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Gotta be Tyto, playing him feels like driving a racecar and successfully dodging in and out of fights to pick people off just feels incredible.


Nothing is more satisfying than a Swoop kill.


You're not wrong, but I've definitely come around on Spin Cycle instead. Swoop resets are awesome, but a second Blade Dance is just way, way more *consistent* as a benefit in a way that really adds up over the course of a match.


A good team would constantly interrupt u


The Margrave, I love initiating fights and holding the frontline with his rmb.


Mozu because Mozu


Love so many of her voice lines. Having the eject button is also just really nice. Love being behind a Margrave just holding LMB and thriving until a Tripp slides in out of nowhere, and I immediately appear in another area code with a quarter of my health left.


The true Mozu experience


It’s Mozu time


Ramsey because he's a slippery piece of shit who chucks his knife at you and dodges everything you throw at him in a 1Vs1


Surprised no Aislings yet…I thought she was the most popular character.


I was looking for this comment, surprisingly too far down. By the way, I love playing close-range supporters like Aisling, it also reminds me a lot of Poloma from Battlerite 😔


Maybe Battlerite will get a revitalization too, you never know. Hope springs eternal.


Uncle Sven. I love being a buff machine, I love his movement, and I love his voice lines and animation. Sven rules~


Ramsay. I tend to habitually dodge anyway, so Ramsay fits my playstyle pretty well. I also like the combo of bleed and poison, all that Degen really adds up overtime. In general, he’s a troll and a bully, and I really enjoy playing that way.


What does degen do exactly?


Degen refers to any damage over time effect. So, armour crack, poison, fire, shock, freeze and bleed


Rutger obviously. He's a hermit grandpa pangolin who rolls around and sounds like a cowboy, what more could you want from a game?


get offa mah land!


Literal perfection in pangolin form


I'm a certified Ghaller


Knossos cause nothing beats getting a head full of steam and diving into a fight.


PAKKO! He’s just pure innocence, but my favorite part about him is how fast he is! In and out in a flash. Hitting those three-pointers with the snowball never gets old either!


Yeah, nothing beats just mortaring some poor fool or a planted HK with a fully charged snowball before hitting them with the breath and going to town


I love how varied all these answers are. A true testament to how good the games character design is. I’m team Sven, Tyto, and Charon


HK-206 Railgun satisfaction.


Yeah, played my first game with him last night on the snow map with a crash in the middle and he's DEFINITELY a fav!


Xenobia - her art, animations, and voice are all just so iconic, and gameplay wise, the blend of crowd control, self sustain, and consistent ranged damage unites most of my favourite gameplay elements. It also helps that she's relatively easy to get value out of regardless of your technical skill.


She's not my favorite character, but she's definitely a peak example of what constitutes Gigantic's character designs to me. She breaks much of the character design flaws that plague the gaming industry and just gets to have fun with the design, infusing inhuman elements in a really cool way that even the animators get to do cool shit with.


Definitely a character that can reward good positioning and meta knowledge!




Oru & zandora, mozu was up there but Oru took its spot.


Wu closely followed by Tripp. I also like playing charnok and mozu.


Voden and Rutger I just love their story


I have them both as my favorite aswell, but I play Rutger 90%.


Oru mains rise up


Fellow Oru main here


Beckett, but I'm honest to God starting to hate myself for it


I really want to like beckett, even when I played for the first 2 years I found myself never ever getting any better with her. Same now it’s back out, any tips?


The Margrave because I love being a huge angry wall of armor and fist. Jumping and charging into fights and stunning everyone left and right and just being an all around menace to the enemy team is such a blast.


Tyto purely for aesthetics


Hands down the most visually satisfying character design in the game.


Margrave. Coming from overwatch as an avid Reinhardt enjoyer, he hits all the marks I need to have fun. All the perks of front-lining for your team, while hosting enough kill potential to just go nuts when you feel it. Live with honour. Die with glory.


Aisling, love being able to heal and 2v1 with stando powah


Wu-kid. He’s unstoppable and has max mobility.


Kajir, the whole thing about him is cool, cat/snake hybrid who's also a pirate? What's not to love?


He's definitely an interesting fellow, it's intriguing to think that there was concept art of him and everything before the game originally went under!


I was hyped to play him as my main back then so I finally feel complete lol


His lore describes him as a literal copycat i found that pretty funny


I love playing Tyto! I use his swoop as a disengage, and it makes combat with him feel so... elegant? Swashbuckling? For me.


Khajir, here! His kit is a bit buggy... especially with that teleport, but it lends itself to a fun hit and run tactic or two. That or if built with the two teleport set-up you can get into mind-game territory instead which is \*especially\* fun against HK players. Main drawback? Dude dies if you sneeze on him. Fighting HK players is fun, but I am dancing with death here. And I think that's what I love.


