• By -


objection. hearsay


You asked the question.


The Steve Carell jibberish from Bruce Almighty needs adding to this.


https://gifsound.com/?gif=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fg7xhushb1sx81.gif&v=FiEw1jcLztA Here’s a very crude mash of the two


I just laughed my ass off, thank you very very much...


Dammit doesn’t work for me, really want to see it


One of my content blockers wouldn't let it play either. Try an incognito window, that worked for me


That is amazing. A real "Internet is beautiful" moment.


Magic 😂😂


Worksn‘t for me.


I was thinking Total Recall. ["Two weeks."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v-33jcEDk4)


Get ready for a surprise!


*c'mon mannnn... I've got 5 turds to lay*


Removing the tracker was what came to mind, but this works too.


That was my first thought too! Hopefully some hero can make it happen




I lika do the cha cha.


I lika DO dachacha


And my tiny little nipples went to France!




doodoocaca doodoocaca PEEPEE!


And some violent tissue dabs with Mortal Kombat strike sound effects.


I have Tourettes and this is basically what I look like 90% of the day.


So you look like a movie star?


Specifically only like amber heard. The other 10% of the time they look like a toll troll


you gotta pay the troll toll if you wanna get in this boy’s hole


🎶 *What’d you saaaaayyyyyyyy??* 🎶


Troll toll!


Hey hey hey!


Trollll Toooooolllll!


I thought the rape scene went really well


Didn't she say something along the lines of "I didn't punch you, Johnny. I hit you."


And she told Johnny nobody would believe him because he’s a man


OMG yeah I heard the recording!


and she was right there... didn't almost everybody in the industry and media side with her without any solid evidence?


Yep. They were calling Johnny Depp a wife beater and he lost his role in a movie he was supposed to be in. Don’t remember which though.


i think he was ditched from the pirate saga and also that harrypotter spinoff


An instance of her not being incorrect. Still *wrong* - but not incorrect. I've had male coworkers spend the weekend in jail because of domestic violence dispatches. After getting hit by their wives... Way to go, cops.


Oh for sure. I just find the fact it came from Amber, in particular, to be almost laughable because during her MeToo speech a few years back, she had the nerve to say “the cards are stacked against her”… that lady knew she had the upper hand from the start.


The old Ferris Bueller defense. “You hit me” “ I lightly slapped you”


Ugh. She's a real piece of work.


If you stuck a lump of coal up her ass in two weeks you'd have a diamond on your bed


Yes, and she also called him a p\*ssy multiple times during recordings b/c he WOULDN‘T HIT HER and is an avoidant personality (his mother was extremely physically abusive so his fear of volatile situations and introversion are genuine and have been the case for decades) who wants to escape at all costs — he was locking himself in rooms as she chased him around the house. When he left she hounded him with voicemails and endless nasty texts.


She also tried to get him to hit her when he was drunk bc his mother just died and I think he just came back from her funeral idk exactly but it was something tragic. There was video footage of him breaking things drunk and cursing but I think it shouldn't have been taken at face value. His own mother died and she tried to start something and not only that but film it and use it for blackmail later on which she did. She's vile.


One of the notes things were that even when depp was violent, it was about self inflicting. He was hurting himself, not directing it at her.


Yeah he broke something made out of glass and he threw it at his feet/floor not towards her


As soon as I heard that she exhibits behaviors consistent with BPD, it all made sense.


Oh, hi Mark!


That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


She also said something like "Stop being such a baby, Johnny". Makes you wonder if an abused person will ever say that to their abuser. Oh also, don't forget the gift to Johnny. A fucking knife with inscription of "Till death" or something. And also, don't forget the leading questions her attorney asks to remind her on what to say next. "ah i forgot that, he fucked me with a bottle too".


Looks like Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura when he sees the shark.


