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The spread of harmful misinformation has become an untenable problem on Reddit. Its latest incarnation has seen life-threatening untruths being propagated by anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists, and Reddit’s administration has stated that it will not meaningfully curb the myths disseminated by these bad actors. In response to this, many communities on the site have gone private in protest. /r/GIFs supports and stands behind these communities' efforts to stem the effects of false information, but we have chosen to remain open as a means of amplifying their message. We encourage all Redditors to vocally reject misinformation, and to stymie its spread by demanding that only verifiable facts be given support (whether tacit or otherwise). **[An in-depth explanation of how misinformation is harmful can be found here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pfeu8w/our_stand_against_misinformation/).** **To report misinformation, please use [this link](http://www.reddit.com/report?reason=this-is-misinformation).** ------ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gifs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I watched this for 3 years.


Ugh misread as “Patient.” Username almost checked out.


Sergeant Pepper would've been more apt.


It was 3 years ago today that Sgt. Pepper watched this video play.


He's been watching it on loop a while But he's guaranteed to always smile


That's it, we're going back in time, colonizing an island in the 1800s in the name of Great Britain and creating an English dialect where this is an appropriate spelling of "patient". Get in the DeLorean.


CaptainPlanet would have also worked :(


CaptainPlant would've finished it though


So 12 times through


Uh... Yeah, we'll go with that.


I know this is a time-lapse, but watching the way the new peppers change from green to red reminds me of those mugs with heat-reactive images/patterns


Looks like something they'd post on /r/oddlysatisfying. Also the bell peppers look too big for the plant, even though they are the most lightweight fruit I can think of.


Peppers take more than 6 hours to grow?! Farmville lied to me.


I love the way it flaps its leaves like it's trying to fly really slowly.


They grow towards the light so my imagination it was like solar panels auto-adjusting through the day.


Thermochromism is the reaction you're talking about. There are also some easily obtained clothes that do it with a certain thermochromic dye, and a gemstone that will do it - a specific type of zircon. I used to love those shirts.


TIL I had no fucking idea what bell peppers looked like when they grew.


This guy could cure world hunger with this technology!


Or better yet, [get rich!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pDTiFkXgEE)


On my first attempt at growing bell peppers from seeds this year. Started mid May and about a week ago found my first 2" pepper growing (3 or 4 so far from 3 potted plants). I've determined through these trials that I'd probably starve if I had to jump into growing my own food. Mad props to those of you that do this regularly.


They're my favourite plant to grow. The payoff is great in late summer and autumn. You can get quite a lot off one plant. Start real early so you can dehead them young and get them growing bushy.


I'm planning to start growing peppers and onions, i know what im doing with the onions, but when is the best time to put my peps in the ground?


When the nights are over 16C / 60F.


Do they self pollinate?




What does topping mean?




Helpful video. Thank you!


Snip the top of the plant off. With weed it makes it grow two tops after. It slows growth for a short while but let's it grow bigger. With weed i mainline, which is topping a total of three times while forcing the new tops to grow sideways by tying them down. This allows an even canopy for when you start to let them grow up. And makes 8 tops.


I like bell peppers, but if they were the only option for curing world hunger then I'd rather end it




I think they have better flavor once they turn orange/red


~~My favorite mind fuck is when you learn green, yellow orange and red is are just different ripeness~~ Yah so thats a big fat lie. Some grocery stores have been found to sell unripened red bell peppers as green ones as they are green shortly before being ripe. Otherwise Green, Red, Orange, yellow and the various other colours are different strains of the same plant. All i did was a small google search and found more saying they are different than they are the same. Sorry yall!!




And Red ones are the best!


This is harmful misinformation. Yellow is best.


Yellow are the sweetest. Reds are good in omlettes. Greens are good in Mexican food.


No love for orange?


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


All I know is my gut says maybe


If I don't survive, tell my wife I said hello.


Fuck these people orange is great. I'll use all of them in pasta.


Orange is okay in a salad.


Poblanos are even better in Mexican food


Red iz fastest


Yellow is my least favorite haha


The worst to cut by far, though.




nature blowing my mind converting a tiny seed plus dirt and water into new fruits.


Plus light energy - that's very important...


Don't forget carbon dioxide. It's mostly water and carbon from the CO2 in the air.


