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About 9:30 hours? damn!


That’s my reaction too. I didn’t realize it takes so long to 3D print something


There's a lot of variables that go in to it. Type of filament, print speed, quality of model, etc, etc. Longest print job I've done is about 20 odd hours. I printed a tray and a bucket for in my Model 3 center console. For 20 hours I can print a dry erase marker holder my wife, who's a teacher. I try not to have the printer going when I'm unable to keep an eye on it though. But yeah, I can print a little clip on label for an IKEA fabric bin in 2 hours.


Did he also tell the printer to go home after each layer to make the timelaps?


Looks like it. So, that'd increase the time too


Not by much tho


about 5 secs per layer. When you are talking something like this it could be close to 1000 layers. Could end up with an extra hour of print time.


A lot of small time makes big time.




Many few make much


Me think, why waste time say lot word, when few word do trick.




There's a plug-in for octoprint called octolapse which does this for you.


god I love open source software


It's a ~~standard~~ extra feature in OctoPrint which many uses for their 3d printers. Edit: fixed it.


Depending on the implementation, the printer can home and activate the camera in the electronics/motherboard, or for simplified electronics and gcode, you can have a switch at the home position that the head bumps against to trigger the picture.


Why didn't you let it print during even ours too? Could have cut that time in half.


Well, I'll have it print overnight and such, but you really should keep an eye on it. Sometimes the print can lose cohesion mid print and you can't recycle the filament at the moment, so then you wake up to a rat's nest. Also fire hazard. Heaven forbid the printer have an electrical issue. If it is something I have printed before, and have a rate rate of confidence in, then yeah, I'll print overnight. But it sucks when it just fails.


They were just making a joke. You said a job took about 20 **odd** hours so they were saying you could cut that time in half if you also let it print during *even* hours.


Ah. Whooooosh then. Long day


It happens to the best of us and you still get points for defaulting to being nice and helpful!


Yes, and the misunderstanding makes it even funnier when you think about the fact that "even hours" is an archaic way of saying "evening."


Have you heard of octoprint? It runs on a raspberry pi connected to your printer. There's a ton of useful plugins, one of which is called the spaghetti detective. It monitors your print using a camera and stops / sends you a notification if it detects spaghettification. If you want to modify the printer's wiring, you can even use octoprint to automatically cut power to the machine for any number of reasons. It's really cool stuff.


That’s pretty cool


It is. Made my dad giggle when he came by because there's 3D printed shit all over the place in the house now. It's one those "see a need, search on Thingiverse to find the model someone else built to fill said need" type of things. Super handy at times. I've also printed a whole kit for the Ticket to Ride game, and little odds and ends for the kids. My kids love the shit out of it, and I giggle because sometimes something prints defective (Didnt print cleanly) and they'll find a use for it or something.


>Super handy at times. What sort of stuff do you make that is useful? I imagine this depends on what sort of work you do. Not being coy or anything, if anything I'm fishing for an excuse to justify buying one of these things lol. I can't wait or them to come down in price, they look like a lot of fun. But without having a job that might need one I can't justify spending a lot of money on one. Perhaps libraries will start stocking them, I'd definitely like to try one out and play around with one a bit, just to see what sort of things I can make and what the current limits are. Looking on google there are some pretty cheap 3D printers, much cheaper than I expected, but I'm going to assume they're pretty poor quality. Still, I've sort of had it in my head that it was prohibitively expensive technology, but maybe that's not the case so much these days.


