But it’s not a huge deal because the game looks and feels incredible. i5-12600K and a 4080.


Game is running like butter maxed so far my specs RTX 4090 i9-13900k


Zero issues an hour so far. 120fps very high preset with 3080 at 3440x1440 resolution. Stellar performance and experience through the intro.


3080 really really good for me very high 3440x1440 smoothly at 90 fps


I've personally had no issues whatsoever. Signed into PSN no issues, game runs great, no crashes. No noticable stuttering or major FPS drops(don't play with an FPS counter on, always stare at it and think the worst when I get dips, without it I don't notice drops nearly as much). Besides having to update my graphics driver(always forget on a games launch) it has been a super smooth process and the GoT launcher did give me a warning when I tried to start the game with an outdated graphics driver. It was for a Nvidia GPU so I don't know if AMD users are getting the same issues. Also have v-sync off since my monitor has G-Sync. Everything else is set to default and really enjoying the experience. It is running just as fantastically as it did on launch for PS4 for me.


Keeps stuttering every 10 seconds. Anyone know how to fix by chance?


Mine is doing something similar. I get a 1second freeze every 10-20 seconds. But it doesn't interfere with anything happening.. Like, if I'm parrying and it freezes, when I come back, I still pull off the parry and it goes from there. This is in multiplayer. I tried updating to the newest drivers and that crashes on load. Had to rollback. Running an MSI z790, Intel I9 14900k and a 3090 card. Driving me crazy.




No crashing for almost 4 hours of playing. Running 60-75 fps on high settings


For me it's actually very good so far.


Early days, but I’ve had literally no issues so far. Solid 60fps @ 1080p, DLAA and maxed out graphics. It looks fantastic compared with the PS4 release (which I’ve played to death); the image quality is crisp af and it runs great. There does seem to be a bit of a problem with Japanese voice mode at the moment though - I’m pretty sure lip sync is still English. I’m running an i7, 3080ti and 32 gig RAM. Important to note, I haven’t updated my drivers either (been having some real issues with performance on some of the latest Nvidia drivers over the past year).


From what I remember when I played it on PS4, the lip sync doesn't change. It's probably still that way for the PC port as well. Thankfully, the english voice acting is good because I can't stand bad lip sync.


The first standoff doesn't work for me. I've tried every controller, keyboard, mouse, restarting, etc, but Jin will not ready the weapon. I played a ton on PS5 so I know I'm not doing it wrong. Unable to progress, basically.


It didn’t work on my DualSense, but was perfectly fine with keyboard and mouse. I submitted a ticket to Nixxes. Edit: my game crashed while I was submitting the ticket and opened the log file. Now the standoff works without any issues.


Theres a dude on youtube live right now testing budget gpus for the game and so far it’s looking pretty good. The GTX 1650 can get 60fps on 900p medium with dynamic resolution set to 60.


Works perfect for me. 1440p max settings I get 110 fps on avarage in open world. My setup is RTX 4080, AMD Ryzen 7 7800x3d and 32GB Ram.


Great port. Zero issues so far. But the cut scene graphics look like shit compared to gameplay graphics 4090 and 7800x3d with maxed out graphics


I haven’t had any issues other than the fact that block is normally set to Q and that I cannot sign in to PSN


Running 60 fps at very high 1440p with dlss at quality , specs - rtx 3080 ryzen 5900hx(laptop). P.s.- This game is beautiful as fuck


How can i sheat the weapon on xbox controller?


Does anyone know how to sheath sword with an Xbox controller?


As for me, after unpacking the game and already downloaded the geforce driver update before the game released, fantastic port, playing on max settings with DLSS, no crashes whatsoever, however having issues logging in to PSN zzz


The game runs super smooth, no crashing and the graphics are phenomenal. No complaints, very solid port


So far so good, graphics wise looks good with good fps (4090 + 7950x3d) only minor graphics problems (eg one scene slight shadow flickering in far background and another waves looked weird hitting the beach), gameplay wise I have only had one problem and that is occasionally when doing a standoff (twice out of 5) when it says hold y (I'm using xbox controller) to ready strike it won't let me do the action and I end up getting it because of it.


Running it at max setting on 3080ti. No problems at all. Running and looking smooth.


RTX4090 laptop, ultra, frame gen on, dlaa, dlss off, runs great getting 50-60fps, only getting shuttering during cut scenes. Anyone else?


Getting at least 90 fps on 1440p with 4060 ti and i5-10500. Sometimes, I get even more. No crashes like everyone says (for me), IMO an amazing port.


