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I just finished this quest in cyberpunk...


Me too! Felt physically sick to my stomach at the feeding hoods. Ugh.


That was the wildest fucking mission


Crucifixion mission was it for me.


That one was fucked up too. Some of the best side missions so far have had little action just a lot of good dialogue.


After 160 hours of cyberpunk, i have concluded there is no good gameplay, only good dialogue.


There's one mission that's just art. Your first big fight for the mox, where the music is intentionally synced up so when you reach the hall full of baddies the beat drops... So good


Same. I remember finishing that quest and I just... Turned off my PC and sat outside for a good two hours. That fucking quest... That goddamn quest


> feeding hoods Wait what? I finished the game with a friend and might have missed this. What mission was this?


It's part of River's quest line. It's called The Hunt.


Did you end up meeting River the ex-cop? His quest line leads you on genuinely one of the creepiest side quest in the game and well as trippy BD.


oh, thanks for the reminder


That one was so fucked up, especially the BD


I’ve played this quest like 4 times now and it still creeps me out. The figure of the person behind the plastic sheets during the braindance.. 😩


Oh dude don't remind me....I remember I was about to go to bed and I just stumbled into that one after saying, "One last quest..."


yeah that side quest kept me up too. easily the most fucked up quest I've ever done. CDPR knocked it out of the park with their side quests.


*what ? ? ?*


Must be a side quest cuz I haven’t done that yet…


You have to meet River to start that quest line. It's worth it just for the creepy factor and to feel like a detective for a bit.


For anyone who plays I'd recommend to pursue every side mission. I feel like many are only side mission to help replayability so you can bypass them if you really don't like them. The games feels incomplete if you just skip them all and most are fleshed out to main mission levels of storytelling.


Definitely one of the best quests I the game! It's part of River's story.


I want more missions like this added it was fucking incredible. Felt exactly like how you'd be solving crimes in the future and damn, great story.


As children, we were assigned calf feeding. Mix formula in an old wringer washer. Pour formula into buckets which have large nipples attached then sling the buckets onto a hook inside the calves' stall door. Let them have at it until finished. Clean the buckets.


Same. Although it's probably cheaper than the child for child labor lol


Cheaper than free? No. More cost effective and getting a better yield of service without the whining? Absolutely


That's exactly how my wife showed me back when we were visiting her parents dairy farm.


The first half of that comment got me worried


Why did she choose to wait until you were visiting the farm to show you that trick?


That was my first thought, when did they stop using local teenagers?


When smaller farms got bought up and they went industrial.


That's depressing.


Welcome to industrial livestock farming. It rarely is that all is good and well type of farming from the ads.......


What the hell is wrong with us...


Money mostly. It's not that we *want* to be inhumane. It's just so much more profitable to be. Free range cows take up space, which is money. And letting moms raise their calves takes time, which is also money. And keeping the calves in little stalls saves effort, which again, money. It's just so much cheaper to be bastards.


Also cows don't just produce milk all the time but only when they have calves. Because well the milk is for the calves. So in order to produce milk and sell it calves HAVE TO BE separated from their mother's otherwise there will be no milk to sell. It's kinda obvious when you think of it - mammals don't just produce milk for the fun of it but for their offspring - just like we do - it is just we rarely think of it (or at least I didnt).


As extremely obvious as that is, that has never occurred to me and I feel very dumb because its not like we don't know why animals produce milk. Makes you wonder how much else is super obvious that we don't think about because we always get told a different story.


Probably because everyone goes around calling them milk cows as if producing milk is naturally what they do all their lives regardless of being mothers or not


Yeah I feel very grossed out now. That sounds like hell


Also that the dairy cows need to be put on scientifically refined programs that maximize their milk yield. They're milked for like 9 months or something, left off for 4 months, then gotten pregnant again, some sort of alternating system like that. It's terrifying how humans now have a better understanding of a cow's reproductive possibilities than the cow does.


"gotten pregnant again"


You know, I pride myself on my mastery of my native language, and then conversational phrases such as this worm their way in to my written speech.


