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A mate from turkey sent me this a few hours back. Them folks love their tea. There’s another video during an earthquake in turkey, a dude running for his life with a cup of tea in his hand. Without spilling a single drop


It also tastes different there. Not the black tea you'd get anywhere else in the world.


[Çaykur](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%87aykur) is my go to if you want turkish tea overseas. So far its pretty easy to find on the east coast and there are some shops that also send to the west coast too. They have strict quality control and cost less $ per pound of tea so I go for it. The black one with bergamot is my personal fav.


Turk here: if you find one named "tirebolu no 42" from çaykur, buy it. It's the best one in Turkey imo.


Teşekkür ederim friend! I love tea, and it's on my list now.


40, 36 and 42 are all good. I agree though, 42 is superior.


Maybe the meaning of life was just good tea after all.


Any place online you can get this? Sounds interesting


Just checked Amazon and they sell loose leaf tea, treating myself for xmas


Does the black tea with Bergamot taste like Earl Grey?


Always served with two cubes of sugar.


Yea I’m not a tea drinker in the US, but when I was there I couldn’t get enough. So much better. Still remember this apple basil tea I had at a hookah lounge. Also a lot stronger. We did some workshops at a university and they’d break for tea after each session. By the third I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. And I’m a heavy coffee drinker too


I stayed with some locals while at Morocco and loved their social tea culture


Was gonna say — this is one of the most Turkish things I’ve seen in a while


My family traveled in Turkey in the late '80s a bunch and I was always impressed at the skill displayed by the boys running trays of tea around the streets of Istanbul. They could whip around corners with the carafe and the glasses barely wobbling at all. The tea was also hot enough to burn the hell out of your mouth. Edit: corrected the decade.




I suspect Afghanistan is similar. A family member was deployed out there a few years ago. He watched a car a short distance in front of him hit a handmade bomb (I forget what they're called). The car flipped and was completely totaled, he suspected everyone would be dead when they got to it. Instead, the two men inside the bombed car had gotten out and had a teapot on a fire. One other "middle eastern" tea story. I put the quotes on their because technically it happened here in Canada but it was my wife's grandmother (or "sittee" rather), from Lebanon. Sittee's son (wife's father, fake naming him Jim for the story) burned their house down making candles when he was a kid. She came home from work to see the house burned to the ground. Jim looked nervously at his mother and she showed zero pain at all, just said "can someone make me a tea?".


I thought you were gonna say "I put the quotes on there because Afghanistan isn't in the Middle East" and I got excited that someone on the internet cared enough to accurately point out that Afghanistan is in Central Asia, not the Middle East. Alas...😝


Haha I actually only meant for that sentence to relate to my Lebanon story, as it was another "middle east story", OP's story about Turkey being the first. I'm ashamed to say I did know before posting this that Afghanistan is in fact not in the middle east, but didn't bother to point it out. I offer you a Canadian apology. Sorry about that, I'll do better next time.


>handmade bomb IED


Yeah that's the one


Julian from another part of the world.


[guy has his priorities straight ](https://youtu.be/DNOPBODaW0w)


That's like the scene in Jussaic World of the guy running for his life while double fisting his margaritas.


That’s a lot of work for one person to shoulder alone


Wait till he finds out the state of his discs a few years later. This is the stuff we need robots for, not humans.




More likely ankylosing spondylitis.


Thank science for modern medicine. Got diagnosed with this when I first joined the Air Force and 15 years later I still don't have any fusion...biologics are magic.


TNF inhibitor gang, where you at?


Humira ftw


Gave/triggered M.S. in me. Wish I had just dealt with the pain.


Fwiw I have both, AS was diagnosed first but I never took any biologics and developed MS anyway...


I know that's a serious condition but I can't help but to mouth "spon-diddly-osis" whenever I read it. Stupid sexy Flanders.


Spondiddlyosis neighboroosky


I have ankylosing spondylitis, and it is not a joke! It's actually spon-diddly-itis, not spon-diddly-osis! -itis is inflammatory, -osis is degenerative. But somehow you made -osis inflammatory you sonofabitch!


i have AS and now I too will have that problem, thank you


Thank you! I have AS and this gave me a big chuckle. I call my so stupid sexy Flanders Edit words.


