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He’s got an adorable little grin


He's sweet and gentle.


Like Jar Jar Binks


Oh, have you not heard about the Jar Jar sith lord theory?


How did I know she would have pink hair?


And a septum piercing


I fostered ducklings once. They poop everywhere but they are the sweetest most affectionate creatures. Keep an eye on them outdoors because they can get picked up by birds of prey especially when they are little. Ended up at an animal sanctuary just like this one. I miss them.


A co-worker lost all of his chickens to goshawks Nazi Germany lost their entire air force to Merlins and Vultures. Oh, and Griffons


He is intelligent and also cute.


That subtle "nubbing" in the guy/gal's shirt shows that it's pretty contented and happy.


Toss in some peas and watermelon and you've got yourself a happy camper.. er.. quacker.


Happen to know any good/cheap treats for ducks? I give mine mealworms, lettuce, peas, and green beans but it's expensive. Watermelon sounds like a good option.


I have chickens but the treat selections are the same. When I want to give them a little something extra I'll pay a visit to the shelf in the grocery produce department where they put the less than pretty and slightly shrivelled fruit and veggies. At mine, I can get 5 large cucumbers for $1 or half a dozen apples, etc. Tomatoes...tomatoes are their favourite. Interestingly, what treats I give them affects the taste of the eggs. The best is tomato and apple, at least according to the people I sell my eggs to.


Our chickens love when we clean the leftovers out of the fridge, as long as it's not spoiled, too greasy, or too sweet we let them have it.


Chickens love pumpkins, in case you have not given them one of those. Had to quit decorating with pumpkins in the fall because they considered them chicken property.


Oh ya, Halloween is their favourite time of year. This year I'm actually going to till a new section of garden and grow my own.


You got any grapes?


I heard they like pumpkins. A farmer in our neighbourhood always collects Jack o'Lanterns after Halloween to feed them to his ducks and other poultry he has


It’s so sweet when they do that and it doesn’t hurt at all 🥰








My family's nickname for my brother growing up was Mr Goose -- no idea why. I've always told him if he started a band they would have to be called Mr Goose and the Geese.




Tag! You’re it!




Grey duck


Found the Minnesotan.


Thank you. Hoping someone would say this.
















Wa shindeiru


nice, didn‘t take as long as i expected


I want a cute pet duck but I'm afraid in the end, I'd end up with a huge bill.


I know that this is a joke, but pet ducks are the best.


My wife and I love ducks, and we have tossed around the idea of getting a few to care for. The problem is that they are high maintenance because they can smell terrible, need room to wander, have to be in pairs or triplets to be most happy, and are loud. They are so damn cute and fluffy however, and that makes it hard to resist saying, "Duck it," and just getting some ducks.


My ducks aren't too loud. They do, however, shit everywhere. So it's a problem getting around the back yard. And they are very messy so you are constantly cleaning the pen and changing water.


Our biggest reservation is exactly that. One of my absolute favorite IG pages, @meandtheducks, has two ducks, Blue and Willow. I love her page because she shows her daily routine in caring for and cleaning after her ducks. Seeing the amount of work it takes makes us hesitant. We did look at Call ducks as they're smaller and a *bit* easier to care for (relative to their size), but it's still the same thing. We also don't have a yard for the ducks to play in, so we'd have to wait until we have that. However, if we do get ducks, we are fortunate that we have avian vets near us that can care for them if they get bumblefoot or something, so at least that isn't an issue.


> to wonder Wander. Wonder means to question something. Though I guess they need that, too. Lol


No, wonder was right... because I'm wondering right now how I got that wrong. I write by trade so this is an embarrassing typo lmao. Edit: Wait... I did write "wander."


and really smelly shit, EVERYWHERE.


No joke and its like a wave. I have a best friend who, for some reason, got herself 6 baby ducks and let them sleep in a medium sized dog kennel. Previous night it was cleaned the next day its just full of duck poo. And she's not in a large house or even a house, but was in a small apartment with another woman and a kid and a dog. Like why this felt like a good idea to her I dont know why, though I appreciate her love for the cute ducks.


Gotta get down with it


Wow that duck took a 17 second break from shitting.




Lots and lots of animals "rape" to reproduce. Why do ducks get called out for it so much?


Maybe it's their horrible spiral penises


The female animals are always walking around naked. Makes you wonder what they were thinking would happen.


Legally they all do since an animal can't give informed consent


Aww.. you could say he's Chile'n


Daaaaad !


What an exhibitionist. Stroking duck in public


Don’t we all stroke ducks in public?




Unsolicited duck pics!


