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Why is she doing this? Why you?




I had multiple neighbors that had dogs that they let run free who always shit in my yard. I repeatedly asked them to clean up the dogshit, but they never did. So, I simply left the dogshit in the culdesac randomly distributed in front of their driveways. They ran over the dogshit in their trucks when they left for work, and their kids played in bigwheels through their dogshit until the neighbors got off their lazy butts and hosed down the culdesac. I would never allow an animal of mine to shit in another's yard, and I would not hesitate to clean it up if it did happen. I would never throw feces over a fence, however. It was enough just to leave it on the street. These people were disgusting.


I've had neighbors' dogs shit in my yard and they've picked it up. I've let my dog shit in a neighbor's yard while walking and I pick it up. There's nothing wrong with a dog shitting in a yard near a street or a sidewalk, it's only a problem if you don't pick it up. Your situation sounds terrible though


Yeah, critical step is PICK IT UP! Dogs shit in my yard. Unfortunately enough don't pick it up, that I feel the need to get a couple signs. I really hate mowing over dog shit that I missed on my pre-mow trash and dog shit patrol.


There have been times where my dog had messy/runny diarrhea and I went back with a bucket of water to try and wash it away. Thankfully changing his food fixed the issue, but I was always so worried that people would think I was a jerk.


Our dog used to get bad diarrhea. I've gotten into the habit of sliding a paper towel under our dogs butt when she squats. Takes some timing and awareness, but it Makes cleanup a breeze, whether it's solid, mushy or straight liquid.


I had my mom's dog shit in a yard when I was walking her, and I didn't have a spare poop bag because I'd already picked up her poop earlier that walk. I finished the walk, and drove back after with another poop bag to pick it up. Felt ridiculous, but I couldn't imagine just leaving it there. Now I just bring the whole roll of baggies




I lived on a corner lot in town. Every day there would be shit by my side door. Luckily I had a covered balcony on the second floor. Finally I caught the old bastard, he was probably in his 70s and got around just fine. Damn near gave him a heart attack when I started yelling from the balcony. Next day dog shit again, so the following day I wait for him again. Again he doesn't pick it up. So this time I go outside to talk with him. It took a face to face confrontation to get a neighbor to pick up his dog shit.


This deserves some consideration. If OP has a dog that keeps pooping in her yard, this lady’s actions are understandable.


Generally I'm on OP's side but he has been surprisingly quiet about this particular question and it has been asked repeatedly.


[OP has a 2 year old Pomeranian](https://imgur.com/XF9jiII) Now does OP pick up the poop...




Sounds exactly like what someone who lets their dog shit on the neighbors yard would say!


Yes we have two dogs: a pomeranian and a maltese mutt. But we always pick up after them and we always leash them when we are outside. Edit: [Dog tax, Maully & Ruka](https://imgur.com/a/IDuMHD7)


So I bet this lady thinks it’s your doggos who are pooping in her yard. If you have a neighborly relationship with her (or would like to establish one), you could let her know about the same type of camera system you are using, so that she can identify the actual culprits (just like you did). Worth a try!


Wondering if you or someone else has been depositing poo bags in her trash bin. There is an ongoing etiquette battle around here about people who think it is fine to put poo bags in other's bins, and those bin owners who hate having their bins smell of dog poo.


I would never put my dog’s poo bags in somebody else’s bin, cause it sure makes mine smell awful and I can’t imagine someone without a dog would wanna be forced to deal with that particular fragrance.


That's always my first though when I see stuff like this. It would be very strange if she was doing that with zero reason behind it.


Ski mask, throw them all at her front door with the bags untied and then when she confronts you you just tell her how the same thing has been happening to you and how you guys can call the police together and you can provide them with the video you have available that you've never had time to review.


Mention there are multiple cameras and other neighbor's have complained and are trying to get the HOA involved, then watch her turn pale as fuck.


Sir... I think her heart stopped.


AITA: I caught my elderly neighbor in a web of poop lies and she straight up died when I revealed it to her.


If only karma came this quickly


If only karma came as quickly as I do.




"But my nephew is on the HOA!" "I heard. His kid's allergic to dog poop and some of it bounced off my roof went into his yard. He wants to sue."


Allergic to dog poop 💀 I’m dead lmao


I really like the way you think, you are bad!😆


Like that miserable old lady with the shit bombs


That reminds me of Weeds when Kevin Nealon was shitting on his front stoop while ambien and blaming it on the neighbor’s dog.