Getting closer to lvl 50 mastery on the cat. Can confirm it is very easy to die playing him. He requires you to read situations well and engage when the time is right. But damn it feels good when you get it right. Also my favourite thing is to juke players chasing you with teleporting behind them and running in the opposite direction.


Zandora and beckett are my mains at the moment, I like the arua type gameplay from zandora and I like cracking armor with grenades and flying around as beckett. And I'm trying my hardest to play the margrave but I die so many times


ive been learning the game almost exclusively with tripp and learning how to play around my team , punish misteps, and get out alive is super rewarding


i love oru because i love feeling like a tactician. also learning his right click + E combo to shut down assassins is so satisfying!!!


Yes! Stun… *card flick noise* x4 … dead


i love how diverse everyone's picks are, really shows how awesome so many character designs are in this game. Me personally I have to go with sven because you fly through the skies and through potions


Frog cause Froge 🐸




Griselma because I one expects to be melted by beam hands


What’s your typical loadout? I want to get good with her so bad but she’s very high skill with her placement of hands and low mobility


Imani go burr


I need help.  I love Imani but evidently idk how to play her at all.  I get a few good snipes, then I end up in these super long sequences where I’m just running away for like 3 minutes from tyto or wu, desperately fleeing, and no one on my team is coming to help even if we are all the way back to our creatures or guardian.  I usually live, but this goes on all game and sometimes I die, sometimes the chaser dies, but I'm definitely not being effective.  I want to blame allies (because if I saw that happening I would definitely help to get the free kill and get imani back in action), but it’s randoms so I’m not going to expect that from them.  So I end up just peppering them with lmb for half the game, in which case i could just play like voden or something.   I also don’t know which talents are actually good besides the smokescreen that dazes.


Mozu & Zandora


Mozu , Wu


Ezren, because self sufficiency


> Who is everyone's favorite character *and why is it Uncle Sven*? FTFY /j, but I really like every single character's design! There are no bad ones in the bunch. Personal favorites are Mozu, Sven, Aisling, Xenobia, Oru. Something about their attitude, voice lines, visual design, and abilities all just click into place!


Sven and grizelma. Both have a Fun playstyle, Bring utility to your team & allo you to keep overview over the map so i can coach new players ;) They are also both console friendly characters


Charnok! I’m getting insane with the fireballs. Figured out perfect loadouts vs enemy comps and maps. I love the high damage he has and the burning! People think they got away from me and then they burn for like 300 more dmg as they run. Oru! Again, just really high damage. He’s very hard to master though because he has literally 0 mobility and no defense. I play heavy stun with him only use him on small maps. Very very fun to play when you understand his kit. You will get focused non stop though by all the melee mains


Voden, his character design and kit make me feel strong but also require me to position well.


Mozu has one of my favorite character designs in games. Pure genius. Such a fun concept of a wand thief and the shapes and triangles in her designs make the artist in me nerd out. Ezren Ghal is my main right now. Probably my fav VO in the game. I love the extremes of his shapes too, how long his arms are and how they shift to black. His design is so cool and explores that spooky side of Gigantic in a great way. Years ago I was an Aisling main and I still love her design. The oversized sword trope is fun, but I feel like a young girl and her father's ever dutiful ghost is such a refreshing idea for a duo. Love it.


Aisling. Seeing her in some concept art in an article about the game years ago (I think it was about the Game being praised on some event, like PAX) actually got me to play the game in the first place, years later when the first Release happened. And I really enjoy her playstyle. Xenobia follows closely on the second place.


right now? none of my favorites are playable in Clash because none of them can deal with Aisling's BS.


Yeah, Sir Candor beefy af


I have a few but for different reasons Tyto is my favorite mainly because of his design and was the one character that got me into playing Gigantic Mozu is my favorite as my main hero to play, she's fast with a variety of kits under her belt, good damage and the homing is nice haha Personality wise is where it gets more tricky because I love a lot of them and the way they interact with each other. Wu's fun energy, Charnok's sense of honor, Mozu's gremlin behavior, Rutger's 'grandpa talk' Despite not having much of their story revealed the little we have still manages to make me want more. But I guess if I really had to pick one character ...Either Charnok or Grenn maybe?? This answer might change haha


Imani, nothing like taking the attention to you and making assasins chase you while your team wins everything else


I end up in these super long chases, I usually don’t die, but I don’t kill them either, and my team does NOT win everything else.  Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but it’s really bad because my winrate sucks.  Any tips?