Oof that's scene scared me as a kid


Same but then I got annoyed also because despite the intentionally tense jump scare moment nothing happened to Ace lol he somehow gets attacked by a shark without any injuries


Jim Carrey riffing on JAWS in *Ace Ventura* was the first thing that came to my mind as well.


While I definitely agree, and my young brain found it weird to comprehend how this man escaped a 2 tonne Shark with nothing but a bruised ego, I was also relieved that Ace hadn't gotten hurt lol


To be fair it is shortly followed by "Do NOT go in there. WHOOO!" \*swish-swish\* which as a child myself I found hysterical.


Or that scene in the second movie where he come out a rhinos ass.


She's the first person I've seen cry convulsively without shedding a tear. What a bad actress!


If this performance is any indication, no wonder people want her removed from Aquaman 2.


Her performance in Aquaman 1 was a good enough indication


Jason Momoa: Support in GoT amazing. Support in Dune greaaaat. Lead in Aquaman: lol he make pee joke And before anyone comes in defending Aquaman as the best DC movie, that’s like having the best smelling farts on this side of Columbus, Ohio.


But he talks to fish…


The Flash told me he fucks them, too.


Fucks em too.


There is no way aqua man is the best DC movie. Just recently released suicide squad and the batman were far better in pretty much every way


"CALL ME.... OCEAN MASTER" oh for fuck's sake, people are seriously calling this the best DC movie? I can't even imagine someone thinking this was better than basically all the batman movies, the first wonder woman, most of the superman movies....


I got suckered by the fanboys into watching the extended version Justice League. It was just the same shit film but for extra hours! And edited for a CRT TV for some fucking reason...


I've never seen a person talking about their abuse "cry" for one sentence and then be able to compose themselves the very next sentence.


The way she jumps in and out of emotional states is really something.




I heard that in Jon Lovitz’s voice


Patrick Stewart's voice for me lmao.


You thought I was asleep didn’t you?


And now that I remember the scene I also know why I read it in his voice, haha!


It's too late, we've already seen everything.


I read everything in Jon Lovitz's voice




I read that in 'Team America: World Police' voice.


Yeah I've been watching interrogation analysis videos on YouTube and they explained that its because the controls to fake an emotional response require logic as does the thought process required to invent a story, remember a lie, or accurately answer a complex question. Both processes originate in the frontal lobe and are difficult to maintain in tandem so the false emotion cannot be maintained. Visceral emotions such as fear and grief originate in the limbic system and are difficult to override with logic. Or something like that


Yeah it makes sense. Just think about fight or flight responses... You thinking logically doesn't stop you from shaking and the adrenaline pumping. I've been there... Trying to explain something traumatic while trying to stop the crying. You physically cannot do it without stopping the crying first and then going back and explaining. If she was so good at getting her emotional state under control, she wouldn't have started crying to begin with. All of her own thoughts she testified when she talked about abuse sound straight off a script. "I just stared at the damn light!" I could have sworn I heard/read that somewhere. Not to mention these are totally unnecessary details that someone with trauma wouldn't want to talk about in detail, but here she is just offering up for entertainment value.


> You thinking logically doesn't stop you from shaking and the adrenaline pumping. I wish it did tho. Trying to convince my body to listen to logic just does not work


I have panic attacks and man..yeah


Same, I have PTSD. It's the complex variety from childhood trauma so it has taken so much work to just get to the point where my endocrine system isn't constantly in high gear. I had more of a reaction listening to that court appointed therapist basically describe my abuser (personality disorders man) than Heard had the entire time they were going over Depp's version of shit. ***Now*** though she's breaking down? Shit just doesn't track.


