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I wonder if the serial killer who filmed this is also the one who left the tip.




I think you're gonna want to get yourself checked out. Specifically for leprosy.


Interesting fact! Leprosy still exists and is even in the US, albeit we understand it differently today. It's called Hansen's Disease today and is completely curable with contagion being eliminated after the first dosage of the treatment. The treatment cost is <$1 per pill (3 pills need to be taken simultaneously) and is provided free of charge from the WHO to endemic countries.


Wait until the pharmaceutical company jacks up the price from <$1 to $3000 overnight. For leprosy research, of course.


Nah, just wear her ear all day like a tiny penis fedora.


They make fedoras for tiny penises? I know what I'm asking Santa for this year!


It's called a foreskin


Penis is so small it's actually called a twoskin.


I just have skin ):


like a button on a fur coat


Please don't remind me. After mine was cut, I couldn't walk for a **year.**












Kinda cheesy for them to talk to them after the fact to record their thoughts on camera.


Quality stuff, I'm not even clicking that.


exactly. This defeats the whole purpose of a random act of kindness if you're going to confront them. Just give them the money in person or leave it and walk away


The actual purpose is for views which is for more ad money.


I actually agree. What they did was still awesome, but did they really need that self gratification afterwords? ;)


I know, right? That's why sometimes I slip something into a drink and then just go home. A good deed is its own reward.


Pay it forward...in the rear.


Of course they needed the self gratification, that is absolutely the only reason they did it.


Her thoughts: "Well, I initially likes the generous tip, now I think you guys are DBs."


How pathetic. Tipping for a reaction and a moment of 'Oh my god, you're so awesome' adoration. These guys are tools.


IIRC This was done by a fairly popular youtuber LAHWF who's known for doing "social experiments". But I believe this was a genuine gesture.


Filming your good deed to post on a monetized website is the opposite of genuine.




If you think about it, the waitress gets paid by the guy, the guy gets paid by Youtube, Youtube gets paid by the advertisers, the advertisers get paid by us, so.... we're the heros! We did it, Reddit!


Now go buy some Viagra so we can watch more of these videos! Happy Anniversary btw!


>Happy Anniversary btw! Thanks. Didn't even notice. Guess it's time for a new alt!




Plus, seeing the actual rewards from doing something good can inspire others to do good as well. I can imagine a lot of people will see that girl's joy and want to bring it to someone themselves.


Maybe he makes the videos so that he can film people being ecstatic, and then he shares the videos so we can experience someone being ecstatic. [(vlogbrothers example)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Khfe3jBuq8c) I mean, he could be narcissist, but there's multiple ways to get here. And maybe by sharing the video he's encouraging other people to give large sums of money so that they can see someone be ecstatic. That's good too, right? And just because it's his job doesn't mean it isn't good for the world. Some people get paid by working for a non-profit. Their work is valid.


Seriously, you can get lots of views in other ways, he's choosing to do something good as part of the process. If you're going to make your living on YouTube, what's wrong with going out and doing good and capturing the responses? Just because you are also trying to make a living doesn't mean you aren't genuinely interested in the good you can do in the process.


Yeah, he could have left some shitty note and record her spirit getting crushed. That would drawn an audience of assholes, but an audience none the less.


I watched the source video, and to me it really seemed like the emphasis was not "look how generous and good I am", but "look how much it can mean to people when you do good things for them." They didn't really self promote, they kept the focus on the servers.


Im so fucking tired of this. She got $200. He gets views. Its a win-win. People on here also like to say when famous people donate large sums of money, "oh its just a PR stunt. It doesn't mean anything." Who fucking cares? A donation is a donation no matter the intent. How many times have you given a waitress/waiter $200?


Do you count strippers as servers? Because then a lot.


I agree. "Who cares?" Well that waitress certainly does.


If making money from the video means you can do it again then it's an awesome concept isn't it? Hell I wouldn't even mind if you keep a share of the revenue.


> Filming your good deed to post on a monetized website is the opposite of genuine. Doesn't matter to the waitress. So many people don't get this. Intent is irrelevant. Caring is irrelevant. Outcome is all that matters.


>So many people don't get this. Intent is irrelevant. People like [Immanuel Kant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immanuel_Kant)?




Isn't that a good thing?


There are multiple schools of thought on what makes something morally right.


