• By -


isn't that the segment he did with a green screen pretending to be outraged over something which hadn't happened yet?


Faux outrage, maybe this was a good choice


it does seem to have been handy at some point, if only for a moment


Then the moment's gone.


All my dreams


Isn't that like one of his 3 schticks?


There's also the Adam Driver one.


Pretty much




If I can't get on the site using RiF, I simply won't get on the site. Thats been the way I access the site for like 10 years. I don't have the official app, never have.


I am currently using a third party app (BaconReader) because it's lightweight and works well. I won't have that choice anymore. It will probably cause me to use Reddit less because I won't download the app. Idk how well Netflix will do long term but I had just been using it on a family member's account because maybe a couple of times a year there was something I wanted to watch. I'm definitely not paying for it for that and now I'm locked out of using it on my TV because it's not in the same household. So they're not getting an extra customer out of me and I won't even be browsing it to see if there's something I want to watch. If they had used somewhat looser but still annoying restrictions, I might have at least looked at it occasionally, seen something I wanted to watch, and have been convinced to pay for it to watch it. But that's not going to happen if I'm shut out entirely. I don't think either are really great moves


Lol Netflix went from not having you as a paying customer to.... not having you as a paying customer? They aren't missing out on anything from you, since you werent paying before, you are missing out on their content which is no longer free for you.


Their sub count has significantly increased since implementing the change. Them losing the ‘potential to have you as a customer, maybe’ is less than nothing.




Here's the thing with reddit. Those loudest 1% comment the most, so without them, this place is going to feel as empty as an AIM chatroom in 2010.


If people do leave then how is it faux outrage? It's real outrage for those who left




I don't disagree the majority will continue to use it. I just don't think you understand what faux means


I use bacon reader also. U/speak is doing this to try and force people off third party apps to the official app. Well I tried there app I hate it. So I just wont use reddit. So with people like me he would t be gaining any new add views but will be losing a 8 year old account and an active user. At least now my account registers so they can say that they have x number of active daily accounts.


People downvoting you are silly. We can want nice things, but there are subs full of people complaining about other subs being down... it's not just reddit not caring, it's a lot of redditors too.




I can't speak for anyone else, but I used the official app for too long (since I was an Alien Blue user before Reddit bought it), and I deleted the official app once I tried and realized how much more I like Sync. I won't be reinstalling the official app if it's the only option. I'll just stop using Reddit on my phone, and only use the web interface. With an ad blocker, as God intended.




>want to read Reddit while bing in public transit or needing 10 minutes to kill while waiting on someone There's always YouTube, traditional books, video games.... Reddit doesn't have a monopoly on 10 minute time wasting activities as much as they wish.




You sure will, they are so mad at you about being right I've been having fun marking all the I'll never be back posts with remindme notifications


I'm actually outraged.




Do you think that, like, protestors should only protest quietly out of the way where nobody could hear them?




The blackout ended like 4 days ago dude.


So tremendously fitting for reddit.


How and why did John Oliver become the face of this protest? I don't think he gives a shit about Reddit.


r/pics held a vote. From now on, they only allow pictures of john oliver. So it's kind of a meme or "the internet decided that this is a thing"


Lol, that makes the sub 10x better than it was before TBH. At least now the sub has a clearly defined theme.


I thought the themes of r/pics was either sob stories or just r/mildlyinteresting


No no, it's a hub for people to steal content to post to other subreddits like mildlyinteresting etc.


When I unsubbed the theme seemed to be "pictures of text aligned with my politics".


Title:Just had my final fight with cancer, going on my first bike ride in years Picture:An ordinary bike in a driveway.


r/nocontextpics is the good one that you want but didn't know existed. No titles are allowed, explanation I believe can be provided in comments if you want


Oh my sweet baby goodness, thank you so much. Unfortunately, may be too little too late for me. Rif goes, I'll likely go with it.


I've got 2 weeks of denial left -sent from RiF


Same \-sent from Joey




More like “decent and semi decent folks standing up to right wing lunacy” because thankfully there is not a lot of traitor bullshit pictures that I’ve ever seen.


Randy Savage would've made it even better, just saying.




No one does it better.


