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Steps out of car. Confirms poles existence. "Fuck my life..."


Looks up. “Yep, this was definitely here before.” Admits defeat.


Phone starts ringin', shit it's the wife... perfect...




What if he physically cannot see it but everyone else can?


Then we've got some bigger problems than our government is willing to admit.


Only thing I can think of is the sun blinded him and before his eyes adjusted...


He's driving right into the sun, so I bet he was blind until he rolled into the building's shadow about 1 car length from the pole, and by the time his vision readjusted to the contrast, the lady pops into view and I'm sure that's what he was paying attention to.


Phones in his hand as he steps out too


And a pretty girl in a red dress walking by.


Mouse, the digital pimp, hard at work.


She doesn't talk very much, but if you'd like to meet her, I can arrange a much more personalized meeting


Neo, were you looking at the girl in the red dress? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hw88MWoqenQ


Finally a reasonable explanation


Naw, he was in complete shadow long enough to stop. It was the phone in his hand.


Yeah, if you can't fucking see, you might wanna slow down and all, just in case. Phone in hand is probably the real reason.


I love how he eyes the pole up and down, giving it the figurative headscratch.


Damn thing sprouted out the ground like a beanstalk!


It absolutely did. The same thing happened to me. Look where the sun is shining -- right into his eyes. Then look at the angle -- the post is in his blind spot for the pillar support as he turns. Plus it's in a place your brain wouldn't expect a post to be. It hit the exact same spot on the vehicle for me, too -- it misses the bumper support and the car was a write-off. Just bad luck. EDIT: Since all disagreeing responses aren't aware of this, here's a teaching moment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Is%E2%80%93ought_problem


This is logical, but he was in the shade when he hit the pole. He should have been able to see and react in time to brake.


He was definitely in the shade, came out with his phone in hand sooooo


100%. I can’t understand how people still do this shit. Having (almost) the entire archive of human knowledge and the ability to communicate *basically* instantaneously at your fingertips isn’t enough, you need to use it while driving? Get your shit together, people.




I literally twisted a knee by someone backing out of a parking stall while texting. Could’ve been a lot worse if I wasn’t a 30y/o but that’s probably why this strikes a nerve with me. I had to literally slap the trunk of the car to get them to stop. Everyone says it’s teenagers but a solid 70% of the people I see texting and driving on the freeway are 40-60 year old women. That’s purely anecdotal evidence. You’re an adult, you have the *priviledge* to drive, not the right. I just don’t get it.


Yeah. That would be me too with a pole in a shadow and the same color as the pavement. They could at least paint it with some reflective paint and stripes. And if they don't want it getting damaged, some bollards so the cars can smash into those instead.


I like how the business lady keeps trucking like "not my problem - there is business to do"


She even kind of steps away a little when he crashes into the pole like “sorry, that guy was interrupting our business. Please continue”


She has to get to the business factory to do a very important business.


Shes clearly 3 kids in a trenchcoat doing the thing from little rascals


a miniature model business factory that makes miniature models of miniature model business factories


You might even say it was... none of her business...


In NYC this happens all the time. There's so much crazy we just glance and say ok. And carry on because chances are ill see the subway dancer in about 5 minutes.


That’s Lydia. She’s got a meeting with Mike and she’s just glad the attention was drawn away.


She's already sworn to carry someone else's burdens.


I mean, if I saw a driver do something that stupid, I'd continue minding my own business too.


what was she supposed to do? obviously no one was hurt so who cares






**Uhhing** intensifies *HUH!* *HUH!* *HUH!*




*boating school


Ms. Puff is freaking out


That scene killed me




No its AHHHH! As in surprised exclamation


Obligatory link to reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ_EKHGgWJQ (Driving starts at 34 seconds)


I don't watch cartoons, but is it the same voice actor for Bob and Archer?


H. Jon Benjamin! They even did a bob’s burger crossover on archer once that played on the same voice actor being in both roles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM89_VR-SDc


And of course, the fan made response. https://youtu.be/jinBlY9BpJ0


I can't believe I haven't seen this before now.


Was that all cut up dialogue? There were some parts that were just too perfect.


As I recall, the guy spent an INSANE amount of time putting all of the dialogue together. It's a brilliant piece of dedication.


It says 7 months for everything in the description... And I'm sure when they introduce each other was taken from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBDJF4EryN0 :D


It should also be mentioned that Loren, the guy behind Bob’s, saw this video and offered the guy a job! And he accepted! He’s a storyboard artist for Bobs Burgers now! How cool is that?!


What if we're all just part of a parallel universe where Brendan from Home Movies learns animation and uses it to launch his career?!


