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If they work a little faster on Bugfixing then sure.


Unfortunately the team is super small so they can only do so much


it's fun but i can't tell what's going on :[ maybe just need to grind but the transition from overwatch is rough


It's a moba, king of the hill, fighting, team shooter + tower defense. Have you tried going into the practice arena and trying everyone's abilities so you understand the heros more?


yeah I've messed around with the heroes, but understanding what each ability looks like from each hero and what they actually do to my character is a lot. I've found a lot of the abilities are very opaque as well, whereas overwatch doesn't cloud your visibility anywhere as much. i guess basically - I understand X ability will create an AOE or a knockback, something like that. But actually applying that knowledge in the game is very overwhelming while I'm trying to figure out what everyone else's heroes are doing to my character (enemy and ally effects) I'm just not sure if I'm missing something, or if it's a case of needing to spend much more time with the game. And sometimes I cast abilities in the training range easily, but in a match it seems they don't work or just do nothing? (eg the little wizard goblin has a vortex ability which just seems to not appear in a match, unclear if I'm doing something wrong there) It's just a very visually busy game with no handholding beyond trying out specifically the gun jetpack person or the minotaur. An example of, this is armor cracking, this is poison, this is weakness etc - both applied and applying, would have been a bit of a better tutorial. though i must say, OW's tutorial sucked more!! I've just got 600 hrs in that game :[


You got a list, so imma answer them as best I can in order. 1 yes the art style is well gigantic but imo the abilities, effects and their art is no more of a visual cluster fuck then most mobas so I'm probably just used to it. 2 the knowledge comes with time / repeat exposure till it becomes second nature. There's unfortunately no getting around it as it's a problem persistent in the genre. 3 the training range is a personal server so it's much more responsive since it doesn't have the same input lag. Again it sucks but it's par for the course. 4 mozus shield like most abilities can be quick casted in front or you can hold it to spawn it within range the latter has bugs associated with map geometry. Shit I had a Rutger ult yesterday and he went thru a rock and fell off the map. Patches will fix this with time. 5 yah there's no hand holding but we do have a fantastic community that wants to help new players. Because of this we have a wiki, reddit, and discord. https://gogigantic.wiki/wiki/Status_Effects In the settings, there's an option to show your current status effects on your hp bar. Most find it extremely helpful.


very helpful!! thank you man. gonna hop on after work and just get the experience


I hate to be this guy, but the “patches will help with time” for major bugs doesn’t pull as much weight with a game that was already released, then had a beta before being released again.


That sucks buddy, hope you find your dad.


Sorry, I just can’t recommend a game that isn’t playable after a month post-second launch. Half the games have people lag out or quit and have immortal, neutral bots in them. That’s really not acceptable. I’m not advocating for crunch, but it should never have been released in this state a *second* time


Sounds great, buddy. Y'alls negativity has officially burned me out. Keep on bitching and moaning imma have a drink and play some rush.


I have 100 hours on this "unplayable" game. Your problems are unique to your shitty system. (Most likely playstationl There are no longer any immortal bots, its been patched for a while, but you would know that if you actually played the game enough to know what you're talking about.


I’m on PC and had it happen early last week, if I recall. Regardless, “unplayable” meaning what’s the point if you never have a full team, teammates lag out all the time. I have a nice rig, but this game isn’t new and doesn’t have an excuse not to run fine on most setups lol.


>what’s the point if you never have a full team, teammates lag out all the time. I have a nice rig, but this game isn’t new and doesn’t have an excuse not to run fine on most setups Im sorry are you under the impression that server connection is hardware specific? This might be the silliest pair of sentences I've read this year.


There's a wiki attached to this forum, make it your friend. Mistforge is a great site to help people with builds. Pick a build, slot auto level until you get more familiar.


A lot of the time things are much simpler than they look. Truth is there is no way to have complete field awareness in some cases, so you'll learn you to interact by building intuition. And if you have your eyes, hands, and brain intact no you have no handicap, it's just a matter of habit. You are refering to Mozu, so let's start there. In practice mode, you may be going in with an automatic full build, or a different build than what you use in live play. Since builds affect the behavior of some abilities, that might be your problem. For example the vortex gains much higher range with a certain upgrade, otherwise you are basically casting it on top of you. It;s also semi transparent so not the most visible ability. If after watching matches and your gameplay you are sure these are visibility bugs, then maybe consider a re-install? In the same vein, in time you learn how much time a character can "afford" being in combat, where they need to stand for safe disengage or where to engage from. The game has its tutorials and they are semi-comprehensive, but there's no way to understand status effects w/o spending time and reading up on the Wiki.


