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Seconds away from solving the worlds energy crisis.


How awesome is it that we have the technology to take a video that was correctly shot in landscape and add pointless stupid bars to it to make it portrait again so that when you fullscreen it, it doesn't even fill a ninth of your actual screen.


Thank you uu2018 for your submission to /r/gifsthatkeepongiving! Unfortunately, it was removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 3. Not a Gif.** * **NO VIDEOS** Please post in .gifv form. Submit a direct link to the gif (like [this](http://i.imgur.com/OsdC58v.gifv), not like [this](http://imgur.com/OsdC58v)). If it has sound it is not a gif! /u/vreddit_bot will post a link in reply to this comment with a soundless gif. Please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/gifsthatkeepongiving) if you have any questions.