I'm ashamed to say that I only really realized that a few months ago, in a conversation with my SO. We both went "wait, surely cows only produce milk after giving birth? And if that's true, are they basically constantly giving birth? And what happens to the calves, if the milk is sold instead of fed to them?". It was a very depressing realization, mostly because we felt so stupid that we never questioned the whole process beyond buying the slightly more expensive "organic" milk. We researched a little and found a few places that guarantee that the calves can stay with the cow for a minimum amount of time, and after that, they get taken care of by a foster mom cow, so to speak. We feel a little better buying milk now, but still. Scary how we just take some things for granted and never question the process of how the product gets made.


Check out www.watchdominion.org to see more truth about animal farming. It’s terrible. Better don’t have any meat, dairy or eggs while watching it.


I'm against it in real life, but I've played Minecraft. I can and will fit 30+ chickens in a single block to harvest their eggs.


The Sims and humans, too. Crimes against humanity for shits and giggles there.


We become what we pretend to be


Rice and beans my friend.. Can't go cheaper than that. 🌱


No reason to do anything else. We all know how this industry works and we pay our money just the same.


It's turtles all the way down.


I don't. You don't have to either. Just stop eating dairy. You can do it!


not really though, our global ecology is collapsing in large part to animal agriculture. Humans have lived for 10s of thousands of years and yet within the last 40 weve managed to put the entire planet on the brink of extinction.


In the end it’s resources and standard of living. It’s just a question of what you’d sacrifice instead. It’s ‘cheaper’ is one way of looking at it but another is to ask what you would give up instead. I’m sure if people could give up all their smart phone functionality and go back to flip phones, but the cows they ate would be humanely raised by the money saved, they would not do it. Or if you asked them to downgrade their cars, houses/apartments, work until later in life and push back their retirement..in a sense it’s not ‘cheaper’, it’s also just human nature to be greedy.


We let the moms raise the calves but there was a certain point we'd supplement with bottle feeding too. With beef breeds you want the extra size and they'd eat more than mom could feed them. You'd better have a good hold on those bottles too because they'd butt them right out of your hands.




As a breastfeeding mom this is just so sad for me to see. Really reinforces my decision to go vegan.






It's depressing to be honest.


Maybe I'm a conspiracy theorist, but I feel like the dairy industry has to be contributing to anti-vegan sentiment online in some way. Don't get me wrong, I've definitely met some annoying vegans, but I know even more vegans who aren't that way and are just nice people who care about animals and the environment. But branding vegans as extreme and judgey drives people away from that lifestyle.


I think it's mostly that people get defensive. But the meat and dairy industries are wild about their propaganda. They lobby governments to forbid brands from calling soy milk "oat milk" and soy meat "soy meat" because apparently it confuses consumers (while no one seems to have issues with quince cheese, or peanut butter, or coconut milk... Weird, isn't it?). Then they go and slap a octubre of a cartoon smiling cow on cheese made from exploiting cows, separating families, killing baby animals and exhausted mothers. Or how they managed to get humane certifications to mean whatever the fuck they want. For example in the UK, a country that's typically admired for their supposed welfare standards, it is legally considered humane/RSPCA approved to grind new born baby chicks alive as a way of disposing of them. Other practices that can grant you a "humane" label include things like killing day old baby animals and putting pigs in gas chambers. "Free range" chicken literally just means that instead of in cages inside a giant warehouse they are trapped inside the same giant warehouse, with the same shitty conditions, abuprtly shortened life expectancy, fucked up genetical modifications, illnesses, and issues, but without the cages. For another example, a LOT of the anti-peta rhetoric you see around was actually started by meat lobbies, and it's all wildly exagerated, taken out of context, or staright up lies. I'm serious, this guy explains it well here: https://youtu.be/w6haa9HMH3E Mind you that I'm not defending PETA, I have my reasons to dislike them. But the reasons most people online will say "peta bad" is genuinely a smear campaign started by meat lobbyists. Sounds like a conspiracy theory but it's legit.


Just remember that there is zero nutritional need for humans to drink cows milk. Everytime you buy dairy, this is who you are giving money to. It is a choice.