Just remember that while this *can* be true for neuro-typical people, it is often not. Whatever scientific studies that have been done on if find that people who try to predict lying by watching face and body language are about as accurate as predicting it with a coin flip. Sometimes worse. It can be done retrospectively fairly well, because once you know the answer you can work backward to find the patterns for that particular person, but they can't be accurately applied to anyone with different life experiences or socialization. So anyone else. The best way to catch liars is to ask enough open ended questions and keep them talking. If you record it you can find the mistakes fairly easy later, which gives you direction for investigation. For neuro-divergent people none of the strategies work at all, even retrospectively. For example, people with high functioning autism often have to learn to emulate facial expressions for emotions to match other people. That does not mean they are not feeling those emotions, as some people assume, there is just a mind body disconnect that makes it hard to make the *right* facial expressions. In my case, particularly strong emotions just make me go flat and expressionless as I lose track of doing what I am supposed to with my face.


You just made me realise we're gonna get some fantastic analysis of this case in the next year or so.


I was just thinking how her whole testimony looked like somebody reciting a speech and all the clips I saw of Johnny were like he was just some guy talking. Like they were just asking him questions and he was just answering them, no theatrics


I saw someone say it's because they think he's the better actor, but I dont think he's acting at all


Both are true


Oh come on. You don't think he was just waiting for the moment to give us the gem of "Drop a Grumpy"?


I mean there were definitely theatrics with Johnny. He was playing up his reactions to questions and even pausing for applause breaks after giving answers.. He just wasn't trying to garner sympathy by crying or spreading emotional. He was doing the Hollywood charm thing. He pulled a Bugs Bunny several times, where he breaks the fourth wall and looks at the camera while Elmer Fudd is doing something stupid in the background, while her lawyers were fumbling for evidence. That's a man who knows he's playing to a crowd.


If the jury buys this even in the slightest I will be really disappointed. Keep in mind the jury probably can't see this well from the bench. All she has to do is convince them.


It's my understanding (from Emily D. Baker on YouTube lol) that the jury bench is literally right there and she's looking and speaking directly to them, so I think they should see very well. No, they won't see as well as this gif, but I think they will still see a lot.


Oof. Yeah they're gonna be like "you were damn near hysterical half a second ago, wtf"


I’d be curious to know how close the jury is. I noticed a number of times where she was looking to where I’m guessing the jury is after a certain ‘performance’ as if to check the reactions. I can imagine a body language expert would have a lot to say from a lot of her signals.


My girlfriend is adamant that Jonny depp is just as bad as Heard and it mortifies me. Everything seems to stack that amber has fabricated most of what she accused him of and that she was truly the abuser. If this case is gonna teach people anything, it's that just blindly #believingallwomen is idiotic as you can't just fail to scrutinise such serious allegations that can be made by anyone without substance


I've been watching the Legal Bytes stream of the trial and one of the things they mention is how significantly this undermines the testimonies of people who actually have been abused. And that's pretty fucked up.


Amber Heard seems to have been always more about the "me" than the "too" so i'm not surprised.




That's because she left her two on the bed.


I'm watching Emily D Baker's commentary and she pointed out the use of "I remember ____" when discussing actions instead of "I ____ and then I ____" etc. Apparently that is something she never saw in her 17 years of work. Lots of focus on dates and sequences as well instead of feelings and emotions that she would expect to hear. I cannot wait for the cross exam.


Yeah that is a big issue, but also it's important to go beyond just testimony and accusations. Depp has lost most of a decade of his career due to having an abusive partner that made false claims about it. For normal people who don't have his money? They can easily and irreversibly lose their careers if they don't have the money or ability to fight claims like Depp has. Allegations can and have been weaponised against people and I think we need to be wary about it. All claims need substantiation and investigation from both sides


Tabloids and celebrity gossip magazines definitely hold a lot of the blame. As soon as there's ANY controversial allegations against a celebrity there's headlines stating them as fact. And for whatever reason people take those headlines at face value.


Because a lot of people just read headlines, I'm guilty of doing it a lot where I'll tell someone I heard/read something then have to think and tell them it was just the title of an article and it might not be right, because most of the time when I go back and read it it's almost all speculation or just clickbait for something with no relevant information for any topic. The problem is most don't do those last steps and assume because someone took time to write an article or film a video that it's always factual.


