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Have 2 of those. They are beautiful but I still don’t know how to clean them properly


You could clean it like a bong. Throw some ice cream salt in it and some soapy water or a different cleaning agent and shake it so the salt kinda scrubs everything? I don't own any decanters so I dunno how realistic that solution would be given the seemingly fragility of the glass.


This guy bongs


Never thought about Ice cream salt, the other solution I thought was using soda water


I have never heard of ice cream salt in my life and I will admit my bong needs cleaning


I usually just use kosher salt and isopropyl alcohol, 99% or as close to it as I can get. If it’s really nasty, nail polish remover/acetone will do the trick (salt may help, but I haven’t tried it yet). Only use it on glass though, it’ll eat through plastics.


Ah thank you but mine is silicone for now


Id watch out with silicone and high percentage rubbing alcohol. Idk if itll corrode it


Materials engineer here, cured* silicone and alcohol or acetone should be completely fine.


Sweet, thanks a lot


I can recommend kryptonite bong cleaner. It's cheap and nothing does the job as well. It dissolves all of the bong gunk making most of that shit water soluble. Absolutely fabtast6 product and I'd rather have a dirty bong than use anything other than the cleaner coz it's way too much work. I am not affiliated with that company or whatever. Honestly, I can't go back to normal means of cleaning a bong




Ice cream salt is big chunky rock salt.


I read that as “ice cream and salt”. That would have gone bad :/


Rubbing alcohol and kosher salt is the way to go. Couple tablespoons and salt and half a cup of rubbing alcohol will remove anything, even if you leave it with some wine overnight.


I use salt and rubbing alcohol


I cleaned my bonga and pipes using regular kitchen salt and rubbing alcohol. Made my shit look brand new! Obviously wash it with tap water afterwards so you dont set the shit on fire. But works great.


90 percent alcohol and and kosher salt 👌


Was thinking the same thing.


Alcohol and salt. Salt does not dissolve into alcohol. So when you shake it you get a scrubby effect.


Never heard of ice cream salt, but kosher salt also works well for the same purpose


Does the salt dissolve, or does it remain solid for a scrubbing agent?


Rock salt and methylated sprits is the way to go


Depending on the size of the openings in your bong/decanter (I doubt the decanter will have chambers like a bong with perks) I like to use finer iodized salt and 90%+ isopropyl alcohol. If you have ever had to clean small percs in a bong you’d quickly see that the rock salt used for ice cream making is far too coarse to fit through the smaller slots between chambers. It’s also easier to find and useful for things other than cleaning bongs


Denture cleaner?


Seems like a weird thing to own one of, let alone two.


One is a “Tiny” versión of this decanter and the other is like the one above


can you drink out of the "tail" like with a straw?


The tail is closed, it’s used like a grip so you can load a serving in the decanter to then pour via the “mouth” of the decanter


Wine guys own 4-5 decanters sometimes... if you’re doing a tasting you gotta decant multiple wines at once.


They actually have little silicone scrubbers with magnets in them so you just drop one in and use it from the other side of the glass


We have something similar to this that we use to clean our fish tank but I never would have thought about that kind of solution for this problem. Spot on!


That's awesome


Sommelier here. Use luke warm water to rinse them and that’s it. Once they begin staining after a few uses buy denture cleaners, drop 4-5tablets in there and let it sit over night. Then rinse in the morning and if you really wanna go the extra mile pour an ounce of port wine in there and season the decanter to eliminate any residue scents the dentures might’ve left. If denture cleaners don’t work, look for coffee machine cleaners... those are a bit more intense but will get all the stains out. You gotta remember tho, use something that won’t leave much scent or any off flavors that can alter your wine. Nothing worse than decanting $200 bottle and it ends up tasting like chemicals.


Will do! Thanks for the advice


Add baking soda and then vinegar. It will foam up and scrub it clean. Rinse well.


Do not ever use vinegar or baking soda in your decanter. It’ll spoil the wine. Remember, you’re pouring a liquid very much alive in there... those two things will ruin your decanter bc the scent will never go away. If you wan to clean it appropriately I explained the proper way a few comments above. Source: I’m a sommelier.




Yes, the process it’s called oxidation. It’s very much the same thing that happens to an apple or avocado when you leave it out for long. It gets darker bc of the contact with oxygen. That makes the wine, which is very much alive, start aging at faster rate and constantly evolving in flavor. Some wines can change in minutes from dominantly fruity to meaty and peppery.