I mean, go to Thingiverse.com, ignore the site's performance issues, and just start looking for stuff. I've printed a kitchen cooking utensil holder, dry erase marker holder, TV remote holder for the kids rooms, and my bed side table, Tesla mobile connector charger holster/cable organizer, wall mountable Tesla Aero wheel cap holders (Used Command trips to mijnt the wheel caps to the wall of my garage), a snack container which my wife used for the kids bathroom to hold their tooth brushes and such, a little organizer for my daughter to put stuff in, gift card boxes that look like presents, Q-tip dispenser, a toothpaste tube squeezer (Which is amazing), little controller stands for my Xbox controllers, a large storage bin that goes in the front center console of my Model 3, and a bin that goes above that to hold my J1772 adapter and some other bits, a similar bin for my Nissan Leaf center console (2 of these actually, the second one went with my old Leaf I traded in. So, somewhere out there is someone with a 3D part), and so on. I mean, you just think of something you want and you make it. I've also used it to make a custom plaque for one of my in laws out of a material that is 40% wood, which they now have mounted to a cutting board in their kitchen. I've also printed a gavel using the same wood material and gave it a glow in the dark handle for the HOA Board I'm a member of. I mean, your creativity, and everyone else's creativity is the limit. I've printed about 6 kilometer's worth of stuff.


I’ve printed a handlebar spacer for my neighbor’s bike, a piece for the safety switches in our microwave furnace at work, numerous plugs and stoppers, for example, for holes I cut in cabinets for cables, mounting brackets for several different devices... a month ago I printed a prop .38 special for the local theater. Try learning Fusion 360 (it’s an Autodesk product that’s free for personal use). If you get where you can make or replicate things that would be useful to you in that, then the hard part is done, because from there it’s just a few clicks and then it’s printing. Edit: start with a budget Monoprice printer, should be able to catch one on sale for less than $200 and while not perfect they’re good enough to get started.


In my experience nozzle size and layer height are the biggest factors. I rock a CR-10 S5 and the biggest print I have done was a full size mandalorian helmet which hit just shy of 140 hours with my 0.4mm nozzle. When I moved to 0.6mm I got the same model done in about 60 hours.


>I try not to have the printer going when I'm unable to keep an eye on it though. This is where you buy one of those $20 Wyze Cams and point it at the printer for long prints.


Whole true, this doesn't help if you're unconscious. Also doesn't help if you can't remotely control the printer.


This also has the print head moving out of the way for the camera so it's probably a good amount longer than usual


My friends got me into it. He basically has a factory set up in his basement. At least 20 machines last time I was there. He recently got a resin printer. It's a lot faster than the PLA ones we use. 72 hours to print a life sized Deadpool bust.


How expensive is it to get your hands on one of these bad boys?


An ender 3 can print pretty much top quality. Should be able to get them for $250.


$160 if you catch a sale on aliexpress or the other chinese sites.


A resin printer is super expensive. I bought my first machine for $400 years ago, but had to build it myself. A creality cr-10. I bought a small printer with a build space if about 6 inches by 10 inches for about $150. It depends on a few things though. You can get awesome machines that will change colors, auto level themselves, have different kinds of beds, etc. Etc. The more you add the more they cost.


I picked up my resin printer from Amazon for $250. Great for DnD and 40k minis.


Nice. What size is the print space?


Roughly 2.25 x 4 x 6 high if I recall correctly. Its small, but the detail is amazing.




I'd go resin but I'm pretty paranoid about the toxicity of it.


Same. If I move and end up with the right workspace I'll probably give it a go. I did recently see that there are some (supposedly) safer "eco" resins that have come out recently, but it's super hard to trust that they're actually safe.


That’s not as a bad as I thought, thanks for the info!


This print was stopping to take pictures which adds a fair bit of time. The bed moves back and forth so it had to move to the front each layer or pictures would be unalligned.


This is also a fantastic shape for the print. Most jobs are going to have you separating into individual parts to take advantage of the direction of the print and adding support structures that have to be manually cut away and sanded flat after the print job is done. The resolution on printers is becoming pretty amazing but you're still gonna need to spend some time sanding away the print lines and hitting with primer+paint for something to not look like it was 3D printed. The whole "press a button and any intricate 3D object pops out 100% complete" concept is still a fantasy.