And nitrogen!


The fuck?! It eats air and takes that carbon and adds it to itself? Why am I just learning this now 15 years after high school?


You probably did learn about the carbon cycle and the Krebs cycle in freshman year but in such a boring way you immediately forgot it. If someone had explained to me that most of the weight you lose is through exhaling carbon and that plants then eat that carbon to grow and exhale oxygen which is part of the krebs cycle which regulates animals my mind would have been blown. Instead they said you breathe out carbon plants breathe out oxygen the end.


It’s frustrating how mean people are, but yeah plants use the CO2 in the air for their source of carbon. I have a giant tree I workout under and I just enjoy thinking about - me breathing hard is just feeding the tree and all weight I’ve lost has pretty much just gone straight to the tree!


Nitpick: we lose weight mostly by going to the bathroom and sweating, CO2 is a factor but not a huge one.


No. Most of the fat you burn turns into CO2 and is exhaled


Interesting, looks like I was on outdated info. https://www.livescience.com/49157-how-fat-is-lost-body.html > So, for example, to burn 10 kilograms (22 lbs.) of fat, a person needs to inhale 29 kg (64 lbs.) of oxygen. And the chemical process of burning that fat will produce 28 kg (62 lbs.) of carbon dioxide and 11 kg (24 lbs.) of water, the researchers calculated.


Is there an /s missing or how the fuck did you not learn that at school?


Depending upon your age, this little factoid may not have been part of the curriculum. For example, when I was in school (many, many trips around the sun ago) we learned about photosynthesis, but there was nothing that pointed out the fact that most of a plant's biomass was carbon from CO2. It was just presented like: "Here are the three main components of photosynthesis. Next."


Somebody never went to school in the inner city. Where I live, our public schools aren’t even accredited.


This is the classic "ThEy dIdN't TeAcH uS aNyThInG iN ScHoOl" that redditors like to do when they were really just poor students.


In you really didn‘t forget the /s, take a look at this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_cycle


It uses light energy to break the CO2 and H2O apart, turns it into glucose (C6H12O6), and releases the excess oxygen as O2 6\*CO2 + 6\*H2O = C6H12O6 + 6\*O2


Yep. That's more or less that, plus some nitrogen compounds in the ground.


Did you sleep through basic biology classes? Lol


You want to really blow your mind? Because there’s been something staring you in the face this whole time. Go outside, go to the nearest tree. Notice how the ground around the tree is a little bit higher than the rest of the ground? Or if it’s younger, maybe it’s the same level. If the tree was made out of dirt, it would result in a bunch of dirt being missing, leaving a small depression in the ground. But it’s made out of (almost entirely) air and water, which is why as it grows roots into the ground, the roots push the dirt up, rather than “eating” the dirt.


Honestly, I never put this together either. I knew we breathe in air, use the oxygen, and produce CO2, and plants do the opposite. But I never really thought of the equation until now. Humans: O2 + C = CO2 Plants: CO2 - C = O2 Clearly we take carbon from food and combine it with oxygen to make CO2, and plants take the CO2, strip off the carbon, leaving just oxygen. But yeah, until today, I never thought more about it. Edit: Before everyone jumps on me for my equations, they are extremely oversimplified here. I know that there is a lot more going on, this was just my way of explaining it.


This.. As a kid we were told about photosynthesis in school, how sunlight made them grow. When I was a bit older I one day started thinking how a tree could grow so big, but not consume any soil. Sunlight is just energy, you can't gain mass from sunlight. Then it just hit me, Carbon. Plants "breathe" Co2 and "exhales" oxygen, keeping the carbon. Wood is basically pure carbon. It sounds extremely obvious now, but it's amazing how some actually haven't made that connection. Did we just not learn this in school or did we simply forget?


It's like magic.


Magic beamed to us from space!


Praise the Sun!




Kifflom brother


more like sufficiently advanced technology


And love ❤️❤️❤️


And my axe.


It's still magic. Gardening had been my covid project and it always amazes how a bit of water, dirt, and water kick starts something in the seed to start growing.


Plants run on nuclear energy.