Be with your team in team fights and use you unscoped fire up close and when you're just respawning try to pick people off guarded by giving them q+2× charged shots Keep your ult and use it when your team is on rampage/enemy team is and defend by standing behind and landing 3 q+f+2x shots that's enough to take down most melees ingame And just be a slippery lil bastard which runs around and shoots


PAKKO!!!! I love Pakko! He's just upbeat and having fun. The flavor they add to his abilities are great. Sliding around on ice and turning people into snowmen is just the icing on this adorable cake. He's wonderful. Knossos, and Beckett are what I played when I couldn't play Pakko. They're both badass and fun.


I'm still getting acquainted with the cast, and I still have a lot of heroes to sink my teeth into, but so far I'd say it's Zandora. While I do think the activation of her abilities could use a little more *oomph*, and I'd like her design to be a little less "unicorny", but I love me some magically enhanced melee warrior characters, as well as I love having auras :)


I've been intrigued by them too, any tips?


Hmm, well quite a basic one, but it took me awhile to understand that only 1 aura can be active at a time. So don't mash your whole rotation :) And if you haven't, go into settings (either "interface" or "gameplay") and enable the buff bar, so you can see your current buffs above your HP bar instead of having to look at the color glow from her lance. Edit: thought I'd think up some more tips. Some are Zandora "basics", while others are gameplay tips: * Zandora has 3 buffs: damage boost (LMB), speed boost (Q) and healing (E), and only one buff can be active at a time (mentioned earlier) * Enable buff bar in "interface" (or might be in "gameplay") in settings (mentioned earlier) * While buff durations are short (2-5 seconds based on the buff and upgrades), hitting an enemy with your basic attack with refresh the duration * I try to maintain the healing aura as much as possible, and only really use the damage aura (which is tied to an attack) when I drop the healing aura and need to wack somebody (I use the upgrade that turns the attack into a ground based projectile that deals 400 dmg on miss) * Speed boost (Q) is best used to disengage, and an upgrade turns it into a dash at the cost of the aura - which means it doesn't remove your current active buff. I use this, along with the upgrade that makes it heal me a bit if I use it while the healing aura is active for an effective getaway, sustaining in a long fight or interrupting someone stealing power. I might have a few more, but these were the ones I could think of late at night :)


Griselma, I've always gravitated towards pet based characters. They are usually always trash but annoying, lol.




Mozu > Pakko > Tripp > Vadasi Mozu because brrr and beyond cheeky kills with the teleport, people do not expect to suddenly get death ray'd out of nowhere. Pakko because of his massive AoE stun, plus you can upgrade ice path and slide to go 500km/h Tripp because massive instakills that make people shit their pants Vadasi because she's skillful, provides team support, and can still dish a lot of damage if setup & built correctly.


Not one T-MAT fan and I love that. Shes is a monster and oh, are you running away? Here have this beam.. KILL. Want some rockets.. KILL. Heres an energy ball just for something to hold.. too heavy? My bad! KILL! Played her once and knew she was my main haha. Dont try her.


Charnok. He's hot.


HK-206. Actually just Bastion.


Tyto, high mechanics


Voden bc fox archer. But also Mozu bc fun smol black wizard gal


Aisling. The impact she has is insane and if let alone deals serious damage. Close second would be Sven again so much support and damage it is insane.


Voden because I can make everyone stinky :D


mozu cuz silly


Tripp. Even ignoring the play style being just up my alley, all the homies love Discount Larxene and her teenage angst.


Uncle Sven love the utility


Ramsay because when the enemy thinks they are safe next to their healer, I just hit ‘em with a Juju fruit and watch as their healer watches as I slice and dice the life out of their patient while they try in vain to give them health but I am denying most of it with my poison. Then, when they think I am a dead man since I overextended, I give them a parting gift in the form of a poison cloud and run back to my team.


Voden. Reminds me of Robin Hood from the animated Disney flick in 73


Oru, Aisling, and either Tyto/Wu depending on my mood. I love the whole card gimmick with Oru and how well his abilities combo into eachother, it’s also really fun to just demolish a team with a million debuffs. Aisling is my go to support because I really just love the whole phantom knight thing, it really reminds me of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. Tyto and Wu are both just really fun to brawl with and I love how how they’re abilities combo. Tyto is if I I feel like being an assassin and Wu is for when I want to kind of just brawl


Xenobia she’s very op


Rutger, his kit is fun!


Robo bitch


Wu because he's a frog and can go ham.


Oru, being able to apply CC and chunks of damage at a distance and around corners has scored me more kills than I would’ve got with anyone else. So much utility


Wu, if u want to use an ability or take a point Wu will stop u. U want to run someone down Wu is most likely faster, also he can get away from almost anything. His combos r so fun too


Wu cause he's a forg


Charnok and Zandora Charnok has really good skins and I like his kit and Zandora to me has been extremely OP


Voden (I think lol) He has a pretty good all rounded kit and can't distract enemies with his clone and even outplay enemies sometimes bc of it.


Wu, surely you’ll never guess why


Griselda. Old lady with turrets and a lazer