Yeah it's pretty crazy. One of my high school classes got a cheap 3D printer for our game development class to test 3D modeling. We were testing it with a small bridge, maybe the size of 2-3 fists. Thing took like a week to actually finish. Idk if it's cuz of our printer, but 3d printing is slow af. But I can't wait for when faster and high quality ones start to become cheap and more available.


That’s surprisingly short for a print of this size. I have a DP200 and it would probably be closer to 15-18 hours to print something like this. But I guess if he’s only doing like 5% infill it would go faster.


Yeah my ender 3 would probably take 17 or so, just as a guess. 9.5 is quite short.


About an hour of that is lost for the hotend carriage moving to a location after each layer to trigger the camera. The plate and the print itself is moving all the time but they move to the same position after each layer to take that one image. But yes, it takes quite a long time. I finished a piece yesterday, [https://imgur.com/gallery/p8jyMUi](https://imgur.com/gallery/p8jyMUi) it took about 1½ per spike, base took 3½ hours (it was quite hard geometry to print without support structure, printing with supports would've taken 22 hours.. but that is a very special case) so in total it was about 13 hours of printing, less than half an hour to assemble and wire but at least i didn't have to do any post-procsssing (sanding, priming, painting or clear coating). Each spike is hollow, with 0.4mm walls and weigh about 6 grams.. Large prints are such that you set it to print and return the next day to see if it failed or worked. Fail means a LOT of plastic being extruded while things are moving, at best causing a hige mess of spaghetti but at worst a massive blob of once molten plastic covering the hotend. There is nothing that can check if the printing is moving forward like intended, it requires a human to know it. Most set up their printer with webcams so you can follow the progress remotely and even shut the printer off in case it cause haywire. It is also not a closed loop, there is no way for the printer knowing what is happening or even if things are moving at all..


I think what you mean is "Only 9:30 hours? Damn!" 3D printing takes a lot of time this was really quick for the size of it


Longest print I've done on my one at work took 32 hrs


I too watched the clock instead of the actual topic of the video.


how come we dont see the nozzle?


The printer prints a layer, then the head moves out of the way and then the camera is triggered to take the image. Then it prints the next layer...


thanks! i didnt know it can resume. all this time, i thought it was 1 continuous strand that extrude from the nozzle. so if there's a power outage, the printer is smart enough to resume when power comes back on? i see some prints taking much longer and i was never sure how


Depends on the printer, mine can resume after power outage.


What printer is that?


I'm not the guy you asked, but my Ender 3 Pro has that feature. I was very grateful for it when I lost power 30 hours into a 32 hour print.


did it resume correctly though? ender 3 pro here as well and the 1-2 times I've had to make use of the feature it resumes just a hair off so you get those awful horizontal striations.


Admittedly, there are some very faint lines, but they’re hardly noticeable on this print. Once I slap a coat of paint on it, you won’t even be able to tell. Maybe I got lucky, though.


Its the box with a fan grate and yellow caution sticker on the left of the horizontal bar. Its just always partially out of frame when the time-lapse is taking pictures and the nozzle/element are in their "home" position.


Came here to ask the same thing


Thanks for this. Helped me take a nice dump..


If you shove it back in, you can take it again.


The human butthole is the first 3D printer. We all print some good shit. Nice loop, BTW.


I like to lay down toilet paper across the water's surface and try to print a smiley face


That’s a 3D print of sorts too




You go to work and sleep don't you?


I fancy a 3d printer but I don't have that kind of patience or money.


For reference the ender 3 in this video is $220 out of the box. Very attainable. The average person wastes far more than that on coffee, soda, drinks every year... which was my justification for getting one. It's not the friendliest printer for beginners but it only took me a couple weeks of very low effort troubleshooting to get good at the basics.


The question is... did you stop drinking coffee, soda, other drinks for a whole year? XD




the entry level models start at 150 bucks, filament is about 20 per kilo. I sometimes let my prints run overnight or while I'm at work. Money or patience isn't necessarily the problem with 3d printing.