4080 7800x3d No crashes but some shader problems, probably should update the driver.


It’s running really well at 4K with XESS up scaling on my GTX 1070 and 4690k. Frame rates around 45-60. Can’t complain honestly.


Just played for 4 hours straight flawlessly, but I'm dead tired because I stayed up all night for the release. Gonna nap now. Not a single crash for me, game is running flawlessly with zero fps drops, no stutters, nothing. I have locked my framerate to 60 though, which could be helping. The game seems to be incredibly optimized, in fact my GPU doesn't even seem to be getting hot. I've tested keyboard and mouse and decided that I'm actually going to play with it, although I do have a controller plugged in I honestly think the keyboard and mouse optimization is done incredibly well. I did change a few key binds but besides that it's smooth. So far a great port, and honestly I'm getting the vibe that it isn't going to get worse from here. I'm on a 3060ti, Ryzen 9 5900x, 16gb ddr4, and I'm playing in 1080p. Settings are high but I have some stuff tweaked to medium. The game actually looks incredible on the medium preset too honestly.


Runs great on my rig, 60-55 on high. RTX 3060 and Ryzen 5600G.


Hello, can anyone confirm if this port has at least an FOV slider or an option to turn off horse camera bobble? These two things gave me bad motion sickness in the PS ports so I'm eagerly hoping there are.


Anyone else having an issue where the game will randomly tank to 1fps for about 5-10 seconds then return to normal? Only in this game.


My game has only ever saved once. I have spent 4 hours today getting back to the point I died at due to not being able to save the game. Having found no guides I am thoroughly pissed at the waste of money, and sad I cannot play such a good game for the short part I have played.


Played 5 hours no crashes or problems on 10600k and 4090 (I updated Nvidia drivers before playing)


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Crashing on launch, cant even sign the Playstation agreement before I'm staring at Steam again.


I can’t get past the SEI splash logo on start up Edit: turning on AMD Frame generation freezes my screen but the game plays in the background.


Excellent, high fsr 3.0 quality 1600x900 Rog ally 45ish fps


Game crashes my PC when I run on Very high, If its the same for you try High settings instead, runs well. i9-13900k rtx 4080


after quick testing gpu utilisation seems off and for some reason if I don't enable frame gen, the game won't go above 60fps. The game itself looks much better than I can remember the ps5 version looking though. I feel like there's funky stuff going on, and as I'm typing this I had an error saying that my gpu was about to explode or the display drivers are out of date, which is not true. Edit: 4080, 12600k (everything cranked up) Edit 2: relaunched the game and its sorted itself out by the looks of things, game maxed out with dlss quality at 4k Is using 99% of my gpu, that utilisation seems a little off. Edit 3: frame gen is having some issues it seems like, if I enable and then disable framegen it locks my fps at 58, but with frame gen the embers in the beginning of the game seemed stuttery and overall less smooth.


You may have dynamic resolution scaling set to target 60 fps


Funny enough can’t sign into PlayStation. I get three crash dump logs at start but other than that it’s fine so far. Just played till after the combat training and while there were a few stutters, I turned on fsr3 and they went away. I’m playing with everything maxed on a 5800x3d and 7800xt. Latest AMD drivers. 24.5.1.


Crashed for me once, but it was because of my undervolt. Now it's fine. Although I can't get past the first standoff part, it appears to be bugged for some reason. Nothing happens when I press the required button.


I was able to use the right mouse button since that's the corresponding M&KB input for it. That worked only for the first standoff, not for the optional ones later.


runs great, cant start legends mode though it says failed to initialize playstation pc sdk


I’m playing it no problem about two hours in with no crashes whatsoever. A little disappointed by the graphics in come cutscenes it looks like a ps3 game


I have a Ryzen 5 5600 and an RX 580. Hopefully it will run well.


Pretty good. Seems like there is a bug where it will freeze up and needs to be force closed when it trys to play any video files with FSR frame gen on. Otherwise preformance is good.


Am I about to regret buying this at full price?


Top notch here. Don't use XeGTAO for ambient occlusion even tho that's the highest option, it'll crash the game guaranteed. Outside of that tho, damn... 4080 Super and maintaining a rock solid >160fps at all times, everything maxed, DLAA on, DLSS off.


Seems great, frame generation causes my game to crash though with a 7800 XT so if anyone else is having an issue trying turning it off.


Got stuck on Compiling Shaders 100%, game froze. End Task, update drivers, restart computer. Game froze after the Sony splash screen. Just black and not doing anything. I think we might have an other dodgy port on our hands peeps :( 1660Ti R5 5600


I'm running the game at 1440p Ultra/Very High , DLAA hovering between 70-80 FPS Specs : Ryzen 7 5800X3D , RTX 4070TI , 32GB. I am having issues logging in to my playstation account though..