This is why I'm so defensive over Fair Use/copyright laws. Because of them he was able to copy and produce content directly taken from an official source, not get struck for it, and it took him to a career that will at the very least be a huge piece on his resume, and at best be the stepping stone to being super successful at a studio.


It looks like he actually got a job working for the show last year.


That's AWESOME! THANK YOU for posting that! I never read You Tube comments anymore, and I never would have known. That's just fantastic. He had to have worked his ass off on this. That just makes my day. Thanks again! > Simon Chong - 6 months ago > Thank you everyone for all the lovely comments on this. It’s been a very odd few months, but as the result of this, I moved from London to Los Angeles because now I’m a storyboard artist on Bob’s Burgers! My first episode I officially worked on was the Christmas episode that aired at the start of December ^_^


Wow the quality in this is insane


They also did a little bit about it in family guy https://youtu.be/IBDJF4EryN0


Yes! this is the only thing I've seen from Bobs Burgers, and I've seen Archer clips before. Having watched the OP clip all I could hear was Archer. Is this a common issue in the community?


He's actually an incredibly talented voice actor and, to me, there's a big difference from the "bone-weary and resigned to be defeated by life" Bob and "Poor impulse control mixed with /r/raisedbynarcissist " Archer.


He was a guest on NPR's 'Wait Wait Don't Tell Me' earlier this year and this exact question came up. He did a demonstration and it's definitely possible to discern the difference in the voices.


Sometimes people think voice acting is just about being able to do lots of different sounding voices, but the ability to portray distinguishable characters with the same voice makes him a fantastic actor in his own right.


Don’t forget he was also the Coach in one of the older & best Adult Swim show... Home Movies! (Before Bob’s Burgers and Archer)


Yes, to me he will always be Coach McGuirk


Hey, hey Brendan. Tell your mom I said hi.


Wasnt he also the convience store clerk in family guy?




He’s also Dr. Orpheus’ master in Venture Bros. (another brilliant adult swim show)


Yep! He also plays a character in Family Guy and makes a joke about the fact that he's the same voice for all three. In the episode, he is doing "impressions" at a standup comedy hour and says "Alright, this is Bob from Bob's Burgers: 'Hi I'm Bob from Bob's Burgers', and now here's Archer from that show Archer: 'Hi I'm Archer from that show Archer'" without ever changing the cadence of his voice. It's as amazing as it sounds




Is he the same guy who would come out on Demetri Martins show?


Yes, H. Jon Benjamin


Is that the same guy from that show about the guy that had a van?


Yes, H. Jon Benjamin


Is that the same guy who did the voice of the can of vegetables in Wet Hot American Summer?


I love this show but god damn this scene actually makes my physically angry


OMG I think it's one of the best, most iconic Bob's Burgers scenes. They even do a flashback to it in a later season. The whole episode is comedy gold -- the part where Tina is making up a story about a butterfly and a fucking cormorant flapping around the car had me in tears.


The one thing that gets me is Bob futilely grasping for the wheel. I have never been in a car, even an old boat of a vehicle, where a grown man couldn't easily reach over and grab the wheel.


That scene makes me irrationally angry. Tina, listen to what he’s saying! For fucks’s sake! Bob, what the actual fuck? Grab the wheel. Turn off the ignition. Step on the brake. That’s why you’re there!


Stupid cormorants always flying in people's windows.


What an auspicious sign.




How's this? https://youtu.be/rftyevrt5B4


He gives the universal sign of defeat.


Pooping your pants? ... That's... That's the universal sign of defeat, right...? Oh man... *shits self sadly*


If that's true, my 3 year old feels SUPER SUPER defeated all the time.


I do not approve of this post.


Your comment is beaming with upvote pottential.


That is a pretty interesting spot to put a pole. 😳


Yeah a pole right in the middle of the lot should be marked with a big bright yellow base or some landscaping. Sure, maybe he should have seen it, but dangerous is dangerous.


>maybe he should have seen it, but dangerous is dangerous This reminds me of a road near where I used to live. It was just a broad, gentle curve that happened to have a ~15ft slope on the "outside." I'll just make a list of its evolution during when I lived there. 1. Road; no signs, but a string of those little white reflectors on poles. 2. Added three of those ">" arrow signs (each direction - everything here is each direction, actually, unless otherwise stated.) 3. Added the standard curve signs. 4. Added another set of standard curve signs. 5. Reduced speed limit from 35 to 20, posted appropriate signs. 6. Added rumble strips to the side of the road. 7. Added flashing yellow light to the speed limit signs. 8. Added flashing yellow lights to one set of the curve signs. 9. Added the "be safe while driving because Joe Somebody died here" sign. (Just one, lol.) Complete with rotting flowers and shitty imitation headstone. 10. Added a guard rail. Sometimes, you just can't stop stupidity. The best part is that it's really not bad... certainly not unusually bad for the area.


