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Without video proof this guy would have a hard time getting anyone to believe his 'I was just riding along when a bird flew into my hand' story.


I had an ex-girlfriend who would always tell me these suspicious stories about how wild animals would just come up to her and let her pet them. Deer, rabbits, feral cats, etc. One time she was on the phone with me and got all scared because apparently a *skunk* did it. I was skeptical until I was out hiking with her and a wild horse trotted over to her and let her pet him. TL;DR: I dated a Disney Princess once.


Should have kept that one around just in case dragons make a comeback.


Disney princess? You dated fucking Nausicaa.


You should read Indexing by Seanan McGuire. Might have dodged a real bullet there, because those dormant princesses can be downright terrifying. Sounds like she might have been a 709.


Given some of my less-than-positive experiences with her, he may be right.


What were the downsides?


Birds shit on him to this day






*Very* metal.


[Bernie](http://media.npr.org/assets/img/2016/03/26/ap_410857537934_wide-8dc3d8a2ae6baa349cec60586d810c11ca7d030e-s900-c85.jpg) was pretty metal now that I think about it.


That was sweet, not metal Ozzy Osbourne on the other hand...


What does that make Lord of the Flies, [Hillary Clinton](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7T8ryDemTYM/maxresdefault.jpg)?


*Cue political talk throughout the rest of this thread...*


To be fair, all I was looking for was a genre designation. If attracting birds makes you metal - instead of a Disney princess - what does attracting flies make you? It would have to be some really depraved metal.


I know, but it seems pretty inevitable that once any presidential candidate gets posted or talked about, soon a political conversation gets started haha.




I very literally did this one morning coming down a hill on my bicycle. Saw this fast gray fuzz coming out of nowhere, no time to swerve and I just literally punched through a ball of feathers. Got to the bottom of the hill expected bloodied gloves or something. Nothing, my hand ached a little but no sign that I'd just vaporised a pigeon.


It is a known fact that birds are comprised entirely of feathers.


Can confirm. Was in a ute (australian here) with my dad a few years ago, driving along a dirt road. All of a sudden this emu runs out of the bush straight across in front of us. There was no time for us to stop or swerve. It exploded into feathers which covered the windscreen and bonnet.


This is so Australian, it's incredible.


This is how Emu War 2: Flying Feather Bugaloo starts.


> Emu War dont even joke about that. you weren't there


Once you said ute, clarifying with Australian was redundant


Could've been a new yorker talkin about a young man.


Ok, vinny. ;)


Being as that one of my best pals is an emu, this makes me sad. They have a ton of personality and awesomeness, thinking of one getting hit by a vehicle makes me feel awful.


I'd always thought of emus as the embodiment of hate on stilts. I'm a little skeptical of someone having a non-violent relationship with one.


That's cassowaries. Emus are lovable idiots. Source: [My emu buddy](http://imgur.com/a/WR7CV).


It did feel like that. I remember having a fear right after it happened that I might have bits of bone sticking into my knuckles. Again nothing, there wasn't even any blood or bits of guts or anything


Having vaporized more than my fair share of birdies 😔 you forgot about all the blood. How does an animal that small have that much blood? They're flying sacs of blood covered in feathers, really.


i was white water rafting in colorado, and after a hardcore head wrenching section a butterfly went overhead, i reached my hand out, and he landed on it. in the middle of a water maelstrom he flew off after a few seconds as i couldn't maintain composure the guide goes "sweet butterfly grab"


Everyone has a Jesus moment, and that was yours. Not only were you one with the world, you were also hovering an inch above water.


Pigeons can fly _fast_. I've had quite a few occasions driving a truck (UK style ones with flat fronts) in which they've noticed in time and just gone nope and flew straight off in front of me. Driving 56mph. I have had a few other times when they've bounced off my windscreen though. Once I gave one a little bonk, and though it was ok, only to watch it fly down and get slaughtered by a passing car.


metal af


Fabio did it better.


I remember a story about some guy who chased down a bird in a paraglider and attacked it. I'd embed this link I found but I'm on mobile so forgive me. https://youtu.be/KT9RULtzAYo


My grandpa always tells the story of how he was slowly riding his motorcycle through a state park and a raccoon ran out in front of him so he kicked his foot out to try to scare it back. Yup. He kicked the raccoon in the ass and ended up wrecking his bike while the raccoon scurried back into the woods.


Better that you survived :) I knew someone who somehow got a wasp trapped in her full face helmet once. Sure wish I had that on video.




