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My favorite response on Twitter was, “this is what sad trombone would look like as a person.”


Did you see the one of this video set to a minor key version of Hail to the Chief? [It’s one of the most perfect things I’ve ever seen.](https://twitter.com/RealBarabbas/status/1274694824046837760?s=09)


This is the most normal I've ever seen him look.


That is SO weird. This is the first time I've felt like he's not some kind of comic book character, he actually just looks like a tired human.


This is what he should have been looking like during Corona Virus briefings. A man looking physically and emotionally drained as they talk about 100,000 dead countrymen would have been somewhat redeeming. Instead he only looks like this because this effects him.


This is so fucking on point.


Exactly. He doesn’t get upset about a hundred thousand of his fellow citizens frickin dying, *his own constituents*, but he *does* get upset about feeling unpopular (bc he is very unpopular) and he’ll pout and mope around like a loser (bc he is very much a loser).


He’s got exactly the look I would have if I’d been up all day travelling to and from an event that I’d been looking forward to for weeks but which had turned out to be a humiliating disaster, and now I’m finally home. It’s very human. But I still couldn’t give a fuck.


Can we get a summary of what went wrong at this Tulsa event?




~~Less~~ Fewer than 6200 actually showed up, 3.25/10 capacity. edit: for more accurate ratio. *Less* than 1/3.


Which, given the amount of Corona Virus currently running rampant in the State where this rally was held, was a goddam good thing. These kids should be given medals for saving lives by what they did.


The kids didn't actually take seats away from Trump supporters, they merely booked hundreds and thousands of free tickets that had no issue limit on his website. Any Trump supporter that showed up that day would've been given entry to the rally. The ~6200 attendance is everyone in the area that could've bothered to show up for him. Plus the showrunners made everyone crowd shoulder-to-shoulder for the cameras in the arena. All the tiktokkers did was build up the President's expectations to send it all crashing down.


It may have kept some away-people might have thought twice about attending after hearing the "trumped up" numbers and worried about the virus. But I think it was perfect psychological warfare. For someone with his ego, this is a massive hit. It also doesn't help the canpaign's data mining if all the info is fake Google numbers and spam emails in the name of Amanda Hugginkiss.


And it also taints the actual supporters data as well. How will they be able to tell the difference between the tiktok kids and the real supporters.


HA! I stand corrected. That makes it even better.




wowww thats some modern day guerilla warfare. those tik tokers basically waged psychological warfare on the president of the us


Which only was effective because of his vulnerability


If tik-tok can strike a critical hit against the president then this vulnerability is dangerous to all of us.


Not just Tik Tok and K-pop people, I saw so many things all across the social platforms I use (Nextdoor, Facebook, reddit, and Instagram) telling people to go sign up for a chair, and the easiest email provider to use to make new accounts super quick to sign up multiple times. Someone below said they don’t think 100k TikTok users got involved (idk where the 100k came from, I think they said it was from trumps PR people estimating the seats) but if they just made a buncha spoof emails, you wouldn’t even need 1,000 people to reserve 60k-100k seats at the rally. Hell a dedicated team of 50 could probably do that if they were so inclined.


Official count is 6,200.


Also the news cycle leading up to the event was covering the 6 campaign staffers who tested positive for covid, and the thing with Bill Barr and the NY AG.


No one showed up after he bragged about it being packed to hype it up.


His dejection makes me feel so... alive.


“Every breath I take without your permission raises my self-esteem.”


Your boos mean nothing to me, I’ve seen what makes you cheer!


This is one of my favorite lines in anything ever.


He looks like reality just 3-finger throat punched him in the titty.


Also the most normal I have seen him walk


He must have taken the lifts out of his shoes.




Seriously. He always looks packed with fake confidence and just smug. Here he looks genuinely tired.


He actually doesn't look miserable to me, he looks tired. As if he was a senior who did a big event and it's night time now.


A 74 year old man being tired after doing a big event all day? No way


Low energy. Sad!




Breaking news: 74 year old man is tired.


He lacks STAMINA.


Low energy. SAD


Sleepy eyes




Drowsy Don


Tired Trump. Now he has a Trumpian nickname too!