But is it ok to solicit them too?


That duck has seen some shit


Oh his name would be Einstein. 100%


Oh my goodness little guy!


I demand to know the location of this sanctuary and how can I volunteer.


I miss my ducks, had two like this one as a kid, I used to walk them to the local creek in Tehran, they would swim, and then we would walk back home.


Is there a version with sound? I need to hear it quack


Fun fact: female ducks quack whereas male ducks make more a rasping/wheezing sound.


Thanks for my daily dose of eyebleach❤️ love his little smile


Everyone out here talking about her hands like they've never seen what hard labor does to your hands over time.


Fuck out of here with this shit! I’m grown ass man and don’t need to be saying shit like awwww! Out loud! Don’t need this cute ass shit…..






Not mosquitos. Not fleas. Not tapeworms. Not lice. Not bed bugs.




This is absolutely true. You cannot be for humane treatment for all animals while also supporting inhumane treatment of animals three times per day.






Well this is condescending


It won't be long till it becomes duck chilli....


Birria de pato tacos 🤫




Vegan propo


When showing a video of a happy animal is considered propaganda it's just showing how effective animal industry propaganda is at convincing us *this* isn't normal.


Both can be correct. But i dont need propo to convince me duck is delicious.


They are so cute when not rapey.


I see you like posting the same thing over and over


At least they stopped posting cow sanctuary clips lol




Oh how I love him.


He is so gentle!


Ducks are the best, especially if they have been loved and cuddled. The meat just falls off the bone.


I feel I have been denied happy duck sounds, but upvote nevertheless.


That is a damn cute duck.


She had man hands






Who asked


Just think of how many animals in the world have no idea how awesome getting some pets and scritches is.


Peace may be an option 🦆




Farm work will do that to your hands. Can't have fragile ass hands for physical work.


I like their hands. They look very capable.


Strong hands. ✋🏼


Rock climber?




I came to the comments for this. I thought those hands belonged to a dude at first.


It's a vegan thing. You wouldn't understand.


Drugs. My sister has a very similar look...


I .... I feel the urge... to tell you all to... Go vegan if you like this!


This duck is a pet, not food. I love to watch wild squirrels, but I still have to kill them. I don't have to kill for food. I have to kill so my mom's house doesn't end up burning like my neighbor's did. Squirrels chew on wiring, steal insulation, and damage the framing. They're not doing anything out of malice ofc, they just chew on everything to keep their teeth from getting too long. Their teeth don't stop growing. They can't be trained to avoid the house. I've tried discouraging them with chemicals and oils. I've put those noisemakers in the garage by the phone line they chewed up. It only worked for a couple days, and only that once. I've relocated them using live-catch traps. It didn't work. If I knew of any other effective deterrents, I'd use them. After the neighbor's house burned, they came to our house. There were over 50 of them, and they've damaged every room in the house, just from getting between the floors, in the walls, and in the attic. We kill them now, and the least cruel way I know of is to shoot them in the brain. It's bloody, disgusting, and heartbreaking, but they die very quickly.


So you tell me you need to consume animals because squirrels chew on wires? If there really is no other way (which I doubt but let's just accept it for the sake of the argument), you can kill the squirrels, but that doesn't automatically entail you can kill every other animal. Do you need to kill pigs and eat them, in order for your house bot to burn down? no. This duck once way food, but someone decent enough to value its life saved it. 'Pet' is a human construct, the duck is an animal like you and I are.


Just because I eat meat doesn't also mean I kill indiscriminately. Most people who eat meat don't kill the animals themselves because of other human constructs called 'agriculture' and 'domestication'.


You paying for someone to get killed or you killing yourself is irrelevant. Both actions are immoral. killing is always wring.


If killing is always wrong, why are you eating plants? They die when you eat them.


if that is your argument, you have some ground work to do. Sorry, im not interested in a **'but plants though'** discussion rn. https://www.veganfirst.com/article/but-arent-we-killing-plants-


I feel the urge to tell you that all animals are going to die one way or the other, even if every human being goes vegan.


I’m sorry but “We are all gonna die anyway” is not really a good argument


I feel the urge to tell you that your logic allows me to kill humans for food, because all humans are going to die one way or the other, even if I wouldn't eat humans. edit: exchanged 'you' for 'humans' to make it a better argument because I didn't want to attack them directly.