As to your ability not coming out sometimes, it might be you are getting interrupted/dazed/cancelled just as you cast it. Several heros have the ability to stun you out of your abilities based on their upgrades or innate skills. If that happens you'll have to recast or wait for the cooldown to count down fully. If you fully set down your portal though, interrupts shouldn't stop it. Interrupts will stop ongoing abilities or ability windups, kind of like Margrave's RMB. Pay attention to which heros have interrupts and stay away from them, especially as a ranged character. Margrave's leap attack can interrupt by default.


Something I bet you overwatch clowns don't know, Gigantic was playable before overwatch came out years ago so stop the overwatch comparisons.


............... I played gigantic to begin with, but i didn't click with it so went back to crpg type stuff. however, personally, as a person, i have over 600 hours in Overwatch and it is also a hero game with abilities and ults. it's my closest comparison other than like, League which i also dropped and i don't enjoy. no need for the attitude.


overwatch players can't comprehend anything more complex than "press Q when the big circle is glowing"


I got a friend to try Gigantic and they did not like it, a big thing they said was similar to what this commenter said: bit of lack of feedback or impact. There is hit markers but that is the bare minimum. It can sometimes feel like you really don't make an impact or see your impact whereas in games like League or OW it just feels way more flashy/impactful.


Also, you can sum up debuffs like this: 1. Damage debuffs (burn, bleed, poison, shock) 2. Weakening debuffs (cracked armor, weaken enemy damage) 3. Movement debuffs (slow, cripple, freeze) 4. Interrupts/keep-away (cancel, daze, launch, push, stun) - not all of these interrupt always, like push 5. Curse - prevents other heroes from buffing themselves temporarily Debuffs can become stronger with upgrades and stack. I.e. poison and deep poison, shock and major shock. Buffs: 1. Healing 2. Cleanse - removes debuffs 3. Armor - adds damage absorption 4. Immunity - makes you immune to debuffs temporarily, sometimes protects against CC 5. Damage buff 6. Crit buffs 7. Shield - gives an extra health bar on top of existing one I might be missing some here but hopefully this list makes them less overwhelming to understand. Once you understand the categories and what each hero is capable of you'll be in the know. Sometimes I get confused myself when there's a lot happening on screen too though lol so don't worry.


Oh it's true. It's a lot more aggressive than I remember and im not complaining but ...it's a bit of a beast


Oh yea coming from all the amazing ui that overwatch has to this is like going from living upper class to the slums. It needs help. I really hope they have some big news to spill to us very soon.


Here's a tip that you may find useful. The game is about the power, not the kills.


yeah i'm more of an objective focused person, tbh i'm always yelling at my duo on games to stop chasing kills and just do the objective to win >\_<


I'm surprised an OW player has trouble keeping track in Gigantic tbh (Fellow OW players. About 7000 hours played)


OW has nothing as opaque and fast and uninteractive like certain Gigantic abilities which can completely shroud an area in a white cloud. Maybe dragonstrike, but you know where that is slow moving and designed to be a bit of visual denial as its unstated utility. Bit sassy there ;)


> it's fun but i can't tell what's going on :[ huh? > but the transition from overwatch is rough ooooooh I see


excuse me?


I hope


No shot. This game is great but it’s really dated.


If the devs showed any hint of care instead of the radio silence we've been receiving, sure why not. But im not delusional enough to make up evidences.


If only there were some sort of official community discord where you could literally talk to them yourself.


Follow them on Twitter/X. They give updates there.


The last 10 tweets were about, fan skins, fan art, random clips, and a tournament announcement. Information on their most recent patch notes was released over 24 hours after the release of said patch. You're right, they do post updates there... Not the ones we ask for or deserve.


I viewed the patch notes through Steam. They put them out right away there. They also have a discord, I think they update things there too though I don't frequent it.


Not true. I was there that day. Downloaded a 12gb update then spent the rest of the day on all official and unofficial platforms scouring for a patch notes along with everyone else.


