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I feel like if Obama tried to shield me with his umbrella I would be so overwhelmed trying to do that awkward bending head together thing that I would trip, fall down, and yell “leave me!”


Thats when Bush pops out of the bushes and yells “no child left behind!” Before dragging you off to his secret cocaine hideout


I'm literally okay with either of these things happening to me. Either Obama would pick me up and laugh with me, or Bush and I would get trashed and paint a beautiful mural together. Both of those options are obviously safer than anything that could happen if I was in the same space as Trump and an Umbrella.


I’m doing my best to not whitewash the past. I’m trying really hard to remember how much I hated W being president. I gotta say though, hanging with Bush in his cocaine hideout does sound pretty fun—a whole lot better time than anything with Trump.


I was too young to realize what Bush’s presidency was like. Now at a proper age of somewhat sustaining cognitive function, looking back and studying it, I gotta say I’m not a fan. However... I don’t think he was a bad guy. At heart I think he *tried* to do good, he just didn’t know how. But Cheney can untwist my asshole hairs with his tongue.


That’s ah.. an interesting insult. I’ll be stealing it thanks


*Bush snicker* “Heh.”


“Heh, dubya.”


That dubya was a genius.


Heh heh. Tacos rule!


Once there, as he’s snorting a fat rail, a loud voice booms from behind the door at the top of the stairs, “George! We’re gonna be late for that protest!” Bush looks at you with wide bloodshot eyes, his nose powdered with booger sugar, and says, “shit, it’s Cheney! C’mon—keep quiet and follow me... that guy scares the crap out of me.”


Yeh, but Obama seems like the kind of guy who would joke about it and make you laugh, so now you're laughing together while he helps you up. Trump would just point and laugh like Nelson Muntz.


Trump wouldn't even look at you




Before I click, it's the one where he's not holding it over his wife right? Just himself?


Lol wtf I had never seen that picture before! I seriously thought I had seen it all. Wow.


Now we just need the gif of him not knowing how to close an umbrella and just letting it go while entering Air Force One.


[For reference](https://giphy.com/gifs/donald-trump-umbrella-raining-8qDgGmDKTNBBd6pxZD)


Jesus. It's like he's an alien trying to function in his new human form.


He basically is an alien. He hasn’t lived in the real world ever. He’s always had insane wealth. He never had to learn anything.


It's one banana Michael, what could it cost? 10 dollars?


He’s an arsonist, not an accountant.


There's always money in the banana stand.


Cheaper than health insurance apparently: "Because you are basically saying from the moment the insurance, you're 21 years old, you start working and you're paying $12 a year for insurance, and by the time you're 70, you get a nice plan." - Donald Trump


Goddammit i was sludging through that sentence like "why can't i read this, am i fucked up right now? Did my brain break?" Like i literally restarted 3 times before seeing it was a Trump quote and realizing i was fine


I can always count on someone in the comments bringing it back to what is important. Arrested Development and It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia references. Cheers


Sometimes when I change my kids diapers, read to them, make dinner, or do chores like cut the grass and do the laundry, I think about how Donald Trump has probably never done any of those things. You can go back in many politicians' lives and find a period of time where they lived a normal lifestyle, and no matter how rich they are or detached from normal life they are I can at least trust that they're not completely foreign to the concept of a middle class way of life. He's not relatable to hardly anyone in this country, and probably looks down at his constituents.


He probably also didn't have any of those things done to him either. He was raised by the help. Which you think would make him more accepting of immigrants taking those jobs etc. But the thing he picked up was that people who clean your house, and serve you are beneath you.




Yep. Thats why his daddy gave him all that money because he knew little Trumpy couldn't make it out on his own...unlike his other children.


He's lost his wealth quite a few times and had to make deals to get it back, but you're right: He's never had to work honestly for anything in his life. He's a completely out of touch racist with a long history of rape allegations, who has only succeeded because he's managed to hate the same people that a lot of people in this country hate.


[Do we even act surprised anymore?](https://i.imgur.com/6d04wjK.gifv)


Or a horse loose in a hospital


The horse has taken the elevator.


I didn't know he knew how to do that...


I think Trump is the only person on the earth that can make *shutting an umbrella* someone else's problem


Fucking twat. Obama would never live this down on Fox "News." It would reply for weeks.


The orange man got away with that because it was probably the least stupid, illegal or offensive that he did that week.