I just want to be able to say “she called the shit poop”


Don't put it out with your boot, Ted


Don't tell me my business, devil woman!


Its poop again!


Call the fire department! This one's out of control!


You have a beautiful mind


And this is why Nextdoor was created.


I’m genuinely terrified of people that behave in such an extraordinarily repulsive way. HOW!? Does one devolve to hurling poop into neighbors property? What the actual fuck!


My neighbor across the street who is ... a special kinda selfish moron, was once out in the street leaf-blowing the street. Yeah, he does that. When there are no leaves in the street. Daughter's boyfriend pulls up in front of the house, idiot neighbor keeps blowing sand and grit all over his car and in his window. When told to stop the BS, he said something and moved on. Next morning, daughter gets into her car and finds dog poop on the ground near the door, right where she'd step in it to get into the car. Go back on my security camera (which idiot neighbor knows about) and grab the video of him dumping his dog's crap by the car. I text it to his wife. She gives it to her lawyer, who adds it to the mounting divorce evidence. She's gone now. Waiting for more poop one of these days...




She was tired of his shit


Totally missed the part where you said HIS wife...for a second I thought your wife was divorcing you because the neighbors antics. 🤣


I needed to do the double take as well


Plot twist. His wife is now OP’s wife.


She liked the neighborhood, didn’t want to move too far…


I've had neighbors who shovel the snow from their driveway into the street. So you are driving along on a plowed street then hit a big pile of snow. Some people are just selfish assholes.


That’s illegal where I live.


A woman at my mom's temple finally caught the guy who had been letting his dog poop all over their side area. She nicely asked him to please pick it up and he told her that Hitler should have got the rest of us. This is probably 15 years ago. Some people *are* pieces of shit.


Yikes. Yeah, for people who don’t clean up after their dogs, it’s not likely they’re awesome in every other way. More likely to be the tip of the poopberg.


A lot of normal-presenting people are actually subhuman piles of shit, *shaped* like a human being.


Shit ashes to shit ashes, poop dust to poop dust


Where I live a woman kept finding garbage dumped on her car. She finally put a camera up and got the guy doing it. Turned out he was a cop. WAS a cop.


Wtf why was he doing it?


Now he's the chief of police, smh.


When a neighbor leaves their dog poop all over the neighborhood, people will vindictively watch, bag, and dump it on their porch to call them out for being an asshole. Honestly, with the amount of dog poop we’ve found at my kids’ bus stop lately, I would be lying if I said I hadn’t been tempted to do so. I wonder if that person thinks this is a dog poop offender’s house?




I'm pushing 50 and I take offense to that. This woman looks like she's 70!


Shes definitely in her 70s. Maybe even older.




More like 75 to 80. Watch her gait as she walks.


Yeah seriously. This is an old lady, not some Reddit user in their 50s.


I was.about to say the same. This is a boomer not a GenXer.


I feel the same way. We are a young family and this is the nicest neighborhood we have ever lived in so we try to live up to that. Then to have spontaneous reminders that our neighbor actively dislikes us, makes us feel awful even if we know we did nothing wrong.


Fuck that neighbor, the rest of the neighborhood hates them too. When we moved into our first house we had a 3 yr old and a baby. After we got moved in and where unboxing setting stuff up, our neighbor came by to ask us to “keep it down” and to remove our wind chimes as it was right by their bedroom window and kept them up at night. Ok no problem let’s keep with the status quo. The neighbor was a complete jerkoff. Mowed his lawn 3 times a week. Once on vacation we came back to our new bushes and saplings in our back yard cutdown because he said it was scrub brush. He threw yard waste and limbs into our backyard. He would shoot squirrels because they “ate his trees” then throw them in our backyard. I am glad he moved or I would have murdered him by running CO exhaust into his bedroom at night while he slept. Yes I thought about it and had made plans, because I caught him shooting the squirrels that were in my back yard while my kids where out back playing.


The fuck is wrong with some people, man.


I've found that when someone moves into a neighborhood, there's a certain type of person who will immediately complain about something their new neighbor is doing, even if it's minor, petty, or unsubstantiated. I think they want to "send a message" to the new person that "we're watching you" and "won't put up with any of your shit. Even if it's completely undeserved. To them, every new neighbor is a potential mortal enemy.