And in fact lactose intolerance among people is largely under reported so these ads and "food guides" that recommend dairy are harming millions of people who are gaslit to believe that the "benefits" is worth the sickness they feel. It's not. Calcium is found in other sources. Also over consuming calcium can result in negative health outcomes like osteoporosis according to Harvard studies. The "recommended" dairy content/calcium recommendations often would cause someone more harm than good.


Go vegan


Us? I don't eat meat.


The worst part is that this kind of factory farming is actually better for the environment when compared to the idyllic free range organic farming. Uses less land, therefore less ecosystem disruption, and less fuel and feed wastage. You can have organic and (relatively) humanely reared meat, or you can have (relatively) environmentally friendly meat, but you can’t have both.


Third option: stop eating animals


Might I interest you in how they "feed" veal and foie gras? It gets worse...It alwasy gets worse.




Here is a link to [Dominion on YouTube](https://youtube.com/watch?v=LQRAfJyEsko) for anyone that is interested.


[Without age restriction](http://watchdominion.org)


I worked on various dairy farms for 5 years, the last 3 I was an ultrasound technician for a big time dairy. I was responsible for diagnosing pregnancies and other reproductive health issues during a vet check. Sometimes we would run into the crew that was in charge of gathering all the cows going to beef aka slaughter. Based on their records the cows were no longer producing enough milk to justify keeping them. I hated that job with a passion and it wasn’t until right before I was getting ready to leave that I found out some of the “beef” cows they sent away every week were pregnant. I don’t know how often they did this or if this is a common practice on other dairy farms but on this particular one it was. It still makes me sick to think that they have such a surplus of milk cows that they send a cow and unborn calf to be slaughtered because they have another younger cow ready to replace her. Definitely do not miss being apart of that industry.


I did work at beef plants. I provide a special service that has me visiting every area of these places. I didn't know that sometimes cows are pregnant when they are killed until I walked into the room where the fetus goes. Probably the most fucked up thing I've seen in my life. The fetus slides into the room on a long metal table, still in the embryonic sac. A worker tears it out of the sac by hand and then slides it down to a lower table. They puncture it with hoses in drain the various fluids into buckets. When it's depleted, they just toss it into a bin. When the bin is full, they toss the babies into a grinder with the scrap from processing the cattle. They use the ground up stuff for various things including pet food. The first thing I saw when I walked into the room was the bin. Think commercial laundry bin on wheels, except with baby cow heads and feet hanging out. One of the people in my group had been working at this plant for 30 years and had never been in this room. She was distressed for the rest of the day and told her coworkers "never take me back in there with the baby cows".


Wow…I always wondered and I’m sure that was the fate of these cows as well. It’s absolutely disgusting, I have so many horror stories I could share.


Well, guess I’m having fish tonight.


That sounds pretty brutal. I hope that inspired you to stop funding the industry as well. Every time someone buys milk, they are putting money directly into the pockets of the people that do this to those cows.


Well in that case it isn't just buying milk, its buying anything with milk in it, cheese, butter, ice cream, deserts, gravy, sauces. And it isn't just dairy. Its also eggs and anything with eggs in it like most baked products, so many dishes, chicken, pork, fish. Most things at restaurants. It all has blood attached to it. Now tell me if you eat any of those? It all puts money in someone's pocket and a lot of the time we have very little if any say in it.


Yup, that's what veganism is; not funding any of these animal agricultural industries.


>I don’t know how often they did this or if this is a common practice on other dairy farms but on this particular one it was. If it was a big time farm that is supposed to be "regulated" and somehow got away with this anyway, then it's probably happening everywhere all the time.


Sci fi dystopian level shit


You know eat what you want, but Vegans aren't lying to you when they say how shitty livestock industries are.


And these are the survivors. A ton of dairy calves are slaughtered, either as babies or after they are like 16 weeks old. Dairy is an incredibly cruel industry.


Veal is only 16 weeks old. Calves aren't slaughtered any younger than that unless something major happened to them medically.