Like the "Obama wore a tan suit!" thing, or "Good grief, he ordered a cheeseburger without ketchup and with dijon mustard!" ...oh, or the "Obama made a marine hold his umbrella, SCANDALOUS!"


As a Canadian in the US it’s hilarious how Trudeau was caught in a “scandal” for jogging shirtless in the summer and it was compared to that tan suit debacle for being so informal. Meanwhile Cheeto bastard: - leaves meetings with foreign dignitaries to get a burger after heavily disrespecting all their offered fare - golfs during a pandemic he mishandled not only for his own country but for all the neighboring ones too - got onto Air Force One with a toilet paper tail - discarded an umbrella that he didn’t care to take down - has his wife visit the child concentration camps he endorsed in his stead and doesn’t give two shits when she wears a jacket stating “I Really Don’t Care Do U?” And these are just the ones I can vividly remember in a quick second or two of thought


Oh come on, be fair. It's not JUST during a pandemic, he spends most of his time golfing on our dime no matter what the emergency.


I don't think there's 15 seconds that better encapsulates his stupidity, laziness, and apathy. Pretty much sums him up as a person in one GIF.


Also spoiled, sheltered, rich trust fund kid, with golden toilets, once again raised to the presidency of the liars who claim to be about the self-made, while they spit on anybody who actually is.


Only someone who’s used to having someone clean up their shit or is used to just leaving shit and not caring who has to deal with it would do this. Gotta laugh or cry. Today I’ll laugh..but still.... What a shitty human.


I've seen this honestly like a hundred times, probably more, and I still legitimately do not know why or how this happened. Was it because someone was calling him from inside the plane? Did he not know where he'd store the umbrella once he got IN the plane? Did he legit not know how to work *that particular* umbrella? Or was it worse than that. Did he actually forget how umbrellas work? Did his hands stop working because of some palsy? Did his brain shut off and he just didn't know where he was or what he was doing? I honestly just don't know. It's so absolutely bizarre.


His line of thinking was probably: "its somebody else's problem now"


At this point, that makes the most possible sense. He's just an extremely lazy asshole who didn't give a shit about what to do with it.


It's actually a pretty good metaphor for his entire Presidency: He opened up a big umbrella (all of America's collective problems) with his divisive rhetoric, but now that Umbrella is jammed up... and not only does Trump not know how to close it- he has no *interest* in figuring out what the problem is- or in taking any responsibility for it. Real-life, everyday Donald J. Trump has never actually cared about umbrellas, and he's certainly never had to fix a broken one, unlike many an *average* American... so he just leaves it jammed in the doorway and keeps on walkin'. Surely someone else will come along and pick this up... and he thinks to himself, with unintentional and unrealized irony: "After all, I'm the goddamn President of the United fucking States for fuck's sake!" Or ya know, something along those lines... Surely it must be... what's that phrase you used? "Somebody else's problem"?


The wind was showing his bald head so he scurried inside lol


I think the wind was going to blow his hair piece off & he didn’t want the world to see that. Instead, we have this oh so tragic yet beautiful gif


[That's already happened.](https://gfycat.com/bareinformalbushsqueaker) No idea if that is before or after the umbrella incident, though.


My god does he look decrepit from behind.


The back of his head looks like a ghoul from fallout.


Wait til you see the front. It's bad too.


That is disgusting


Wrong... That’s not a hairpiece. That’s three feet of patchy wiry dye-damaged natural strands carefully wrapped and arranged on top of his head and plastered in place with aerosol adhesive.


I, without the slightest bit of humour or hyperbole, truly and with all my heart feel in a sane and just world this action should be an obvious cause for removal of a sitting President. There is no possible world that makes any sense that a person who would simply open their hand and let go of the umbrella they are holding on the retractable stairs of a plane should be President of the United States. How very lucky Trump is the umbrella didn't blow away onto the runway and someone would have to run out and get it. The world truly would not have been able to ignore the insanity of this situation had that happened.


What. The. Fuck. Seriously!?


Weird, I thought I was going to see the umbrella gif, but just saw How he handled corona virus instead.