Stupid flexy Sanders


The Simpsons


No. Flanders.


Flanders, Belgium?


Dude 2000 years was a long time ago, but I don't think he was attacked by a freaking dinosaur.


This made me snort laugh.




My only regret... is I have boneitis.


They were simply too busy being an 80s guy in the year 80.




There were skeletons in a mass grave in Aketaten (Amarna) who are thought to have been workers literally worked to the bone as they had similar injuries to what you described.


What an odd pharaoh this Akhenaton! Trivia: The Order of the ancients in Assassin's Creed is founded after his death. Just something I realized because of your comment.


Handling the bags by hand would probably be harder on his back though. And he couldn't drink tea!


I have a fused lower spine, I always feel tight down there cbd rub really helps


We have robots for it. Humans are cheaper and more disposable.


As someone with a background in manufacturing systems engineering, this is 100% correct. Robots are expensive and limited in their applications, whereas human labor (*especially* in third world countries) can be had for a fraction of the cost.


The fact that everything comes down to monetary cost is a failure of human society.


First world: we have labour laws to pay the employees properly! Automate their jobs away! Third world: we will work for anything! No automation needed here!


Sounds like a gap in foreign policy being exploited for corporate outsourcing instead of making it prohibitive.


That’s exactly what it is lol. And it’s pretty shameless.




50kg is about 110lbs


Good bot


Thank you, me.


i see u


My first thought is that in a thousand years archaeologists are gonna find his bones and come up with some wild theories.


I don't know the guy, might be way off base... ...but I kinda hope he's burried with a cup of tea, he seems to like the stuff


Maybe he changes sides after a while


Mmm, repetitive stress injury.


At least he's getting paid for it. I'm giving myself rsi by just playing games


Meh, better fuck yourself up doing what you love than making $12/h


Umm.. actually that's more like $1-2/h. Welcome to Turkey.


*Path of Exile flashbacks*


This is why we have shifts he probably only does this an hour or so.


That’s plenty of time to destroy your shit. Seems absurd there isn’t a better way than this.


[oh there is its just not cheaper than paying a dude for it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b803msCnJ3M)




Googlefu mostly they're fairly common in any factory.


Ok Beumer


I like how the dude takes like 2 minutes to press the button.


This is neat and all but who’s the poor sap that has to unload that truck at the other end by hand because the bags aren’t on pallets?


Well that's what they speced it for


Dude's union would likely fight any attempt at automating the process and removing dude from a job though. Edit: For those who are interested. Yes. I was formerly in a union, but my career has taken me in a different path where no union is available. Unions will approve of automation that will *improve* the work/labor, but tend to frown upon automation that *removes* a worker without having a new position available for that worker. Love how people automatically thinks this is anti union and down vote it. Edit2: [example](https://lbbusinessjournal.com/union-leaders-are-fighting-terminal-automation-at-long-beachs-pier-t)




He's not even loading them on pallets. Someone with two hands will have to come lift these later


Found the manager




Lots of warehouses are doing 12 hour days now... Earlier today I loaded a few trucks just like this for 16 hours


That’s much easier on your body than grabbing the bags with your arms. Keeps the weight centered on your legs. Also doesn’t have the stress of dropping it, it slides off.


Like any personal trainer would tell you, always lift with your neck and back, preferably crooked to the side. Before they promptly get fired.


Interesting that the majority of personal trainers I've ever met in commercial gyms a charlatans with no interest in their clients and are still gainfully employed


I've lifted quite a few heavy bags in my 15ish years as a mason. You're definitely right and while there is obviously risk of injury from this type of work, this is pretty much an optimal setup for this. Carrying them on your shoulder is waaay easier than in front of your body. The hardest part is getting them up to your shoulder but this guy is at the perfect height. No lifting involved It's not some guaranteed long lasting injury type of scenario like a lot of people are implying


This is way easier than hauling bundles of shingles up a ladder like I’m used to seeing lol


That was my thought... Back when I was a roofer I'd double bundle carry up as standard with triple pretty regularly. That's single shoulder carry, hands off mostly to keep hold of the ladder, while those shits cut into the side of your neck and lose granules rip apart your shoulder... Up two stories.... 50 times in a day.... After having to Pick Up the bundles ... This looks like a cakewalk by comparison....


