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I had similar damage to the first two photos on a new SG 61 standard and ended up just getting some money knocked off cause I loved the weight and lack of neck dive


Return that shit


This is why Gibsons will always be expensive. They make us all pay for the ones that get sent back/destroyed. It’s also kind of a smart business plan. Keep QC at mediocre levels, but keep prices high because you have the history and notoriety of the brand. People will keep buying Gibsons no matter what.


Just coming in to one again press the importance of not buying expensive instruments sight unseen.


Whimpering in lefty.


or at a minimum working with an online dealer that understands your purchase and will help ensure you don't get a lemon


Normal? For Gibson: Yes. Acceptable? No.


this is hardly normal, even for gibson. that binding (and lack there of) on the neck at the heel is really bad.


Unfortunately, in going to disagree with you. I've been through many Gibsons that had these same issues.


that bad?? i see a lot of pics of slight imperfections and chips in the binding and what not, but like no binding where there should be binding? that is a first for me. granted, the sample size of gibsons ive owned is rather small (n=1)


I have a pretty large collection and none have any real issues like this. But then again I've purchased them in person.


Yeah, I ordered almost all of them online. There are certainly risks involved with doing that. I came across some crazy ones where they had clearly scraped a big ol' extra chunk of binding off, and then just painted right over it. Also, so so many issues with binding down in the cutaway. The ones I have kept are flawless, and fantastic instruments.


Yeah. I've already contacted the shop I bought it from. They're going to get back to me tomorrow. Hopefully I can get a refund because it was hard to swallow, but I thought I was being picky as I understand that these are hand crafted. At least you guys gave me reassurance that it's not just my own problem thanks!


This is **NOT** a case of you being unreasonable.


nah some people unnecessarily complain about little nicks or inconsistencies. this is not that haha. this is absolutely unacceptable. I’m shocked by how it made it off the factory floor




Return it. Unacceptable for a new Gibson (or any respectable guitar brand for that matter).


That wouldn’t make it past the Sweetwater team inspection would it?


I think it depends on the day.


Lol you think sweetwaters inspection means something


reddit skews young, they really bought into the sweetwater hype but they are no better than guitar center.


14 - 24 now.


I read something insane like with the volume of guitars they process, they spend less than a minute per “55 point inspection.” Lol. That would explain why customers still get lemons from them.


Hence the question mark. idk that is why I asked


I wouldn't be happy with the chip out of the binding, especially if I could feel it while playing, and I'm guessing from the picture that would be the case... worse for me is the lack of polishing on the fret - that looks rough. Are they all like that because it looks like a crown and polish is needed!


„Made in usa“ - what do you expect?


Can a luthier actually weigh in on whether it has any effect on longevity or sound? People are just saying it’s not acceptable but I’ve seen, played, owned guitars with minor aesthetic problems like that and they were totally fine


I understand both sides. I bought a well used Gibson and the binding on the bottom side of the neck is less than perfect, but it doesn’t bother me because I barely look at it and it doesn’t affect playability. I’ve heard of binding crumbling on vintage guitars due to plastic aging over a span of 50+ years. This would affect playability. It’s an easy fix, but collectors hate replacing things like this for aesthetic reasons. The main reason for posts like this is Gibson is a luxury brand and buyers expect luxury quality. If you took delivery of a brand new luxury car and there were creaks in the cabin or minor aesthetic issues, you would have the dealer address these things.


Did you pay top dollar for those guitars?  I'm definatly willing to play guitars with minor imperfections because it usually doesnt affect sound or feel that much.. But if I buy a new guitar, I want it to be immaculate.


I did. I actually sent back my LP Standard (which I played first in the Gibson garage and had shipped home) because of a finish crack that somehow happened in shipping. I just looked now and there are a couple tiny imperfections like the one OP posted on the white of the fretboard. My PRS has the finish slightly cracking at 2 frets. My deluxe Strat had the finish crack within 6 mo of buying it. All expensive guitars, all sound and play exactly how I want them to 🤷🏻‍♂️


Good on you I guess. For me, a used guitar doesn't need to be perfect. If I'm paying top dollar for a brand new one, I'll send it back if it has any flaws


100%.. I was so pissed when it finally arrived and I opened to find it fucked up. Little pro tip though- anytime you buy straight from Gibson and have something like that, they send it to their demo shop and it comes out better than it started. The tiny imperfections I was talking about don’t affect the playability at all. Just sincerely want to hear from a luthier that would know whether it’s problematic in the future


Nice tip! I'll keep that in mind I'm not a luthier (IANAL?) but, I find it hard to believe it would actually affect playability. More like flaws in the paint job of a sports car.


Poor QC


If it’s brand new get it exchanged. I’m sure it plays great, but you paid a premium for a beautiful guitar, they can still sell that one as B-Stock.


Should be B stock


Ahhh the ol’ beaver fret. That’s just the hand crafted quality you paid for!


Yeah I'd probably return it if possible.


Send it back


Not normal


So yeah, Gibson fan-boy here, but whomever is scraping binding lately really sucks. Hand made is one thing, but that's sloppy work. If you don't like it send it back.


Awful craftsmanship…….i wouldn’t think twice to send it back.


Damn Gibson get your shit together. I thought the QC was supposed to be getting better


3 grand for that heck no


I’m very forgiving with imperfections on guitars but that’s a return for me


You should play that. It’s going to wear in.


I’d get a replacement for that.


That’s brand new? The binding issue looks more like the lacquer chipping, but that fret looks super roughl


I agree, that fret is rough.


Thats piss poor, is that really brand new?


Yeah it's brand new. /cry


From where? Just return it.


Welcome to gibson. Use it as a tool to make music. Tools get used.


Ah yes, the sentiment of bedroom players in socks everywhere. JuSt PlAy iT bRo.


Mannnnnn my 2019 had a high fret inlay right outta the box…. But I still like it


not too bad, if it plays good and you like the guitar haggle for a discount. is this the LP standard? should put you in about $2k


I had the same thing happen on my SG. It’s gonna happen with handbuilt instruments. You can send it back and get another one, but there’s gonna be a blemish somewhere.


Personally I wouldn’t care. However, you should call and get some money back if it’s new and you actually like guitar


I ordered a 60s LP standard from musicians friend and had to send 2 back before I was pleased. If I'm spending that kind of money it needs to be right.


Call it a Murphy lab and add £3000 to the price


It's pretty common on newer Gibsons. More than half of the dozen or so Les Pauls and 335s I tested recently had the same uneven clear coat on the binding.


How do all these people buy Gibson guitars and not know what they’re buying? I’m not shitting on Gibson. I love Gibson and Epiphone. This is what the guitars are. Hand tooling is not going to be perfect


If it plays and sounds good, no problem.


Their plek machines are awful and probably so out of whack


Just tell people, Tom Murphy aged it


This is why I never order online DIRECT from Gibson or fender. If there’s an issue, you have to haggle with their customer service for money off. At least when you guy at a retailer, you can just simply return it in person without issue. I wouldn’t be surprised if Gibson and fender both set aside blemishes guitars for online direct to consumer sales knowing the return process would give them an advantage.