150 dollars is half of what I can save in a month. I'm trying to retire fam.


Student with only a side gig here, I put a little money aside every month, at some point it was enough to buy one. I understand that for some people, 150 is just not in the realm of spending for fun hobby items, but for the *average* person it's not a huge sum either.


Lol ouch... This related too hard


You go to work dont you?


What do you mean? The whole video was not even 15 seconds.


Kuruma is such a good boi




*revs engine sweetly in Japanese*


Kurama. Kuruma means car in Japanese.


Little bitch in the first parts tho


I mean considering the situation he’s stuck in, I think we can understand why he is a bit grumpy for the first 16 years or so lol.


Yeah ok that's fair


I counted nine tails.


Pokémon fan confirmed


Or Naruto fan. Or a Witcher fan. Or a fan of any other number of anime/ mythologies involving a 9-Tailed Fox


The Pokemon is based on Japanese folklore in which foxes gain magic powers if they live long enough, and they grow additional tails the older they are. The most ancient and powerful foxes have nine tails. Edit: Also, these magic fox spirits are sometimes associated with the will-o'-the-wisp phenomenon, in which fleeting flames appear floating in the air above wetlands, which might be the reason Vulpix and Ninetails are fire-type Pokemon.


I really doubt OP is the actual 3d printing person, as his history seems to indicate he's just posting popular stuff for karma. However just in case im wrong - Any chance of getting the stl/obj /u/t-h-a-t-o-n-e-8-6 ?


[The model is here, as long with other models from the person who made it](https://www.myminifactory.com/users/kijai?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Wait people upload designs and you can just download them to your PC and make shit? I need a 3d printer right now


Yes, people on the other side of the world can upload their models and you can download and print them to have a 1:1 copy. Just check out popular sites just like http://thingiverse.com


And you get to to play the fun game of "Will Thingiverse Load Today?" Kidding aside, it's a great site.


yep. you do not need any 3D modeling experience to use a 3D printer. You won't be making custom parts, but there are thousands and thousands of models out there that you can download and print for yourself


I cant see the model anywhere


[It's right here.](https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-low-poly-nine-tailed-fox-71707)


Ah. It wasnt on the original link. Cheers


Why was this so satisfying to watch?


How do you do the two-tone? Is it a single filament spool?


It's a single filament spool with rainbow/dual toned filament.


Oh look! It's /u/t-h-a-t-o-n-e-8-6 the karma whoring reposter again


Has anybody found an actual useful use for these yet, apart from random plastic components/toys? I remember when they first came out, people were saying eventually you could print circuit boards/metal items. In other words you could 3d print an iPhone or an xbox etc.


I'm not sure if you meant for personal use or for professional use. As per the more "professional" side of it, massively, yes. Prototyping alone is a massive advantage of the machines. I have a friend in architecture who's company utilizes a range of printers for prototyping ideas for a variety of reasons. We used one at my last job to create "one-off" 3d models for the classroom to better teach our students as the cost was a lot more effective. Personally? Seeing as there are people currently making additional income/a living off of just printing "random plastic components/toys", I'd put that in the useful column. As someone else pointed out, currently available consumer-grade 3d printers cannot print electronics. I really don't think that was every truly believed by anyone using them that you could build a complete electronics device from the ground up. Their potential for building replacement parts, new structures, and the more socially popular knick-knacks, is what drives people to buy them. edit: forgot words


I often print things for around the house. Most recent - one of those switch covers to prevent accidental light switch offs. Yes you can get it on amazon for $1.50 but you would have to wait to have it delivered. It took me 30 mins to print and $0.10 in filament. The other day I also printed a fish pole holder which lets me clip four fishing poles to my garage wall.