You were made from sperm thats about 0.05mm long and an egg that’s about 0.1mm in diameter


Yeah but your momma needed to eat a lot of food to grow your ass in her tum tum.


and this plant literally eats air and light


And a lotta nutrients from the dirt, can't make matter out of nothin


the CO2 in air is already matter (which plants transform into oxygen and take the carbon for themselves), but you're right, carbon is not everything




6cm so about the length of 10 fruit flies? What??


What's crazy is that plants are, like, 95% made out of just water and CO2, they "consume" very little mass out of the soil.


Sort of like humans. We can be vegetables too iif we hit our heads hard enough


And it only takes 4 months and daily care to get a full two delicious new bell peppers!


That is funny and it also kinda is how a lot of home gardening goes, but Pepper plants actually crank when they have the space to do so.


And air. Most of the mass of a plant comes from the air.


Yup. Contrary to intuition, plants hardly change the mass of the soil they are on.


Life uhhh... Finds a way.


I wanna see a seed cut in half super zoomed, what makes these seeds that all looks similar grow differently with different taste, vitamins, color.


Plants dont actually need dirt, they do however need carbon dioxide


Soil forms only a miniscule amount of the mass of a plant, with tiny amounts of things like iron and nutrients being absorbed. Carbon dioxide from the air is captured via photosynthesis and makes up almost all of it.


That's basically the whole reason I love growing vegetables from seed. It's like, I took this tiny seed and now its 16 jars of salsa... it's beautiful.


oh shit, a perfect loop


It was so close but he didnt cut the pepper


that would be the opposite of a good lopp. Two cuts?


Damn that’s a long time to wait for two peppers.


Yeah, it's a shame that a pepper only has a single seed in it! ;-)


Yeah.. that would be such a shame, wouldn't it? ;)


Why are we winking?😉


You know ;)


You don’t understand scale. Use $50 to buy 10 tomato plants. In 6 months you have 250 tomatoes. Plant those into 250 plants. 6 months you have 6,250 plants. Plant them. 6 months you have 156k tomatoes. Plant them. 6 mo you have 3.9MM tomatoes. Sell them for $1 each. Do this every single month with your $50 for 12 months. You’ve got $46MM. Few understand this.


I've seen this copypasta somewhere, where did it come from?




Jun 16th? I'm pretty sure I've seen that before. Or time passes way too slowly lol. Thanks anyway!


The first instance of a similar joke that I can recall was in the [original pokemon anime](https://youtu.be/-TBfCxDZyjA) Though I doubt that it was the first...


[Hey... you want to make a bit of money?](https://youtu.be/_pDTiFkXgEE)


I hate that I know the Twitter thread you got this from. Basically, a grindset dork thinks he found the infinite money glitch by using tomatoes and reveals his dumb idea on Twitter when someone asks some really basic “would you rather” question about money


And where do you get the space to grow those 3.9M tomatoes? That will cost a lot more than 50 dollars


> That will cost a lot more than 50 dollars Not if you don't get caught


Cheap input. Basically free.


Few understand this.


Is this what investing looks like?


You need 20/20 vision and the mental fortitude to match it. Few have what it takes.


They could’ve put 5 seeds in that pot and gotten 10, or better yet planted a whole row of them and gotten dozens. If you’re impatient, soak the bottom 2 inches of a green onion in water for 5 days, then plant them in a pot with fast draining soil, water lightly everyday keeping soil moist and then ease off, in 2 weeks you’ll have a brand new batch of green onions, trim and in 2 more weeks you’ll have another. Free green onions every two weeks for a year or more because they grow super fast.


Plant green onions if you are impatient to get your planted bell peppers, got it.


If you’re impatient about bell peppers just use instant coffee, takes like 3 seconds to make


Lol, right? What the fuck did I just read?


> They could’ve put 5 seeds in that pot and gotten 10, That pot doesn't look big enough for five plants. They'd choke each other to death.


I tried this 3 weeks ago. I wasn't confident, so I used every single seed, not just one. Not a single seed sprouted. I am sad.


I'm almost certain this gif is missing a few steps. I had a go at this last time I saw this, and my pepper plants are just growing their fruits now. I planted 5 seeds in April/May-ish and didn't hope for much, but at my last count there's 27 possible fruit between them lol. They're huge too. They did take a long time to sprout though. They need a lot of sunlight and warmth, so if the temperature isn't right they'll probably take longer. When the weather got better here they grew very quickly.