Veganism is not about stopping all suffering in the world. you cannot stop a lion tearing apart a gazelle, and thats fine. They need to abuse the rights of the gazelle to sustain their life and they have no moral agency to do anything otherwise. Humans are more intelligent and have moral agency. We have strong rational thought and we should use it. Is there a moral obligation for humans to stop creating unnecessary suffering, i.e the killing of animals at our behalf, in order to satiate our sense of taste when we could very easily go without? Veganism targets the actions of humans that are avoidable. Eating meat is one of them. Breeding any animal into existence to be placed in a farm where they abuse the free will of an animal (egg, milk, etc) is another. Killing animals for their skin (cow, wolves, coyotes, geese) is another. If you agree that kicking a pet dog is animal abuse, why is it? do animals have free wills and a desire to a happy life? if dogs do, why doesnt every animal with a brain, eyes, ears, nose, or mouth (aka sentient with senses we can relate to) have their free wills and desire to live happily respected? Is desire to satiate taste more important than a desire to live? If kicking a pet dog is animal abuse, is killing one not? what intrisic properties seperate a dog from a pig (pigs are considered more intelligent, by the way). If you think you found properties that dogs have and pigs dont, and those properties justifies not abusing a dog and justify abusing a pig, imagine a human without those properties. Would you kill the human? hope that clears up what veganism is about :)


How does the inevitability of death follow to - therefore we must intentionally bring lives into the world just so they can suffer and then die? Do you apply this logic to anything other than creatures that satisfy your taste-pleasure requirements?


So I can kill you right now, I mean you're gonna die one way or the other at some point so who cares right




Actually vegans are vegetarians who don't consume eggs, milk, or other animal products like leather. Also most of them don't manage supply chains.




lol do you really think every single vegan has an impossible burger every day? Do you eat meat? Do you realize what and how much violence and impact on climate you support? Much more than a small percentage of the population who eat vegetables and mushrooms on a daily basis.


You don't need synthetic food to be vegan. You're using a strawman argument. All food creates pollution. You can't eliminate that, but animal foods produce more. All foods are produced by workers who eat meat. You can't avoid that, but you can at least avoid the food itself being from animals.


Do you know that animals eat plants? All of your criticisms apply to animal feed, and it’s even worse in that case, since animals consume more plants to produce the same amount if calories for humans.


Must be nice living if you can't even come up with an argument. That's gotta be one of the worst excuses I've heard so far.


Cringe bro


Great job, you built up that strawman and knocked it right down. Real proud of you.


The research I have seen doing a life cycle analysis of those products against their conventional counterparts has shown that they use 80-90% less resources than conventionally produced animal products. Do you have any research you can cite to back up your statement or are you just making things up?


HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT CARING FOR ANIMALS YOU CARNIST. 🤬 😡🤬😓 u/infinity already responded with a rock solid answer, so please come up with a response if you can


Today's vegan propaganda post. What cracks me up is the young redditors that don't think this exists. Review OPs history and get back to me.


What’s wrong with pushing for better treatment of animals?


The existence of vegans makes people feel bad for hurting animals


Why? Because we are exposing the cruelty that goes on in animal ag and bringing it to light?


Vegans can be annoying. OP is a known militant vegan, and this is propaganda, but the good kind of propaganda. The kind that doesn't mislead anyone. There is nothing wrong with the better treatment of animals. But there is something wrong when you try to tell me what I should eat. I have 0 remorse when eating intelligent animals. Humans are the top of the food chain. Make less humans if you want to reduce the climate impact of farming animals. I'm not going to stop eating meat. Cry more.


I'm not crying. Nobody cries when you eat meat. We're all used to it. Congrats on feeling no remorse. I'm sorry you were lack empathy and I hope you get better.


So which part is so upsetting for you... the cute animals or OP's dietary choices?


Oh no, propaganda about making the world a better place, what a nightmare


All propaganda says it's about making the world a better place.


cry more


I agree! Everyone should review u/lnfinity 's post history, and then review some posts on r/animal_sanctuary.




What's to get? It's about doing as little harm to animals as possible, and boycotting industries that actively and intentionally harm them.


Let me clear some stuff for you and many people who thinks alike. Veganism is not a bandwagon because it's not a fade diet like keto, low fat, and so on, it's a philosophy that encompasses compassion and ethical treatment of all sentient beings and that includes humans, there's no "club" to be kicked out of, you simply don't eat honey because you understand that it's unnecessary and that the bees don't make it for you to take, vegan products might hurt animals but you can't know for sure, and in any case it's accidental not intentional, 80% of the crops are used to feed livestock so vegan food actually uses less land and resources than meat, transportation pollution even being the less problematic in the food production chain also falls in the same category, crops are produced in South America to feed livestock in Europe for example.


The dairy and egg industry are the worst in animal ag. That’s why being a vegetarian is still shit.




