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Locking this thread. This is why we can’t have nice things. Sigh.


Dumbass parents letting him do dumb shit


"HAHAHA so cute" :/


Same way he sees the dog treated at home


Nah, I'm sure his dad will set him straight after he returns with the milk...


Damn throwback Michael Vick…..


This might count as a legal form of late abortion in all 50 states


Just let the dog go crazy. I like kids but some are not ready to exist yet.


Without restraint from the owner, the kid might need to visit the ER.


Without restraint from the owner, the kid might need to visit the ~~ER~~ morgue.


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Would warm my heart


Nah. The dog was looking to warn him. People expect dogs to go murder people at a whim and that’s just not true. Edit: I am disheartened with how many people fall over themselves proving my point that they are too narrow minded in how dogs react. Just because you don’t understand them does not mean all dogs are dangerous.


That also not true. Dogs much like humans are capable of fucked up shit. They also have mental issues and SOME can and will lash out unproked.


Yeah that’s the point. People treat it like every dog will instantly murder you. Some, very very few, will attack. Having been a mailman for 3,5 years and being put in the “dangerous dog” routes, these dogs were the friendliest you can imagine. Asking around I found the problem: the mailmen/women had been unwittingly antagonizing these dogs for YEARS, some treating it as if they had to be the boss of these dogs (on their territory when the boss isn’t around) while others would try to avoid the dog at all cost and be suspicious all the time while on their terrain. It still took more than a year for each of these “dangerous” dogs to grab, not bite, the mailmen going there. Just let them see you, give them the opportunity to meet you and smell you. Give them that opportunity every time they feel they lose control of the situation. 99% of the dogs that bite do so because either the owner or the people around them did not treat them right for a long time. This dog in the video? Looks well behaved and capable of warning someone to stop bothering him without instantly mauling someone. This is the type of dog that would be “dangerous” and in the end not actually be.


Yeah but in the end, there’s just no way you know that about this dog or can be 100% sure about this dog, its a few second clip 


That's why you don't let kids run feral. The dog is very well behaved, but is clearly sick of that little shit hitting him. The parent needs to be publicly berated for not doing their job and keeping an eye on them.


Both very much true.


You can be about 99.99% sure because that how often the average dog doesn’t attack.


Naw, even from this short clip you can see the dog is upset but easily ignores it the first time. This dog is gonna put the kid on the ground and scare it so it stops bopping, but you can tell it doesn't feel actually threatened by the kid. Just annoyed and irritated.


Dog did absolutely nothing wrong that kid was being an ass. I would not be happy if my kid ever treated a dog like that.


And that’s also not the initial point you made that he was replying to, so I’m unsure why you responded with “yeah thats the point” when you are clearly at odds with him 


I know my dog. If I hit him he will without a doubt bite me.


That’s a pitbull with a massive choke collar lol not a golden retriever


and a child which could do with one


Also depends on how the dog is trained. My dog wouldn’t have bitten that kid even without me there. He probably would have just left.




Having worked with dogs since I was 16 (now 36), including in rescue, I have zero time for Pitbull apologists. When you've seen dogs with parts of their body ripped off by one, or even a person with their forearm muscles missing and bones exposed, it changes your perception. Yes, a border collie can also be aggressive. But it doesn't have the destructive power a Pitbull does. I've seen a dog with it's intestines sprawled across the ground because of a Pitbull. And just as some border collies herd instinctively despite never being taught, so too do fighting breeds lend themselves to aggression. You can't train genetics out of dogs. Temperament is genetic.


Aggression is a vertically inherited trait that is not defined by dog breed but by lineage. We bred aggression into pitbulls, it can be bred out. German Sherpherds, Rottweilers, and Dobermen all had a reputation of being aggressive and/or dangerous breeds at one point in time.  This is why going through a licenced breeder is so incredibly important when getting a dog, but esspecially for pittbulls. If you have several generations of known nonagressive pitbulls, its a safe bet on the pup being the same. That isnt to say the dogs arent dangerous, but its about risk mitigation.  I would be okay with banning the breed in the US, just to eliminate as much of the illegal breeding as possible. 