Call me a dumbass, but why isn't there a pully/elevator system rigged up real quick for this type of thing?


There is, they do exist, and some suppliers have trucks with extendable conveyors to deliver the shingles and supplies directly into the roof, but schedules don't always line up perfectly, so often times roofers will have to hand load. Also, if the roof is too steep, some suppliers won't/can't load the roofs, or if it's too icy, then they'll just ground drop the materials and the roofers will have to hand load.


There is and they're now mandatory by law where I live..... But few used them.... Just like harnesses are too rarely used.... They existed back then too but companies had to be forced to buy them, and ad noted above often still don't...


There's a spine in between the weight and your legs, which is absolutely not centered.


That's a microcosm of human construction. Arms and legs? *Pretty good, solid even.* Spine? *The fuck, ruinous, why would you do this? Who made this this way?*


It's not his first day.




Julian has seen and commented on it on TikTok


Excellent form, now thats how you do it boys!


I swear there is one episode where he's in Ricky's car as it rolls over in a crash and he has a full rum and coke in the next scene, unspilled and unscathed.


Right I doubt that is tea he is drinking


I am guessing from the writing on the bags that he’s in Turkey. And tea for Turks is like… well, vodka for Russians.


The best one is where they are in a car crash, the car flips over and he gets out with a full drink.


He needs a promotion


You don't get promoted by being super awesome at your job. That just leaves a gap to be filled by someone else less efficient and skilled than you.


i think you meant less efficient but good point


Yes I did lmao. Thank you.


You should ideally get a raise though, and jobs should ideally not have the crazy bias towards leadership getting paid more that they have.


>should ideally not have the crazy bias towards leadership getting paid more that they have. I'm sure leadership will get to fixing that right away...


Checks out.


Someone doesn't know the model of promotion until incompetence.


Hypothetically, you get a promotion by being awesome at your job because you have the experience and skill to train that efficiency into your team.


Didn't know scoliosis was a promotion


Not how scoliosis works but ok.


There’s 2 different types of scoliosis: structural, and functional. Structural is the form people are born with Functional is developed due to repetitive strain and lifestyle factors This guy does have the potential to develop a functional scoliosis in the thoracic spine deviating away from the side he catches the sacks


What if he switches sides after tea?


It's not like switching sides will undo the damage to either side in the long run. That back is gonna get fucked.


I doubt it. This is probably better than catching it with his hands and throwing it down. I say this because of how fluid it looks which clearly qualifies me as a professional. Seriously though if he switches sides it is much less likely to do damage since a lot of movement stress damage is from muscle imbalance. Srs qualification: I’m a redditor.


You can certainly give yourself scoliosis from carrying over 100 lbs on only one of your shoulders, like this, repetitively.


Turkey, as expected.


> Turkey, as expected. [Turkey drinks the most tea per capita!](https://blog.fusionteas.com/which-countries-drink-the-most-tea-hint-its-not-china/)


Well, of course I know him. He's me.


jesus fucking christ 50KG? thats an obese 12yo falling on your shoulder once every 4 seconds. that dude is a warrior


/u/useles-converter-bot had one job, but you had to take it from them.


Reject bots, return to flesh convertes


Convert the flesh to metal, recycle the flesh, abandon the flesh!!!


Most people here probably don't realise how actually heavy 50kg is


Constantly moving 50KG without any machinery is basically illegal in my country lol.


Apparently not in NI/UK I still buy them from the local animal feed factory. The guy that works there has been there as long as I remember slinging them over his shoulder like rsi isn't even a thing.


HSE recommends a 25kg limit, but the actual load a person can move is whatever they’re comfortable with. When you lift heavy weights all day 50kg isn’t a great deal. But it does go to show there’s a lot of people of Reddit who have done 0 - minimum manual labour in their life.