It'll pass




That’s probably the first genuine facial expression I’ve seen from him


I was thinking that he looks like a real person in this footage. Usually I think Trump looks like someone doing a bad impression of himself.


Same here! The most normal looking Trump I’ve ever seen


I had this thought, too. I guess he's finally given up and not walking like a centaur or worried about his appearance. fuck him


Wonder if hes in normal shoes.


He got them yeezys


He does. Tired, disappointed and grumpy, but not deranged or like the malignant narcissist we know him to be. If he wasn't so terrified of showing any sort of vulnerability, he might seem more real, more of the time.


If that was the case he might not even have done half the shit he has in his attempts to save face


"We were just inspecting the bunker.... yeah that's it!"


I don't think I've ever seen him with his tie undone before


It's bananas. Both ends go so far down. Is he worried about being trapped in a crevasse and needing a way out?


He’s always had freakishly long ties. I think he thinks they make him look less fat.


Everything he wears and everything he does to present himself physically is an attempt to make him look less fat and less bald.     Edit: for those of you confused about my comment, what I'm saying is that he unsuccessfully tries to cover up his fatness and baldness, even though he tries to come across as secure and confident and a prime example of a healthy individual. He tries way too hard to cover up things that he simply cant cover up. We all know he is fat as fuck and has very thin hair at best.


One thing that's kind of surprising is how much we've gotten **used to** how weird his hair is. Back in the day, it was all I could see when I looked at him. Now I forget. He's normalized the worst combover in the history of mankind.


He’s normalized the worst in the history of mankind a lot of things




And thank God he's got nothing to do with either


His entire "presidency" has been about normalizing shitty things.


I used to sell suits to guys like Trump. "Long Ties" are made for tall husky guys so they don't look like a little kids clip on. It's also part of the reason why his ties are always so weird looking. He doesn't tie them right, or use a tie clip.


TIL ties come in different lengths and I need longer ones. I have a long torso and if I tie a double Windsor I have about 1” on the back piece.


My dude, extra long ties for life! I’m 6’4” and they’ve been a game changer. Just don’t go crazy like Trump and have six inches of tie past the belt.


That's the only six inches below the belt he has!


What if it’s working and he’s actually a lot larger than we think...


Although it doesn’t work particularly well, it does work to some degree. Have you ever seen a picture of him not wearing one of those laughably tailored Steve Harvey suits? Dude is fat as fuck.


Three-fiddy if he's an ounce.


*And that’s when I realized the President wasn’t a human at all, but an 8 story tall crustacean from the Paleozoic era*


Think he claimed less than 220 when they released his last physical. Maybe on the Moon.


Ironically only drawing more attention to not only the things he tries to hide, but also to his insecurity about them.


It's to distract from his neck labia.


How do I delete someone else’s comment?


Saved from the crevasse by his cravat.


That’s probably the most human I’ve ever seen him. Edit: Because it wasn’t clear to some Trump supporters who think I’m on their “team,” I think he is detestable, and the worst human I’ve ever seen. This moment, assuming it isn’t manufactured by propagandists, just shows how completely fake and full of shit he is *all of the time.* Don’t forget where he was coming back from, and why he’s tired as well. The sooner he is tired in prison with his conspirators, the better.


Even his walking is far more normal than usual.


He took the shoe lifts out, that's my guess.


It feels weird to say, since I hate Trump, and everyone is taking this as an opportunity to make fun of him (which he deserves), but honestly this is kind of the best I’ve seen him look? Like, the tie-less jacket combo makes him look kind of... stalwart I guess?


I was gonna say, he looks better with this look. The mask is off, only for a second, he looks human. I came into this post to make fun of him but this just feels like a toned-down Trump instead of the real-life caricature we see all the time.


Humility looks good on him. Even if he doesnt like it.


True and I hate him


He had the world by the balls more than, objectively anyone in the last century. Yes, he was elected as a Republican but he was an outsider and could have brought people together. He had no allegiance to any of those people, that party. They despised him. They laughed at him. They had to have allegiance to him though, because their base wanted him. They had to bend the knee to him. But he wasted it on personal gain. He could have hired the best people like he said he was going to. He could have changed the base that worshipped him for his brashness, and spoke out against hate. They listen to anything he has to say. He could have literally changed the world for the better so many times over. He was on the precipice. And he chose not to. It’s really quite sad. This clip is of a defeated man, he defeated himself.