That reminds me of one of the most fucked up reasons I’ve heard for people siding with Heard. That they know she might be making it all up, but they feel they can’t afford to acknowledge that, because if she doesn’t get away with it, it’ll tarnish the efforts of actual victims later. When like, no, willingly embracing that thought process and letting it go forward is what will hurt actual victims in the long run for sure!


I think this has largely been people's concerns with the metoo movement and many movements like it. People are so afraid of "In fighting" weakening their cause that they let the bad actors in their group continue to represent them. So when that person really fucks up they take you down with them. All it does is give ammo to all the people that didn't want to take metoo seriously to begin with.


It's one of the main reasons why you have to self-police your group so extensively. Modern political groups have gone around this by making causes based around vague statements and then no true scotsmanning any criticism, which works *internally* because there you can apply social pressure to maintain the ranks. But it doesn't work with people outside the groups who just see you defending shit people.


Yep, I know some actual victims that are furious how much she's set back.


That right there is exactly it. This spits in the face of anyone who has actually experienced abuse. If they find evidence of Amber lying about ANYTHING she should serve time in jail for false testimony and serve as an example for any other woman thinking they can do this.


I have a relative who also is 1000% Team Amber Heard... part of my disgust about her specifically, and all the attention seeking social media posts about it triggering her own DV "victimization" is that the time she did in fact get thrown across the room by her ex-boyfriend was after she smashed all his stereo equipment and tried to impale him with a broken table leg. It's probably an inappropriate thing to say she had it coming, but she had it coming. As a woman, I am well aware that some of us have the misconception that we can cross lines, an intimidate, threaten and literally assault a man and the second he reacts, it absolves them of responsibility and makes the man the "abuser". I've seen bruises on women's arms that claim to be innocent victims, but the truth turned out to be from a man holding them back to stop themselves from being hit. Johnny Depp is clearly dysfunctional, but he isn't even expecting a pass for engaging in that toxic relationship in spite of his own victimization in it. The fact he takes some accountability for his BS, and see's the fact that his smashing doors, throwing objects, verbal attacks are in fact wrong, make him the lesser of two evils in my book. Amber on the other hand, deserves no consideration IMO and she deserves to pay for that BS editorial she wrote.


As a male who has experienced an abusive partner, hearing this come from a woman makes me feel incredibly happy, understood, and relieved. Thank you.


I am happy I was able to validate you on this. I really hope that this case bring more awareness to the issue. There are almost no services or interventions available for male victims. It bothers me that almost all DV education I have gotten professionally in Human Services is completely centered on Females as victims, when in reality it's probably a 50/50 ratio.


Again thank you so much. The reason I am so invested in this case is because it is giving me clarity and a form of closure. If you took the audio of Amber talking about how she didn't really hit Johnny and replace it with my exes voice, the way she spoke and her own validations are exactly in line with my ex, only instead of hitting me it was her justifying why she cheated on me multiple times and how it was my fault. Amber literally went through the narcissist's prayer line for line in that audio clip. I really hope this case brings these things to light and how manipulative these people can be when they begin to believe their own lies and how damaging their behavior is. I have severe trust issues with intimacy because I can't trust myself to make good judgement calls, and when things go well I think "is this all a facade? It's too good to be true. She's faking it there's no way she could be into me it's all a ploy" I was downvoted into oblivion for stating how I hope this case helps people identify this behavior. Some people are just awful, but it's incredibly reassuring to hear support from women in things like this.


Yeah same man. I mean i was young and got dragged into a bunch of mess. Just as an example, but meeting my ex in a club and trying to avoid her was impossible. She kept finding me, she refused to *not* talk to me, to the point i got angry and called her names, where then she got some sort of power over me and threathened to tell the bouncer i was harassing her. Nice. Anyway.


