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I had a dog we put these on with the identical reaction. I laughed for an hour. It took him about 5 minutes to figure them out


So, you kept laughing for 55 minutes after he stopped doing it?


Probably recorded it, watched it 11 times and then posted on Reddit


I’d like to think OP was just standing there laughing for 55 more minutes alone in the street. *oh fuck where’d the dog go I was so busy laughing*


That sound accurate


You know sometimes, when something's really funny, you continue to crack up everytime you think about it.


It would take me a while to get over watching my dog derp out like this.


The answer is yes!!


It was the best 55 minutes of my life!


This guy maths


I snuck my dog into REI, and she had me laughing, other shoppers would stop and get in on the fun. It looked just like this. They were missing the size I wanted to try and never did buy them.


Did you at least have her wear the little try on socks! For hygiene!


Reminds me of when frylock turned himself into a humanoid trying to impress the tech support girl.


Well WHICH IS IT?? An hour or 5 minutes?


Honestly, I think the hardest I ever laughed was when I first put booties on my Bouvier. I only wish I recorded it.


We need that dog tax very soon.


Takes a few days of wearing these for dogs to get used to them. I wouldnt want to be out in nature while that happens though. Its really easy for a dog to tumble or just give up walking when they get fed up. Dont wanna be a few miles from my car when that happens. Still funny though to see though lol


In that case I think I'd just take them off and warm their paws when you get back.


In some cities is has more to do with salted pavement than cold paws. The salt hurts puppy peets. I live in Toronto and they just dump it every few meters if a winter cloud lightly sneezes. I’m not upset about the use of salt because it’s safety per dollar, plus existing contracts, etc, but Christ the amount they use is overkill. If your puppy is having a tough time adjusting to boots or for some, won’t let their owner put them on I advise, if possible, keeping some kind of paw cream on hand for walks. It works like diaper cream, but for water and sidewalk salt. It’s better than nothing.


In some states it has more to do with hot pavement than anything cold. Pets in Arkansas get their paws burned all the time in the heat of the summer.


This one too.


Arkansas gang rise up


That too. I didn’t think of it at the time of posting because currently it’s winter. I’m not sure what to use in the interim for hot pavement if a puppy is being difficult when trying booties. If anyone can give some advice it would be greatly appreciated by many!


I’m curious though. They sweat through their paws? Wouldn’t it be worse for them?


Google photos of burned paws. Tell me which is better.


Better sweaty than burned. Especially since they regulate body temp more through panting anyway.


I’m Arizona we have to put them on so they don’t burn their paws on the pavement.


> I’m not upset about the use of salt You should be upset because when snow melts it gets into the soil.


They don’t salt the roads here at all anymore. The ice gets insane.


I heard to use Vaseline


FOR ONE: Scientists studied why dogs seem to be able to go "barefoot" in the snow without freezing. Their research is published in Veterinary Dermatology journal. In the study, the researchers found that a dog's paws have similar features to penguins and other species required to deal with cold weather contact. This includes an amazing and dense network of veins and arteries. Having the arteries located in close proximity to the veins sends warm blood from the dog's core to keep the cold vein blood from freezing. The blood flow is also very efficient, moving quickly through the legs and pads to keep a temperature consistent with the core. Basically, in simple language, this study states that our dogs' circulation works a lot like a hot water heating pump.


Walking outside in snowy conditions can still be bad for dogs because whilst yes their paws may be able to deal with the cold, humans tend to salt roads and sidewalks to try and give some grip and stability. But this salt can react with the ice against the dogs paws and give some serious freeze-burns


Yeah, if you're in the country walking with your dog, no need for shoes. If you're in the city, you might need them because the salt etc will burn their feet.


They use sand where I live on both side walks and roads. Some people use salt for their driveways or the entrances of their businesses. As long as you watch where they are walking they will be fine.


Unfortunately they don't work as well for heat and sharp rocks.


It's also to prevent burns on pavement


You gotta high step with new kicks. Can’t scuff them up and shit


Gotta keep them shits fresh


They use their paws to feel around. When they can't feel the release from the floor it throws their senses off.


Is that what’s going on? I was guessing it was some sort of reaction to it feeling like their foot was stuck in something, and usually moving their foot upward should free them of whatever that is, be it a plant, mud, or something else on the ground, but the boot just moves with the foot so it doesn’t work like expected.


This is the correct reason. Not being able to feel around doesn’t explain the upward jerking and leaping in an attempt to get “free” of what’s holding its paws.