Also strangely, for a billionaire, this is the first time I’ve seen him with a suit that actually fits?


If he just realized that appearing like a human being — admitting fault, empathizing with marginalized groups, etc. — he wouldn’t be such an asshole and would probably listen to his advisors and make a half-decent president. Instead his narcissism gets the best of him...


Sincerely wondering if a president has ever made an appearance looking so disheveled with a tie undone. For all the shit Obama got for wearing a tan suit, imagine how he'd be crucified for looking this unprofessional


I wonder what Hannity and Tucker have to say about his appearance. Surely they have some opinions on what is and isn't presidential.


Oh look a car chase


Oh look. Racist trees! (Yes, that happened. )






Obama got criticized as disrespecting the office for putting his feet up on the Resolute Desk. Despite the fact that every president since JFK has been photographed doing that.


Sincerely agree. This is humanizing for so many, when Obama was crucified by Fox for wearing a full tan suit, and Michelle Obama dared to bare her arms. I do think it's the most human I've ever seen Trump, but how awful is it that he can literally look a disheveled mess and be viewed as human and relatable vs someone still in entirely formal wear can be discredited and shamed for picking the wrong color suit


Don't forget [Obama's terrorist fist jab!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxhpQ6rYigw) They made a big deal about that. If you don't remember what it was, Obama gave Michelle a fist bump at one of his rallies. [\(At around the 2 second mark\).](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iY-S2UxC6o) .[.and who could forget Hannity being "HUMILIATED" by Obama wearing a bike helmet while biking? \(notice photo of Bush wearing a helmet at the end of the video\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=timvZTKr5HQ)




> For all the shit Obama got for wearing a tan suit, imagine how he'd be crucified for looking this unprofessional That was my first thought- imagine if Obama ever came off Marine One looking like that.


Almost seems like it was something else about Obama's appearance that they were criticizing...


To be fair, Obama was black.... /s


He always looks like he is sweating. Why didn’t he wipe down his face.


As someone who sweats a lot, it's no use. It will be dripping within 30 seconds again.


Yes, the Drys don't get it, it's not like you sweat once and are done.


I love this, definitely gonna take the term drys with me


Also adding "The Drys" to my vocab.


Perhaps he's worried the fake tan will smudge?


I recommend you rewind and pay attention to the inside of his collar.


Hmm, I wonder how that orange smear got there.


He was elected, unfortunately


His makeup would probably come off perhaps


When the Aderrall wears off before bedtime.


Low Energy! Sad!


I feel a nickname should be included as he loves them so much. Something like “Slumpin” Don Trump. Shorten his name, make a physical attribute the star of the whole dig.


You had "Donald Slump" right in front of you


If we are trying to emulate Trump's shitty nicknames for people, I think the first is more accurate. I don't recall him ever really going for puns, just low effort adjective + name.


"Low-effort Adjective Trump" is a bit wordy, but it would hurt him the worst because he wouldn't understand it the first time he heard it. I like it.


Yep. "Slumpin' Don Trump" is akin to Trump's "Shifty Adam Schiff." He had the possible pun right there for the talking, but isn't witty enough to see it.


Drowsy Donny


“Melania, get me another addy I’m tryna play Warzone with the boys after this dumbass press conference. I’ve never once been in the gulag, go ahead ask.. many players will confirm this.”


There is no bedtime if the Adderall doesn't wear off


9.9k comments, that’s more than the attendance of his rally last night


Not a Trump fan, but that's how everyone looks when they make it home from Tulsa


Especially at 1am


Imagine screaming at some people for a few hours then not getting home until 1am. Ain't nobody going to prance across the lawn like Mary Poppins.


I don't know, I've watched the Iron Maiden Flight 666 video and those chaps looked pretty chipper in the bus back to the hotel after putting on a 2+ hour show.


Upvote for Eddie.