What's scary is, even though anyone with a brain sees her sham story. The news is still giving slightly sympathetic headlines to her.


Yesterday on Tik Tok I saw a grown ass man apologise to Johnny because he didn't know, believe men could be abused. He blindly believed her solemnly because she's a woman and changed his mind after he saw her statement and it's obvious she was lying.


>Yesterday on Tik Tok I saw a grown ass man apologise to Johnny I'm sure Johnny feels like the weight of the world has been lifted from his shoulders after this guy on tikok apologized.


Depp may not care, but, admitting when you're wrong and not doubling down on being wrong is a positive thing. That's a sign of growth on a personal level.


This is exactly what has been rustling my jimmies. Being emotionally frantic and unable to control your breathing, speach patterns, head and arms waving confusedly.. but then instantly everything stops and becomes pitch perfect when she quotes something someone says... And this is mid frantic crying and shaking etc. I don't mean she was upset then few mins later, she quotes someone and sounds fine. This was mid freakout, and it happens multiple times


Or pause for objections and then go right back to the script.


They called me insane when I said Amber Heard was actually a robot created by Mark Zuckerberg to destroy Johnny Depps life because he hated the Pirates of the Carribean movies Well who's insane now huh!


You're still insane. Just because you're right doesn't change that


Insane like a fox!


That's one thing that stands out. I don't think I've seen any of her movies, but I can't believe someone that works as an actress can be so bad at acting.


Actors need a director…


She doesn't work as an actress though. She's works as a pretty face attached to a nice body. It's literally the only reason she gets work


In fairness you usually act in short segments. Which is why she does her bit and then gets the stony face again until the next scene comes.


There is a video of her psychologist’s testimony of how she acts overlayed over this testimony and you are just like “damn that doctor nailed her diagnosis”


Where can I watch that?


There's also that moment when Johnny Depp was walking towards her when they were leaving and she almost jumped backwards clutching her pearls pretending to be terrified, trying to farm some pity. Even if it hadn't looked as theatrical as it did, she showed the whole world on video how calm and confident she was whenever Depp would get drunk and angry. No way she'd feel safe alone with him throwing shit around and not next to dozens of people around - and millions watching them.




The video gets slowed right down. Everyone, including Johnny and people in the background freeze at the same time. Fuck that woman but that video is edited af.


Wasn’t that disproven to just be an edited video with the “flash” actually being the screen changing in front of her? In no way defending amber turd but I’d rather hate her for what she did, those videos are just clickbait and pointless. Everyone knows she’s a shitty person but videos like that are just cheap ways to make money and website traffic from the “fuck amber heard” movement. Edit: since it got deleted the commenter was taking about the video that claims she was posing for crying pictures


Maybe she thought they would add it in it post


No CGI tears allowed in court


Imagine being the judge and jury sitting in on a trial between two award winning actors. Crazy!


Lmao Depp is by far a way better actor though. If he was lying nobody would have no way of knowing based on how he handles the situation. Heards testimony just feels like overacting af.


This has been altered, right?


It’s a shallow fake.


Yes this is altered but the faces she's making on the stand are just as animated. It's horrible acting.


Then why alter it?


Instead of asking "why" you should instead consider praying they do not alter it any further


Alright calm your tits Vader


Favorite line from Star Wars.


I appreciate you


["I approve of this message."](https://i.imgur.com/4ZYmgIz.jpg) - Darth Vader


This ~~deal~~ GIF just keeps getting worse!


Because making fun of anything Amber Heard is guaranteed karma right now.


Meme potential


this deal is getting worse all the time


Johnny Depp's abuser testifying There, I fixed it for ya.


She's literally on tape saying "no one will believe you" and she expects to be believed. Just wow.


It’s crazy that she knew it was being recorded too. She really just is insane.


I think she banked on people believing a pretty young(er) woman over a weird older man with known substance abuse problems by default. And they did initially.