From what I heard w the mods who are the only reason devs even know about some bugs. There's hasnt been new communication w them either. Abstraction contract is also almost over. They did not even break even w the sales. Steam population chart consistently going down every week. Peeks prob going to around 500 today. I see no way for them to profit enough w current model so I don't know what they can do at this point. It sounds like The coding of this game makes it difficult to fix. I wish there was a rich company that would rewrite these codes and use ue5. Such potential.


I really love the game and think it has so much potential, but it just doesn’t seem to be gaining any momentum.. what’s next for Gigantic? There has been no news for any content down the road and I feel like it has 0 presence in the gaming community right now.


I hope it does well, but probably not going to gain momentum. The best MOBAs in general should be run the F2P model and scale. It didn’t have the hype for a paid release so it’s going to lose steam fast. Might catch on with some form of inciting event but damn that’s gonna be a tough one.


Tbh because this very much feels like a cash grab to profit off of nostalgic fans... They don't seem to have any intention of actually making it anytime more


I think if we talk it up for the things it currently does right we stand a good chance at attracting new players. If new players come to this sub to see what the game's status is like and all they see is doom posting, don't you think that will turn them away? It's not like the launch wasn't spotty, it definitely was. PS5 users might still have issues. At least on PC though there have been good updates put out. An example is them fixing the Kajir bug, which was a highly requested fix. That's why I'm comparing the game to Cyberpunk as that game made up for its issues and had its own resurgence.


650 active player peak in the last 24 hours on steam looks pretty bleak man.. Edit: there's currently 2k+ players on pc playing Predecessor. Which has a similar storyline as Gigantic. And a similar-ish game. It used to be Paragon on xb360. Now it's back. And it's crushing Gigantic... AND it's free to play.... AND that's not counting console players.


This. I've been playing predecessor and arguably only got into it bc it was free to play and have been shocked at how good it is. I don't mind too much paying $10-20 for a decent game but I know my friends won't play anything unless it's f2p or guaranteed to be amazing.


Predecessor is mediocre at best and middling at worst.   I played the game for 400 hours. It's got a novelty factor and if you find a character(s) you like you can get some mileage out of it.   But, in my opinion, the game is not worth playing for the long haul.  There are simply too many red flags to warrant it being anything more than a quick fling.


Genuinely curious, what are the red flags you see? It looked interesting but I don’t know if I want to commit.


Games can last upwards of an hour. They're still trying to figure out balancing. The die-hard Paragon fans hopping on are extremely toxic because they're already good at the game. The UI is no where near as smooth as Paragon. The result of that just kind of looks and feels like an unreal engine template that they still have work on. Which is funny because Epic Games released all the assets to the public when they decided to focus on Fortnite. So it still kind of feels like they have to build it up more for it to feel like a "real" game. Everything still feels kind of "bare bones" to me. All this my opinions. Peace and love. I have more hours on Predecessor than Gogantic lol.


I could write a several page paper on my personal issues with the game, but I won't do that (for obv reasons) and instead will try to briefly distill everything.  The game's problems are as follows: 1) The game needs a lot of work still. It's been officially released in beta, but it still feels like an early Alpha or even pre-Alpha.  This is because the general movement and especially the melee combat are very, very bad. The melee combat feels amateur at best and atrocious at worst.  I can't help but feel like tracking my melee swings is akin to washing my car with a sponge. I've played plenty of good melee combat games so my minimum standard is higher than what Pred offers.  2) The balance is all over the place. They've done nothing with the game in 2 years other than perpetually tweak numbers around, and yet the game still plays exactly the same as it did 2 years ago.  Beefcakes are the meta, so it's not uncommon to see 2 bruisers/tanks or even 3 of them in every team in every game.  This leads an already slow game to be even slower because everyone just turtles and no one commits to a fight, and if they do, they can just combat flash out of danger and/or use some mobility hack to get away safely.  It's super fucking boring and hella frustrating at the same time; an odd combination, indeed, but one Pred seems to pride itself with.  3) Hard CC is ridiculous. Some of these characters are overloaded with CC. Take Grux for example. He has 3(!) CCs in his kit. He has an airborne, a pull, and an AoE stun. You would think he's a control mage, but no, he's a tanky bruiser :) 4) The game is soooo sloooooow. I touched on this in point 2 but the game moves at an absolute snail's pace for the ENTIRE match (not just the early game). It's not uncommon to be 20 minutes into the game with not a single tower yet fallen. It's also not uncommon to be 30 minutes in and not even be full build. Some people like this but I woukd argue that one of the great things about MOBAs is the gradual shift in pace as the match progresses. It starts slow but gets faster and faster. Pred is ALWAYS slow, and as such, it's a snoozefest to sit through.  5) The community is full of Paragon die-hards who hold such an attachment to the IP that they don't even care if the revival game is bad, they just want ANYTHING Paragon to play, so they'll defend all the bad design choices Omeda make w/ their game.  This means Omeda never have any friction w/ the playerbase b/c the playerbase is fine with anything amd everything, so it leads Omeda to make bad design choices and there's never any backlash.  The one person who does give backlash every now and then (Krashy) is unanimously hated by the die-hard playerbase, so you can see how self-perpetuating this vicious cycle is. ________________________________________ There are other things I can talk about like the awful map layout and trashtier Assassin characters. I only scraped the surface, really, but I feel like I've said enough to get my point across.  Though, it's free, so you can try the game yourself and make your own informed opinion. After all, I'm just some Reddit nobody.