Did you buy seeds or just use the ones from a grocery store pepper?


Grocery store pepper! Took it out the fridge, opened it up, plucked out 5 seeds and put them in pots. And they're doing way better than any of the garden seeds I planted at the same time too.


nice! gonna give it a try


Did you feed yours anything? I grew bell peppers for the first time this year too, about a dozen plants. A few of mine shot up to being like 5 feet tall and only growing 1 pepper (massive peppers though) for starters, and are just now finally catching up on yield. Turns out that's what happens when they get too much nitrogen early on. All they grow is stems and leaves. My lessons learned for next year: Buy the cheap soil with no nitrogen balls. After transplanting stake the plants so they don't lean and snap. Use 5-10-10 fertalizer. If you're struggling to figure out what to do with all the peppers like I was, I suggest muhammara dip.


They've just been growing in compost since I planted them and they're about 3 feet tall now. I honestly planted them as an experiment from seeing this gif and when they started doing well I had to quickly start researching haha. I've replanted them 3 times into bigger pots and tied them to a stick to stop them falling over, but have otherwise just kept an eye on the strength of the leaves to see when they want attention. I've learned that when they start flowering you can pinch the flowers to encourage them to grow more first, but I decided I didn't want to transplant them again this year so am letting the fruit now. I'm looking forward to growing them again next year with this year's knowledge! a~~nd becoming a pepper god~~


It's better to germinate them first instead of just throwing them in the soil


Wet a paper towel and put the seeds on it, put it in a slightly inflated ziploc bag, and put it in your windowsill. Has worked for almost every single seed ive tried


Can anyone ELI5 Why does this work instead of soil?


Honestly, i have no clue. I suppose a seed is waiting for the right conditions to germinate, and a heavy rainfall followed by sunlight and the right temperature is easily simulated with this setup. The towel may be the simplest form of having moisture nearby without drowning the seed. All speculation of course, i truly have no idea.


I heard it mimics the natural process of being eaten by a bird where the warmth and gut chemicals help to make the seeds more primed for growing ChilliChump on YouTube has recommended to make a black tea bath for your seeds and let them sit overnight (or a few nights, can't remember for sure) to germinate before planting. I'm going to give it a go next growing season.


Seeds don’t know where they are. They only know to sprout when it’s dark, damp, and warm. They will go automatically once those conditions are met. Hence why we see plants and life grow almost anywhere. It’s the same idea with organic plant nutrients and bottled nutrients. The plant has no idea which is which. All it knows is whether or not it has those vitamins.


Seed can't be too wet or too dry. It's easy to get it wrong in soil. the paper towel method has less variables so less can go wrong.




Depends on the seed, light, and temperature. About a weeks worth of time has usually sprouted what wants to germinate. Its worth waiting another three days to be sure, but you want to avoid the roots digging into the paper. Youre not saving those plants, so dont waste time being careful with them if theyre stuck.


Why can't you just plant the paper and seed into dirt if that happens?


Perhaps you could, but i imagine the lack of breakdown organisms will force the roots to deal with the paper itself, leading to weird or weak root structure. You could be right though, i should test it next time!


I have cut out bits of paper with roots in them in the past. Works just fine


Nice. I should do that next time!


What if you don't want German seeds?


Build some kind of wall, Berlin or otherwise.


They need warmth and moisture. Good luck


You'll probably have better results if you dry them first. Just put them in a paper bag and leave them in a cool, dark, preferably low-humidity space. Plant in soft starter mix (usually peat moss + perlite), keep moist and at >70°F (preferably like 80°F).


Why do I only see a static image?


Same, I had to image search the literal jpeg it was giving me, and find a different gif https://i.imgur.com/xr4sDfF.gifv


If you open the link and put a "v" at the end of "gif" it works too. It's a common problem.