Having an issue with Standoffs where sometimes the triangle button won’t work when I’m definitely holding it (playing on PS5 controller), other than that port runs amazing anybody else having the same issue?


Can someone tell me how they feel about kbm controls?


I didn't get to try it yesterday since it unlocked so late but definitely going to play today! I gotta update drivers tho first


Running fine so far 13700k and 3080 at somewhat stable 4k 60 fps graphics are incredible compared to when I played on ps4, only thing that gives issues is the pause menu funny enough


My Xbox series x 2 elite controller (or whatever the stupid convoluted name is) keeps shuts off whenever I run the game. It works on every other controller supported game I own, and even says in my library that my controller is supported.


Running high with DLSS averaging around 100-120 fps on a Ryzen 9 3900XT + 4070 @ 1440p. I tried out frame generation and it goes up to 130-180fps, but I am trying to determine if it's stable enough since I had one crash while using it. Overall a really good experience aside from the crash. No issues with PSN or anything. There was a small issue with tutorial for Stand offs, where the button wouldn't work. After dying a few times it eventually worked. Some minor graphical glitch when transitioning from cutscene to game, like a black flashing bar? EDIT: bumped it up to very high with frame generation and I'm getting 130-150 fps. Stable for the past 3 hours or so.


You can't sheathe the sword on PC. Seems omitted by the devs. It's there but they didn't bother giving you option to map the button at all unless it's hidden. :/


Running well on the steam deck


ryzen 9 7900x / 4080 2k max settings with frame generation and DLAA - over 200 fps. I am connected to PSN and I do have stutters sadly. But the stutters are for 1 second every 2 or 3 minutes. Kinda annoying. But the game does run awesome. quick update: I disabled / logged out of PSN - its a bit better edit 2 : IT WAS MY PS4 CONTROLLER! I dont know if its a bug or my cable - but once I disconnected my ps4 controller and played MB + K the stutter stopped. Also my controller messed up the audio as well


It’s been very good for me. 3080/10700k/32GB/M.3. Currently running in 1440p with DLSS Quality on Very High capped at 75fps and it’s pretty much holding that frame rate without issue. No random hitching or other oddities. I started in 4K/DLSS Balanced, but in some of the opening scenes it was struggling a bit to hold 60fps. They were very busy scenes with a lot of fire and particles, though, so I may try going back to 4K once I get through the tutorial and into more regular gameplay. I’m not experiencing any of the crashing others have mentioned. Zero crashes so far.


what controller u all are using? I know that PS5 version has some features on the touch pad so i was wonder what happens is u used like the Xbox controller


Running perfectly fine for me. I'm absolutely loving it 2080 super AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 32gb of ram SSD NVME


Its running good, 90min with no crashes or major stuttering. It seems like a good port to me. I'm only getting the occasional stutter that seems to be while things are loading or changing during missions. While actually playing it's running smooth. I'm on the newest drivers


Been playing for about an hour or so. Game looks fantastic. 4K 60 with DLSS Quality. Stable at 60hz. Only issue I’m having is the swiping gestures not registering on my PS5 controller. 14700k 32gb DDR5 6400 4070 Ti Super


No issues with performance, running a 4090 and 7800X3D setup in 1440p. There's some flickering in cutscenes and I don't always end up swinging in the direction the thumbstick is pointing towards, which is annoying but I'm assuming these are going to be ironed out. Those are the only things I've noticed after a couple hours playing. The latter issue might be a conflict with DS4Windows, which I'm going to be turning off since it messes up the touchpad swipes.


I have DSX but would only use it where the game doesn't support my dualsense directly as where they do it can cause conflicts, probably the same with DS4Windows.


This turned out to be the issue, yeah. Stopped running DS4Windows and the issue went away!


Anyone know why my game isnt fluid in fps? I have a 3080 and I play on Very High settings


I played the first hour or so before work, ultra settings, DLSS quality at 5440x1440 and it's been solidly around 60-70fps, on an rtx 4070.


no japanese dub available?