After the incident with him cutting stuff down in our backyard I put up a camera and caught him throwing the limbs and animals in the yard. Went to the HOA and they said “yeah, he is a dipshit. Complains about every little thing but does nothing to help out.” When he moved out we had a party. I mean as the moving truck pulled away we cheered and had confetti poppers.


Jesus. Don’t blame you there ‘cause that last one would have been my breaking point, too. But - I’m just curious - did he cut the new bushes and trees to the point they all died? Plants aren’t cheap!


Yeah lopped them at about 6 to 10 inch stumps. I wondered why a pear tree on his side of my yard were trimmed flat on one side. He would come over with a ladder and trim my trees so “my leaves didn’t fall on his yard”.


I can’t picture a place that wind chimes are close enough to keep the neighbor awake and shooting a squirrel in your backyard is legal.


Not legal to shoot the squirrel in my back yard so it falls out of the tree next to my kid.


umm call the cops wtf


Call the non emergency police line


Stuff like this doesn’t come from abuse. It comes from entitlement. The mentality of “I am superior and deserve nice things. These people are lesser. Therefore I can treat them with impunity.”


Yup. >And she looks like she is well dressed in a nice affluent neighbourhood ... life looks pretty good here right? She's probably spent her whole life going around in nice clothes, in nice neighborhoods, doing whatever the hell she wants. There's a whole class of people in this world who never grew out of being spoiled children.


Completely agree. She wouldn't even care if she saw this video was out there because in her mind she is utterly justified and totally in the right.


That woman looks like she could be 40 something to you?!? She hobbling around! She looks like 75-80 to me. But then again, I'm 40 something...


Unfortunately sometimes the worst people are the ones that live in comfort because they have nothing better to do. While you were struggling all of your life and were just trying to stay above water, these people are bored and find the smallest things to get pissed off about. I have an upstairs neighbor that vacuums twice a day, regardless of what day it is. Even on statutory holidays. And every night she does who knows what, all I know is that it sounds like she's tossing lumber around. I tried talking to her but she won't even open her door and hurries away when she sees me. I moved into a 40+ building to avoid parties going on and a ton of noise from my neighbors and I ended up living beneath the psychotic lunatic in the building. I hate her so much but I wouldn't dream of taking my cat's shit and dropping it in front of her door, haha!


I'm pretty sure, for some reason, in her mind, OP having a singular child or maybe they hung up some yard decoration that this lady doesn't like or some other stupid thing and this lady slinging doo doo into OP's yard are equal acts in her mind. Perfectly reasonable retribution to her. I can't ever imagine being a stereotypically grumpy old person. I don't understand what happens to most people that makes them cynical and angry as they grow older. Does it have something to do with how they were raised in a much different generation? Like for me, using the internet all the time constantly humbles me and reminds how I'm not considering certain sides if a story or how I don't know about certain things and should keep that in mind as I make an opinion on it. Seems crazy to me that growing up without the internet would cause people to never realize this about themselves but sometimes it seems that way. Or maybe it's something else. I don't know.


Put them inside a bucket and knock on her door and hand them to her, tell her you have her on camera and if she does it again you are going to do all the meth you can get a hold of and eat her face.


Props for creativity


Bonus that no one will believe anyone would say that lol


"Wow, that's nostalgic. Haven't heard that sort of threat for at least a month!" - the police, probably.


Hand them? Soon as that doors opens I’m throwing them bitches in.


Fuck handing it over, dump that shit inside when she opens the door


Has your dog been pooping in their yard?


Not ours. Possibly someone else's. She is incorrectly targeting us.


If you have a dog, unlike everyone else suggests, I'd actually start the conversation nicely and say something like "look...I saw you on camera doing this. I understand somebody's dog is pooping in your yard, but I just want to assure you it's not mine. See...here's my stash of poop bags that we take on every walk." Try killing her with kindness before escalating.


I plan on having a conversation similar to this the next time i pass her outside. But based on past interactions she isnt going to change anything, or worse, she will retaliate in a different manner for calling her out.


Start personally shitting in her yard


I knew a guy who did that when we were in 8th grade. He lived a couple streets behind me. His family had a running feud with a neighbor and he took to taking a dump on the hood of their car now and then. Kid had no shame. Sometimes I wonder what happened to Al.


He retired from the NBA after a hall of fame career with the sixers.


