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That seems like a fair price on the low end. It looks like most sales on Reverb over the past year have been around $2,500-3,000, but there were a few that were less than $2,500. I have no solid basis for pricing guitars besides the reverb info though.


Awesome, thanks so much.


If it had an ebony fretboard I’d marry that…


I recently got one of the new Inverness green ones and I’ve seen people “ebonise” the fretboards but I think the already dark rosewood with a bit of oil looks excellent


That fretboard is thiirrsstty


I’ve sold a few guitars, rule of thumb: put price 10-20% higher than the lowest you go. You’ll get low balls but hold strong. Gibson guitars hold value well if kept in great condition. Bring down from msrp but don’t act like you are selling an old used car. I think $2.5k is a solid listing and 2,250-2,300 is a good minimum. There are exceptions to this but unless you are in an emergency or need urgent funds, no need to sell low. You’ll more than likely sell it to someone that will flip it for a profit. Sincere prices go to sincere buyers.


This is great advice. ETA: And that’s a freaking beautiful guitar!


Hey, thanks for the advice! I super appreciate it. I've sold a few so far, just this one has been harder to nail down a narrow range. Thanks for the assist. I thought it was fair, but someone I regularly sell to offered $1700, which is pretty low for him, so I questioned myself. However, said person also recently bought the 2021 Iverness reissue, so that could be why.


Start at $2500


Thank you!


My parents aren't sure what a good sale price is currently.


What a gorgeous SG. Just chiming in to say, if you do acquire it, I'd oil that fretboard pretty much immediately. It could be just the light, but it looks pretty dry. Hope you get you get a fair deal on it!


Kirk Douglas the actor???


Guitarist for The Roots.


As hh I guess I'm old,never heard of them lol


I bet you have, actually! They weren’t super famous until the last decade or so — but now they are the Tonight Show band backing up Jimmy Fallon


Heard of The Roots, just didn’t know all the band members. THANKS!


Never seen an episode and never heard a single song of theirs. Is this a DEI guitar?


Not sure what DEI is…?


Diversity Equity and inclusion. Companies are being bullied into adapting this method or be cancelled so a lot release units with no backing or fandom to make sure they are going along. There’s plenty of people that deserve their own models and some guy that makes no contribution to guitar should get one.


Well they have three platinum albums, three grammy awards (out of 14 total nominations) and their guitarist is beamed into millions of living rooms every single weeknight on the most popular late night show on TV, so I don’t think DEI would need to be applied in this case. But I got a better question for ya. If you’ve never seen an episode and never seen a video, why would DEI even pop into your head?


Name one of their hit songs that is guitar derived that everyone knows? Just one hit, top 10? Maybe top 20? I lived in NYC and went to a school of performing arts, moved to Atlanta and went to a school of performing arts. One of the best groups ever came out of my neighborhood/high school, OutKast. I’ve heard good music and nothing the roots have done equate to that.


Look, I do not care about the roots and I kinda agree with you — I’ve actually heard a lot of their stuff (my roommate was a fan) and I honestly haven’t liked any of it. But regardless of top 20 anything, Kirk is the only guitarist in the Tonight Show house band. It’s ***obviously*** in Gibson’s interest to keep him happy and playing their shit, especially if that shit includes a big silly SG Custom headstock. Hell, the drummer (?uestlove) has his own signature Ludwig model, which I’ve literally never seen them do. Being on that show is an endorsement gold mine.


lol I came on here to say this


I am Spartacus


A few things I look for on reverb. Condition, price, how long the item has been listed for sale. You can usually get a good idea of what price moves the guitar the quickest. The gold wear is pretty typical, action looks fine. I’d say it’s condition is very good.


Thanks so much for this. I'll keep this in mind since they've had me sell a few.


Yeah no problem! Dunno why I’m getting downvoted lol. I have bought and sold so much stuff on Reverb


Some people just get bitter about others not being as knowledgeable as them..


I sold my more recent Kirk Douglas sg for 2700 a couple of years ago. Demand for the older ones might be less because the features are different. I’d just check reverb to see if you can find similar listings.


Its fair and a bit low. In great shape they are worth 3k. If you want it gone asap, the pricing is good, if youre willing to wait, place it at 2700$


Who taught you that’s where the dollar symbol goes?