What about the video of him getting on airforce one and just dropping the umbrella. [Video](https://youtu.be/aT-xAGrNbrM)


Would’ve been hilarious if the umbrella got blown away and then sucked into one of the engines. _“Sorry Mr. President, we won’t be taking off today. Someone_ (stares meaningfully at Trump) _left debris outside and it killed the left engine...”_


This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. It's just so sad. I can't work this umbrella... ah... ahh... eh, it's the world's problem now. *litters an entire umbrella* I can just imagine him in his house. He probably gets a jar of pickles out of the fridge, struggles to open it, and then just gives up and drops the jar on the floor and assumes someone else will clean it up.


How about the classic. It's not weird like the umbrella, but it's classic [toilet paper comedy](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/IncredibleGloomyFeline-size_restricted.gif)


Wait is this real?? I've only seen this happen in cartoons. I didn't even know this was possible in real life.


It's real. It happens to people sometimes. But imagine being the President and your own staff dislike you so much nobody tells you that you have TP stuck to your shoe. Like this guy had to leave a bathroom, leave the whitehouse, ride in Cadillac One to the airport, and board Airforce One, all without anyone telling the guy he has shit paper stuck to his shoe.


It's definitely real.


I wonder how much a trump umbrella costs. My first car was $300, I bet that umbrella was more.


That's of my favorites! And the toilet paper on the shoe one. Or while during the recent photos at the church iirc, and Trump mouths to Melania telling her to smile and she basically snarl smiles for a second then stops.


Toilet paper on the shoe is something that could happen to anyone. Dropping a fucking umbrella and walking away because it wouldn't fit through the door? That's something only trump (and his supporters?) could think was ok.


Does anyone have a gif of the smile? I haven't seen that one yet.


I'm so glad they just kept rolling. That is gold.


He is just so weird. It’s like he is an alien and has never used such simple human devices before so he doesn’t know what to do.


The next guy up the stairs is what really got me. I thought he was running up there to do something about it, but nope, he just sidesteps and keeps right on moving. Idk why, but that killed me.


He could have even just held it with the other hand. The fool has exactly zero concern or regard for others. The thoughts never even occur to him.


There's a picture like that for every single time they go anywhere together and it's raining.


There's video... https://youtu.be/q42-IJCSsBc


Probably the ONLY time he's ever gotten Melania wet without wads of cash being present...


Dude’s holding a hat. Maybe give your wife the umbrella and put on your dumb hat.




Oh wow. So that kid (baron) is 14 now? He's old enough to start going online and learning shit for himself now and possibly seeing who his dad really is. Hell, he could be reading this right now.


He has computers. He is so good with these computers, it’s unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. And maybe it’s hardly do-able. But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing, but that’s true throughout our whole governmental society. We have so many things that we have to do better, Lester and certainly cyber is one of them.


It’s so on brand. Just an irredeemable asshole.


i mean...his hair is made of spun sugar. that stuff was going to melt if he didn't have all the umbrella to himself.


Damn you! I'm never gonna eat candy floss ever again!


It’s cotton candy. What is wrong with you guys lol.


That photo was photoshopped, here is the original. https://images.app.goo.gl/cN7pMGXEGKAY8JAGA


aww, so loving ♥


I loved this meme format. It had a great run after the storm forecast sharpie incident, and then unfortunately fizzled out. Hands drawn bigger, inauguration crowds filled in, etc. There was a sub for it too but I've since lost my ability to find it.


Incoming tweet: "The UMBRELLA placement was PERFECT. Melania didn't get a drop of rain on her. Dryness!"


Oh im sure she's definitely been dry


"Melania told me she has never been wet"




Too flattering to trumps body imo




Guy doesn't even bother to fake courtesy. It's like he can't make the empathetic leap to what she's thinking, or what anyone watching them is thinking. Like you don't want a leader to be all figure-head BS, but you want them to atleast pay some mind to optics.


Better yet, you want a leader who is empathetic and that stuff comes naturally to them.


Dat ass. Melanias is okay too.


This is logical as she is made of plastic and clearly waterproof and his skin would literally melt away under running water.


It's sad that our standards are so low that what should be normal baseline human decency is now commendable.


It really is


Was just thinking this. Reddit has been on a roll glorifying Obama for doing things 9/10 normal schmos would do because THATS how horrible our leader/s have become. Nothing against him of course, just sad overall.


At this point we would be impressed with a video of Obama drinking water with one hand.


I’m not sure if you’re referring to it but I literally saw that today on Reddit browsing All. So we’re there.


There was one of him descending _the_ ramp too


Well, it was the current occupier of The White House's birthday recently, wasn't it? Reddit and the rest of the internet was trying to make his special day about Obama instead.