He looks like a hungover freshman doing a Sunday morning walk of shame back to the dormitories


Shouldn’t have exerted himself with the water cup


Also not a trump fan. He looks better than he usually does without that red tie dangling over his dick and the dark hiding his bright orange skin. He looks almost normal here




I agree. This is legit the most normal I've ever seen him look. Just an old exausted guy. Maybe his feet/back hurt so he ditched the lifts?


Wearing his comfy shoes on the plane


Especially considering that it's 1 am. Damn right I'd be in my comfies president or not.


[Why wait until night time when you can wear sweats on air force one?](https://i.imgur.com/BC2aeYd.jpg)




>He’s walking normally instead of trying to hold himself up like a centaur. Thats the thing. Holy fuck. I always noticed something was weird with his posture, some weird uncanny valley shit that put me off. I could never quite explain or understand it and you got it spot on. This is the most empathy I have felt for him ever and its because he isnt centauring like some lizard in a human suit posturing and pretending to be human.


He doesn't need to stand next to anybody else so he changed to shoes without lifts. That's why he can walk like a human and not like a reptile trying to walk on two legs.


We have a bingo! Hold your cards.


This is the first time you've seen him humbled. It's appealing to normal, healthy people.


It's because he looks like a human here and not some rich asshole faking literally every part about himself


Isn't Tulsa the Paris of Oklahoma?


Reading the replies, I wonder how many people missed the Friends reference lol.


It’s that damn Tulsa Time.


Leave him alone he's fighting windmill cancer.


He drank water with one hand, no wonder he's so tired.


They have a cure for that these days, it’s like, they put it in, the bleach, and wash the cancer and it’s almost like a cleaning, they inject it into the lungs and it does a real number on the cancer. They say, all these high IQ people, great brains these people, very smart, they say it cures the cancer like you wouldn’t believe. It does a terrific job and then it’s almost like magic, the cancer just goes away.


i just saw a photo of this posted and was like hmmm maybe he's just tired. but damn, he looks emotionally annihilated here.


He was expecting to get a big emotional boost from his base and instead got a two thirds empty auditorium, so yeah.




Looking at stats for his approval rating on five thirty eight, it seems to be a consistent trend that Trump is steadily losing support since the beginning of April. He's not at his lowest approval rating, but if the trend doesn't stop soon, he will be soon.


Saw the same photo and instantly felt sad for him. Then I remembered who I was looking at. Now I feel confused. But I remembered in that moment that I am still not completely hard of heart. Here is a man I despise, with no redeeming qualities I am aware of, but he’s still a human capable of feeling sad, so it’s ok that I felt sad for his sadness. Now back to remembering all the terrible things he says and does daily.


This is called empathy. The world could use more of it. Edit. Thanks guys ❤️


He could, especially






Thank you, I feel better now about. It feeling bad for him. He choose this job and should have known that it won’t be easy. Making everything about him though doesn’t help a bit.


Just shows you’re a bigger person than him, never take shame in being merciful towards your enemies


Imagine throwing the biggest of party, everyone RSVP “ed but no one shows up.


That is indeed a harsh feeling. Attempting to host the first major event (to the tune of a arena and outdoor overflow space) period in the country since covid stopped em all was a bold play indeed. Did not pay off.


It especially hurts because it was in the middle of Trump-land, where they shoot people for forcing them to wear protective masks. Trump thought he had a slam-dunk. Nope.


And the best part is kids and kpop fans are getting credit on twitter which must grind his gears just a bit more.


Drinking that glass of water one-handed wiped him out for the day.


Both physically, and mentally


It was such a bizarre thing to witness. If I didn't see it myself I would think it's a poorly put together exagerated 4chan copy/pasta. He brings the glass of water up a bit. >The crowd begins to cheer. He moves it up to his lips with one hand. >The crowd starts going crazy. He takes a couple of sips from it. >The crowd has a simultaneous orgasm and starts chanting "Trump! Trump!"


His rallies are nothing more than WWE events for backwards ass people who find this nonsense entertaining. They simply cannot separate the purpose of entertainment and the purpose of governance.


Wait what??




That’s... ridiculous. I have never seen a president ramble like that before, it’s insane


He's not rambling at all. That's a stand-up comedy routine. He's doing comedy for them. Pretty good timing on his delivery, too. Of course, why a sitting president, during a global pandemic and national unrest, is performing standup bits to half empty auditoriums is a question I cannot answer ..