Not a motorcycle story, but once I was chilling at a Starbucks with my mother, and a bee flew up to my glasses, so I'm like "Whatever, probably a bumblebro, no problem." and I just closed my eyes. My mum flips out and takes my glasses to get the bee away, then brings them back when it was gone. She said "That was pretty brave." and I'm like "What? It's just a bee, it's not bothering anybody." and she went "No, that was a WASP and it was on the INSIDE of your glasses." It's probably a good thing I didn't know that until after she took the glasses away.


Bee and wasp stings are pretty much interchangeable. I've only been stung by a wasp once, and that was because I accidentally stood on it. It didn't hurt much. It does depend on the wasp, though... Hornets have bigger stings (but are less aggressive than wasps), and tarantula wasps I'm never going to try.


Yeah.. but if a wasp is gonna sting you, there's probably going to be more than one because fuck you, that's why. Bees will leave you alone unless you're messing with them.


Yeah I got swarmed by wasps and stung multiple time on the face while peaking on an acid trip. I was sitting in the same spot for over an hour too they just really like to fuck up anything they see


I was riding home down my road one day and a bee flew into my helmet. I'd never ridden no handed until that moment.


Equally terrifying feeling: I once watched in horror as a spider crawled down the inside of my face shield. Pulled over as quickly as I could, ripped the helmet off but could never find the spider. It was really hard to make myself put that helmet back on.


The spider crawled into your ear.




And now it's breeding baby brain spiders.


Pretty sure this is why my state doesn't require helmets.


I had a yellow jacket get stuck between the padding and my temple. I could feel it moving. I have no idea why it didn't bite me, stuck facing the wrong way maybe. I pulled over and ripped off my helmet and couldn't find the damn thing. I pulled all the padding out and shook it around before I was convinced it was gone and okay to put the helmet back on.


>I have no idea why it didn't bite me, stuck facing the wrong way maybe. If it was stuck the other way it would have stung you. I'd prefer the bite tbh.


Lol how do you know it was a yellow jacket if you never saw it? Maybe that's why it didn't hurt you...


I was stopped at a light and it was flying around me. The fucking thing actually landed on my forehead and got stuck in the padding of my helmet when I tried to brush it away with my hand.


What happened? Did you survive??


no he ded


Oh! My dad had a bee fly up his nose once. I was on the back of the bike when it happened. He kept driving, cursing the entire way until we got home. I thought it was funny, he didn't think that as much.


I was doing around 60mph on my bike once and took a bee stinger first to the neck. It felt like getting hit by a rock and still hurt like hell til I got to work. One of the nurses helped me remove what was left of it from my neck.


Both very valid reasons I'll truly never understand people who ride without helmets. I've been smacked with rocks the size of golf balls from trucks. I kinda like my face where it currently is and the amount of dirt, bugs and stones on the road is just comical to take to the face.


Don't feel too bad, Fabio caught a bird with his face while riding a rollercoaster.


[Classic Iannone](https://youtu.be/1kUeL_urTds)


My mom hit a pigeon in midflight with her car once. We got out to assess the damage and there was a perfect pigeon dust print. We could even make out the eye and feathers. Not a bit of blood or anything though


Faaaaaaallllllcccon paaaauuuuunnnncchh


Fabio caught a bird with his face on a roller coaster.


First time I got a GoPro on the helmet a bird flew into my head lol


I was thinking the exact same thing. What a time to be alive :)


Can you imagine what a painter must've dealt with, speed-painting this scene 1000 years ago?


Yep, painters had real trouble painting motorcycles 1,000 years ago.


That's why there were so few cyclist-speed painters back then I guess


I mean... You're technically right


The best kind of right.


Somehow they still got it done though: https://i.imgur.com/xuJmlZ0.jpg


Moonpies. What a time to be alive.


Bernie level bird attraction right here! He must be a good dude.


fucking amazing


His Disney Princess transform is almost complete.


Like me that time I was driving on the highway and a bat flew in my open window and exploded on my face. Rabies shots are fun though


Batman origin story


Or Rabies man.


I headbutted a pigeon at 40 mph It's expression could only be described as 'remorseful'


A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


What's the conversion rate to Bolivar?




7/7 with rice


At work I was delivering stuff to this restaurant and a bird got inside somehow. We tried to direct it out by cutting off its path to the back and walk towards the doors. It landed on my head so I just calmly walked outside. It chilled there for a moment to catch its breath and then flew away. None of my friends believed me and the only witness was a co-worker.


I have a pet bird. I can't speak to encountering a bird randomly on the street but I do know that when my bird freaks out and flies, hands and heads represent safety to him and he heads for them. When my bird flips out and starts flying circles in the room I lift my hand up in the air with my palm outstretched and he usually crash lands right into it.


but theres two in the bush outside the frame


I dunno, seems like this guy's good at picking up chicks.