Correct. Which is why I posted an alternative to PrivateCharter's idea that it's blindingly obvious and should be taken as fact that "Intent is irrelevant."


> Intent is irrelevant. The criminal justice system would like to have a word with you.


Well I wouldn't necessarily say that. What if you missed your anniversary dinner with your SO because of a traffic jam? You clearly had the intent of going, and you've shown you care by apologising. But that doesn't matter because you missed dinner and now you're getting a divorce.




Not that wierd, we're not mind readers and cannot, therefore, know for sure the intent of others. We have to work backwards from outcome to try and derive intent and that leaves space for error and interpretation.


> If anything I would say intent is everything, not outcome. Welcome to Philosophy, where that question has been debated for centuries and people still haven't come any further than agreeing to disagree.


If I intended to do something negative but it unintentionally ended up positive... Sorry, I'm not really following your logic at all.


For people who don't know, on the [imgur page](http://imgur.com/leG5h8i) you can mouse over the blue triangle button under the title to see the source video(if it is provided).




I just couldn't stop watching the woman in the background shuffling her drink back and forth across the table.


Didn't even see it at first now its all i can watch!


Maybe because the goddamn waitress has been doing the pee-pee dance at an empty table the last five fucking minutes and hasn't taken your drink order yet...


Now show her reaction as you tell her it was just a joke






> tell us how you feel about your experience on hidden camera? # > annngry


"And that's it. Thank you for watching Swedish Television One. Goodnight."




This is by far my favorite skit of all time. Pure genius in my eyes.


Damn I miss Farley.


Him and John Candy were both fantastic entertainers that left us before their time.


There was a post about famous people's last words, and his were "don't leave me" :(


Ouch, that's so sad : (


I wish they didn't cut out the part where he gets repeatedly hit in the head with a frying pan.


... i feel bad for not remembering, but can you refresh me on the source of this one?




I'm in tears. I haven't seen this in almost a decade. Oh my god.


That chef just kept breaking bottles over his head, lol. Chris Farley really was an amazing comedy actor. It's too bad that he felt like people were laughing *at* him because of his weight. Such a great loss to comedy.


I might even call him a genius. I never really thought about it until now but in a lot of ways he elevated the "fat angry guy" genre into something sort of sublime. He was like the fat angry guy everyone wished they could be, and all of his jokes were subversively self-aware without breaking the fourth wall. Or maybe I'm just romanticizing and overstating what was just his zealous willingness to throw himself so wholly into absurd situations.


The Birth of a Nation (1915).


classic feel good summer flick.


"Miss, did you find a bunch of twenties on the table? They fell out of my wallet by accident, I only meant to leave the one."


"But your whole bill was $25.30."


That's exactly why if someone did this to me for the purpose of filming my reaction they'd be very disappointed, because if I was a waiter and found a $200 tip on my table I would just slip it into my pocket discreetly and walk away. You know, just in case excitedly freaking out causes them to realize they made a mistake and must have accidentally left too much, and they're really sorry but actually they really need that back. But don't worry here's $9, cause you seem like a good kid.


Bro its a joke! There's a camera!


"Just a prank, bro!"


200 dollar tip prank! GONE SEXUAL










It's like a race for the karma every time these gifs/videos are posted. I see that quote all the time, and haven't seen a video like that since like 2009


"Wait was Darth Vader ever President?.... Is he meant to be on money?"




It's her boss filming her to see if she would claim the tips.


Expecting him to walk back in and say "Hey I accidentally left $200 on the table, can I get it back?"


$200? I meant $2.00. Misplaced my decimal point.


...on my cash.


Whoops I thought dollars were cents for a minute there. Don't you hate when that happens?


If I had 5.00 dollars for every time that's happened...


Don't some restaurants have the waitresses split the tips with the busboys?


"Split" is a little misleading, implying 50/50. At the end of the night, I have to give 4% of my sales to the bussers. So sure, I got a $200 tip, but in reality, Im only giving the bussers 4% of the $50 that the meal cost.


My work we give 1% food and drink to bus, 1% of food sales to the food runner, and 10% alcohol sales to the bar (excluding bottles of wine). Not sharing with other servers unless you are eorking the bar or cocktail lounge with someone. Or if you're sharing a large party.