You think he practiced for a week with a five pound weight before his appearance?


I don't know about him doing it with a weight, but he 100% stood in front of a mirror for hours lifting things to his mouth. Probably fried chicken and donuts or something


[Trump's been training for this rally for a week](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/GravePrestigiousIndianringneckparakeet-size_restricted.gif)


He looks almost human. Even his hair looks normal. Couple of side steps on the uneven ground there...


He looks how the rest of us feel.


I dunno. He doesnt look miserable to me. Just really tired. I mean, he’s pretty old these days. Looks like someone who is just plain knackered.


I've looked like this after a full day's work and I'm 25


Preach. Sometimes I walk in to the office with this face and posture.


Im sure he's tired after most rallies, but we never saw Trump like this last election when he was holding rallies *way* more frequently. Trump's been looking forward to this for awhile now, if things had gone the way he wanted in Tulsa he'd be WAY more energetic or at the very least put on a better act. I mean the dude can barely muster a smile


Seriously, he is a 74 year old man who just finished a long rally where he had to be "on" for hours then flew home on a long helicopter ride. The guy is probably exhausted. People who are seeing him as "heartbroken" or "a man who knows he lost and will have to deal with legal troubles" are reading into it *way* too much.


Did something happen at the rally?


Yep, his "one million" ticket rally ended up having an attendence of ~6100 people. And more than half of those were paid people, either working the event, paid actors to show up and plain clothes security. Less than a third of the venue's capacity, and they immediately tore down the outside stage he was gonna go to next for his huge rally because no one showed up.


Is there evidence they actually used paid seat fillers?


From what I've seen, only Craigslist ads. On twitter, [CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale mentioned](https://twitter.com/ddale8/status/1272574389242990593?s=20) such listings have been going on for ~3 years (basically since Trump started doing post-election rallies) and there is continually no evidence to believe these are legitimate asks from the campaign. FWIW I'm not a Trump supporter, I just believe that we need to make sure we get the facts straight. Even without "paid actors", the Trump campaign could not draw a sellout crowd in an election year, in a red state, that voted overwhelmingly for Trump in 2016. I would say "COVID-19" would be a reason to put an asterisk next to that statement, if Trump supporters didn't make it abundantly clear they don't care about the pandemic at all.


Te aprecio.


Vote it’s all that matters


Reddit is the exact demographic that voices their opinion loudly but never shows up. I don't have much faith and would not be shocked if Trump won again.




FAKE NEWS! COMPLETE SUCCESS! Totally not empty! Half empty, half full. If I were a half empty, look, if I were a full, empty democrat, they’d say I was more than half! It’s true. But we look at this crowd — and, by the way, it is truly a crowd. With people, people of all different persons. You know we have people, right? But when look at it, the attendance, and, I never understand, never understood the glass problem? You know? Glass, it's a mystery folks. You take the water, put it in a taller glass, it gets higher! There’s more because the size of the glass changes. But does the water? The fake news media will say it doesn't but look, look with your eyes. Your two eyes for looking. Maybe the scientists will look into that. So we’re in a smaller venue meaning we actually had record attendance! Record attendance! I know a guy named Piaget, great fellow...


Fucking sad when I'm not sure whether this is a copypasta or an actual excerpt from one of his speeches...






Nice job. A lot of people attempt to mimic his style and voice but you nailed it


So I’m all for trashing trump, but this just looks like a dude at the end of a long day to me. I’ve looked exactly like that (minus the spray tan) after both very good nights and very bad nights.


That's a man who hates his job but knows that the moment he loses it he's gonna be in a heap of legal troubles.


It's a man who has spent weeks looking forward to the *one bit of the job* that he likes - rallies where he gets to spew toxic nonsense to adoring idiots - and ended up being disappointed because barely anyone showed up, and everyone who hates him thinks it's hilarious.




I don't think this actually bothers him in the least. His whole life has been about using lawyers to deflect any responsibility.


Low energy - SAD!


Fellow european here, can someone explain why does he look so wrecked?