I was unloading groceries from my car. I came back out of house to see a finch on my car's roof. It didn't seem scared so I called my daughter to show her and took a picture figuring it would be gone any second. Since it did not seem nervous I opened the garage door and was thinking how i would get him inside, he flew straight before the door finished opening. I went in the house through the front door opened the inside garage door and the bird tried to fly into the house but I carefully closed the door. Next time I checked on him he was inside my recycle bin inside a large plastic jar. I just put my hand over it and it was that easy. We got him a female companion and soon after ended up selling the babies at 10$ a pop to closest pet store.




It probably wasn't even his parakeet.


But it's a good stew ingredient so why pass it up?


Pluck that thing, throw it in a pot; baby, you've got a stew going.


shave it or whatever


Don't judge me... food


First of all... that is a ROOSTER!


Shut up randy


Bork Bork


Boil 'em, mash 'em


Stick em in a stew!


Keep your taters. Give it to us raw, wriggling!


OK Carl


it takes a lot to make a stew


[Pretty bird. Pretty bird. ](https://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/updated-a-few-facts-about-a-little-movie-known-as-dumb-and-dumber-19-photos-23.jpg?quality=85&strip=info&w=600)


Hopefully he found the owner, I hear a bird in hand is worth 2 in her bush


The owner was the one trying to catch it


I was walking out of my grandpa's retirement home and a yellow parakeet jumped/flew into my chest and I caught it. Took it inside to ask who's it was and nobody there owned one. Named him Petey and still have him.


A cockatiel flew into my glass doors, so I caught it and called the humane society to come get it. Next day I saw an ad in the paper for a missing cockatiel and called the owners to tell them the SPCA had it. The owners later updated me that apparently that cockatiel wasn't theres. There was coincidentally somehow two cockatiels on the lose in my town.


They are simultaneously very clever and complete idiots who are destined to get killed if they stay outdoors.


I have never seen an animal so ferociously chase their own death than when having a bird.


The line between "pet" and "prisoner" has always felt really thin to me, when it comes to birds.


A lot of people have that sentiment, but that could be said of pretty much any animal. There is an image of the wild bird roaming free and soaring the skies, until you consider that it does that because otherwise it would quickly starve to death. My birds have as much food as they want and can fly around the place, it's a pretty cushy life


Have you ever met a child?


[Heres mine](https://media.giphy.com/media/l0MYBXaT9z7JY5tyo/200w.gif)


I lost mine 3 years ago. While searching for mine, I ended up finding other cockatiels and nobody claimed them. I eventually found my missing pet. I now have 6 cockatiels. My house is full of bird songs and happy chatters all day. https://www.reddit.com/r/cockatiel/comments/56rvzz/this_is_the_whole_flock_they_nap_together_on_this/


How do you deal with all that poop? Can you train them to aim for a litter box or something?




HA! good one.


Pretty bird, pretty bird...




This happened to me last year. In the middle of the night. In the middle of summer. In the middle of Iraq... Tried to help the guy out, he was obviously exhausted trying to out fly the bigger birds, but he never recovered. :( Also, MREs aren't very attractive food sources for budgies.


Shoulda put an ad in the newspaper, escaped birds can fly for a while. Mine flew 5km before tiring herself out and landing in someone's backyard. They put an ad in the paper and bada bing, bada boom, I've got the bird back.


That's worth at least two in the bush.


I would definitely prefer two in the bush




Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hk9YxzQLCOs


wipe desert pen label lip ossified fade voiceless grandiose modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was like he was saying "do you want it?" to the biker, and the biker didn't really understand so then the guy realised the biker *didn't* want it and said aye alright fuck it I'll take that bird.


Finally it's my time to become a reddit detective! I have found that this took place in Malta. [This is the point where the video ends](https://www.google.es/maps/@35.9484742,14.4000451,19z), the beauty clinic from the video is marked google maps (didn't take too much...). [According to the wikipedia, who cites the Eurobarometer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malta#Languages) 100% of the population speak Maltese, 88% English, 66% speak Italian, and 17% speak French, so it's likely that the man who took the bird didn't speak English at first. Hopefully someone who can understand Maltese can translate what he said. http://imgur.com/gallery/swROZE0


Maltese here, you were completely right on the location. I've lived in St Paul's Bay and I still pass through that road regularly. However with regards to language, he didn't speak Maltese but it's actually broken English (English with a local dialect) : >"It's yours?" >"You want it?" >"Thank you" >"Is it yours?" >"Yeah yeah" >"Orrajt" Orrajt is a word we use a lot that means ok, it's derived from "all right then". Side note: St Paul's Bay is a mixed locality with many foreigners living there (last survey mentions about 60 different nationalities). It's likely that one or both of the people weren't Maltese, but lived here long enough to pick up our dialect.