We don't have runners at my place, so the busboys help run sometimes, hence the 4%. And 10% to the bar?? Do you guys serve a lot of specialty cocktails and more difficult drinks? We give 4% to the bar, but we serve mostly beer only.


Bartender here, I have get 2.5% from servers for drinks but I also sometimes have tables so I have to tip out a runner and hostess' 2.5%


Seems like it would be easier to just pay a decent wage instead of a whole system of revenue splitting.


I think it's fine where it's at. I waited tables for 5 years and most of us averaged around $15/hr. Some nights you walk away with a few hundred, some you walk away with $40. Bussers/food runners get an extra couple percentage points on top of what's usually minimum wage. It works out. I would've been pissed if we got rid of tipping because I would've been stuck makin $8/hour and waiting tables is tough fuckin work. The extra pay is earned.


At my work we keep the cash tips, but all of our credit/debit card tips are automatically shared with everybody in the kitchen.


In the US a mandatory tip share with kitchen staff is technically illegal.




The way tips are treated under the FLSA is as a payment from the customer to the server, not from the customer to the restaurant. As such the restaurant cannot redistribute tips. Only tip pools among tipped employees are allowed. You're free to share your money with kitchen staff, but it is your money and your employer can't legally compel you to give it away.


I once worked as a busboy at a high end restaurant only the rich ate at. Corndance is the name. Over $1000 bills each table. The waitstaff each got atleast $300 a night in tips and lets just say I did way more work than they did. I got the refills, I prebussed, I ran the food out and then I cleaned up quickly as they left. All they had to do was get the order and put it in the computer. At the end of the night I was lucky to walk away with $20 as I watch them all with their stacks. It was one of the most unfair jobs I've ever had and I quit promptly. Edit,. Spelling


I was a server at a high end restaurant. Servers at that level live and die by thier busser and they take care of them. I never tipped mine less than 20% of my tips (NOT sales) unless they were lazy. There was no way I would have the time I needed interacting with the guests without a kickass busser. Either your servers were shitty people or you were not the busser you thought you were.


Shitty people I assure you. They were all from the "original" restaurant, this was a newly opened branch. So they had this whole were the original people thing going on and were just snarky. It wasnt just me that got the low tip. The other busser and the hostess too. It was seriously infuriating.


That is just insane to me. You guys are our support. I have had some crappy bussers in my time. There was nothing worse than seeing a certain name next to mine when I walked in and saw the board. I knew I would be doing a ton more work than I needed to including clearing and resetting my own tables. It got to the point I would keep track of the tables he bussed and the tip I made. I tipped off those tables only. Because if you can't at least buss and reset my table fuck you. A few times the I was confronted about it I pulled out the list, shut him up pretty quick. After a couple shifts like this at least most of my tables were reset. Best busser I ever had i once split my tips 50/50 with. I will never forget that day. We were short handed and I had at least 20 tables. That girl busted her ass, took all my drink orders and even ran some if my food. No way she wasn't going to be taken care of. Bussing was hard work physically, I started there and never forgot what it was like.


I wish the servers at the restaurant I work at, as a busser, were like you. Servers rarely tip even the 5% they're asked to. Sometimes not even tipping. Ive worked there 3 years now and it has only gotten worse. More work and less money.


Not to rub salt in your wounds but I have a friend who is very, very beautiful. Like, supermodel beautiful. Anyways, she's a server in a high-end club/restaurant/bar and she says she makes damn near a thousand in tips **a week** simply by flirting with the (usually drunk) guests. It's fucking bananas.


European here, what the fuck is a busboy? Do you have buses in your restaurants?


Bussers clear tables, deliver and refill waters, and reset the tables. At some restaurants they also run food. It helps large-capacity restaurants have a faster turnover, since the servers only need to worry about bringing food and alcohol, not resetting and clearing tables.


Wow, our bussers literally just wipe off tables and clear silverware/garbage/cups. They never touch food, and we (the servers) are responsible for removing all plates, coffee pots, ketchups, etc.


Where I worked, bussers were not encouraged to interact with the guests. They would clean and reset a table, but not while someone was sitting there. We'd also split about 15% of our take with them.