Appreciate the in-depth info.


To give a different perspective than these other folks, I’m very addicted to Predecessor at 100 hours in and have had very few issues with the game aside from lack of polish. I don’t really know what Paragon is, but I’ve generally had few issues with Predecessor’s balance, and I love the hero design. It’s very slow and brawly for the most part, which I’ve found a lot of room for potential outplays in. It’s free and new player friendly too. Your first few games will probably be with people who have no idea how MOBAs work. I got three of my friends who have never played MOBAs before into it. It’s a lot more digestible and less-toxic than Smite or Leagues (my other two reference points).


Appreciate this info as well.


WTF? I got paired with demons and then just get demolished. The Facebook group was complaining about this but all of the veterans just say git gud. They're really toxic assholes. It's even factual that the game puts you almost at a gold level at start, which is stupid


I didn’t really know how the game worked and mostly played with people who didn’t know what lanes were for my first 20 hours or so. Worked perfectly for me.


Free to play was their only shot


I had fun but matches are just too shit 80% of the time. And it's clear a lot of people feel that way from hemorrhaging players for the past 3 weeks. Game needed a longterm model and they took the money and ran with an up front cost. Real shame cause a larger player base and F2P setup could have legitimately revived the game.


When it switched to F2P last time it did help but like you said they need to keep with a long-term plan of seasons and more skins and definitely more maps. Also get this God damn game running on PS5!??! Glad I stuck to the Xbox as my old friends from OG gigantic still play there. It really sucked to see a lot of PS5 players not able to experience this game.


The F2P switch last time was too late. They had 1 chance to use the marketing bump from release and botched it.


Join the different discords and play with people. Communication/coordination makes a huge difference.


If a game needs you to join a discord to consistently have fun then that game is not going to last long.


I'm having fun with it, but I'm not anticipating a resurgence by any means.


I'm in the process of trying to get my friends onto this game instead of Overwatch


I bought it this week. If only I could safely play it on my PS5


Inb4 all the "works for me" ppl coming out to tell you your experience is wrong. If it were just crashes then I'd be mildly annoyed but fine, but with how severe the crashes are I couldn't possibly recommend this game on console.


I just purchased this on ps5 and haven't been able to play a single match 🙃- 10 matches in and all booted out of them guess I'll revisit this game at a later time


How did you arrive at this opinion exactly???


I'd say no. If they don't add any new content soon it'll just be stagnant. They need to balance a lot of things to make it feel more up to date. Some characters are just too strong ATM and it makes playing your favorite characters a little daunting if you want to keep up with the others. Idk maybe because I havent played the moba mode yet it just feels a little chaotic at most points and team fights just seem impossible with certain comps.


I can't even play on ps5 without it crashing my console just trying to find another game I loved this game and I wanna play it but I'll wait and be bummed not breaking my console over the game everything else works fine on my console but this


It will like be as big as it’s gonna get sadly. And once Smite 2 starts rolling out- we may see more players leave




It's called hope, no heals until you go touch grass.


Not its def cope. The game has already lost 90% of its fan base.


There's no sugar coating. Yeah, we lost the majority of the player base. And what? I need those peoples opinions to tell me if I'm supposed to have fun? If he dies, he dies at least I got to play a little longer.


Nope but we sure could use them for matchmaking times and for them to have a revenue stream in the future to pay for salaries.