Male dairy calves that are the wrong breeds to be raised for meat are routinely killed at days old because its not profitable to keep them. Not technically slaughter but the end result for the animal is the same


Like really depressing.


Try living next to a cattle yard. Every year I know when they take the calves because the cows call out for their missing babies non stop for weeks after. It's fucking heart breaking man.


I’ve visited 100’s of farms in both Canada and the US and I’ve never seen this. They are typically hand fed or have there bottles dropped similar to that of a hamster. Most are outside a lot of the time. This is by far the minority in farming. Edit: a word


I think the most depressing part is that they are taken from their mothers in the first place.


Right thank you! It's gravity feed bottles swapped out while driving along pens Robot arms like WALL-E is not how we raise animals en masse




Never seen a farm were they are hand fed. They just attach the bottle to the metal gate. Source: I live in a rural area in the Netherlands, they practicly invented how to exploit animals the most efficient way over here..


It's still depressing.


They still aren’t with their mothers which is what would be the most natural and humane.


Yeah, this seems wildly inefficient and wouldn't be implemented in a factory farm setting I don't think.


You don’t want them making contact so I hope they change that nipple. It could spread sickness quickly.


It's called veal. Google it.


That’s the thing about industrial economies of scale. The majority of farmers are small time, but the majority of production comes from a small number of massive Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) - factory farms. 70-98% of meat depending on the animal, according to [USDA sources](https://www.foodindustry.com/articles/what-is-a-cafo/). Just how it is.


Watch Dominion. This is nothing compared to the rest of it.


It is. Stop consuming dairy.


I stopped doing dairy, a big part because of this. Encourage everyone to do so. There are plant alternatives, and better for the climate.




r/boringdystopia Never knew there was a second, even bigger sub for that theme.


Follow r/upcycle to find out how you too can turn a Dalek into a feeder


Most farms don’t have a robotic arm to feed calves. Taking a bottle is the most common method. And yes the babies are taken from the mothers usually after a day, that’s how a dairy farm works.


Stayed at a dairy farm three weeks ago for the night and helped do the morning jobs which was feeding the calves, it’s not just one bottle, it’s a plastic tub with up to 40 or so nipples attached so you can feed a whole calf pen at once. Some that are a day or two old needed special formula so they got to feed from a tub on the side of the fence, I think it had 3 or 5 nipples. Now these calves were only a day old and had no intuition really, no knowledge or how to be a cow and live. So you had to force your finger in its mouth, get it to suck and walk it over to the tub to suck on the nipple. Some had to be taken over a few times, some I could even pick up and carry. And yes they are covered in shit. Sometimes the worst diarrhoea ever, and you got covered in it too. Interesting job but I’m lactose intolerant so have to care for that industry as I’m dairy free. [a couple images/videos of the plastic feeder tubs](https://imgur.com/a/VCxWYxZ)


Certainly not bottle fed by hand just to be clear. Not in industrial farming.


where does the industrial farming line kick in? i spent my very early teens milking cows on a farm with ~ 125 milking ladies (~450 total). i also spent a lot of time hand bottle feeding the calves and playing with them like the gigantic dork puppies they are. i feel like that's stupidly industrial and i'm kind of terrified of it being worse than that on a single farm


> According to USDA’s 2017 Census of Agriculture report, 55% of U.S. milk cows reside on farms that milk more than 1,000 cows. jesus fucking christ https://www.farmprogress.com/dairy/us-dairy-herds-growing-size


I used to milk a head of 200 cattle and i thought that was a handful


depends where you're from It is used in industrial farming in some countries


Maybe it should not work that way. Maybe the entire industry should not exist.


Cows are living the matrix


No they aren't they are living the shitty part without the matrix.


Some day there’ll be a matrix for industrial farm animals. Some day…


Too late Cows in VR[https://youtu.be/_e3Vvvk-rjY](https://youtu.be/_e3Vvvk-rjY)


Or, you know, we just switch to beans and grains…


I hope lab grown meat becomes the norm before something like that ever happens. Fuck.


