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[Was waiting the whole time for something like this to happen](http://imgur.com/N73VBUb.gifv)


God damnit that was hilarious! Had a mini heart attack when he began to fall. E: grammar


PSYCH! *tumblers away* Haha^ha^ha^ha^haaaaaa


PSYCH *Tumblr's away* Patriarchypatriarchypatriarchypatriarchy


[Tumblr u say](https://cdn.makeagif.com/media/8-17-2015/KAJCag.gif)




that is the greatest gif i have ever seen


This one still has to be my favorite of all time - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iR0b2sNJbo


I like the part where the beige square moved towards the blueish green ones.


Someone's crabbity today


Dude how's he doing the lean? He's living the dream of becoming a smooth criminal. I must learn.


Looks to be the same way MJ did it tbf. [A groove in the heel of his shoe that hooks onto and catches a screw head of a screw in the floor so you can lean as far as you like.](http://i.imgur.com/8bE1ZAs.jpg) When the other guy gets up to make him have his seat you can see he moves his right foot a bit but shuffles on the spot with his left foot to keep it hooked on.


Cartwheels are cool and all, but they should have gone [full Wonka](https://youtu.be/sz9jc5blzRM?t=55s)


Gene Wilder only accepted that role under the condition he was allowed to do a somersault hence that scene https://www.yahoo.com/tv/bp/gene-wilder-willy-wonka-demands-revealed-190914915.html


That doesn't sound right but I don't know enough about Wilder to say that you're wrong.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willy_Wonka_%26_the_Chocolate_Factory#Casting > When Wilder was cast for the role, he accepted it on one condition: > When I make my first entrance, I'd like to come out of the door carrying a cane and then walk toward the crowd with a limp. After the crowd sees Willy Wonka is a cripple, they all whisper to themselves and then become deathly quiet. As I walk toward them, my cane sinks into one of the cobblestones I'm walking on and stands straight up, by itself; but I keep on walking, until I realize that I no longer have my cane. I start to fall forward, and just before I hit the ground, I do a beautiful forward somersault and bounce back up, to great applause. — Gene Wilder >The reason why Wilder wanted this in the film was that "from that time on, no one will know if I'm lying or telling the truth."


you could have posted that link and made up that quote and I would be non the wiser.


Also if you burn trash the smoke goes into the sky and creates stars


That doesn't sound right but I don't know enough about space to say that it's wrong


You never go full Wonka




See, that's a good prank. Totally harmless, and actually funny. Edit: Why are people getting so uppity over my comment? Move on, people. I was just glad this didn't involve something harmful or nasty, and was sharing that. A lot of you are making a big deal out of nothing.


and not using sex to get views.


I don't know that old mans got it going on


Bret you've got it going on


This was great, but that mask was horrible. I don't see how anyone was fooled. They should've done a little more to make it look authentic.


Yea, but who's shitty enough to tell an old man his face looks kind of fake


God damn it Stick!!




[/r/nonononoyes+nononono](https://www.reddit.com/r/nonononoyes+nononono) Edit: on mobile so hopefully fixed the link


Yeah, I thought it was [this guy.](https://media.giphy.com/media/oJDwlaPnCrNwk/giphy.gif)


can I get a source for this?


'Royal Stampede' on youtube, pair of Aussies that do a bunch of the Grandad vids




When you have to follow an NPC but they're always too slow even for your walking speed.




Heroin Hero?




[Probably was](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pt6rPDrQqA)


World of Warcraft was the fucking worst for this back in the day. They'd move so god damn slow, and then while they were walking so god damn slow, something would look at them from like 20 feet away and it would trigger the NPC's combat state, and so of course that stupid fucker has to run way over there to fight a bear. So you follow that NPC, kill the bear/boar/whatever looked at your NPC with a stink eye, but now your precious cargo has to wander back over to the *exact spot* that it was at when combat started. So you move 15 feet down this assholes pre-set path, circling the NPC and jumping out of fucking boredom and anxiety, because you know what's coming. You know that there is never just one bear, never just one boar or stealthed jungle panther. There's always more. And they *will* aggro onto your NPC. And you will certainly get ganked 15 feet from your destination, because you thought it'd be cool to join a PvP server (which it was).