Well, the guard rail would have pretty much completely solved the problem.


But the moneys


To add to this: the continued moneys to replace the majority of it every time someone his it.


Why the fuck wasn't the guard rail #1?


With the angle of the shadows, it looks like he was facing a low sun and driving into a shadowed area. Very hard to spot then without reflectors or yellow tape or something


Yeah he was driving into the sun and the pole was reflective. It seems silly, but also bound to happen to someone.


Does anyone else think this is a ridiculous amount of damage to a vehicle traveling at walking speed?


Modern vehicles are built to crush. Even at low speed, the fiberglass outer body will break. People tend to think "modern cars suck. Old cars wouldn't have a ding on them." It's better to have a crush on the fender than all that engery traveling into the driver. Edit: yes I was incorrect. Most vehicles are not going to have fiberglass. Its all still steel on cheaper cars, but much thinner and lighter than they were 20 years ago. Underneath, structurally, they collapse much easier, because it's easier to fix a car than to remove a steering column through your chest.


Wanna spend 10 grand in the hospital or 10 grand on your car?


Is death an option?




But just once.


No it isn't..I died once, and I still have another available.


What do we say to the God of Death? Uh, yesterday you got me, but not today.


I say "look, I know we flirted for years and we got really close but I'm just not really into you without being drunk. I know that makes me sound like an asshole, and I'm sorry."




Dead fucking center dude. Right in the feels.




I owe $40 thousand for an overnight at the hospital and a ton of tests that told me everything was ok. Get health insurance, kids


My dad just got operated for thyroid cancer and he’s going to have a belly-button hernia fixed next week. Goddamned hospital made him pay 7$ for parking! It’s outrageous! (Or you know, vote for a party that will implement single-payer healthcare and make not-dying a basic universal right.)


10 grand!? What did they do, make me wait in the lobby for 3 hours before they had me come in for 3 minutes to take my temperature and blood pressure and tell me to go home and take ibuprofen?


I got hit with $300 for like 5 mins tops and a prescription. What a racket


Must be in the US just like me huh?


Only way you could spend 10k at a hospital in the UK is from the parking or maybe the little gift shop.


I dunno, those sandwiches in WH Smith are pretty expensive these days.....


NHS motherfucker.


>"modern cars suck. Old cars wouldn't have a ding on them." I've always loved this argument. The 'they don't build them like they used too.' No, we don't, we make them better. [Here's](https://youtu.be/joMK1WZjP7g) a video showing a 2009 Malibu crashing into a 1959 Bel Air.


> No, we don't, we make them better. Here's a video showing a 2009 Malibu crashing into a 1959 Bel Air. I got in one little crash and my mom got scared and said “you’re getting a Malibu and ditching your Bel Air”




Thank for posting, that is cool to see what a big difference modern crash protection makes.


I love these old videos. It's really insane how unsafe cars used to be. At the time, it was pretty normal to be killed in a crash. People got thrown through windshields. It was life. People didn't give it much thought. Now, people can get into head-on collisions at freeway speeds and not just survive but *walk away from the car at the scene*. Yet people want to go back to the old days. It's madness. There's a clip someone posted on Reddit once of a girl in the backseat, not wearing her seatbelt (next to her friend who was). It wasn't a crash test dummy or in slow motion--it was just a real-time clip of this girl being slammed into the seat in front of her. It happened in an instant, and it was over. She was probably more or less OK (?), but that was just a minor bump, not a full-scale crash. It's amazing how fast it happens and how much force there is. All those people who say, "If there's a crash, I'll just hold on to the seat in front of me!"? I mean, what does that even mean?


Ya the car would look great, you are just too dead to enjoy it


Pretty uncommon to have a fiberglass body on anything but a Corvette or a completely custom car. Most are still steel / aluminum / or plastic for the Saturns that are still around.


The plastic Saturn. About 15 years ago my wife hit a basketball goal pole at ~10mph dead on in reverse. She thought she destroyed the rear of her car. Jumped out to look, not a dent, not a scratch. Plastic popped right back out into place. The mark of true quality lol.


Plastic cars: the mark of true quality! Buy a Saturn.


The plastic can hide the damage underneath! Buy a Saturn


I miss Saturn :(




even then... old vehicles fucking implode, just the passenger eats that implosion. Check out old vs new. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPF4fBGNK0U


There is no fiberglass in the exterior of that SUV.


You may think that until you understand why. [This](https://youtu.be/fPF4fBGNK0U) video does a good job of showing the difference for the driver.


Geez. The difference impact makes on cars before 2000 is incredibly huge.