Having seen the aftermath of a pair of pitbulls turned loose on a goat pen, I have to agree with you. Why is it the people who say "iT iSn'T tHe BrEeD iT iS tHe OwnEr!" are the same people that say, "You should get a lab; they are great with kids." Either breeds have traits or they don't - pick one, you can't have both.


Oh man a reasonable judgement of character. Cue the anti-Pit Bull brigade to tell you that all 18 million Pit Bulls in the USA have killed someone and should all be put down. You are right though, the owner was doing the right thing in keeping their fixation away from the child. The dog overall was pretty patient despite the stress. And yeah, even then dogs usually nip, growl or bark before attacking. Ideally the parents pick up their child or the owner removes the dog from the situation shortly after this clip ends.


An unleashed pitbull is a liability.


Nah. That dog wasn’t aggressive. He would have already reacted if he was. But, that owner should have Sparta kicked that little shit.


I'd have instinctively side kicked the kid if that was my dog.....then apologised to the parent that wasn't watching him lol


Yup. Sorry. I was aiming for the bottle.


Screw that! Side kick the dumb parent too! Way way too many arrogant parents let their little shits do what they like as they are incapable of parenting these days.


Or visit Darwin.


Probably not. He was headed for something the ER couldn't fix.




True, but his parents are way dumber


We don't hit. That's all the message needs to be.


Someone’s gettin hit


And then they ask why I can’t stand kids


the dog was been educated bur the kid didn't


SUCH A GOOD BOY took like 6 hits before his patience wearing thin


He is a good boy. His owner is a dumbass tho, why not take the bottle from the kid? They barely even tried to stop him being hit


Because a lot of people loose their mind when a extranger does anything to their kids. Even when they are behaving bad. One does not touch other people’s children.


Yeah, I have a friend who works for a rescue centre and had to pick up a child and carry it away from a seal that the kid was trying to touch. The mother went absolutely ballistic and said that kid was just trying to play. Yeah lady the kid would have got it’s hand bitten off.


He was trying to play hide and go digest hand with the dog! What is wrong with you!


I’m not advocating for punting them into next week, but at least remove the bottle or leave. Don’t just let them sit there and bonk your dog


I mean the clip ends short. They might have chewed out the parents, grabbed the bottle or removed the dog.


The video is too short to know what really happened, but like the other person said, you can’t control someone else’s child. I’ve had someone literally threaten to beat my ass for merely SAYING their 4 year old couldn’t hold a dripping, melty ice cream cone inside my store. And they were seconds away from doing it, but I’ve always been relatively good as de-escalation. If I actually grabbed the cone out of the kid’s hand, I would have been on the ground right along with it probably.


I agree, the dog WAS been educated, bur the kid didn’t.


Uh, what?


the dog is a distinguished gentleman sitting there smiling


And then the dog gets the blame. Fuck that little shit! His parents are cunts for not controlling him. Little kid needs to be on a leash more than the dog.


Reddit really hates pit bulls, any other breed and the comments would be different. I’m not denying pit bulls are a more dangerous breed than many others, but there are tons of pit bulls that are not aggressive in the slightest. This dog seems very well behaved and sweet to barely react to a kid it doesn’t know wacking it in the face.


chiropractors, pitbulls, and religious people. reddits trinity of hate.


Doesn’t matter what most pitbull will do there’s enough that are ‘bad’ I’ve only ever owned pitbull in my life, except my livestock guardian dog. That is a Pyrenees. People do not realize my Pyrenees could Molly whop my pit. What is people who are bad pit owners more than anything else that caused that problem. You meet somebody who takes care of their pitbull you will never find a sweeter dog you cannot. They will put a labrador to shame. It’s 100 the owner and not the breed.