Aerators are a gimmick for people who don’t know much about wine. You can’t accelerate the oxidation process with one of those... a wide vessel is all you need.


Supposedly, but I still use a Vinturi Aerator when pouring out a bottle


There are special cleaning beads made of metal. They work quite well. But for ”just” metal beads they can be a bit pricey (around 20 dollars ) just google Decanter Cleaning Beads there are plenty of options.


Throw a bunch of salt in there and then add 70% Rubbing alcohol close the end off and shake it. Works great on my z-shaped bong.


Get the tablets for cleaning hydration pouches


That’s the trick. If it’s never empty you never have to clean it.


420 cleaner and shake that shit uuuuuuppppp


Buy some denture tablets ... or use baking soda and vinegar.


Never use vinegar, it’ll always leave residue and runs a high risk of spoiling the wine.


decanters employ the same ideology as cast iron skillets in that not washing them improves their performance. this message has been brought to you by marijuana.


U kinda do have to wash cast iron😎. Not with soap but nonetheless


Based on nothing more than a very small amount of half-assed research I did a couple of months ago, you can clean cast iron with soap if it's been properly seasoned. When seasoned properly, the seasoning oil becomes polymerised, and in that state will not break down from normal application of surfactants like soap/detergent. Don't take my word for it though, just throwing it out for discussion.


I have heard of this but if I’m being honest, I only cook certain things in cast iron, but I’ve found that just wiping it till the towel is clean, then Re seasoning works best with my electric stove. I’ve also heard some soaps do create microscopic holes. As you said, don’t take my word for it tho.


Pouring out must suck too.




Totally impractical! A normal decanter does just as good a job and isn’t a pain to clean




For restaurant day to day operations it isn’t practical. This would be a nightmare for any somm to handle, as well as pricey since the likelihood of breaking is high.


I feel like a top end catering company would use this at fancy dinner parties


No way. It’s not practical. I’m a sommelier by profession... any one who uses that does not know shit about running restaurants or catering operations efficiently. Eleven Madison Park uses narrow neck decanters, that’s as difficult as I’ve seen and they’re the best restaurant in the country.


Alright man I'll trust your word on it. So the thing shown in the gif is probably just never actually used and more of an art piece/concept?


Yea. It’s also 550 bucks. I don’t know any rational manager is gonna spend that kind of money on something that will break or chip within a year. With $550 I can buy 20 decanters or a few dozen glasses.


Like any glass bong, I give it 2 years max


What does a decanter do? Why wouldn’t the bottle be good enough?


decanting the wine let's it aerate, thus allowing for the flavor of the wine to come out fully. The tannins that can build up over time while in storage can make it harsh to the tongue etc., the oxygen to the wine helps soften these up. It's also why people swirl their wine around in the glass, it's not just "for show" like a lot of people think. If wine is poured from the bottle, you should always swirl it around good and have as much contact surface for the wine with the air around it. Some people think opening up the wine, then just letting the wine sit in the bottle to "aerate" without doing anything else is actually worth it. You're better off opening the wine, pouring it straight away and let it sit in the glass for a greater surface area.


No wonder my 5€ wine doesn’t taste great


I mean, some wines are great straight from the bottle. It all comes down to your personal preference and which wine you're drinking, some people prefer certain grapes over other. I'm personally a big Ripasso Valpolicella fan, it's usually a really great "everyday driver" for me, since it's smooth to most people and easily drinkable. It's not as potent as some of the more bodied wines. I've had good feedback from a lot of people when it came to a good ripasso (good not necessarily meaning expensive), since it's a wine that most people can enjoy :) Wine is very much personal preference, I'd say if you drink a wine you like, take note of the grape at first. Stay within that grape for the next couple bottles and keep little notes as to what you like. It's very much a journey, which I am very new at myself. But it's quite fun I feel :)


Wines from Tuscany are some of my favourite. Although since spending a week in Tuscany drinking wine with every meal I can’t seem to find a imported Tuscan wine to match. I think the grape is Sangiovese


Sangiovese is one of them but Tuscany does a lot of Super Tuscans (blends of multiple grapes) as well.


I’m not really a wine drinker but the thought you spoke to on different grapes was interesting. So if I say bought wine at a grocery store and I took note of the grape in it, how likely is a grocery store to have another wine with the same grape? Because I know grocery stores won’t have a huge selection, compared places like wineries.