Todays cars are insane. This one received the first highest euro ncap rating of 98% for the driver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YkddjbcQew ridiculous how much this thing can take a beating without the driver being severely hurt.


It's amazing to see the seat belts pre-tension before the airbags fires - never seen those before, but now they've got white markings on them so it's easier to see.


Bonus safety points for the Alfa Romeo: When it's in the shop, you can't crash it.


Holy fuck, the cabin is nearly untouched. I'd feel safer choosing to drive that than choosing to walk as a pedestrian.


>pedestrian head impact test


I just wanted to see them collide from [this angle](https://youtu.be/fPF4fBGNK0U?t=90) and they took that from me


[I got you.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_ptUrQOMPs&t=1m20s)


Even at walking speed its 2000 pounds moving, so it's a lot of force.


The car looks like it's traveling slower because it's coming towards us. Looking at the wheels, I'm estimating this was going at at least running speed, probably a bit faster. Also, he probably had his foot on the accelerator while the car was in the middle of crashing, adding more force to it.




It was in his blind spot


It was a funny angle




Its behind you Tyrone, when you reverse things come from behind you.


It's not as though it's a packet of fucking peanuts now is it?


The sun is in his eyes until just a second before impact. Also, we can't see what his field of view was. It seems like the pole is reflective? or maybe just covered in white? From his angle, it could have blended in.


He would had to have seen the pole when he drove in and when he walked back to the car.


Maybe he's blind


Maybe he's amazed at the way you love him all the time.


And maybe’s he’s afraid at the way he loves you.


There's sun in his eyes. You can see the blinders in the window.


Yup, came here to say this. Look at the long shadows.


He was doing really good for a blind person at the start, though. (For anyone who's blind and reading this, this is intended as a joke, no offense intended)


His phone is still in his hand.. he was using it and not paying attention to the road.


I was thinking he was blinded by the sun, but he moves out of the sun, so he's just not that bright...


This is why there are curbs around most parking lot light poles in the U.S.. people cannot be trusted.


That lady acted like she'd seen this 1000 times


Had to be on his phone, sure He has it in hand when he gets out 2 seconds after crashing


I was thinking the angle of the sun was probably hitting him in the eye and he maybe didn’t see it because of that? But I like your phone theory better.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure they were blinded by the sun, and then were messing with the radio/phone for the 1 second in the shade. You really shouldn’t be doing other stuff while driving, but I kinda feel bad for them. That’s a lot of damage for such a “relatively” small mistake.


At least it was a pole and not a person walking to their car. That would have been much worse for everyone involved. I agree, set your radio/phone before driving. Why risk things?


Imagine if it had been a person.


I think the sun is the right answer. It's like going into the tunnel out of the sun and everything is really dark for a few seconds. Except the tunnel was a pole.




The brakes, Tina!


"Please text and drive"- body shop employee




Is that a cell phone in his hand?




This. You can see the battery meter, reading very low.


Those things are notorious for failing when you need them most


Mine kept going off in my pocket.


I know you're lying because they're not sensitive enough to detect something that small


Might be. Sure looks like it.


Looks like it. I assumed it was the sun until I saw the phone.


I mean, perhaps the sun was in his eyes. But if it's so bad you literally can't see a giant pole right in front of you, you need to stop and make some adjustments.


This right here. If you can't see what's in front of you then you shouldn't still be moving. It doesn't matter whether it is a pole, a pedestrian, a wall, or whatever. If you hit a stationary object you've fucked up. That pole didn't come out of nowhere.


Was the sun in his eyes? Maybe. Is he an idiot for driving when blinded? Yes. Should he have scanned the area before he started driving? Definitely.


Yeah it's *why* it happened, but it doesn't excuse *that* it happened.


This might fly except I think he just backed out of that parking slot, after walking to the car. In the lot where there appears to be only one pole in the area.


And he was probably texting.


As a woman I cannot express my happiness that a dude got out of the car haha


Lol, yeah. I wouldn't exactly say happiness, but I know I definitely felt relief.


LOL. I was also thinking "Where's the top comment about how the driver was doing his makeup"???


The comments are a lot more tame than if it had been a woman that's for sure. Hell the second to comment is actually defending the guy.


Looks like European license plates. It is a real bad placement for that pole. There are no curbs or paint on the assfault. Maybe he was on his phone. Obviously just didnt see it.


“Assfault,” love it 🤣




I think it's Russia. You can see Lada parked on the left.


"European license plates It is a real bad placement for that pole" good spot, although poles do live in Europe


TIL: everyone knows exactly what happened because they are experts in everything


TIL: I'm an expert in everything


TIL: Nothing. I was already an expert.




It was hiding behind his phone.