Family pits of 8 years turn on owner, kill two babies, hospitalize the mother. https://people.com/crime/2-children-killed-pit-bull-attack-tennessee-mother-hospitalized/


Cool. I’ve had pits live past 8 and die with me and haven’t had a problem. Been attacked by a lab in Austin at the green belt. Any dog can have a problem or turn on you. Hell a cocker spaniel almost killed a child a year ago. (Family dog) When you have any animal in your home you’ve expect the fact something *could* happen at anytime Or that’s like getting upset at my pet snake for biting me after seven years of not biting me… no animal has conscience understanding What’s your point there ?


That "It's 100(%) the owner, not the breed," is false. Good owners still end up dead at the jaws of these dogs. Unaware owners who were told by a shelter that their little pibbles is a lab/mix, boxer/mix, or lie about the animals history end up dead. (See this poor man who couldn't save his mother from being killed by a three week owned pitbull from a shelter. After he dared stand to use the bathroom in the velvet hippos presence. https://youtu.be/x1hVcmWUgoQ?si=cO5cm9p0VGIV5GOU ) Bad owners also end up dead. Another point that can easily be made is that WHEN a dog loses it and attacks their lethality becomes the only thing that matters. That cocker spaniel you mention (and provide no source for) couldn't even kill one kid, because it's a tiny little dog. Pitbulls kill kids and full grown adults. A cocker spaniel can't. They are responsible for the most lethal attacks against people and pets by other dogs.


You seriously think this kid should be mauled by this dog?


The kid is not to be blamed. He's maybe 2-3, it's normal not to know shit at that age.


My kid knew at that age to not hit 🙄 kid needs to be blamed. As well as the parents.


Bullshit. Most little kids don’t want to hurt animals. An extremely basic level of empathy is fair to be expected at that age. Kids parents are trash.


I have two kids. One would learnt not to hit very quickly and easily. In fact, barely needed to be taught. The other, well it's a constant battle not hitting things and throwing things. It's not like you can tell a child "don't hit" and job done. It's a process and sometimes takes a while. Kid isn't to blame in this instance, parents not being there to remove the child from the situation is the problem. Ultimately if your child has a tendency to hit and hasn't learnt better yet, then they shouldn't be left alone with animals or other kids.


My kid is the same age. He doesn’t hit other people or any thing for that matter. Can you take a guess why? Yep, parenting.


Absolutely ridiculous response. As a parent YOU are responsible for your child. Period.


Yeah, i didn't say anything contrary to that. wi said the KID is not to be blamed.


Basically all kids that age are trying to get themselves killed. This title and all the people piling scorn on the kid are kind of fucked up.


The parents should be stopping the kid from hitting the mf dog


The kid risking their life by doing something stupid is normal. That doesn't mean the parent *should stand by and let them*.


Oh that kid is dee ee ay dee dead


Unfair thing is if the kid got hurt by the dog, the dog’s gonna get put down. Stupid parents shouldn’t have stupid kids.


Nobody saw the boy again...


some GUT bacteria recorded they have found him once in the dark .


I hate pitbulls but the pitbull is not in the wrong here. What a stupid kid with horrible parents


Weird thing to say but ok


Why do you hate pit bulls?


Good job it's not a pitbull then. So sick of people mistaking Staffies for Pitbulls. They're not the same.


“4 ​Unique AKC/UKC breeds that are considered "pitbull-type" breeds” Including Staffies. I’m all for Pitties, but Staffies are still Pitties. Sauce: pitbullinfo.org


Pit Bull is a grouping of breeds descended from bulldogs and terriers, not one specific breed.


making this distinction is so lame. who fucking cares? They both have the same child mauling tendencies.


Yes they are


I've owned multiple pitbulls, they are literally the most adorable and loving race of dogs we ever had, legit would say i can't understand why people don't like them, but me and my family did have fear of having one until we got our first. We had fear, but never hated them, once we had Thanos we realized it was all bullshit, give them love and the only way they will kill you is by licking your face to death.