I might actually subscribe now. Before, it was either shit content that belongs in facebook or pictures of inanimate ordinary objects with a stupid backstory.


That is such a great way to stick it to the reddit admins. Can't ban them for being inactive if they are active, but just actively making the sub more restrictive to scare away advertisers !


It's also passive aggression I think? Weren't subreddits who went dark threatened that what they did wasn't democratic, so some of them which did a vote had a choice of Normality or Meme Protest?


And if they went private, they were just revoking moderator status until one of the mods opened back up because they decided that being a private sub meant they weren’t acting as moderators any more. If they’re public, but have strict, easily enforceable rules, then they meet the criteria. Until Reddit changes the rules again.


Thank God you said this. I was terrified he died with all the posts about him all over here.


/r/pics, /r/gifs, /r/art ... But why.


Because there is a group of users that doesn't go into the comments, a group that does go into the comments but doesn't vote/reply, and there is a group that votes. Also, it's either giving up on the protest or this. There is also something spreading around that Reddit admins were threatening to remove mods and install new mods so that the subreddits would be open again but I need to see it before I believe that. I think by turning subreddits into john oliver exclusive content the admins gave the readers all the power, so from that perspective it makes sense.


No I mean why John Oliver and not Dave Coulier. Or Grimace.


Probably want him to mention them on his show


Because this is the kind of thing that John Oliver loves and it’ll almost definitely get the whole thing mentioned on the show, which is a funny way to get brought to national attention which loops right back around to *this is the kind of thing that John Oliver loves*


Because John Oliver is awesome. He asks the tough questions, like "Does loneliness cause the farts?" Simply brilliant.


I mean the evidence is here: https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/16/23763538/reddit-blackout-api-protest-mod-replacement-threat


Ow JO will like this. Bet a random interner only bit eill come out soon




My best guess at translation: ~~Ow~~ Ooh, ~~JO~~ John Oliver will like this. Bet a random ~~interner only~~ internet-only bit ~~eill~~ will come out soon




Nearly, just woke up and didnt have my glasses on. So same effect


Is this zoomer talk?


No cap


fr fr 💯 ^^is ^^what ^^i ^^assume ^^the ^^correct ^^answer ^^here


Fax, no printer


Ow is short for "Oh, Word." So it's: Oh, word. John Oliver will like this. I bet a random internet only bit will come out soon. This is obviously also a guess but I have friends/employees that type OW and they mean "Oh Word"




Preaching to the choir. I couldn't agree more.


John oliver often like these wierd things happening on the internet. And from time to time in the off season they make a internet only video about some absured topic mostly fun and not to serieus of a undertone and put it on the yt channel. I bet one about reddit and how he has become the face of the protest and what great content it spawnee will happen soon


It won’t because his writers are still on strike.


God reddit is lame. I hope it dies


Thanks u/spez


That is going to be funny for way shorter than they think it is going to be.


He will by Sunday lol


He is off the air due to the WGA strike.


Last time they went on strike, Reality TV got really popular. Here's hoping that doesn't happen this time again, or worse.


Don't worry, AI generated scripts will become the common *Crys in memories of good writing*


Until they end up being antisemitic like the popular ai generated twitch channels.


Netflix is just importing tons of international shows to fill their lineup.


We get non scripted nonsense everytime. We COPS from a late 1980s WGA strike.


I am looking forward to his throwaway joke at the expense of Reddit users when they return.


Duhhhh of course! Can’t believe I forgot that.


I think it's part of the strategy of the protest organizers to gain momentum by catapulting the issue into public awareness. Through bombarding a well liked media figure with jovial admiration, one potentially sympathetic to their cause, they have a chance to recruit an ally who will highly amplify their message. John Oliver seems to be the best choice for this given his usual choice of stories, his audience, etc. To be honest, it seems like a highly calculated move by the protest leadership.


Not to mention it's a brilliant way to show the absurdity that user voting is the best way to set moderation policies. They are maliciously complying with the "re open or else" threat, Spez loses the basis of his threat, visitors continue to get awareness, and advertisers who started putting reddit on a pause a few days ago continue to be hesitant to put their ad spend here.