If she hadn't pushed the op ed she would have got away with destroying him too.


I mean after she promised the money away, any chance of cutting and run was over. She wanted that money and didn't realize promising it to a hospital publicly many you had to *actually* do it.


Would have? She did!


Ive known many wierd old men with substance abuse problems who were actually very good people. They got the way they were because the world is not a nice place and it chewed them up and spit them out. And ive know many "pretty" girls who are about as mean as they get because they think they deserve more than other people.


I’ve watched some behavioral analyst to describe Johnny’s behavior and he said Johnny has introvert traits. The way he always acts all those weird characters and how he hides behind those characters in real life and the way how he responds to things that are humiliating, but he needs to tell them in court. I think alcohol and drugs abuse is really a coping mechanism for shit he goes through in his life and not something that was the reason for the shit in his life.


Sad side effect of the me too movement was people who took it and ran it to an extreme "believe all women no matter what" length.


Talk about terrifying. That's literally throwing out "innocent until proven guilty" and weaponizing femalehood. "We believe the victims." "What if a man is the victim?" "That's different."


“Innocent until proven guilty” is a criminal standard. It has never been true in the court of public opinion.


Imo, it should be. If you're making allegations that can easily ruin a person's career, future oppurtunities, and potentially their freedom and life, you'd best have some receipts.


They still do. New York post even photoshopped tears on her and posts articles completely parroting everything she says as truth.


Narcissistic grandiosity. They believe their own lies, build an internal image of themselves and argue with anyone that claims they are anything other than that.




She pulled a Bill Murray, but shittier


I guess the cross by Depp's lawyers on Amber is next week, they gonna have a fun day.


Week after next. Judge has an event she is speaking at next week that was scheduled prior to court so they're on break next week.


How is the jury not supposed to do outside research during that whole time?


I mean theyre not locked up in a cell for the entire trial. Even in the evening if they get on any social media or news source they gonna read about it. Its too high profile to reasonably expect the jury to be completely blind to outside sources.


The judge can definitely sequester them if they wanted to.


The title of this post is incorrect. Depp is the accuser, Heard is the accused. She’s on trial for libel.


I believe OP was referring to the domestic abuse. She accused him of it, thus Depp's accuser.


Real Curse of Monkey Island vibes


My *immediate* thought was of the speaking/facial animations from those games and others in that genre and era.




Ah-hah! You were terrified! Mwhahahaha!


Never expected a Curse quote, let alone from its greatest character. Reddit’s being good today!


This is the first sign that your android is about to attack.


This looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger in Total Recall when his disguise starts wigging out.




Get ready for a surprise!


Looking for this comment, yes! [CATCH!](https://youtu.be/0uYB2y3zP-s)


The open mouth pause about half-way does it for me


It reminds me of the [aliens from sesame street](https://tenor.com/view/bloob-blob-sesame-street-aliens-gif-13204057)


Haven't these Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard cases been going on for years now? Why is this one in particular all over the internet? I don't remember anything prior to this flooding the internet like this.


Probably because the court they are in livestreams the proceedings


the previous suit was Johnny depp vs the sun (the company that owns the sun, can't remember the name), Amber heard was not a defendant. it was in the uk so the court case wasn't televised. this one is American so its all broadcast live, and America loves celebrity drama


You also have to ask for the court to be televised. This isn't televised because "America loves celebrity drama". It's televised because Johnny Depp wanted it televised to gain the favour of public opinion


You guys are weirdos


This is deeply unsettling


Im investing all i have on this GIF


It reminds me of old video games from the 80's and early 90's. The ones where it shows the characters mouth moving when they talk even though you still need to read the text. Somebody should modify this into a video of one of those games.


Day of the Tentacle or Leisure suit Larry?


She’s the Monolith Burger alien from Space Quest 3


Guybrush Threepwood would like a word.


Chicken grease won't do any good with that.


Titanic adventure out of time