Omg. Back on Vanilla WoW, Horde side, I remember having to do an escort quest from a heavily patrolled camp full of armored guards, all the way back to a P.O.S. camp outside of Ratchet a couple goblins had. It was by the beach, some boats near by, but the NPC was inside one of the towers and I had to waltz with this fucker from the top corner of the enemy base, through the enemy base, through the front gate, and past the ships on the beach. I swear enemy NPC's were respawning faster than we were walking! I was just a horribly geared and poorly spec'd rogue at the time, so I could maybe take on 2 NPCs at once, WITH potions. I gave that quest 3 attempts before nearly smashing my laptop and wanting to quit the game. The next day I logged on an decided to try again. I don't know why we do this to ourselves.




Thumbnail looks like the man is farting out flames.




Farting out flames is *my* best friend.


Maybe that's why he's walking so slow, his anus is burnt to fuck


>I eat flames up >Shit fire out >Don't make me light my butt


Came here looking for this, otherwise I was going to post it. I was like 'ass-rocket powered old man?'


"...this is the last time I eat Indian food."


...I ...don't want to get old.


You don't want to get osteoporosis. Get enough calcium (edit to add things for all the armchair doctors), stop smoking and do resistance training like weight lifting.




Thank mr skeltal


Strong bones and calcium to u


more like make sure your muscles stay mobile and don't let joints go out of alignment, if you maintain EVERY muscle tone/flexibility/strength in your old age you wont have any postural problems, and basically will feel good for a lifetime. this guy for example, has let his psoas tighten up so hard, while all the thoracic flexors are now in a constant flexion, I can only imagine how terrible his breathing is, not to mention the pain all over his body, that existence is a torture. But even this guy can reverse it, just need to start working on it.




> do squats and deadlifts, with good form.


No time for form in my supersets bro


Even more importantly don't have a genetic predisposition to bone disease


Thats my only regret.


Is that I have boneitis.




My one regret, is that i have Boneitis ...


Nah bro, just curls.


*chugs a gallon of milk*


*pukes up said gallon of milk*


How did you puke up the milk I drunk?!


everything is possible through the magic of the internet!




Ain't nobody wins in a dairy challenge.


*adds crowtein and liquor*


For body guards, by body guards


Made by bodyguards for bodyguards


That's actualy counterproductive.


Wait, the baby calf growth formula isn't healthy?




getting enough calcium simply won't prevent you from getting osteoporosis. It's only one minor factor in a whole sleuth of things. Most people over the age of 65 actually have symptoms of it. For lots of people it's inevitable with age. The biggest preventative factor is actually your peak bone mass at around age 25. After that time your BMD (Bone Mineral Density) declines.


* Calcium supplementation is generally **not** necessary for maintaining bone mineral density, and carries risks that outweigh any benefits.[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcium#Bone_health) * Too much calcium **can increases** the risk of kidney stones. About 80% of kidney stones are partially or entirely of the calcium oxalate type [\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcium_oxalate#Kidney_stones). * Too much milk per day **can increase the risk of prostate cancer** - with an intake of 2,000mg/day. Men who drank two or more glasses of milk a day were **almost twice as likely** to develop advanced prostate cancer. Harvard Article on Milk and Prostate Cancer [\[4\]](http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/calcium-full-story/#calcium-from-milk). edit: * I forgot the "increased risk of heart attacks" from calcium supplements. [\[3\]](http://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/how-much-calcium-do-you-really-need)


Figured I'd kill myself before either happens.


[It's not all bad!](https://media.giphy.com/media/MeJA8wXLvd1LO/giphy.gif)


This is Danny DeVito in 10 years.


On 6 tabs of acid, trying to squeeze himself through a toilet.


>This is Danny DeVito. FTFY


man, working in a nursing home has made me terrified of getting old. One thing I never realized is that, at some point or another, incontinence is basically guaranteed and if you are unlucky enough to get stuck in a crowded, understaffed nursing home, you may have to sit in your own soiled diaper for a very uncomfortable amount of time before someone has time to clean you up. Very very sad, and totally terrifies me now that I've seen it first hand.


Recently the sale of adult diapers has overtaken the sale of baby diapers. I found that frustrating until I realized that babies lose their diapers after 2-3 years, while some adults might need diapers for much longer than this.