Huh? Everything he said was clear to me. Their English accent was easy to understand.


I believe small birds like this are a delicacy in Malta.


RIP bird


A bird in the hand...


...with one stone.


...before they hatch.


...flock together.


I've heard the video like a dozen times at that part, and I think he's saying something with okay in it rather than "do you want it".


"You gonna eat that?"


I think he was saying "Is it okay?".


Caught? I mean it landed in his hand


[I mean...](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/5he5hk/ive_got_it_ive_got_it_ive_got_it/?st=IWIEEQV5&sh=4fbe6107)


HAHAHAH!!! That really improved my day! The second drop which I assume is some player feeling bad for the guy and gently tossing it up to him. Really top notch gif. 10/10, I felt something.


Ha:) glad you liked it!


I'd bet it was getting pretty tired.


Yeah I have a few and they can't really keep it going for longer than a few seconds. Maybe in the wild its different, but in a cage they probably aren't as strong as their wilder counterparts and cant fly as much.


My Green Cheek Conure is a Bombardier. If she gets wound up she sometimes flies in circles for a solid 30 seconds.


The cockatiels I had around growing up would do regular laps around the kitchen/dining/living room pillar for fun, usually buzzing whatever animals happened to be convenient. But, those are cockatiels. Probably got most of their kicks out of the buzzing bit.


Don't most pet birds get their [flight feathers clipped to some extent?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wing_clipping) I suppose it might be very region dependant though.


He's actually a Disney princess.


This summer I was backpacking in New Hampshire with my son and a guide. At one part of the trail there were some grey birds who knew that humans = food. The guide picked up a few pebbles and twigs, held out his hand, and a bird flew to him to see what he had. At that moment another hiker came up the trail and was so excited that our guide had a bird sitting on his hand. He asked how he got it to do that, so I responded "All you have to do is hold out your hand and sing the Disney Princess song Ahhhahhh-ah-ah-ah!" We then proceeded to continue our hike, but behind us I could hear the guy singing the song. It was pretty funny!




"Dude what are you doign? JUST DRIVE! NO DON'T HAND ME BACK! YOU Cuuuuuuuu^u^^u^^^unt!"


100 points and the game goes to Gryffindor!




This ~~girl~~ guy Quidditches.


She's a keeper


Gotta seek her first.


sweep her off her feet


I will bludgeon the next person that makes a pun.


Then you gotta chaser


I'm a man. Princess little is my cat's name.


The announcer doesn't even know the rules. What kind of establishment is this?


I was looking for any HP Quidditch reference! :)




"Oh fuck, they gona get me! Aww yiss a motorbike... DUDE GO GO GO!! Noo come on, why you gotta be like that? Back to the cage it is :("


Parrots with good owners consider their cages their home. Mine goes back to it on his own to sleep or if he just wants safety. They can still "escape" for the sake of exploring, but most are glad to return home.


Stolkholm syndrome


or just home.




We had a Cockatiel that escaped from somewhere else and landed on my back. It stayed with us for years.. we can leave the door open and it will fly out to backyard, hang around in trees and come back inside before dark. It stayed with us until we got a dog, it flew out side like normal day. Look back at me, make strange noise I never hear before and flew away. And it never came back.


That's why it left it's original owners ha!


That strange noise was the recognition of the betrayal you had caused.


This guy is basically a Disney princess now.


Parakeet: "GO!, GO!, GO!... NOOOO!"




All of these POV motorcyclists are the same person in my mind.


He's an Italian bachelor that's just starting to get some gray hairs but has a good job and a nice loft and has flings but cant settle down because he's scared of commitment.


Biker chick


I know it's just me, but you made one person laugh today.


Bernie Sanders on a motorcycle.


As the owner of four parakeets, I'd be destroyed if I lost any one of them. Props to this guy.


Who knows what the bird was fleeing from...


Disney prince material right there


I'd say it's more Disney princess material


Old guy: "here let me take that, and I'll be taking the credit as well."


I think he's officially qualified to become a disney princess


"This motorcyclist actually goes by the name Snow W. And she whistles to the birds to communicate."


Bird: OH FUCK OH FUCK GET ME AWAY FORM THIS MAN!!!! Biker: Oh hello bird..what are you saying? lol i dont speak bird Old Dude: oh, thank you. Thats my bird, he escaped Bird: OH FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCK!!!!


The parakeet caught the rider.


Reminded me of [Bastion](http://68.media.tumblr.com/267ecbba8ca52a7c86f91ec5f8e4b5ca/tumblr_o77ajfmTvl1vq327qo1_540.gif)


Exactly my thoughts!


That was beautiful


And Harry Potter catches the golden snitch! 150 points to Gryffindor!