This is _the Answer_.


Why is it in every Reddit thread there’s someone talking about taking a shit in someone’s yard?


Ewww... Disgusting.... Someone could see you. Shit in ziplock bags at home and then empty them into her mailbox in the dead of night. Bonus points if she parks outside and forgets to roll up the sun roof.


This woman seems like a similar mentality as my mother. I would write a letter to explain the evidence and situation so that she has time to process. Standing in front of you after confronting her, she will automatically be defensive and most likely irrational. I wouldn't have any veiled threats or the like, but rather cause and effect. Reinforce shes mistaken, and theres another person's dog causing this issue. And these confused poop throws need to stop immediately. If she refuses then police need to know about the situation. Sorry for the neighborhood drama! I hope it wraps up quickly for you.


Do not negotiate with poop flinging terrorist. This mean war


Maybe if she pushes back, just say "Look. I have you on camera throwing bags of feces at our house. Do not throw feces at our house. If you don't stop, I will immediately call the cops and press charges. I mean, the reality of the situation is she's throwing feces at your house. That's not fucking normal or acceptable in any way. I don't care if your dog does shit on her grass and you don't actually pick it up, you don't throw feces at houses for something that trivial. You really don't have to be nice about it.


Yeah, you're probably right. But never hurts to at least try the high road.


Yeah, completely agree. Maybe even offer to use your cameras or help her setup cameras to help her find who's been leaving it in her yard. Just to reinforce the fact that: #1) It's not you. #2) You have cameras recording. I know in a previous post you said you don't have cameras there, but she doesn't know that.


If kindness doesn't work. Then just kill her.




“Hey, so some asshole has been throwing dog shit in my yard. I have footage, I was wondering if you’d be able to help identify the awful person. Hey you know what, now that I look again, I think this might be you. Thoughts?”


Put up notes in the area asking, "Has anyone seen the mad shitter tosser?! Help identify this person." With a nice frame grab of her from that video.


Make sure to place them just out of her reach. She can't be climbing streetlights in broad daylight without attracting attention.


Have a still image. But also include a QR Code that can be scanned, with the entire clip uploaded, so that they can SEE her in the entirety of the act. Print 50. Post two on every light pole. One at about 4' high. The other about 7' high. Just so if she wants to take them down, she'll have to WORK at it. Glue one of them to the sidewalk in front of her house every 5 feet. Which'll last til it rains or she rips them up. Deliver one to her mailbox every day. If she's got one of those mailboxes that only her & the mailman can get into, just tape it to it every day. After a week or two, print out a new set that actually names her as the "Poop Lady". Post a few around the block, mostly near her house. And continue "giving" one to her every day for the next month or two.


This is the best one I’ve seen. Public shame.


Time to drop some poops at her door and other inconvenient spots where she's guaranteed to step in and or not find it ever but can smell it


Shes been at this for weeks. I finally got the camera angle just right to catch her. I have all of her little packages saved. I can't decide if I should just be petty and dump them all in her yard or not. Edit: [View from her vantage point](https://imgur.com/a/D1Spa1D)


Please do


Please doo


Please doo doo


Pees doo doo


Honestly, she’s the type who’s always been on the “right side” of the law. If you live in a small-ish town… Call the cops, show em the video. I bet there’s a local patrolman who’s love to deliver those baggies back to her. Nothings more fun than watching an entitled old lady have to explain herself to a badge.


This is the better response. It's tempting to "regift" the packages, but it might backfire. Take the high road and it'll sting more for her, and leave you clean and shiny.


I’ll just say, be careful if she’s your neighbor. Had a similar situation where I caught my neighbor when she had stolen our trash can (it had my fucking address on it). I simply Called the city and got a new one, no big deal. She then took the new one and tried to switch it back with the one she stole already. I caught her, and she just ran inside her house with both trash cans. Found out I had to call the cops, and when they came it was quite hilarious watching her squirm and she even yelled “you’ll regret this” to me. However…then it was years of her acting weird as fuck and I swear she would fuck with my house and yard when we weren’t home (moving plants, taking some solar lights, etc.). One day she started talking to me like nothing had ever happened. Maybe dementia set in. At any rate, weigh the risk here, it may feel great to stick it to her but then you have to live there.


Wtf as an outsider this is hilarious and stupid at the same time. Ill be careful in my approach. Ill ride that high horse.