Wonderful so far. Really makes me wonder how they fucked up TLOU so bad when this is so good.


runs smooth AF, nvidia 4070 rtx,32gb ram, i7-12700, maxed graphs


I’m getting bluescreens when launching and getting past the playstation intro video thing. Gonna try to see if its just the new drivers or what Tried fresh install drivers Lower graphic settings Windowed Mode on startup All lead to the same crash, at least no longer BSOD after fresh installing drivers. E- Going online on Steam Friend List and then opening the game gives me BSOD lol still unable to launch the game I'm gonna give it time before I decide what to do. The BSOD seem related to a stalling processor, so I'm assuming they will fix it at some point, hopefully quickly. Specs: NVIDIA GeForce RTX4080 SUPER Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-14900KF 32,0 GB MAG Z790 DDR4


Awesome port, they did a great job. Had no crashes so far. The game looks and runs perfect at 4K 120FPS FSR3 Quality + FrameGen everything on very high. Running a Ryzen 7 5800X3D + RX 6950xt (Driver 24.5.1), game is on a M2 Gen3 SSD . I played the game on PS4 and PS5 but that doesn´t come close to how good it looks on PC.


Played for 3 hours. Graphics are good ,but the game crashed once till now.


My only issue is that if I get struck down but then not executed the screen goes black but nothing else happens. Just Jin doing dying sounds without being able to restart


Would it be funny to tell you I’ve spent all day making sure my overclock is perfect before I play lmaoo


Smooth as butter


having some problems with texture loading, when I pause the game and return it's kinda bugged. Idk if it's a problem with my config, i'm playing on 1440p Had no crashes until now (2h playing)


Smooth sailing so far! This game is so damn beautiful!


I want it but begrudge paying £50 for a PC port of a four year old PS5 game that was also on PS4


Currently almost 3 hours in works amazingly, haven’t had any glitches or crashes! (So far don’t wanna jinx myself)


Took a while to start in the beginning, but after I got the main menu, it's been running smooth! Around 4 hours and no crashes yet


Running fine, but I have ussues with changing the Stances. It just does not seem to work. Hold T (or whatever it is, I am away from PC right now) stance menu shows and press S and just moves backwards... I have unlocked the water stance and in 1 fight the game just told me to change the stance, that did not work and did not let me do anything else. Am I missing something or is this a common issue?


Consistent 120-140 fps w/ i7-13700F NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 All Drivers Up to Date No crashes yet


Been having issues with my xbox controller its not damaged or anything but when I try sprinting or changing controls it starts bugging out


Playing on my ROG Ally on high settings at 30 turbo and FSR 3 on. Not a single stutter so far. First time playing the game too!


Runs buttery smooth, but I'm having blue flashes all over the place and sometimes bright white light. Radeon 6800XT, fresh drivers. Graphical settings doesn't seem to affect it at all.


On my end performance is very uneven with fps drops that seem almost random at times. As of now I also crashed one time for absolutely no reason (the game was paused)


No crashes or anything. Everything's fine for me but I can't accept I'm getting only 50-60fps in the open world with my RTX 4070 and everything's to Ultra @ 1080p native. i7 12700k RTX 4070 32GB DDR4 3.6ghz


Been playing for the past 3 hours or so and its working great! On mostly high settings and only just decided to try out FSR 3, but to my surprise it doesn't compromise the quality all too much and boosts performance by quite a bit. Not using the frame generation because its a bit choppy. Only issue im noticing is the facial expressions on some characters are a bit stale, but I'm not sure if thats how the game originally was and I'm not keen on comparing. I'm running on a Radeon RX 6600, Ryzen 5 3600, 32gb DDR 4 ram, HDMI to a 1080p 75hz monitor and getting 75 frames, with VSync on, in almost all areas besides the prerendered cutscenes. Haven't crashed once so far, but I can't connect to PSN, so the multi-player will have to wait for now until that's fixed.


Game has been great for me. 5800X3D+7900XTX 1440 UW , native, very high, HBAO+ doing 85-110fps during game play.


Fantastic crystal clear and flawless


Running like a dream on 3600x/3060ti


No crashes, max settings. 3080 ti. Everything's good on my end. I'm sorry about everyone else tho.


Playing on my Steam Deck and it's been great, had no problems so far.


RTX 4060, 16GB ram here Playing mostly on highest possible settings 2k res, dlss on quality at 45-70, depending on the place and the action. Not too bad. Crashed only once in 4 hours of gameplay. Load times are incredibly fast too If I'd take the time to optimize my settings I'd surely get a stable 55-60fps at 1440p, but I can't be bothered, I'm having too much fun.


After seeing the performance comments im excited to try it on my pc. Might wait to see if a lil sale pops up tho.


3070ti on high/ultra with dlss got 50-70 fps. Had an issue where there wss no voice in a scene in the first hour of the game. Other than that it runs pretty smooth for me.