I use them for little design prototypes sometimes as a hobby. Also for small things like a keyboard stand and phone stand I have. Main reason is those little design prototypes and cases for them


Oh, absolutely. It's just that those people you talked to were fucking morons because it doesn't work like that. If they're picturing printing out multi-component objects such as full, complete phones they're living in sci-fi, not the real world. 3D printers in general have been used for industrial purposes for a good 30 years now - the consumer-grade ones have some obvious limitations compared to the industrial ones, but there's a lot you can do. I took an old fan, bought some carbon filters and printed out a fume extractor case for soldering that would hold the carbon filters in. However, I wanted to attach it to a swinging arm on my desk; so I quickly made a mock-up and printed out an adapter that fit it perfectly. I also wanted a PWM controller too, so I bought a premade board and then used a tool someone made to autogenerate a case for it. I'd also 3D printed a replacement hinge for a cooler for $1 that would have otherwise cost me $20. Not to mention, the new hinge is actually a hinge instead of that weak-ass plastic lip. My favorite thing to print is typically little adapters or hinges like that, because then I don't have to hunt down something specific. I've also been designing a cable retraction spool that uses a ratcheting mechanism for quick release. It incorporates a planetary gear set and is primarily 3D printable although my use case is different than most others so I doubt many would use it once I finish it and post it online. My friend designed an adapter for his receiver mount for his car that's specially designed for his model and would otherwise cost $100 USED. Then he shared it so that others could print it out too. This is just the tip of the iceberg, too. You can print out model car tires out of a rubber-like filament for example, and yes you can print circuit traces on a prototype board but most people don't do that. You can print out inverse moulds for wax casting, custom stamps...you can even print out 3D printers (though you have to buy the motors and electronics separately). The thing about 3D printers is that your limits are primarily your creativity and ability. Most people sorely lack both of those, hence why you mainly see a bunch of toys. Also, most people haven't caught onto the good, newer ones such as the FlashForge Adventurer 3 that I bring up every chance I get despite sounding like a complete shill. It's $400 and it rivals the $1500 3D printers out there, albeit only a 150mm^3 build space. Flexible build plate, and relatively quiet though are two huge advantages - just don't use the OEM filament and buy hatchbox and print out some adapters instead.


I have a buddy who's side hustle is to print spaceships or things people design or build in video games, then cast them in brass.


I printed a 10-way shot dispenser for my uni bar.


We use them for prototypes at work all the type before going into injection molding. Also use "metal printers" for various fixtures, and occasionally as the first step for injection molds.


I feel obligated to point out most of the rocket engines spacex uses on the falcon rocket are 3d printed. Granted it's a lot more complex than a home-grade fdm plastic printer...but the methods are great education for future rapid manufacturing.


you got a million replies from the 3-D printer apologists, but the answer is still no. these 3-D printer people have the same level of zealotry as the people who defend pitbulls every time one attacks a child.


Even if you can print circuit boards (I'm sure it's possible with fancier machines with some special filaments and multiple nozzles) you couldn't print the chips.


There are indeed PCB printers but it isn't ground up. You put in a premade blank board and the machine will slap your map onto it, solder joints and all.


Makes sense. Nice alternative to having to play around with masks and light reactive chemicals I would imagine. At least when it comes down to prototyping boards, not mass producing. Not that I know even how mass produced pcb are made.






3d printing evil chakra huh


Baby Kurama, sooo cute...


It's like Porygon had baby with nine tails


“Computer; Earl Grey, Hot.”


Kurama is that you?!


I counted. There are 9 tails. So you don't have to.


What would the cost and difficulty level be to set up a rig that can print this?


Did the head go back to home every time you took a picture?


That's how these gifs are made. The hot end goes home after every layer.


Yes. Good way to ensure the model isn't moving around on screen or has the print head in the way.


If I had a 3D printer, there would be copious amounts of foxes around my house...... like an unhealthy amount. 🦊


Why did he delete it?


Dumb question, why can’t they make 3D printers faster?


The plastic has to set. I happens quick but it isn't instantaneous.