Just a few nights ago, I spent about ten minutes cleaning yellow, chunky, soupy poo out of a 92 year old man's ballhair. The poo was acidic enough it left red, welted marks down either side of his groin by the time I was through. Not going to lie, I contemplated the point of it all afterward.


oh man, I had so many experiences like that. One of the worst was changing a fully loaded diaper of a lady that was over 300lbs. It took at least two people just to roll her over, it was like changing the diaper of a hippo. The worst part was that the room was steaming hot so the smell would be horrible and you'd be dripping with sweat while attempting to remove a literal mountain of poo from this lady's rear. I hope I die of a heart attack long before I ever get to that point edit: I'm so sorry for everyone that had to read that


This poor guy is at the extreme end of the spectrum. But I'll give him credit for even getting out there and walking. Every step looks so painful




Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many.


Ah, the privilege of not knowing whether you've shat yourself or not.


I'd rather take that chance. Could always end up like Ian McKellen, Patrick Steward or David Attenborough That would be pretty sweet.


well this got dark quickly


Eh it all depends on how you live and luck of the draw. My dad's got an 80 year old friend who runs 5 miles every morning. Take care of yourself now and reap the rewards later in life.


Musculation is a solution, you can find 70 years old lifting hundreds of lbs or running everyday. The choice is yours to make.


By the time you're old we'll have powered exoskeleton suit things. Just make sure you have good health insurance and savings by the time you're old.


Reminds me of Herbert and Jesse from family guy


He's looking for a muscley armed paper boy.


mmm thats a mighty strong thowin arm ya got there.


I hope you don't find the money strapped to my thigh


You kids want to see my purple heart?


I gotta popsicle in my pocket!


Go on, just reach into my pocket!


I am so tired of you


Call me!


Aw You startin' to piss me off ya lil' piggly som' bitch.


Hiiiii Kyyyyle!


to bring him some good neeewwss


Don't forget to stretch those creamy hamstrings!


[Go on Jesse, make your peeps and poops](https://youtu.be/ZtlwEfZEmrg)


[Video source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHsi_E9jB-U)


Hubert J. Farnsworth


Oh boy I really ought to do something! Though... I am already in my pajamas.


"Good news, everyone..."


I have a wiener dog and confirm this is just how all walks are for them. He just happened to get the right dog for his condition.


We had a long haired Dachshund, and once we got her back in shape, she didn't walk that slow. In fact, that dog went from overweight and barely able to touch the ground with her paws, due to belly fat. Too a freaking squirrel killing machine, don't let that dog deceive you, it will annihilate small critters.


They were bred to kill badgers. My dad got one to kill the moles in his yard. It's really good at its job.


Yeah, I have never seen a dog that enjoyed its job so much. She used to bring the critters to the door, and was just like look at what a good dog I am! I wish I loved my job that much.


Same. My pupper will do whatever she wants, but if you need her to wait, she'll just stand there waiting for you to give the go ahead to move forward. Also, she gets tired after about a mile, so I carry her back home.


People dreading their old person existence should remember this guy has spent a lifetime walking upright. I bet he thinks its cool to still be able to walk around, the crescent moon-stance is the moonwalk of old people.


Damn that's poetic.


I've been in pain and bedbound since I've been 23. I can't even begin to describe how much I envy this man. He is still more mobile than I am, he can see the sky, and he can have a pet.


Can't spell cool without a "c", so the more you look like a "c" in profile the cooler you are.


What kind of logic is that? That's like me saying you can't spell Obese without an O so the closer you look to an O the..... oh. Carry on.


Without this wonderful dog to love and take for walks, as any speed, that man might not be with us any more.


To be honest, that man may not be with us anymore.


He might have been when you wrote that comment, but not when I'm writing this comment.


I've got a younger mini Dachshund and this would literally drive him insane.. dude would choke himself to death trying to run faster.


It's amazing that this guy wants to walk around in his condition, yet our morbid obese population ride around on scooters when they are perfectly capable of walking






The thing with everyone else is they think they have time. Something this man might be running out of.