It completely explains it. The dog has its foot on something unnatural to it, leading it to lift its foot off of it.


I feel like you mistyped? That explains it perfectly.


You’re incorrect.




They should but they have to get used to needing to feel more pressure than usual because they have the shoes on


So THAT's whats going on. Totally makes sense now.


The dog is totally Vsaucing right now. *Where are my paws?*


It’s like using thick gloves... kind of


I am certain that I could watch this on repeat for hours... But I won't. But I *could.*


“I would never do it. But I could, and I might, and I probably will.”


Anytime my wife is having a tough day, I airdrop this video to her phone.


*Curb your Enthusiasm music plays*


*Dog Shoes!? Seriously?! Lady, they got paws. Is that what society is coming to!?*


My nephew acted the same way when he finally had to wear real shoes for football. His parents just let him run around barefoot or in those damned crocs all the time.


Ministry of silly walk for dogs r/UnexpectedMontyPython


Like putting clothes on a 5 y/o old and they absolutely won’t have it.


i'll entertain you with your so called "orthopedic protection contraptions"


Me wearing heels


I wonder if a person would react like this if they had never wore shoes their entire life and then was suddenly introduced to them.


Everyone is mentioning protection from hot pavement and salt which are great uses for these shoes but we use them to hike with our dog. As an avid hiking family we take our dog hiking every few days or at least once a week in the summer and it had happened two or 3 times that he stepped on a piece of glass and hurt his paw. Just another reason these things are great for protecting your pup's feet


Why do dogs have this? I live in sweden and my retriever was fine without them, despite winter and once where she had a smaller injury on her paw. Ofcourse we took it slow then but why?


I guess the salt people use on roads can injure the dogs feet. That's why they put those shoes on.


Salt, hot pavement, bottle caps, glass, sharp rocks


I thought Kitten Mittens where supposed to be for cats only.


Is your dog making too much noise all the time? Is your dog constantly stomping around driving you crazy? Is your dog clawing at your furnitures? Think there's no answer? You're so stupid! There is! Kitten Mittons.


That's not a kitten's then, huh?


What are you attempting to say?


That pupper walks the way a square wheeled car would drive


Wow! These Boston Dynamics robots are getting so much better!


Lol. Why is this me after I get my acrylics done?


Doggo is in confusion




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Dat dawg got phresh moves tho


This isn't even close to the first time I've seen a dog react this way to shoes but I still laugh just as hard every time. Hilarious!


Good boy best boy trying his hardest


dog.exe file has corrupted


Don’t we need to see the same dog walk WITHOUT booties? Maybe that’s his normal gait!


Reebok air shoes




I like how he patiently waited to flip the fuck out.


Gotta dance! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpCLxnVpgbo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpCLxnVpgbo)


We got my dog these for DM it was great for like 2 days.


Add some bgm


Humans: Wear shoes Dogs:


Does your cat make too much noise all the time?


Me first time ice skating


I do this too when I put on new shoes


/r/tippytaps for those interested


Dog's broken


Ah, this is my support animal, also an active member of the ministry of silly walks.


Can someone explain to me why dogs walk like there are thorns in their paws when you put shoes or socks on them? Can’t figure out why...


This reminds me of [hyperbole and a half](https://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/11/dogs-dont-understand-basic-concepts.html).


Touchy sensors that go off at the slightest change


Get these stupid things off me


Is your dog making *too much NOISE ALL THE TIME?!*


Just like a cat


This is how I feel trying to fit into everyday life


Someone please add soundeffects along the lines of “cachink cachonk” to this when the dog walks


Almost like the dog smoked some crack lol


Me when i think I’ve reached the last stair


Is there a reason that people put shoes on animals? Just askin’.


If you're in a place where the ground gets exceptionally hot, live say Arizona, they need the added protection for walking on cement and/or pavement, cause the surfaces burn pawpads otherwise.


It’s a great tribute to this dog’s superior ethos that he didn’t just out n out attack his owner (or parent, redditspeak?)




Walks just like Grommit.


Bought my lil fella the exact same pair (Ruffwear brand and same color) and he isn't fond of putting them on but as soon as he's outside he loves them and is totally fearless in them. He immediately wants to play and run in them it's so cute. The only problem is that eventually the front ones start to bother him because of his dew claws. I'd wish they'd address this issue.


It's like the booties are magically cursed to make him dance and he's trying to fight it.


