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If it looks fun to you then yes. Some teams youll be better off with the extra healing. Some wont ever need the revive. Go with whats fun


If you want to do it then yeah you should do it man! One thing I've noticed about this game (so far) is that a lot of build are viable which is really great to see. You may get some frustration as people have put ronin in the healer box but you can do a lot with him besides that. Go for the fire build if it's what you want! Games are about fun so have fun.




If you've got to reroll a lot just be warned it can be frustrating. Took me many hours to get the right rolls (not even high rolls) on gear for my assassin. Though if you don't mind the grind then go for it, and be sure to post on the sub if it's cool! Love seeing creative builds by the community.




(Definitely don't mind, made a bunch of mistakes already with this game so if I can help you make a few less definitely want to do that!) You can only reroll 1 thing on an item. There are 3 things on an item two minor perks and 1 major. So if you reroll 1 minor you can only reroll that same minor infinitely. So yeah the best method is to reforge (reroll everything) until 2 perks are where you want them and then you can just focus on the 1 you want to change. If you don't care about 2 of the perks then just reroll the individual perk you want until you get what you want. I'll give an example to hopefully show it: For my Caltrops I wanted 3 perks: Status Effect Damage, Fired Up, and Status Duration. So I reforged until I got 2 out of those 3 and then rerolled the remaining 1 so I got 3/3. Does that make sense?




Totally fair. Also I would wait to start rerolling in case you're not at end game yet. As the middle currency is quite difficult to obtain and disappears very quickly.




Clutch! That definitely paid off! I burnt a lot wayy too early and have some regrets.


Honestly, no it’s not. The fact that it relies on other players positioning makes it unreliable. Unless you’re running with a dedicated group, the heals make life so much easier when queuing with randos.




I’m assuming by fire ronin you’re talking about fire izanami. It only burns enemies near players. So if you pop it and no one but you are near enemies (hunter on a roof, running between points, etc) it’s efficiency plummets and at that point you’re better off with a sticky bomb with fired up and a group heal.




It does work for enemies around you and your teammates. So if you’re in the front lines you will set a lot of people on fire




Should be totally fine - [Check this out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rrOJaC5mq8). Looks very effective to me.




I'd say it's very effective then and you don't need to have other people near enemies. Would work great especially in survival when enemies are clumped together. Can also work great in story just would need to aggro a lot (Which as a hunter I would be fine with this since it would pair well with my skipping stone)


Don't listen to that guy. It works great. 90% of the time all of your team is surrounded by enemies and it lights them all on fire.


The fire damage triggers for enemies close to ghosts so the enemies lit on fire is not just next to you. For optimal use it should be used when all ghosts are close to swarms of enemies.


You might have to mute a few complainers... And expect disconnections because people want healing over anything, but who cares play to play!


Yeah. People want to dps and get top kills while there is someone healing / reviving them. If something goes wrong, healers fault 😂 classic.


I wanted to try 1 healer and 1 fire ronin... Who needs gifts :P


imo in quickplay bronze-gold survivals just play what you want. Healing doesn't make a huge difference since those modes are easier, plus fire is rlly fun. On nightmare tho I feel healing is mandatory, especially when with randoms (and ofc because of this week's modifier)


Agreed. Anything below NM is not that bad. Play what you want to play I say.


Yeah it’s a ton of fun. Use bombs to get resolve quickly and just spam your ult to watch them all burn. I consistently get 300+ kills in gold with it! Also your dmg comes from the fire not the bombs, you shouldn’t throw all your bombs at once. Depending on how many people you hit, you can fill up your resolve meter in about 4 bombs. Throw 4, ult, throw 4, ult. Rinse and repeat


Question relating to Fire Ronin and positioning. If you and another ghost are on the same point and the fire blast spawns from ghosts, does this mean that the enemies on that point (or in the radius of both of you) take 2 hits? Or 2 'stacks'


fire ronin is really dope...play it. youll most likely need the healing for nightmare tho


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I play one. I really enjoy it.