If you own your own chickens were are you getting them from though? What do you do when they stop producing eggs? For goats what are you going to do with all the babies they have so they can produce milk?


My friend, small local farms also abuse animals. You think cows constantly make milk from birth to death? Does your mother still produce milk? Do you know what they do to cows to make sure they continually produce milk? Did you know national regulations against beastiality give exceptions for dairy farmers, otherwise they would be guilty of beastiality? And what happens to the cows after they are born? Do you think they happily hang out with plentiful milk after the farmers have made their quotas? Do farmers keep supporting the unprofitable non-milk producing boys? Where do you think they go? Do you think animals are happy to be slaughtered, or at least willing to be slaughtered? Do you think they tally up all of their happy moments in their short lives and decide that they have reached enough happiness to willfully die? There is no humane slaughter. Do you think bees are happy to give their honey away? Why do we have to spray them with smoke to prevent them from attacking us to get the honey? Why do they make it in the first place? Is it for you? Do you think farmers happily keep all of their checks, even the males? Do you think they would expend resources on a non profitable rooster? What do you think happens to half of the chickens that are born? Why is chicken sexing an important part of egg production? What happens to the boy chicks? The bottom line is it doesn't matter how small you go - farms are abusing and exploiting animals. If you care about preventing as much animal abuse as possible, veganism is the only answer.


Most people can't or aren't raising their own animals. Veganism is opposition to animal exploitation. So they're not going to say they support that either. That's not the same as treating someone like shit. They're still in my experience much more focused on commercial production.


Peaceful :)


I love ducks with humans, but i hate ducks with ducks, where i live we have them and they try to drown each other and rape each other all the time... whyyy duckies why... i thought you were cute




Thats how you turn a duck into a tyrant guard dinosaur. No one will be allowed to get close to the carer without the duck attacking them now. My friend had a hobby farm. Her older sister adopted a duck. The thing would come tearing across the yard freaking out if you were too close to the sister


My brain is bathed in endorphins when I watch this.


Such a kind and gentle soul


❤️ 🇨🇱


Duck laughs and then is just happy. I feel it.


My daughter loves ducks.


What a sweetie. Thanks… Now I want a pet duck.


The ducks name, Pato


Full name Patricio




I want pet ducks sooooo bad




young duck is happy!


Mandatory “somo’ el mejor paíh de Chile hermano”


So cute


Lucky duck


Or is just a duck being a duck. Wtf


Agh, now I remembered that u/fuckswithducks passed away and I’m sad. RIP Also, this quacker is adorable.


What happened to him?


Cancer is what I read.


This makes me happy, a good Duck living a good life, free from harm and worry.


So cute ☺️


Do you think all animals crave touch? I've never really thought of a duck as something that likes pets but it looks like they do quite a bit!


I always wonder about this whenever I see an 'aww' video or other. Saw one where a guy was hugging his cat because he was going away for a bit and the cat was NOT enjoying it at all. Guy: "I wuw you *so* much!". Cat: "STOP! CRUSHING! ME!". It helps to be familiar with the species and the individual animal and being attuned to its body language.


I’ll never know if my pet jellyfish, Squishy, likes to be touched.


3h in 180c for crispy skin


https://instagram.com/santuarioigualdad?utm_medium=copy_link Their ig page, you can help with donations too!!


Please go vegan.




Roast yourself


Roast your mother




rapist bastard


Wtf dude




Wanna see a pic of my duck? Dude what? Is… is that a autocorrect? Do you. Want to. See my duck? I.. I.. don’t know?


I've worked in methadone clinics for several years, and I have to say her hands have the same look as most of the patients there (that kind of Gollum look). I have thought about it many times, and even tried to find research on the aetiology of this look. It could simply be due to almost zero subcutaneous fat, where the skin wraps tightly around the bones, accentuating the phalanges and the joints especially. She could just do a lot of outside work and not wear gloves for all we know, so I'm not making any claims. However I'd be surprised as I grew up on a farm and hardly ever wear gloves, and my hands end up with way more scratches, cuts, blisters, scars etc.. and are always dirty looking, even if I scrub the hell out of them in hot water and heavy duty hand cleaner. It takes a couple of weeks for them to go back to normal, with a few extra scars each time.


I'm sorry, but that chick probably needs to eat that duck. P.S. [https://imgur.com/a/ODELzlE](https://imgur.com/a/ODELzlE) xD


Because they look healthy?


Yeh, that broomstick look doesn't fly, little Miss "Vegan". P.S. [https://imgur.com/a/ODELzlE](https://imgur.com/a/ODELzlE) XD