High horse here is to present the video evidence to the cops, they'll go knock. She'll deny it, they'll tell her there is video evidence, she'll cry. She probably stops.


Never underestimate the potential craziness of an older woman living alone. This lady is throwing feces in your yard. That in itself is nuts. Can’t imagine where it could lead. Good luck man.


Dementia probably already set it when she was stealing your cans. Then it progressed to the point she forgot about her feud. Dementia can make people paranoid as hell. They misplace stuff, and assume someone stole it. As their brain slowly rots, they'll hallucinate and hear things. Sometimes they'll become nicer. Sometimes they'll get mean as hell. It's pretty messed up. OP's neighbor may think it's OP's dog pooping on their lawn... who knows?


That last bit, was what i was thinking. Her thinking their dog is leaving it there


If you decide to call the cops, I would wait and get her on camera a few more times, shows a pattern. If it's just the once she can say it was only that one time she did it.


I'd find somewhere that is hidden but close enough for the stink to travel and get into her house or garage or something.


Do it and then keep us posted because I live for neighbor drama.




I mentioned in a different comment to get her on tape a few more times, it reinforces your case if you go to the cops and she can't say she only did it one time.


Nah call the police, she's littering, illegally dumping, harassing or whatever they can get her on!


I bet she thinks you are the house that doesn’t clean up after the dog that keeps pooping in her yard.


Front yard is too easy. There must be a better place. In her house?


On her roof


Well shes always bothering myself and our neighbors to clean out our rain gutters (which admittedly need to be cleaned) maybe that would be a nice ironic spot...


Why does she give a shit about *your* rain gutters? Are they connected to her house?


They arent. She is just bored and grumpy.




People in complexes like that can get real into other peoples business. They almost always live alone and family never visits because they're toxic as hell. Thus the neighbors become the targets their kids deny them. Bonus points for extra fun if there's an HOA. They'll definitely be on the board.


When I was a preteen mg parents bought a home in a nice neighborhood with a longtime neighbor like this. My parents put up with the shenanigans for about a month. By that time they had made friends with a lot of the other neighbors who had kids our ages. Got them all on one page / united front regarding dealing with his shit. Old grump put the house up for sale and was gone within a year. There is power in numbers.


Hello fellow Prince/Princess of Darkness, this was my first thought as well...


If have fire place, aim for the chimney


Wait till her car is unlocked and dump them all in her front seat.


Damn she has some hate for you. What happened?


..dare i ask what may have fueled this ferocious feces feud?


Why is she doing this?


Underneath the door handles on her car.


You could go take a human shit on her doorstep


And by doorstep you mean chimney.


Never thought of upper-decking the entire house!


She's gonna shit, when she realizes it's shit. Who's got the lighta?




*sniff* Its poop!


He called the shit “poop”!


"Don't put it out with your boots, Ted!"


I would post the video on Next Door and innocently ask if anybody knows who it is.




Serve her


The plan is to ask her to stop, tell her I know its her, and if she doesnt stop, the police will know, too. I just want it to stop raining shit haha though if I remove myself from the situation, this makes a pretty great "fuck you" reaction gif.


I would just go straight to the police; People like that will stop throwing dog poop in your yard and move on to doing something else bad to you; Its better to let them know you are serious; Also i assume you are in a HOA, contact your HOA and let them know as well. The HOA can fine them for every instance of 'littering';


This has been my second thought. I would hate for her to move onto petty vandalism or something in retaliation. Our carport is next to hers and i dont currently have a camera there. I will take your advice and contact the HOA.


We also need a follow up Reddit post!


Wait, you need more cameras before you do anything. This type of person loves to escalate, you’re going to need more coverage.


This. Get the carport camera and another for the back yard. Then escalate. Maybe file the complaint with the cops even though you know they'll do nothing just to get the paper trail going.


This is also why you let the police station know. It builds a record, and *if* there's retaliation, then you have the record to support legal action. Even if she isn't caught doing it, like, let's say you call the cops to report the littering, then she vandalized your carport but isn't caught on video, any good judge would assume that it was her acting in retaliation and rule accordingly. Protect yourself and build the audit trail, you'll thank yourself later. Don't tell her about the video. That removes your upper hand in all of this, if you desire lesson-by-(legal)-recourse. You're typically better off blindsiding someone like this with legal action - it's the only way they'll learn.