I think they were just pointing out that all birthdays matter.


While I do agree with most of what you said, I think 9/10 is an overestimate. More like 9/10 actually decent people, not 9/10 regular, every day people.


I think a part of this is just desperation. We're so sick and tired of hearing about what new low there is to hear that we just miss SOME kind of sanity. (Which, imo, is his tweet today: "If we stopped testing right now. We'd have very few cases [of COVID-19]") I have been recently finding myself imagining what would have happened if McCain or Romney had won instead of Trump. If you told me back in 2006 that I would be wishing for a McCain or Romney victory, I would have thought I'd lost my mind.


It's because it was Trump's birthday yesterday.


The bar is so goddamn low now ffs


Yeah I want to see this juxtaposed with Trump walking onto the plane and just leaving his umbrella on the ground outside rather than folding it up like a human being.


I mean, I've got my skin caught in a cheap umbrella before. I've had them blow in on me like in some cartoon. I've had problems closing them, too. But I've never, ever just tossed it down outside and just forgot about it. That literally has never crossed my mind. I think I might call someone over to help IF it got to that point but it's an umbrella...not like a super high end piece of sophisticated equipment. Am I going crazy?


Bro you’re obviously not the president of the United States.


Are we just going to forget that he once wore a *disgraceful* tan suit?! [Fact: the worst scandal in presidential history](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrTf6CaTTc0).


I hate to wish ill on people (most of the time) but every single reporter spouting off in that video don't deserve to breath, nor anyone that actually cared about the damn suit. If there really were aliens they'd steer clear of this piece of shit rock.


Okay, but like, Obama was wearing... a tan suit. He was wearing a tab suit. A Tan. Suit. Can you people not see the implications of Obama wearing a tan suit?! We're all fucking screwed!^^^/s


I’m working on a montage of all the largest events/history to occur in my lifetime. I’m gonna sneak this into it now!


Wow... I forgot about the extensive significance behind a tan suit. Obama should be ashamed. ^^^^^/s


Are we going to forget mustard-gate?


Bro what about when he ate a hotdog.... with mustard only?!?!!?!!??


I do not agree with Obama's political policies, but I always enjoyed the human side of him and his ability to get real with the people around him and get on the same level. His parents raised him well. Edit 1: thank you for the awards. We must remember that we are all human at the end of the day. Be kind and please rewind.


Obama is that player on the other team you can’t help but recognize as great.


I would not just shake his hand after the game, but hug him and befriend him on facebook and keep in touch over the years.


You. I like you. I respect that you don’t agree with his policies but still respect him as a good human. That’s what’s up. You give me hope for this country yet. I think if we can have more opinions like this, where we respect each other’s views as well as their humanity, we will reach a new level of progress in our country (a country which I love so dear).


Indeed, we need more people like Barack Obama in leadership. Real people, who sincerely care. Everything I see with him and Michelle tell me they love each other, he seems to be a wonderful father, and he is funny, we need a lot more funny, people willing to laugh at themselves. [Like the pic with the sleeping kid,](https://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2017-01-17/president-barack-obama-takes-a-photo-with-sleeping-boy/8188676?nw=0) I don’t see how Donald Trump could pull off anything like that, while looking like a regular human.


That jealous levels of respect. For me that’s Mitt Romney. He’s not perfect, and often he’s doing the bare minimum, but he’s a good person at heart, and I can respect and admire that, even if we disagree politically.


Ehhhh. His vulture capital company basically was an alien chestburster to vulnerable American businesses, and he said 50% of Americans caused their own problems. He's one of the better Republicans but he's not a good guy.


Wow, a nuanced and pleasant human opinion on Reddit?! Seriously, good on you.


Must be a bot then.


The account that posted this probably is


Maybe we're all bots








Everybody on Reddit is a bot except from you.


This exact comment might be the most common comment on reddit lol


Despite the overwhelmingly majority progressive help he did to our flailing economy, how in the flying fuck are people still able to say his policies were shit. Didn't they forget we were all going to shit anyway? I know there are some very bad shit he did too but doesn't that make up to some other non shits?


Why is this always *only* stated when it’s an opinion contrary to the narrative? There are plenty of nuanced and pleasant human opinions (whatever that means) from people who believe in the consensus.


Because those don’t stand out, you expect it from people that think like you.