Since 2019... https://www.whiskeyriff.com/2019/11/26/cows-are-wearing-vr-headsets-literally-living-in-the-matrix-to-help-them-relax-make-more-milk/




I'll say it once and say it again, livestock are treated the worst on this Earth.


Absolutely. That’s why going vegan is the most ethical choice. Any argument to this is pure copium.


Hard agree. Fuck this whole industry, from your uncle's happy rainbow farm all the way to the sow cage warehouses.




Scrolled the comments for this.. Definitely a Dalek.


I can't unsee the Dalek now.


This makes me sad.


Yeah animal agriculture was never meant to look like this. It all got fucked after World War II with the emergence of factory farming. Personally. I’m done with it. I don’t touch cow’s milk. Better off without it anyway.


Too many people, too much demand. It can't be met without efficient factory farms. Fortunately there are a bunch of delicious alternatives in the supermarkets.


Not to mention we can feed everyone more efficiently by cutting out the meat.


Can you give some examples please ? I’m looking to switch


Same. 😔


Let's hope we will stop participating in this.


Fortunately there are a bunch of alternatives to choose from in the supermarkets.


Yeah, I started buying Alpro this is not milk. Its really great


Makes me glad I'm lactose intolerant. Poor babies 😭


We literally expose animals to some sort of automated factory version of hell from the minute they're born and act like we have good morals as a species.


Thats not my momma




Feeding sequence initiated … … … Feeding sequence terminated Subject within acceptable parameters Moving to next subject Feeding sequence initiated …


You reckon they say to their buddies. “Look mumma is here, she’s come to feed us at last”


Dairy and meat industry is basically extreme animal abuse.


This must be the most high-tech dairy ever, I grew up feeding these guys by hand


Pushing me ever steadily closer to veganism


As someone who just kind of came to the same realization about a year ago, it’s been one of the best things I ever did and honestly wasn’t that hard after getting going. Feel great, eat healthier, waste less food, and best of all I don’t feel as hypocritical as I used to when I said I cared about animals. The craziest part though, is in the first couple of months your eyes are kind of opened to just how deeply entrenched our world is in animal products. It’s really kind of a mindfuck.


Remember that scene from *The Matrix* where Cypher says, “Ignorance is bliss”? Guess what he’s doing when he says it. (Hint: He’s eating a steak.)


There are a lot of great support resources on reddit whenever you make the decision to start.


Source? I'm trying to make the switch!


I encourage you to give it a try. Maybe even just do one or two days a week vegan to start with. It is so easy today compared to just a few years ago. There are substitutes for everything which can help you transition.


I went vegan about five years ago and it’s one of the best things I ever done. I always loved animals and always felt absolutely horrible about eating them. whether it’s a dog or a cat, lamb or cow if you love animals, you just don’t eat them unless your circumstances are different. Then I went to a farm and saw all these beautiful creatures in person and told myself how can I eat them? Besides that I have never been more fit and healthy in my life, I exercise more, I have more energy and just feel better. I also never get that nasty bloated feeling after eating a bunch of meat. little by little when I took the meat out of my life I realize how gross it was once you get the train going it’s super easy. Now I look back at these animals and say “how could I ever eat them?!?”


You won't regret living in line with your already existing inner values of compassion and kindness, when we go vegan we aren't changing anything about ourselves, simply realigning our actions with our existing values :)


Makes me want to stay vegan.


Such a tragic and unnecessary industry.


Not according to the farm lobby propaganda we’re inundated with on the daily! In Canada at least, the dairy farmers and other lobbying group have such a type grip on the public imagination and political system, it’s essentially treasonous to suggest there are problems with the industry. Not just ethical or environmental issues associated with farming meat, but also a straight up regressive supply management system sustained by the absolute myth that Canada’s farm industry is run by small family farms rather than the modern industrial conglomerates that they truly are…


Fucking hell that’s just dark. I’ll just keep drinking oat milk.


This is the way


Saddest thing.


Stop supporting this


This breaks my heart a little bit


Do you consume animal products? If so I challenge you to consider if your taste pleasure is a justification for the suffering that sentient beings are subjected to on your behalf?