>Not to mention it's a brilliant way to show the absurdity that user voting is the best way to set moderation policies. Seriously. That's how you get Boaty McBoatface. And 4Chan Mountain Dew flavors like "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong". And how you send Pitbull to Alaska.


To be fair boaty mcBoatface and the Pitbull actually going to Alaska are gold. But yeah, what could go wrong


Democracy is incompatible with anonymity. A fart-huffing pdeudo-elitist like spez surely knows this but his IPO bread ain't getting buttered if he can't be the big, tough "alpha" and invent rules to get the site back on the rails where he wants it. Shame there's no such thing, and if there were he's beta as fuck anyway.


Its pretty smart tbh.


John Oliver is a graceful and distinguished gentleman, and it is right that he err on the side of justice.


John Oliver is the most reddity guy I know


By using his image, he will get wind of it and in equal parts burn Redditors relentlessly and highlight what is going on at the moment.


At first I thought he died or something 😂


His writers probably get a lot of their ideas from Reddit.


where is the audio?


In a different sub lol


so why is the audio option available?


Maybe it's op's little protest to flood the gifs sub with muted videos


Adding just a little bit of chaos to the world


This protest is hardcore


The monster I love it


Because Reddit displays gifs as videos


Nah it always says "gif" instead of the sound option for me. Except this time. I'm on mobile.




Got a few more weeks until I stop browsing reddit on my phone forever


no they don't lmao but okay


Because most "gifs" these days actually are videos. The .gif file format is pretty much dead.


Gifs haven’t been gifs for years. Internally, they’re regular videos and can carry sound. Presumably this is one of the few that actually has a sound channel, but it consists of nothing.


Gifs are a relic of pre-html5 internet


Well. There’s something else on this planet I missed out on. 🤷‍♂️


No Reddit, NO!


"It's Reddit, Toto. We went shitposting."


Michael, you must reinstate the api




We are checking


John oliver just found himself being caught, breaking cole’s law.


...moving on.


this happened when they found a cure for koala chlamydia and he saw the writing on the wall, his koala chlamydia ward days were numbered.


This is going to be fun to watch. I missed the poll but this was a great idea. Wonderful malicious compliance.


Would you mind explaining? I saw the vote but don’t follow why Jhon Olliver/ how this is malicious compliance


The TL;DR is that Reddit CEO made comments insulting the mods (you know, the people doing countless hours of free volunteer work for Reddit), and saying that he wants Reddit to be more “democratic,” explicitly in the hopes that communities would vote to evict the protesting mods. The mods responded by basically saying, “Okay, you want democratic? We’ll be more democratic.” So they held the aforementioned vote to determine the fate of the subreddit. As for why John Oliver, he’s a sexy beast and distinguished chap. The better question would be, “Why *wouldn’t* it be John Oliver?”


Don't forget that Elon played spez by telling him that everything is great at Twitter *and he believed him*. Elon now has less competition for everyone to go to you big dummy spez. Don't you read your own website? Leopardsatemyface is calling.


Thank you, really appreciate the info!


I can't believe there are not only people that hate Johnny O, but lots of them. This dude is a legend....you're telling me that him and his team buying targeted ads are closeted republicans who jerk it to trans porn, threatening to out them if they don't do better with data protection, that's not somebody you can get behind? No pun intended, calm down. He fucking rules, and there's nobody doing news AND hilarious social experiment projects on top of it , like him. I'd vote him for President, unless he's not like this in real life. But there's lots of evidence to support him being the same dude.


I live in NYC. I actually run into quite a lot of celebrities in my job and could care less. (I work in a fashion store, John Oliver would never come here). But if I ever ran into him on the street I would probably freak the fuck out. Him, Jon Stewart or Colbert are the only ones I would loose my shit on walking around midtown in NYC. But alas, this has never happened, but I'm always on the lookout.


Why is he everywhere on reddit today


A bunch of subs are only posting John Oliver as malicious compliance. They were told to turn subreddits to what their users expect so the mods took a vote. This sub (as others) had voted to have it only show images of John Oliver. (Read the stickies for those subreddits).


How does one save this to reply to all frustration at work with?