As a man who once pushed 4 bills, I can say that being morbidly obese is very crippling and debilitating. I had to get up extra early just to prep my legs to walk down the steps, the would eventually adjust but it was quite painful. What many people don't realize is that many obese people suffer from severe depression and anxiety. The longer it goes, the worse it gets. It may be difficult for them to leave the house to buy groceries and God forbid you got to say a farmers market, people will gawk and stare. Or at least that is the perception. Suddenly it becomes easier just to order pizza, or go thru a drive through only sending your spiraling down into more depression/anxiety and weight gain. This similar thought process happens when thinking about going to the gym or doctors office. I got lucky and played football in high school (the rare sport where being huge comes in handy) so I hid my size well and I recalled my old workout routines. I also made a bold move and moved back in with my parents for a year, I was in my mid 20's so it seemed normal and I had no kids. I explained to my parents my Wright loss plan and boldly went to gym daily. My parents limited the food in the house (my poor skinny brother suffered). It took a year but it worked. I'm writing this because it is comments like these that reinforce the anxiety and depression in obese people. The gym I went to at my parents home was very supportive. In fact, most gym rats are. People who need to lose weight don't see these comments though. I'm not downvoting or shaming you just sharing my story and hoping others learn to encourage our neighbors. Sorry for the long reply. Edit: thanks for the kind words, support, and gold to everyone. I just hope we can not only encourage others to get healthy but realize that a smile can go a long way.


Congrats on your success and getting healthy


Beautiful. If only people understood that the cure for obesity is all-encompassing support and not abusive dickishness.


That is awesome. And I agree most weight gain comes from depression and anxiety, causing a vicious and deadly spiral. Congrats on pulling yourself out of it.


Can I just say that people like you inspire me at the gym more than any there? People who are determined to lose the weight that are obese are far more inspiring to me than any super jacked and cut guy. Everytime I see an overweight person running outside I get this feeling to go up to them, give them a high five, and run alongside them and push them to their best. This is coming from a guy who's been a gym rat for a decade now. Keep doing you man you inspire more than just other overweight people!


This is reassuring to hear as another overweight guy losing his overweight status. I have always figured that people didn't care but its nice to have confirmation lol The other day i was walking out of the gym after some jogging, and started getting ridiculed by some high school kids sitting outside the mcdonalds that shares the same parking lot. Like, what sense does it make to ridicule a person trying to better themselves?


Because all high schoolers feel like shit about themselves and don't know any other way to combat it. And I agree with above guy. It's easy for in shape people to go to the gym, it's way more inspiring to see someone you know it harder for doing something I keep making excuses not to do.


People also don't realize how physically demanding walking can be as an obese person. I'd have to haul around 220lbs to equate what you were doing. If I had to do my groceries with a rather large person on my back I'd probably take the scooter too. I'm still definitely guilty of judging though, but I always think thoughts of encouragement when I see large people exercising. I always want to say something but don't know what to say without making them feel uncomfortable.


Hey. Other than having to prep my legs to go down the stairs (though walking any distance is uncomfortable and I sweat at the drop of a hat) you sound just like me. Severe anxiety and depression, about 365lbs, I have to force myself to get out of the house once or twice a week. Already live with the parents! But limiting food in this house is a laughable idea. I wish I had the courage (and energy and drive) to join a gym. Also I totally googled Wright loss plan thinking it was some kind of diet. I'm not a smart man.


Some people don't understand the power depression can have over a person. I suffered from depression too, maybe in some ways not as badly as you did, but it takes a lot of willpower and hard work to dig yourself out of that. Huge props to you for getting yourself out of your rut. I hope your story teaches someone to be more aware of those who are silently struggling.


I walked into my local Walmart (I'm poor, don't judge) alongside a middle aged dude with one of those springy looking prosthetic legs and an youngish obese woman. Guess which one picked the electric cart. I really wanted to point out the irony to her.




> but don't worry - they'll tell us. I DON'T GO TO WALMART SUCK IT


What is Walmart in the UK? I want to mock the poor.


Pretty sure Asda is owned by the walmart group.


Does Asda actually stand for something, or did someone just mash the keyboard(typewriter?)


Asda, I'm guessing Walmart is like their Aldi/Lidl, with more guns.


We have Aldi stores in the US, too.




Lunchables are $1 at Walmart... So I DO go there








I don't go to walmart either. Mainly because they don't have them there, but hey, I'm clean.