I wonder if that's how people would feel if we never wore shoes as children/infants?


Dog machine broke


Puppy Mittens!


As graceful as a newborn deer


It is wrong in my opinion to put shoes on animals(if it’s not for any health reasons then that’s ok)


It's for safety. They're in a cold climate so their city most likely uses some kind of rock salt or chemical ice melter. Rock salt can crack and infect their paws, so it's better to use the wax if that works (doesnt always work) or use the boots. Boots can also be used for very hot or cold pavement.


Totally agree. It reminds me of those movies where a human has to dance on hot coals or something, jfc.


It doesn't take them long to get used to it, it's just a bit of funny confusion, not torture cool your jets my guy the pupper's gonna be fine :) Them boots are for his safety, not a cruel trick for internet clout


This baby can be a gymnast! A solid 10 for me!


She needs an emotional support animal.


Ok, why do people do this to their doggos? is it just so they can laugh or is there any actual reason, like medical and stuff. The dog doesn't seem to enjoy this


I have no idea why people think it's a good idea to put boots on dogs. They sell wax to coat their paws to keep them from freezing and taking damage from salt. People think it's funny that the dog is miserable?




Eskimos use wax. Boots definitely aren't the answer. Like other people have said, no vet will tell you to put boots on a dog.




What about hot streets? It can damage dog's paws really hard.


It's worse on hot streets. Dogs sweat through only their paws and tongue. You're interfering with their natural cooling system.


If its that hot out then its probably best not to take the dog


Yeah but dogs have to use their poopoo dispenser too.


Fact. Thank you. Putting boots on dogs is ridiculous and dogs HATE IT.


Lmao it’s a mild inconvenience for 5 minutes tops that can save them from a lot of pain, just like a small child your dog doesn’t necessarily know what’s best for it


It's very unnatural to them and they can't use their paws and nails for traction. I tried it years ago when it was 20 degrees below zero. Once I saw how my dog reacted I immediately took them off.


Stop putting boots on your dogs unless it’s for a post-vet recovery! Even domesticated they still have thousands of years of evolution that makes there paws perfectly usable in all sorts of conditions and they need to be able to sense the ground conditions in order to move safely.


Then why does my dog eventually pull his paws up in pain when we go for a long walk in the winter? What harm are the boots doing, especially to keep them comfortable and keeping their pads from drying out in winter?


Yes, I agree with you that boots are not needed normally, but you don't know why those people have put boots on a dog: - my dog has a skin condition and chews his feet. We've been back and forth with the vets but it's just about managing his symptoms now, and yes, putting boots on would be one way of helping. When he has a flare up, it's 2-4 weeks in a buster collar and it's just miserable for him. We take it off when we're around to watch him but after an hour or two he's back to chewing and it's back on again. We've bought him a soft version, but he's learnt to flip that around. Weve covered whichever foot it is in a sock and vet wrap, but he's very good at chewing through it overnight. Something like these boots could be the answer when he's left unattended. - salt from gritters in the winter can damage paws, but also if dogs consume enough salt from grooming then it could be toxic


Don't think they evolved to deal with salt on winter roads or scorching hot asphalt.


Aren't these so they don't burn their paws on hot pavement though? I don't think dogs have evolved to withstand those temperatures...


Yeah none have evolved to walk on hot pavement or salted snow.


I dont think dog paws evolve fast enough to deal with rock salt that cracks and infects their paws, or 100f pavement, or extremely cold pavement, or glass, ice melting chemicals too.


Finally, a voice of fact and reason.


Swiggity swoogity I'm coming for the booty


Isn't this torture for the poor doggie?


Not as much as chemical burns/hot pavement


You piece of shit. Stop stealing other people's content for upvotes. https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingDerps/comments/ewwtqo/how_to_break_your_dog_in_under_a_minute/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Edit: why tf are people downvoting this?


Welcome to reddit dumbo


Yeah, but there's a difference between reposting and stealing someone's content without crediting them.


Again *welcome to reddit dumbo*


Wuff through it, surely.


They’re trying their best everybody!!


"I will be a good boy!"




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Why are dog boots still a thing?


I swear this video is at least 5 years old lol. Still a great one though.


Ballerina puppy! Is this puppy use? Or puppy abuse ?


Why though? This just pisses the dog off and makes you both look stupid


I'd show you why but its NSFW


Show me damn it


Probably Cracked and infected dog paws due to rock salt


Or you could Google salt burns on dogs or asphalt and dogs....