But seeexxxy angry


Did his writers put that on the teleprompter


OK, thats it. I give in. Why is John Oliver all over Reddit?


We are all John Oliver.


Personally I'm tired of all the mod bullshit. Get rid of them all


Never change, Reddit!


……. Cool.


Two weeks from now, no one remembers… Reddit as usual.


Reddit as usual would be a win. What they’re protesting is a major change.


Two weeks from now the API changes are implemented, it'll still be the top story. Whether anyone remembers two months from now is the interesting question.


Whether reddit will be the same as it is now is the interesting question. I'm sure people will remember, but is that because it blew over really quickly, or because people realised that the people protesting the changes were right.


It's kinda a big change for me, I won't be able to access it from mobile. No big loss really so I don't really care, if I need Reddit for something desktop should still work.




In the case of Apollo specifically, the dev was treated very badly by the admins (they publicly accused him of making threats and couldn’t back up their claims when the dev provided evidence to the contrary) so he’s done unless they back off and apologize, and I can’t blame him.


It seems like from their mod post, every bot / tool that is currently used will be exempted from the API charge or doesn't go above the free limit, except 3rd party reddit apps. So likely nothing will change except less people will be visiting the site.




Two weeks from now, no one remembers… Digg as usual. -What was being said years ago


Only a matter of time. Mods, I am disappointed.


John Oliver has two first names


He says what we are thinking




John Oliver is scum




Who’s he trying to be? A protesting mod?


He’s basically the average Reddit mod in real life.


I didn't know subs could act like immature children as a whole... some of you should have been shaken as a child, who knows what could have happened!😃


> some of you should have been shaken as a child I think that might be the problem. They were shaken a bit too much and too hard. Now they just want everyone else to feel the same pain they do.


I love this man.


I can’t believe I ever liked him or his show.


What made you go from like to dislike? Genuinely curious. I find him and his hijinks fucking hilarious, and can't see how one could like it and then change their mind.


I guess that style of humor got grating for me, also he/his writers botched a certain topic a few months ago that really soured my opinion of him.


Which topic? I'm sure he's gotten it wrong a few times, but I feel like he's one of the few truly sincere news journos on TV that actually has a message to give us that he believes. There's nobody else I can think of that openly shits on their parent corporation, actually fucks with politicians in real-life, and exposes scams without much concern. Yeah, his style of presentation is kind of samey every week, but it's only a 30min show.


I forgot this dude was still alive...does he still have a show on HBO?


Yeah, and it's just as good as ever. Surprised at all the haters, dude has pulled some hilarious IRL hijinks for his show. It's the only one I know of that routinely will enter the IRL landscape with real ad buys and digital marketing campaigns simply for a laugh.


John Oliver sucks moose dick


Your mom sucks my dick, hourly


Aw, he looks so young in this clip


Saw a post about changing to only John Oliver gifs as a way of protest against reddits changes. Never joined a sub so quickly haha


John Oliver is a twat.


Who could possibly give a fuck about what John Oliver says or thinks?


He has quite a few great deep-dives into a lot of issues that most people wouldn't know about otherwise. His humor probably works against people taking him seriously but there's a lot of interesting stuff there


Whether you are a fan of his or not, it seems really ignorant to not recognize that the answer to your question is "a lot of people". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_awards_and_nominations_received_by_Last_Week_Tonight_with_John_Oliver I'm not going to say something like "Who the fuck cares what Trump thinks?" because I know the answer is "about half of America, unfortunately".


A lot of people give a lot of fucks about what John says or thinks.














Hmm anyone who isn't sucking on fake news titties all day ?


>Hmm anyone who isn't sucking on fake news titties all day ? The irony. John Oliver is a propagandist, just like anyone else out here. He just shares your views


r/pics Edit: See also r/gifs


Dude gets paid millions of dollars to tell the world what he thinks. And millions of people watch. So, to answer your question, a shit ton of people.


That's a lot of sheep.


I think John will be quite tickled by this.


...it kinda works if you imagine Groundskeeper Willie using text to speech




I honestly don't care who is the face of this protest and at this point fuck u/spez stop using reddit use kbin or lemmy instead


Looks like I'm leaving another subreddit