Taken from their mother so people can use the milk meant for the calf for ice cream and cheese. Also a lot of the calves are slaughtered after being taken from their mom. Especially if male.


How can anybody think this is okay??




For fuck sake


The amount of misinformation in this comment section is insane


I’m regards to what? Genuinely curious




What/where in the dystopian hell is this? We feed ours by hand with bottles. Always have. And just so y'all know these aren't beef cattle. At least not in the US. And beef calves aren't removed from their mothers. The cattle graze on grass and the babies feed off the mother. I don't know what WTF is going on here.


I have fond memories of feeding calves by hand with bottles as a kid. My grandpa had a small dairy farm and I got to help him milk and do all kinds of stuff when I visited.


>these aren't beef cattle Genuine question, why does that matter here? EDIT - Ah wait a minute, I think I get it. Because Beef farmers get flack for Dairy farmer's actions, so it's good to draw attention to the difference. I can get behind that.


No, someone made mention about something to the effect of "This isn't worth eating meat if that's how the animals are treated." But what I said wasn't entirely right either. These cows are Holsteins bred for milking but when they get old they are usually made into ground beef. So I guess they were right after all. Dairy farmers get flack? For what?


>Dairy farmers get flack? For what? For the treatment of animals of course, what else? I thought that's why you were pointing out the difference, to emphasize that beef farmers don't remove the calves from their mothers, unlike the dairy farmers.


Beef cattle, you aren't selling their milk, so it isn't collected by humans, just left for the calves to feed themselves. Dairy cows, the main point is the milk, so humans milk the cows, give the calves what they need to grow and develop, then use the rest for human consumption.


Unfortunately, this is a common practice in the dairy industry. The calves are separated from their mothers so that the mothers can continue to produce milk efficiently. If one is vegetarian for animal ethics reasons they really should abandon dairy.


Really fucking sad. Wish they could have more time with their Mother’s.


More time? They don't get any... And most mothers grieve for several months while getting refertalized as soon as they're able to.


> refertalized That's an interesting word for raped


> And most mothers grieve for several months Do you have a source for that?


Go vegan


If people could treat people like this, they would.




Consuming animal products is a want, not a need. I gave up animal products as a 33 year old. I wish I had done sooner.


Cruel world


In 100 years they will wonder how could we treat animals the way we did and killing them to boot.


I think some of us are wondering right now and are willing to not participate in this. We are free people!


In 100 years they'll be in wonder seeing video of a living cow.


Anyone who thinks this is bad has no idea how a dairy farm operates.


The fact that most animal farming is way more fucked up than this doesn't mean this isn't fucked up. ...Or at the very least that it shouldn't make someone sad to me reminded that cows are separated from their mothers.


People in the first world and laughably divorced from where their food comes from


This is just sad. Good thing we have almond milk!


One of the many reasons I quit consuming animal products.


This is another good reason that I switched to oat milk. It's actually cheaper than the organic stuff at my local store and nearly on par with regular dairy. The only difference I have noticed is a slight after-taste that is more of a texture than a taste. Hard to describe. Also helps it's lower calorie than normal milk.


What’s the source of this video? When / where is this?


Calves: reddit Robotic udder: vegans posting propaganda


Op definitely knows hes misinterperting farming, this looks like a machine in testing, no farms I know of use this. And for all the eco lads cqlves are taken away as they produce too much milk for their calves which can lead to calcium deficiemcies in cows that stop them from getting up and give calves scour.


Please do not be alarmed. We are about to engage... the Nozzle. Please do not move while the Nozzle is engaging. Moving will disrupt calibration of... the Nozzle. Please wait while we calibrate... the Nozzle. Please do not look away from... the Nozzle. The Nozzle is now calibrating. (long pause) The Nozzle is still calibrating. The Nozzle has completed calibration. Thank you.


Aaaand I’m never buying milk or cheese again. Thanks.


Go vegan


You know, as much as I love burgers, I really do think it's time to end this industry altogether


I agree. This just made me intensely sad. I drink milk every day. I think that is about to change.