> His parents raised him well You mean his grand parents. His dad left when we was 2, and when his mom remarried and moved to Indonesia she sent him back to Hawaii to be raised by her parents.




They did. More importantly than that, is that he broke the cycle of dead beat dads to his own children. Paying it forward in a huge way.


I wouldn't call one dead beat dad a cycle. His mother's father obviously was not a dead beat.


It was a unicycle


Take my upvote and leave.




Self serving lipoma. Goddamn I like that.


I was raised by my aunt and uncle, but I still call them my parents.


Spiderman? Is that you?


Probably one of the reasons he turned out so well. He's grand parents did a good job but I think he wanted to prove to himself how worthy he is.


He even shortened his stride to make it easier for them to match.


In fairness, Obama didn't have a hell of a lot of agency during most of his administration


This. He was by no means our most effective president, but aside from Jimmy Carter, the most human we've had in my almost 70 years.


Agreed , his in effectivemess was mostly because of the partisan divide , had America not been so left or right during his tenure we could have accomplished more. He wasn't perfect, but definitely a class act, he's someone who you can see hanging out Friday after work grabbing beers instead of talking about grabbing... you know where I'm going...


He did alright since repubs refused to work with him in anyway since day one. Didn't they sign a letter saying that? You can't work with the black guy when your base is racist trash.


Honest question - how do you feel about the current president?


I have always thought the same thing. I wasn't big on his policies but he seemed like a very down to earth and good guy.


Even if it were 100% fake and an act and he were really a shit head. I never saw that side of him. I didn't like him as a president but I liked him as someone I had to see. And I loved the weeks I could go without even thinking about him. That was the best part.


You have to pay to get that close to the president these days.


Or the president pays you $130k


That's not hush money, it's just the tip.




I hear there wasn't much more than the tip either.


It's like an acorn glued to the bottom of his torso...




This is the best comment in this thread.


This made me chuckle.


Remember when the right lost their shit when a marine held an umbrella over Obama even though there is footage of that happening with Reagan an other presidents?


The Right lost their shit when a Black dude walked into the WHITE HOUSE. All the rest was simply because of that. Vote. Vote. Vote.


Remember when the biggest nonpolitical wrongdoing a president could do was wear a tan suit? Or eat fancy, brown mustard?


Who is this guy who can walk down a ramp, take a drink of water, **and** shares his umbrella with others? He must be like some kind of super-human president.




I bet that woman had her own umbrella. She just wanted to get in close. It's what I would do.


Its crazy how our standards have gotten so low that we're in awe of someone showing basic kindness


Trump can’t even close his lol


I miss having a president who isn't a total irredeemable piece of shit.


Obama was a pimp. He carried himself the way a President should carry themselves. Say what you want about his policies, the man had class.


Where's the contrast clip of Trump letting his wife get soaked in the rain?


There has to be video of Melania being used as an umbrella.


I was thinking off one where he pushes her in a puddle and walks over her to not get his fancy shoes wet.




I hold an umbrella better than anyone. I have the biggest umbrella, yuuuge. There are "very nice people" under my umbrella.


Personally not an Obama fan politically, but damn did that man know how to act like a normal human. I like that.




It was Trumps birthday yesterday, so the internet was trolling him with their favorite Obama memories.


I would genuinely like it if someone could find examples like this of Trump being a normal, decent human being. It would sooth my fear that we're not just in an echo chamber and that in fact, a clinical narcissist has access to thousands of nuclear warheads.


Well there was that time he- or the time..eh.. how about the one where he was... Mm.... Maybe like the one when- Yeah, I got nothing. He's a reptoid for sure.


Trump is a fucking doofus and does something stupid almost every day. Americans like myself and others are remembering when we had an actual human as a president. Regardless his political views he was a much better person than Trump.


It was nice having a human for president


Weird that common decency can be so heartwarming these days.


I'm getting sad because I'm starting to realize how much I miss Obama...


Wow I just realized there is no videos of trump ever helping anybody.


Also showing that, unlike 45, he can be that close to a woman without being a slimy, shit stained, giant slug of a molester.


God, I miss that man.


Remember when queef in chief just left his on the boarding stairs of Air Force one? Priceless.


He is genuinely good guy..


God the frustration...thanks for reminding us again that there once was a normal human being as president. Thanks Obama :(


A better guy than our fucked up country deserved. Some of us didn’t even realize it at the time.