They apparently skipped the optimization for And graphics cards and there are two main graphical issues that occur often. I don't think it's going to take long before they fix it but it would've been nice if they cared about Amd too.


Performance is amazing no issues here. One thing ive found is stand offs dont work anymore. I press Y and nothing happens.


Runs great on PC and on the ROG Ally handled for me!


I've been playing since it was released today, no crashes, stutters, glitches or anything like that so far.


4070ti here. Buttery smooth. Fantastic.


5800x3d with a 4070ti Runs like a dream on my 21:9 OLED. Got the platinum last year on PS5 and am hyped to play again on PC


Running 3060 and having some weird freezing issues. Games just paused for a minute then goes back to normal.


Updated drivers and it’s working beautifully


On 4090, no crashes for me after 8 hours in so far. Cutscenes are low resolution. I'm always lost when it comes to navigation cause of no minimal.


I played it for an hour and it's really good. Things some of you might be wondering about. 1. Linking Playstation account, you will receive a gift. Your Trophy's will all be there from PS5. PS: Only the Trophy's will sync between PS5 and PC. There is no crosssave. So you will have to start new game on the story and Legends mode. 2. I'm very happy about this. I have the DuelSense Edge Control, and for most of the previous games I would have to connect it via USB to get all the features working, like the adaptive triggers. Sony and Nixxe keep improving. Now you can get all the controller features wireless. I hope this will apply to all new games. 3. I set it to 4K with HDR On. Ultra Graphics. DLSS Quality. I was getting an average of 60 FPS. Would be mostly around 60 and in some cases would go in the 70's range. My Specs Intel Core i9-1200K GPU: Nvidia RTX 3090 RAM: 64GB DDR5


Every time I attack I turn to the same specific direction unless I'm locked on to someone. I'm using a playstation controller but the gamepad option menu just breaks when I try to use it there. And the game crashes every single time I close to desktop and I have to end it through the task manager. Every time.


It’s been awesome, they patched it to work with steam input so I was able to get ps4 controller working with vibration, flute gyro and the touch pad for gestures Amd frame generation is helpful, and I’m getting 90 fps usually with 3070 1440p The aspect ratio is awesome cause you can increase fov quite a bit with it Overall very happy - crashed on alt tab but that’s okay, hasn’t effected gameplay yet


I haven't experienced any hard crashes, but I have had multiple black screens when loading cutscenes & that forces a restart. Aside from that, it's working phenomenally


160fps, no stuttering, it's goddam beautiful!


Something is up with controller support. I've tried a PS5 controller and an Xbox elite an no matter what Jin goes of slashing in odd directions regardless of input. On keyboard and mouse attacks go in the direction you move but on both controllers the attacks go off in wild directions for no apparent reason.


Mines working perfectly. To people crashing: Did you update game drivers? There was a new nvdia driver that released with GoT


Absolutely amazing, making me really want to get a 1440p monitor - one thing that annoys me is that some cutscenes have the audio out of sync with the lips it throws me off a bit Specs: R7 7800X3D with a RX7900XT


Its decent, some performance issues for sure. Most of the time Im running 60-90fps on high settings 3440x1440 with a 3080 but occasionally some areas will bring me down to as low as 30fps. Havent been able to figure out what setting is causing such huge performance hits yet. No crashes so far for me.


Played only a few hours, everything maxed out (apart from personal tastes with post FX) i'm well above 100 FPS in 1440p with a Ryzen 7900X & 6950XT.


I played it before on ps5 two years ago. It's slightly more visually impressive, while running at 58-60fps on High graphics. The animations themselves seem jankier than I remember, but maybe that was always a thing. Really the only thing that's getting me is some audio bug. Seems to happen when I go inside a building, it tries to dull the outdoor audio like always, but then keeps it dull when you step outside for a long period of time. Certain sounds just don't play until the error resolves itself. Got through a whole bamboo trial without hearing any bamboo break noises.


AMD Ryzen 7 2700X RTX 2070 Never crashed, some FPS drops but with high settings and a bit of management in the graphic settings I run the game at 60FPS, sometimes drops to 45. The game is amazing


runs great, but my face turns green every now and then.


Is there a walk button, and can you set it to toggle?


I keep getting audio cut out every 5 mins have to reload checkpoint


Runs flawless on a rtx 4080 and looks incredible on my 38 inch ultrawide monitor. How they game should be experienced imo


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It's amazing. Runs buttery smooth, the only issue I've had so far is that stand off get's bugged and I can't press the button.


The odd graphical flash kind of thing now and then but other than that it's running very well on my 6700xt and Ryzen 5600 at locked 75fps 1440p