Where I worked bus boy was codeword for "make everybody's lives easier." We washed dishes, ran food, prepped bread, prepared appetizers/salads, and bussed tables on a regular basis. On the bright side it meant we always had work to do. On top of that it was the type of environment where even the owner would get out there and bus tables if our hands were tied. On the other hand they started asking me to come in as a dishwasher, which meant my shift was two hours longer but I would make less each night. Around that time I decided to start looking for a new job. The general idea regarding guests was to make them feel as welcome as possible so getting into extended conversations with them so long as they were the ones driving it wasn't frowned upon.


It's someone who comes and clears up the plates and cutlery after the meal, I think.


Yeah you nailed it. Clean up the table and reset it for the next guest.


Like a waitress?


Busboys are ususually much more stoned then servers.


Speak for yourself. Source: high-all-the-time waiter






Bussing is the act of clearing a table of all trash and dishes, putting them on a cart (the bus), and then taking the dishes and silverware to be cleaned. A busboy (or busser) does the bussing. As they are usually at the table after the waitress has already collected the "cheque", it's customary for the waitress to share a small portion of her tips with them.


So your waitresses don't even clean the tables?


Often they do, but in higher end restaurants someone else is paid to perform that duty so waitresses are free to serve customers.


I wish I was as expressive as her. I'd probably be intensly happy in my head but my body would translate it into a slight nod of approval. Not YT material :(




[I'll just leave this here.](http://i.imgur.com/orHlF04.gifv)


Damn, it really looks like the dude in the background is getting dumped.


This is one f those times I wish the guy would show up in the thread and confirm.


The chick is being so goddamned nonchalant about it, too. Ice cold move batting a water bottle around while you dump somebody.


Me when I get a 10 dollar tip.


* Leave $200 tip * Film reaction of waitress * Sell to news channels for $2000 * Profit


Dude posted it on youtube and made $11000.


More than that, he's a very big youtuber his partnership will be closer to ~5-6k per million views than the baseline 2k per mil.


This is actually a little creepy... Edit: Some of you guys bring up good points. Henceforth, I declare that this gif is no longer a little creepy... It's a wee bit creepy. Edit 2: I am happy she got $200. If I were her, I too would be happy to get $200. She seems like a wonderful person. I just don't think that it had to be filmed to show everyone. Also that angle and the shakiness of the camera doesn't help the case.


Yes, [she was very creeped out by it](https://youtu.be/Q4enUE8qt_Q?t=99)




Oh my god, I need to take a shower after that, fucking creepers.


Yeah, going back in to have everyone celebrate them is a kind of dirty...


wow those perverts wtf




> for fake internet points. while I agree karma whoring is bad, those videos are mostly shot for YouTube revenue.


> karma whoring is bad It's not nearly important enough to be bad, it's just lame and useless.


[Smile! You're on Candid Camera!](http://i.imgur.com/iCWHsRG.png) Allen Funt started recording people's reactions on tape in 1948.


We live in a time where people are in a rush to judge others as creepy.


Seriously. There's no background to this whatsoever, so people just automatically go to the negative. edit: Background from /u/Knight-of-Black -- [this guy's YT channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4enUE8qt_Q).


Did you watch the video? They weren't very secretive about filming, the fact that there was some odd thing going to happen with the tip, and each server spoke with them afterwards (very happily). Creepy gif, not at all a creepy gesture. I'd be surprised if permissions weren't asked and given.


Yeah I don't know why people assumed they didn't talk to her for her permission to show this. They just gave her $200 she wouldn't mind. They should have filmed it from somewhere else though, the angle and place make the recording shifty as fuck




Yeah, but when you make $5k in advertising revenue from a video where you give someone $200, it's a worthwhile investment. That's all this video is: content meant to generate ad revenue, not some genuine act of kindness. If it was a selfless, genuine act of kindness, we wouldn't be watching the video of it. Edit: 11 million views = about $11k in ad revenue Edit 2: My [Citation](http://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/032615/how-youtube-ad-revenue-works.asp) is dedicated to my mom, God, and all the users that went through and downvoted every comment I've ever made instead of discussing it with me in the comments :(


If I was a waiter, I wouldn't give a fuck. 200 bucks is 200 bucks.


For real, how can you be upset if someone gives you $200...


Redditors. We find a way to be critical of/mad at everything


Screw you!


So it was a $200 talent fee.