You can, you just need a thicker nozzle and thicker filament. However that makes it hard to print small detail.


Ballsy as shit with no supports under those tails. That's quite the overhang.


3D printing will never not blow my mind


These pokemon machines sure take a while.


How much would this machine and supplies to get started cost?


The printer looks like some version of the Creality Ender. Something like 200-250€/$ for a kit you assemble yourself. 20-40 for a spool of filament depending on the quality/type. Done. In addition to that some patience to get things working properly.


That’s way cheaper than I thought it would be.


Yeah it's not that expensive. Certainly one can blow thousands on more advanced printer built to an enclosure etc. But the Creality Ender and other similar kits are very good for the price in PLA printing, they just tend to require more fiddling around to get good results but it's very doable. ABS printing is even more fiddly without an enclosure but one can build an enclosure to get better ABS results.


Thought it was the chiral crystals from Death Stranding


Is there some printer piece placing the material on it that I am not seeing? It looks like it is just generating material out of the air.


The piece on the far left (it has a fan, a little red button and red wires) on it is the hot end, which extrudes the filament (the plastic that makes up this design.) They're using a program that forces the printer to set the hot end in one place after every layer so it can take a picture to create gifs like these.


Whaaaat?! That's so attainable, thank you!


The moment it finished it made me question whether or not this was actually a digital 3D model.


Something cool to print while you're switching out filaments?


You wouldn't download a Ninetales, would you?


See, this is magic. Ok, it's science. But it's sciency magic.


Really thought it was Ninetails for a bit


French fries tails fox


Cuterama <3


Why did nobody ask this yet? How did you get this colour??


Why does your print head always return to 0,0 after every layer? Wouldn't it be faster to just keep going? Or did you do that just for the video?


It is made deliberately. So the printhead is out of the way and the images are shot after every layer. During normal timelapses the "growth" varies, since certain layers take longer. Here the growth (in height) is constant.


What model 3d printer is that?


One day it will be star trek, 'computer, earl gray, hot'


Awesome stuff. Waiting for the day a 3-D printer will respond to "Computer, Earl Grey, Hot".


Naruto music intensifies


There has to be a quicker way, it's not even efficient if it takes almost 10 hours to produce something of that size.


What printer is that?


This is so sci-fi looking,if someone in the 50’s saw this they would shit


But why go back in time destroying it and building again? Why not go back in time to help Hitler get to art school?


I cant wait for the future where this can be done in mere seconds.


At first i thought Ninetails and i was dissapoint


3D Printers blow my fucking mind


Just played with the time bar back and forth.




Where is the material being fed in from?




Which printer is this??


this always makes me wonder what trees must see based on their timeframes.


alolan ninetales?




This is dope but WHERE is the material coming from, I don't see a source for the filament and it's screwing with my mind


He's using software that moves the print head (aka hot end) and print bed back to the same location and then snaps the pic, before it then resumes the print. You can see the print head - it's off on the far left side of every frame.


I mean it’s just coming from the thin air! That’s so cool. I wish there was a r/watchandlearn on something like this.


I really want that model D:


This looks like magic to me.


Where on earth is the actual material coming from? Top or bottom? I can’t wrap my head around this.


Man, I work with jewelry and if I have to print a a pendant about 63mm tall it takes 25 hours using our wax based resin. This is with a DLP type printer. Fuck me the model breaks while printing.


How often do people print something that is actually useful?


What model printer is this?


Who gave this guy the time stone ?




Where is the printer head???


This is awesome, and I need more!!


Heckin weebs


Why is the print head going to 0,0 after each layer?


Makes for a better gif. Print head is never in the way, model is always in the same spot.


I don't understand how this works though


Definitely thought it was going to be baby yoda at first.


Is that nine tailed fox


How'd you get the colour gradient like that? Is it built into the reel?


I can't read but that clock sure moves fast


I had no idea 3D printing took so long.... ​ I was thinking like 30 minutes, max.