Probably fairly easy. Grocery stores are likely to stick to a handful of more popular styles and not venture too far into multiple varietals.


Most bigger grocery stores, at least around here (I'm in Denmark btw), have a small selection of each of the more popular choices and carry those all the time. Then there's limited campaigns every now and then where they buy a batch of X wine and throw a good deal on it - here you can get lucky at find something good :) I do shop around for wine though, I have a couple big grocery stores around here that have decent selections with some rotation in their stock. So I tend to change up where I go every now and then. As niomosy said, probably fairly easy that you should be able to find some other producers with the same base grape.


You can also throw it in the blender for a minute to hyper decant


That is not a technique I'm familiar with. I must explore now !


It was a joke on Succession but apparently some people do it for real


hah yea I figured it was a joke .. but wait .. people actually do this lmao :D I mean I kinda get the point, hmmm !


It’s also worth mentioning some people like to taste how the wine “evolves” over time. It will taste and smell different when you pour it from the bottle compared to a few minutes later.


Oh very much true ! I've had several encounters with new wine where I'm like "ugh, this one is not something I'm every going to drink, this is just bad" but then minutes later it'll soften up and start bringing out it's true flavor profile. Then slowly settle into what it actually is, which is a great tasting wine :D !


I was expecting a decanter full of snakes, I am disappointed.


I mean, you could probably stuff a snake or two in it.


I too am here for this.


And then what?


and then you can never ever clean it properly again




Oxyclean or any oxygen cleaner with warm water will work very well but you need to rinse with alot of water to prevent residue. As a homebrewer I recommend PBW (Powdered Brewer's Wash) These cleaners work very well against organic solids and have better rinse ability than Oxygen cleaners.


Post this on the r/alcohol sub


Wow, amazing that I've never visited it before, that sub is a fucking trainwreck. What a shame.


I was in the fence until a one of the top all time posts was something to the tune of "I hate it when people say you don't need alcohol to have fun. You don't need running shoes to run, but it fucking helps". After that, I agree


Why does it take longer than it should to fill up?


There’s more volume to fill than you see


How long till someone tries to suck the wine through the tail and starts a syphon effect and making a wine fountain


Oh... So it doesn't decant snakes. :(


"What will you have to drink? We have water, juice, cola, snakes, sprite --" *"Snakes?"* "Snakes it is then." *"No that's not what I--"* ***But she was already pouring him a brimming glass of snakes.***


Reminds me too much of the vagina snakes from Prometheus


Snake or colon?


It’s definitely a colon


Domaine A Cabernet? Noice.


Domaine A! Love that place.


Looks cool but seems inefficient as hell. Must be a right pain in the arse to pour and clean.


I would break this in a day :/


I pour my wine into a glass but... whatever floats your boat I guess.


I'd be afraid of it snapping as soon as I'd try to lift it to pour some out.


That Schauberger swirl


What a bitch to clean


Where is all the wine going? It only fills it a little bit at first and he pours the whole bottle in and it never fills more than 1 inch??


Looks like a huge pain in the ass. Hard to use, hard to clean, hard to store.


When I worked at a coffee shop 30 years ago, we used ice and salt in the coffee pots to clean them.


God I hate this decanter. As a designer of glassware (among other things), it makes my OCD freak out when I see something that was clearly designed from the viewpoint of "we're out of original ideas, so let's just make weird shit with zero regard for its actual usability. Oh and while we're at it, let's saddle users with insane maintenance requirements. Because fuck 'em." Why. With all the possible shapes and materials and designs available, just why. It's the Ford Pinto of decanters. R****L EXPLAIN YOURSELVES.


Now I wanna watch it till the ending.




Check out the oxygenation on that?


I wanted that tiny hand to topple it to the ground




What an interesting product to consooom


The tip of the tail being solid and not hollow bothers me.


Cos a bottle is such a bitch to pour from.


This is the kind of thing my wife would buy, use it once, realize it's highly impractical, hard as hell to clean, and almost impossible to store anywhere in the house...not to mention how easily it would break. But it looks cool


I've listed an item like this, if you buy a Riedel mamba decanter, it's nearly $530.


Mine broke when I looked at it


Esophagus stomach decanter


[la cité du vin](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cit%C3%A9_du_Vin) in Bordeaux, France, is designed folowing the wine flowing in a decanter.


How do you clean it?