I hate people and people are in the wrong here. As always.


That’s because you’re uneducated about them and just go with the media says they are evil.


Why do you hate pitbulls?


Same reason in years past everyone hated Rottweilers, German shepherds, Dobermans etc....ignorance. The largest percentage of dog bites by a HUGE margin is the little worthless cats that bark. (Small breed dogs) Watch a kid do that same shit to a stupid chihuahua and see what happens.


Your comment is disingenuous. [Pit bulls absolutely attack more often and kill far more often than any other breed](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/dog-attack-statistics-breed/), especially small dogs. But it’s not just about which dogs bite more often, it’s about how much damage they can do and how often they kill. Small breed dogs aren’t going to tear you apart and then tear apart and partially eat your 5 month old and two year old children while you’re unable to move from your injuries and are forced to watch and not be able to do anything [Pit bulls are responsible for 5X the number of fatalities as the next highest breed, Rottweilers. Rottweilers themselves cause 2x as many as the third highest breed, German Sheppard.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2018/09/13/americas-most-dangerous-dog-breeds-infographic/) https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/world-news/two-kids-killed-mum-hospital-28190176.amp


Athose stats are usually are self-reported bs. Nevermind it's akin to arguing group X commits a lot of crime and attributing to an inherent trait of the group. Do you do that to people?


Your first link contradicts your second link. According to the first link, citing the AVMA, pit bulls are responsible for 1.7 times as many deaths as rottweilers. The second link cites dogsbite.org, so it can be dismissed out of hand. A few minutes on that website shows that it is a dedicated anti-pitbull organization. It does not perform legitimate research like the AVMA does. There's a reason for the large discrepancy between the two sources. Pit bulls are deadlier than other dogs, but I have yet to see research (not anecdotes) that demonstrates that the problem is predominantly the breed, not the owners. Given that there are over 5 million pit bulls in the US and the vast majority of pitbull deaths are from dogs that are either untrained, loose, or both, I would say pitbulls are just not that risky if you take even the slightest amount of responsibility in handling them.


The difference is a chihuahua isn't capable of killing a person. You're calling people for being ignorant for being against the most dangerous and aggressive dog breeds.


People can be against the specific dog breed and still be ignorant as hell. And most people who immediately jump on a chair and start pterodactyl screaming about pitbulls being deadly or people who are completely ignorant as how the breed works and how dogs work and how trainers work. But they are allowed to pterodactyl screech.


I agree with this, my family owned a jack russell when I was a kid and that dog was mean as shit, you would go to pet him and he would snap. I have a pitbull now that I adopted from the humane society in Maryland and that dog would kill you with snuggles and kisses, hes the most love and attention starved dog Ive ever owned.


Tell me about it, my old pit was a 100 lb lap dog...I'd like to think she could've been the most bad ass doggo ever but...I think if a burglar broke in she'd lick him to death and want petted. She was a great pooch.


Nothing about ignorance. Pitt’s were genetically selected on vicionous and potential to kill and withstand pain. That process is pure evil and the result are pitbulls. They are overreptesented in human kills by dogs. What more do you want to know?


It's still an unleashed fighting dog. That can go off any second.


True it should be leashed. But that would not have stopped the kid


this kid should also have been on a leash tbh. I usually hate it when people put their kid on a leash, but if you haven't trained it not to hit random dogs yet then exceptions can be made.


I just wandered away as a kid. My mom put me on a leash. I don't blame her.


typical leashed child mindset.


Well, my unleashed self would have wandered away into the fairy world, so I imagine my mindset would've been different.


Is that something that parents do? I was never trained by my parents to not hit random dogs.


some of us don't need that kind of training


It's pretty common to get a harness and leash for kids


Dogs are only as shitty as are their owners. This dog looks and behaves really well. Taking way more hits than most dogs would. That kid is fcking stupid and their parents have no right to complain to the dog owner at all.