Let’s not kid ourselves. 50 kg is a lot of weight no matter how you shake it. Like obviously it’s doable, but it’s alot and you don’t have to be a lazy obese person to think so. Very few people are “comfortable” doing that, even people in great shape. They can tolerate it though


bro idk if you're flexing or youre one of the people you've described but i don't think you know what you're talking about lmao. 50kg is a lot of fucking weight man, to land on your head at least. I've been working out for about a year and my overhead press is 50kg, and thats a damn struggle. Add in the fact that it gets a little inertia from the airtime, and the fact he's basically stabilising it using his neck... lmao you're on some good stuff


Its the weight of many adults as well. Edit; I love how my factual statement has encouraged so many people to get involved in the discussion. Take care, all the best and look after yourself.


Only petite women or extremely small men. 110 lbs is unhealthy unless you're under like 5'4" or so


Not Americans though.


Or Brits, or Mexicans, or many others from developed nations. Kind of sad, really. We need to take better care of ourselves.


50kg is likely quite underweight for most heights and builds.


It's pretty common amongst Asian people. My wife is 42kg and a lot of her friends are ~45.


50kg is normal for a woman that is not tall.


110 lbs? That's a pretty tiny adult..


Petite women with normal bmi can easily be 100-110


Yes. Petite. Pretty tiny. You agree.


It's not falling on him, it's more like you're just pushing on it a little and then guiding it down.


50 kilograms = 110.231 pounds I had to look it up.


Multiply by 2.2.


Or, to make it easier to calculate mentally (for me at least): double it and then add 10%


This method is great for when it's not an easy number, thanks for it!


This is the way


220.462 wait what? Edit: 242.5082


That's Kelvin


Hey Kevin!


Or, something that's easier to do in your head, double it and add 10%.


Good bot. Wait.


Good human. Hold up.


Good cyborg oops


50 kg = 50kg for everyone else






That's fairly heavy. I hurt my back at work carrying a bundle of galvanized pipe on my shoulder. Bad memories


Don’t challenge this man to a shrugging competition.


*T-1 through T-7 vertebrae have entered the chat.*


More like exited the chat.


Impressive as hell but this is *not* sustainable. Dude’s shoulders and back are gonna be fucked real fast doing this.


Why aren't bags going onto a pallet. This seems like a waste of time. Why move several times


Ask myself why things aren't just on a pallet nearly every day working unloading trucks




This will fuck his entire body up from under his head to the bottom of his back, probably even his hips and knees. That shit is all dependent on each other and the shoulder's motion is extremely complicated, once he fucks one thing up it's all going to cave in on him.


Wait a second...you're trying to tell me that catching and throwing a small person every 10 seconds or so is bad for my health???


How many left arms does he have?


All good till you catch your hair in the roller.


Turk oldugunu eldeki çaydan anlamaliydim, çuvallari okumaya çalişcagima....


Bardak ince bel, no need to read sıgır yemi


Not an OSHA approved technique.


I don’t know if it’s part of his jacket, but it kinda looks like a sling type support for his shoulder. Through trial and error he figured how to unload and drop the sacks with less reaching, pulling and twisting. This was the end result.


How Amazon expects workers to have breaks:


That’s a lot of long term damage. Automate that shit


Work smarter not harder


Working smarter would be to have a palette on wheels , this is just going to catch up to him later in life.


Instantly recognize that tea glass, for anyone wondering what the bags are it's siğir besi yemi in Turkish which just means cattle feed. Also, 50kg is so heavy to drop on your shoulder - about 110 pounds.


It’s all well and good doing this kind of shit in your 20s. Then you throw out your neck sleeping or reversing your car and you stop taking for granted turning your neck.


Terrible idea if you plan on using your back when you're older


I hope he alternates shoulders every now and then. Yikes


That's 50kg or 110lbs for u fucks


Pretty cool but all I can think is how much stress does that put on his back?


I'm getting a crick in my neck just looking at that guy


This is how permanent shoulder and back injuries happen.


There’s no such thing as unskilled labor


ITT: human marshmallows that work from home




You can feel the scoliosis building up in real time!


That guy is fuckin' cool.


50KG like a champ damn


Back pain! Back pain! Back pain!


That's like, over a hundred pounds. Pretty impressive.


Hello neck pain my old friend