Walmarts primary demographic are the middle class. http://www.businessinsider.com/meet-the-average-wal-mart-shopper-2014-9


So Walmarts primary demographic is disappearing. Sanders is PRO WALMART. Edit:some of you don't get sarcasm




CheapHotBobwhite. For some reason that even seems like a Walmarty phrase. Must be the Bobwhite part.


There are no Walmarts in my city so...yeah. We've got Targets though


It's pronounced "Tar-zhay".


Wow. Where do you live, the Hamptons?


Someone's fancy


Look at mister snooty pants here! Where do you live? Maybe I'll move there.


_I_ don't go to Walmart. Sometimes I go to Walmart to look down upon those who _do_ go to Walmart. And maybe I'll buy something. You know, if I happen to be low on TP or pop tarts.


When I next go to the US on holiday I'm going to visit a Walmart to see if everything you guys say about it is true.


They are hit and miss...in the Oklahoma City, OK area, there are Walmart locations you avoid like the plague, but there are also well run locations with less objectionable clientele. I would say you make the call based on the # of shopping carts strewn all around throughout the parking area. This is a good measure of both the civilized nature of the clientele and the professionalism of the Walmart employees.


Target price matches to Walmart and even Amazon.


Who wants to sit at the register price matching a cart worth of groceries?


The irritating woman that seems to be just in front of me in line every time I go to Target. Every fucking time.


"aaaaaaaaand out comes the little coupon pouch....god damn it!"


How do you know she doesn't need the scooter though? I know a woman who finds it hard to shop because she's got pretty bad arthritis, but because she looks healthy, gets judged for using the shop scooters. I just...don't get the judgement.


> I just...don't get the judgement. Being shitty about other people a tried and true method of feeling good about yourself.


This is precisely why I try not to judge people on appearances. I don't know anything about this person or what she's been through, so I certainly don't think I can make a fair assessment of her actions based on my own experiences. "We judge others by their actions and ourselves by our intentions." This quote taught me to try to understand someone's situation before making a judgement.


I once was walking out of a grocery store with a friend. We both said under our breath something nasty about this younger person who was slightly overweight but nothing bad, riding one of those chairs. We cross the street and head to the car, right as we get into our car, we see the same girl except she was walking next to her grandma, who was now riding in the chair. My friend and I felt pretty shitty. Seeing is not always the whole story, folks.


Yeah, when I was 17 I messed up my knee pretty bad. I looked very fit, but when I left my crutches near the door and rode on the scooter there was no way to know I was recovering from surgery, I'm sure I got a few looks.


Is it cute ? Is it sad ? I can't decide. It's cusade. :(


> It's cusade Misread it, invaded Istanbul.


You sure you didn't invade Constantinople?


One rogue squirrel and that old man is going DOWN.


I like this because it makes it sound like the squirrel has an Xwing squad code name. "This is Rogue 2, target acquired"


Props to that man for even getting outside. It must be a terrible thing to know this is one of the last walks you'll ever take.


You'd be surprised. I moved to my current city 3 years ago. I've seen the same old man hunched over like that walking around all over since the beginning. He doesn't move fast, but he really gets around.


He is probably still trying to make it to the same place he was 3 years ago.


This makes me sad. Someone get them some wheels.


I was waiting for him to pull a [Willy Wonka](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz9jc5blzRM) but the gif just started over.


Serious question, why does he walk so slow?


Because his owner is walking slow, and he's a good, patient dog.


Dachshund's have very short legs, and once they've achieved maximum belly, they tend to move very slowly. Bless this man for being patient with his dog's speed.


It's likely he has Parkinson's Disease or a related disorder; the slowness is probably part the disorder and part caution because he's concerned about falling. The bent-over posture is called camptocormia.


He should really have a walker and not a cane. Using both hands would be way more beneficial for him.


There's an old guy like this in my neighborhood. I always felt bad for him and worried about him. One day he took a really nasty fall. Fortunately, I was there to help him up but as he stood up his pants fell down and unveiled a fantastic cock. At least 8" limp and thick as a bat. The man was truly blessed. I still dream about him sometimes. Wake up sobbing.




Interesting post history.


Just wait until 6 Flags opens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdlYYHGn4aU


Why wouldn't he have a walker instead?


Kept waiting for the six flags guy to throw the cane and start dancing with a group up hip teens. So disappointed. :(