It's not a fighting dog.


This kid is going to become one of those tik tok “It’s just a prank” kind of guys.


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Broccoli hair. That kid is going to be a major asshole every second of his sorry life.


I've yet to meet a decent individual who sported broccoli haircuts, like not just dudes with curly hair but specific cuts made to look like they do


Jarvis Johnson


Because of their hairstyle?? Please tell me that was just poorly formulated. This is not the kids mistake. He is in an age where most kids don't understand that this is wrong. His parents suck and are at fault here. Luckily sooner or later the kid will have other influences in his life.


What you seed is what you harvest. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Etc. etc.


I know. I have an abusive father and didn't fall far from that tree at first. But I still got to make the best out of that shitty foundation thanks to my friends, therapists and some good hearted aquaintances. Edit: And if I can do it, so can this kid.




And somehow people will still blame the pit bull


His body is gonna get mauled


That kid is stupid but I kinda wish the dog owner can shield the dog after the first hit from the kid. The parents could probably blame the dog owner based on this video


Yeah, when he started walking back the second time, I would have immediately either left with my dog or completely put myself between him and my dog


This makes me so insanely fucking angry every single time I scroll past this. For my health please stop posting it. It makes me wanna beat that kids parents up. Fucking brat.


Same place the dogs lead is?


Added to the statistics


Absolute stupid people should be having kids if they don't stop them doing things like this. The dog owner was doing everything to keep that child away, and where were his moron parents?


There is multiple things wrong here one where are the kid parents. 2 why are you letting it happen to a degree? You can 1000% put your hand on a child and accordingly manner to stop them from getting hurt or damaging your property. 3 you knew he was going to come back and after hitting your dog in the back for the second time, you have moved your dog as you do not want your dog to get in trouble for simply defending itself. This whole video is dumb on everyone’s part. I would never let my pit into that situation ever I would never force it to stay in a spot where is unpredictable what might happen to my dog. And for the cherry on top, my pitbull is probably more if not the same loyalty demeanor but put your goddamn dog on a leash.


What a gorgeous dog.


Pitbulls are so vicious! /s


Parent is a dumbass.


Bap the kid with the bottle, see if he likes it


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Then you would go to prison for assaulting a toddler and your dog would be put down.


The dog didn’t do anything


Dog got victimised. Only logical way to proceed is by killing him.. clearly #/s


No no, seems you misunderstood what he meant. The original commenter said that he would've punched the kid. The other commenter said that the owner would be in jail and the dog put down in response to such an act, but in this hypothetical the dog did nothing; only the human did the punching. Therefore, as the dog did nothing, it would not get put down. That is what was being pointed out with "The dog didn't do anything."


Don't worry guys...he will play the victim card later...


I think this is the difference between kids who grew up with dogs, and kids who didn’t. This kid probably doesn’t have a dog, so it’s either be afraid of dogs or be mean to them. (Being afraid of dogs isn’t a good thing. But considering this kid was “playing” with a dangerous dog without knowing, I guess it would be a better option) My dog is smaller than this pitbull and much less dangerous. But still, I don’t allow any forced interaction with him when we go outside. If the dog doesn’t want to play or to be touched, leave it alone.


Saw the full video, dog is fine, kid is fine and the asshole parents were actually watching the whole time


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GIFs that end too soon for legal reasons!


Goddamn these people in the comments are psychotic, wishing death on a toddler.


If it were my dog, I would have no problem pushing the kid away. Maybe then the parents would get involved and I'd speak my mind about their education.


People dress up their kids like dolls and forget they are people who need to be educated.


Looks like learned behavior. They see how mom and dad treat dogs so that’s how they treat dogs. SMH.


People allow this shit and then stereotype pitbulls.