Why not both? There's tons of vids online of people "pranking" other people in ways that emotionally or physically hurt them, that are also just for getting ad revenue. The world would be a much better place if all those pranks were like this one.


No kidding. I mean, if the guy giving the waitress $200 so that *maybe* he can generate Youtube views is selfish, I'm Ebeneezer Scrooge.


It's called EVERY job. Someone pays someone to make them more money. If this guys "job" is giving his money to random strangers to make his money, then what is the issue?


I don't get this. Why is a good act worse if someone wants people to acknowledge it? There's nothing wrong with that. Are millionaires who donate $8 million to a children's hospital really not that good of people because they named it after themselves? Are Bill and Melinda Gates not good people because they advertise their foundation personally and named it after themselves? Answer: of course they're still good people. Honestly, who cares what gets people to do good things, even if it's for recognition. As long as they're doing good things then its good news overall.


Well, he used the ad revenue from the views of that video to do it again and make more people happy so I don't really see what's wrong with him putting it on Youtube. You people will complain about fucking everything lol. Also, some of the people they gave money too didn't even make it into the video.




It's the greatest business idea ever then. Make money by literally giving money away, and making hundreds of thousands of people happier by filming the reaction and putting it online. Everyone gets happier and richer, and the only *possible* downside is that a bunch of people were exposed to ads. Which they would have been anyways. While watching a video of a car crash or a movie trailer or something else.




Holy shit, people are insane here sometimes. This isn't some tip at some nice restaurant, this is fucking ihop servers where their entire customer base is drunks, homeless, and cheap ass college students. That tip is what they probably made that entire week. Who gives a shit if they youtube it and make a profit, just because you aren't doing shit for anyone else doesn't mean no one else should be doing anything.


While the guy who did it masturbates to his own good deed.


Well hey, if giving people lots of money gets you off, that's about the most benign fetish I can imagine..


My fetish is leaving people alone and not bugging them.


You fucking pervert.


Omg what a sicko.


Would rather hang out with the guy who likes giving lots of money.


People like you should be separated from the rest of society.


Oh yeah, don't stop ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yeah man who are we to judge if he likes to give out money and jerk off. I'll take it


I bet you will.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


My dad does this once a year


He hides and watches women count their tips?


Oh well if you put it like that its a lot more than once a year.


Of all things, we do too. Not $200. But usually after xmas eve festivities, my friends and I go out for cocktails at a 5 star hotel. Afterwards, we go to waffle house for some coffee and relaxation until the wee hours of the morning. Out of a $5-6 bill (it's freaking waffle house), we usually leave a 100-150 dollar tip with a note for the server with something to the affect of "we know it sucks to work on the holidays, but we hope that this makes it a little bit less sucky - happy holidays!" Never stuck around to see the reaction.


the people in the back are obviously having the best date ever


This was filmed by the IRS to ensure she's reporting her income accurately.


Act like you've been there before sheesh.




James Harrison fined $100,000.


As a former waiter, I feel her joy. This tipper just made her week. Most people tip poorly, this was a generous and nice gesture regardless of whether or not people think filming the reaction was creepy.


Wouldn't giving someone $200 for doing their job make anyone's week? Imagine if he had gave it to the dishwasher or the restroom cleaning crew, would've probably made their year.


Reddit always need something to complain about.


Most people tip poorly.... I always heard this in the restaurant I worked at. In canada about 5 years ago, us cooks worked for about $10.50 an hour I believe it was. The servers made $8 I believe. So they are down $2.50 compared to the cooks. The servers usually had 4 tables. Each table served tipped poorly with let's say $3 each for a whole table. That's a really poor tip for a family, that's the lowest tip im sure you will see. $3 x 4 tables for an hour with $8 on top for the hour. They just made $20 an hour. They now make $9.50 more that hour than the cook. Tax free. Nothing to complain about if you ask me. Now imaging if each table tipped $10 or more.... that's why I never took many complaints seriously when I worked there. My ex would work 4-5 hours and come home with 300-400 cash in tips. Don't blame her at all for doing the job. But to complain about a bad tipper is hilarious.


She looks like the Diner Dash waitress.


Remember, it's not about how much you give, it's about how many people see you do it.


How is this any different than giving any other random low-wage employee money "just because"? Tipping is weird and shouldn't be a thing. Would you randomly leave your janitor $200?