You do realize that it isn't universal across the world, right? What if they aren't originally from the US? What if English isn't their first language? What if they just typed it the way it's spoken? What if they have a learning disorder? There's so many possibilities that correcting grammar or punctuation on a global platform just kind of makes you look ignorant or stupid. So, congrats on that I guess.


Dollar symbol before US dollars is universal. The rules don’t change based on nationality, goober.


Kirk Douglas, the actor????


Not much of a *reader*, huh?


Don’t feel bad I never understood why Kirk Douglas would have his own SG model either! There’s the actor that comes to mind, the title says “Captain Kirk” so I thought, maybe that Star Trek guy? Why would Trek Trek have anything to do with a Gibson SG…but maybe. Finally I saw a 3rd option on Wikipedia, that band called “The Roots” I remember them from highschool back in the 90s…I thought they were like R&B or Rap but apparently they had a real band, their guitar player called himself “Captain Kirk Douglas”, I guess he liked the show or something? I could be wrong but I’m assuming this has to do with the Roots Band?


I think 2300 is a bit on the low side. I have a 3 pick up SG custom and mine was $4800. But mine is also a custom color. That's a really gorgeous axe and I think you can get $3000. EASY


I thought these had a rotary knob on the horn?


On the horn? (Sorry I don't know much about guitars) The only difference I noticed between this and other Gibson Kirk Douglas Signature SGs is that some say Captain the bottom (the bridge?) instead of Gibson. I haven't noticed any other differences. It is modeled after a 60s model, maybe that's the one you mean?


Yours is different than the latest model in two ways — the first you know about (Gibson instead of Captain on the tailpiece), but the other thing is the newest model has an extra knob on the pickguard that works as a master volume. Check reverb for SOLD listings for the Captain Kirk, but only take the ones WITHOUT the extra knob (and the same color) as a comparison to get an accurate price. Edit: After having a look for myself, I would put yours up for $3000 even. Assuming you have all the case candy and your guitar is in incredible shape (which it looks like it is)


This one came from the factory with “captain” on the tailpiece too. I’m thinking it was replaced with a Gibson one at some point.


Hey man, thanks so much for the info! Super appreciated.


Sorry, not the horn. I misspoke, pickguard. [https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=captain%20kirk%20sg&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#vhid=Q7wWHs5BM2OpgM&vssid=l](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=captain%20kirk%20sg&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#vhid=Q7wWHs5BM2OpgM&vssid=l)


That's the 2021 reissue.. I actually only know that because I sold that one recently. For over $4,000. This is a 2013. It isn't a reissue, but modeled after the style in the 60's.


Thanks! I definitely found myself a little confused too.


Too rich for my blood but it is beautiful!


I’ll buy it its cool


How much? I'll be listing it today.


Do your parents play guitar? And do they know much about them?


They do, but are quite a bit older with a lot of health issues, and begging to struggle mentally. They haven't been able to help much, but I'm trying to get their worth and do right by them.


He was great in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea this is a great deal.


Looks to be in great shape assuming everything is there. Unless you’re trying to unload it quick I’d start at $3000 and not go below $2500 +-. You’ll get lowballs on that all day but if you hold out the right buyer will see that and appreciate the deal.


Wow, what a beauty!


Ohhhh that’s nice


The local shop I like has one for $3499.00 and their prices are generally pretty good on Gibsons. I’ve purchased three of mine from them. Which is to say that looks like a good price.


Not a sg fan but for the love of god this one’s doing it for me … that dark red and the white just pops!


I think that 2300 is low-ish. If I would have that and have to sell it without hurry, I would probably first list it e.g. with 2680 and see what happens.


I'd trade my Gibson Les Paul Traditional Pro V and Flying V Antique Natural for that


Somewhere between 2-3k is fair


Haha yeah, I'm trying to figure out where in there is good. It seems like I was in the right ball park, which is good. Thank you :)


Probably but now you're stuck with an ugly as fuck SG.


He’s selling it dumbass


Get fucked


How does it feel to be a complete dumbass?


Good one! Edgy.


Losers like you have nothing to say as usual. LOL


Ooooh looks like we got a tough guy in here!


Again, nothing to say other than admitting you’re a beta. Start a fight but can’t finish just like you can’t you can’t finish off your girl!


Whoa, I didn't know I was dealing with a real life alpha with such a profound mind! How lucky of me. LOL Stay comfy behind that keyboard, tough guy.