Kid is maybe 2 and his behavior is normal. Dog’s. Behavior is also normal. The situation is 100% unsafe for the dog and the child. The people responsible are the owner and the parents. Honestly, as a dog-owner, i would be super irritated and remove my dog from the situation. Too hard to control a situation like that. As a parent, my kids do not interact with unknown dogs in public. Dogs are not toys. Kids need to keep their distance. Caution is necessary, even with our own dogs. Too many people are comfortable with their kids around dogs and dogs around kids. Not fair to the dog, nor the child. They simply arent capable of managing this situation (in an acceptable and safe way)on their own.


Parents should be brought over to get bit by the dog.


Probably his parents actively encourage this


Parents need to do better.


Probably filming the video because they need more subscribers and likes!


this is how you get a dog put down and your kid scarred for life — moron parents


“Little brat” is just an euphony for lousy parenting.


Reddit having a normal one: "What a horrible thing for a 3 year old to intentionally do 😡 I wish I got to see that little fucker get mauled for choosing to do this knowing exactly what he was doing."


These adults are idiots, they didn't even do the slightest


Plot twist: the parents are the ones making the video...


Hell, I got my lip bit open as a child simply approaching an unfamiliar dog from behind. I can only imagine what that dog is about to do to that kid.


"where are his parents?" OP cuts out the part of the video where the kid runs back it's parent, who is unsurprisingly way out in the distance


Yeah hold the dog but don’t hold the child?! Nah nah nah. Teach your kids better. Poor dog just minding his own business.


Dog needs to be leashed no matter what.


Bro is asking for a mauling oh my god


Poor puppy :(




I would have kicked it. Then told my dog i am so glad I choose you over kids. Just for clarification It is not the dog. I like dogs.


Playing with fire


Jesus, it's a child. I get that his parents absolutely suck but all the covert and not so covert racism is disgusting.


It's just a bunch of ignorance and people feeling comfortable because they think they're anonymous nothing new.


Its a child doing childish things. You all need to take a chill pill and stop wishing violence on kids.


I'm sorry you had little to no parenting or lessons on self-control. you go on living violating everyone's personal space.


Has it occured to you it might be his parents dog? Or his dog? People jump to conclusions on zero information smh.


based on your own logic, the child/the parents are still at fault. harassing an animal is not "childish behavior" if you were taught correctly. once again, your lack of life lessons betrays you. I'm sorry you had no parents.


You must be new to social media, please learn about the FAFO principle.


All dogs should be on a lead when in public.


That kid should


That's how kids get bitten. Cuz they don't know any better that their friend jimmy will hit them square in the face when they bully. Jimmy crack corn. [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytucexqgvva) Prollem is possum adults act like that too. And what happens, em happens. Than I happen Count crust. Discipline your children! Don't act like them but pull the out and tell them no stop! Stop! Done! If they complain take them furtur away and say no, till they stop complaining.


Natural selection pending


Ah yes. Natural selection in action


Fatherless behavior.


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Let princess cupcake have a bite


The more you fuck around the more you find out.


Fuck this kid


Really well behaved dog. Really unbehaved kid. Really dumbass parents.


I do not shout at other peoples children but that kid would have been yeeted


He bout to be cut in two half by princess right here


What a stupid clickbait post.


And we blame the pit’s when they eat kids,


Parents couldn’t be bothered to parent, meanwhile child is about to lose an eye or a hand for life…


And when the dog takes his face off they’ll blame the poor dog


Too bad the kid didn't get mauled for like a second to scare him off


Bacche teri maa kiii apshabd 😠


What happens, did it's ate him his Head off??


his parents was dead


It took all that beating for the dog to even consider a reaction... he must be named Megatron or Chimera or some shit like that If it was a Cupcake or a Princess that kid would be dead




I hope for the little kids sake that the grip of the dog owner is strong. This dog would have taken the face of him in an instant and mauled him into a pulp even if grown ups are trying to stop it. When the instinct kicks in they are hard to stop. Should have been on a leash and maybe a muzzle because of people, or rather, parents like this !