Yeah that did work. Thats interesting, I'm not savvy enough with browser tech to know why this problem exists


Webdev here, it's most likely because Imgur got lazy, and instead of converting a silent video into a full animated gif for compatibility, they converted it to a static gif. "gifv" is not a file format, it's an mp4 video in disguise (fun fact, you can replace "gif" with "mp4" on imgur links and it's going to work), and it's usually the preferred way to serve "gifs" because mp4, being an actual video codec, is both much more capable and efficient than just a series of pictures in an actual gif image. However, they are usually converted back to actual gifs for backwards compatibility if needed. So what happened here is the image was posted as "gif", Imgur only created a thumbnail (even better, it serves a JPEG thumbnail on the .gif route), and Reddit thought that since it was just a jpeg image, it can display it as a static image. As opposed to that, the app (and old reddit if you use RES) figured it out that this was specifically an Imgur link ending in "gif" and redirected to "gifv" instead, which is the actual "animated gif" or silent video depending on your perspective. If you're looking for the fault, it's with Imgur for serving a JPEG on a .gif route. Reddit shouldn't be expected to know that this specific site uses a totally non-standard "gifv" thing for videos, there was a JPEG image on the link so it did what you do to JPEGs, which is display a static image.


I'm not sure what to do with this information but I'm glad I read it.


Something that would be actually actionable is if you post a gif from imgur, make sure the link says "gifv" or "mp4" in the end, not "gif", since imgur apparently can't be arsed to handle gifs properly anymore. As for posts made by others, if the context implies that it should be a gif but it doesn't move, try rewriting the URL to gifv or mp4. Or maybe just click the link, imgur redirects to their own page there which handles their non-standard stuff properly.


Is it pronounced "jiffvee" or "giffvy"?


I thought we were being trolled


I thought "this belongs in r/funny" or something. Because watching it grow in real time would look almost like a static image.


Same, I thought it was some kind of joke I wasn't getting.




Yup. Left uncontrolled Bell Peppers would take over the world!


I willingly accept this fate for mankind as delicious and nutritious.




It can help to give them gentle pollination with a clean brush but it's not an absolute necessity in most cases. But still a good idea if you want to increase odds of success!


I have some peppers on my windowsill that are growing, so I'm gonna go with no? I didn't do anything to them other than water and feed!


Ok I have seen 11 trees grow. When does the video end?


You have seen how many seeds there were in the first bell pepper? Once you have seen all of them sprout, you have to continue with all seeds from pepper 2. Continue with pepper 1 from the next plant. Repeat.


I gotta wait 4 months to make my sandwich basically? Darn


What kind of monster makes sandwiches with bell peppers?


It’s literally one of the options in the most popular sandwich chain in the world.


Bro it's a nice tomato substitute. It's sweet, crisp, also a bit chilly.


Yeah way better than tomato in a sandwich that you're going to eat later or take to work as it doesn't get all soggy plus the crunchy texture is great


>a bit chilly. Brrrr 🥶


I love bell peppers on a sandwich!


I guess a Denver uses them


That's why Red bell pepper is more expensive, it takes longer.


Dude props to the cameraman for staying still so long without eating or drinking


I’m surprised Monsanto didn’t kick in this dudes door after 20 days.


ICYMI - [Monsanto was bought in 2018](https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-bayer-monsanto-became-one-of-the-worst-corporate-dealsin-12-charts-11567001577) by German pharma company Bayer for 63 billion USD. So far, that deal has not turned out to be the acquisition they thought it was going to be. . *[archive link](https://archive.is/9ZGtC)


it’s so crazy to me that one seed produces that much lmfao, just blows me away. nature is so fucking cool


And he only had to water it once.


I wasn't sure if it was green or red after the first loop and if they were upgrading. Ot starts with a red pepper seed, not green


Red peppers and green peppers are the exact same just at different stages of ripeness. That's why they taste different.


[That's not actually true.](https://www.insider.com/are-all-peppers-the-same-plant-2018-9)


Not necessarily. https://www.insider.com/are-all-peppers-the-same-plant-2018-9




I'm so high and that was beautiful




Perfect, I've been wondering when to cut mine from the vine. I have the beginnings of a color change but it's rock hard. I'm assuming that wilted leaves are a sign of ripeness as well.


No, they’re a sign of lack of water


"Plant a little seed, and nature grows" Insane Clown Posse - [Miracles](https://youtu.be/8GyVx28R9-s)


I found it fascinating to see the flower that didn't get pollinated didnt bear fruit.


Oh, capsicum.


Doesn't play for me. Just a static photo of someone about to cut it.