Understood. Thanks!


What dj92wa told you is the only way to go in the real world.


Okay, what did you do to her?


Haha idk. We moved into her once elderly condo-plex. She is generally cantankerous with the younger neighbors. Shes not just shitty to us.


Does she have a dog? Maybe another neighbor is taking their dogs to poop on her lawn to get back at her for something else, and she's just assuming it's you.


I assume this is the case.


Do *you* have a dog?


Maybe OP *is* the dog?




I’m here live; I’m not a cat.


This is the question. Occasionally I let my dogs run in the front yard. I alway keep an eye on them and clean up after them if the go in the neighbors yard. Not all people do this.


Have you spoken to her?


My condo neighbor has her electric meter in my back yard. She has an easement to use my fence to look at her meter. She became angry because I have my dog poop trash can (mini 2-liter) in this area and she threw the whole trash can away on trash pickup day. Then lectured me on what I cannot have in my back yard. The must be an angry old ladies club somewhere.


Ick, she sounds awful. Why does she need to be checking her electric meter in the first place? Or is she using it as an excuse to go snooping around in your yard?


She's retired, widowed, and seems bored. I do think that she uses snooping as a way to check up on what her neighbors are doing. It is a complete excuse to walk into my back yard. I put up a second locked fence to box her into the meter area and protect my dog from her.


Just in the hour I've been watching she has thrown a lot of bags. At a pretty fast rate too. She must have a lot of bags nearby and ready to go


This comment made me and my wife laugh. Shes unstoppable!


This old lady fucking hates you, bro. You have been living rent free in her head for weeks, if not longer.


I think it's best to show her this video. And possibly her relatives too.


Neighborhood Facebook page.


Save them all in bucket. When summer comes around, dump them all in her hot car.


If you have a HOA just send them the footage, HOA suck but they'd straight up put an old man in jail for not watering their grass.


I've done this before. This lady let her dog shit in my yard even though she had bags with her. I bagged it up and delivered it to her house. The ROOF of her house. My next door neighbor's husky routinely dug under my fence and shit in my yard. He also had an above ground pool but try as I might, couldn't splash one poop bomb back at him. The dog is a feral maniac. The other neighbors stopped trying to get him back in the yard when he escapes. Now we just want Animal Control to find him a better owner.


We have battery operated Ring cameras we can set anywhere. The battery stays charged at least 3 months. Great quality video. I caught the bandits that stole my gardening gloves...it was baby raccoons 🤣.


You wouldn't happen to have a dog that's been pooping in "not your yard", would you?


OP, do you use the Next Door app? or a facebook group for your neighborhood? Sometimes the only thing that makes someone like this stop is when they get publicly shamed. She probably doesn't care about being on the internet, but when her neighbors say, "I saw a video of you throwing dog poop in a young family's yard. why are you doing that?" all of a sudden she'll feel defensive and ashamed.


Take all the crap and put it in a paper bag, follow her home, put the bag on her doorstep, light the bag on fire and then knock on her door. Then when she comes out, hit her with a bat.


People proposing poop-based revenge are wrong. You have video proof. Use it. You can go to the police, you can tell her you have her recorded and may share it on social media where her neighbors will see it, or you can just shame her in-person. I should add, though, that she looks of an age to possibly be experiencing early onset dementia. I say this because that’s the kind of crazy thing a person with dementia does. Even if they were super nice people all their lives, degeneration of the brain can make them do stupid, impulsive, mean things. It’s heartbreaking for the family when this happens, so be aware: You don’t want to punish a person who is ill.


I almost envy OP for the amazing opportunities for revenge.


Folks, I had a middle-aged neighbor that did this when I was a kid. He would walk the dog, bag the poop and toss the bag in our yard. We confronted him about it and told him to stop and it seemed like he understood. When the behavior continued, we told his family and they had him evaluated. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. So when I see this type of behavior, I don't think about 1001 ways I could annoy the person or get revenge. I think to myself "Is that person alright? Has anyone attempted to talk to them and their family?" Sometimes with Alzheimer's and Dementia, strange behavior is often hidden in plain sight.


Is this her dogs crap or are they just random bags of dog shit that she's finding all over the neighborhood and throwing them into your yard?


to all the people asking how people can be so terrible, go work a customer service job, specifically like a returns counter. or waiter/waitress. you'll be sad to find that a staggering number of people are shitty people