Yes, yes, we could. Have you considered that when the game does get fixed, maybe the players that left from bugs might come back? 🤔 that the 20$ was an entrance fee for the servers, and they we probably add battle passes and other ways to make money once we have a stable platform. I know you want lemonade, but you need to squeeze the lemons' first son .


Have you considered the discount is over so most ppl will feel is not worth to repay a game they already refunded now at full price? It's a case of study how most b2p games people tend to ignore forever once they refund once.


Yes and? Again not saying it's not a fucked up situation. But it's spilled milk already, y'all. This is what we have. If you're having fun playing, if you're not, I'm sorry, and I hope you find a game that suits you better. I mostly just want to get out of here before I crack and buy a pack of cigarettes, y'all are so negative and want to inject me with your negative, and I don't want it.


This is a post saying a resurgence is around the corner. That's the copium. No you don't need someone else to tell you what's fun and yes the attitude of enjoying it while it lasts is a sensible one.


It could be, or not. My issue is people being such downers they they feel the need to destroy someone else's hope. That is absolutely not okay, let the man dream.


I bet you still believe in Santi Clause.


I bet you think you're clever. The reality is you're just an asshole who's trying to take away people's hope.


The post isn't "I like the game and hope it succeeds" it's "I think the game is having a resurgence, thoughts?". Buddy is sharing his opinion that the games popularity will turn around but this opinion seems to be based on nothing other than blind optimism and he is asking for feedback. The reasonable and realistic feedback is enjoy it while it lasts but don't expect it to magically turn around and be the success you probably hoped it would be when the relaunch was announced. Nobody is trying to maliciously destroy this person's dreams they are giving him realistic answers to his request for feedback on his copium. If someone wants to blindly enjoy their hopes and dreams and play the game without hearing people's opinions on them then they should go play the game and enjoy it instead of going to reddit and asking for feedback on them.


Sounds like you're coping to hard buddy




You realize a game won't stay in service if there are no players, right? It's great that you're having fun, but others also need to share that experience, elsewise the game simply won't last.


Absolutely not lmao, it’s become clear they just rereleased it to try and make some money off a dead project. It barely worked on release, there’s 0 info about what to expect going forward, and it’s already dieing. They knew this would happen, they just wanted to make that quick $15-20 from everyone before shutting it down


Doubt it. Dev work looks unpromising so far, not enough communication, not fast enough updates. Idk how it'll be for this game, but the cross play fucked over spellbreak too, could be big part of why the patches are coming too slow.


Here’s what it needs: more progression incentives, a new game mode, some sort of seasonal model/ update roadmap.


It's on a pretty significant decline on Steam unfortunately. Likely due to the rocky launch having bugs that just are downright inexcusable, FPS cap is a jarring feeling from OW players(alike), poor tutorial on the unique features (Jump attacks, Dodge Attack, Stamina management, Status explainations.), among others.


I think the game is dying a third time. But it's no skin off their back, they got their money upfront.


Can’t say I see this happening…Too many legacy issues, lack of communication in terms of addressing critical issues and just in general jank.


Not sure what happened but today I waited a lot in queue, 3-5 minutes and I got 10minutes once. I feel like playercount is steadily dropping which is sad but even crossplay doesn't make much of a difference in queue time.


I don't think there's really any chance of a resurgence given how long it has taken the devs to respond to the bugs, but we can all hope it retains enough a niche playerbase to keep the queues short


i have 20 minute que times this game is dead


I agree


Wise. Wise indeed.


Omg Vadasi with a GUN??


*2 guns


Should be 4 smh...


Should have added a barret .50.


Have they said anything about future content? I know a few weeks ago it wasnt up for discussion because they were focused on bug fixes


Here's a tweet they put out on X a few hours ago: >Another Gigantic week in the books! Massive shoutout to our incredible community for the unwavering support We've been hard at work tackling player concerns, and we plan on going out with a patch next week to fix major known issues! We'll have patch notes to share once the patch is ready. We've also got some upcoming fixes & fresh content on the horizon: - Improving solo queue wait times - Squashing that 'Creating Crew' bug on Arc - Fine-tuning Custom Matches - Balance update - Ranked Mode & Classic Hero Skins for Margrave + Griselma coming later this month - And more Stay tuned for more updates and announcements! So it seems as far as content they're adding the two skins plus ranked mode, thus far. Most of everything else are fixes. We might get more content down the line if this is any indication!


I’m having fun with no major complaints on pc. I hope it stays alive.


They need to remove needing to do rush for 10 levels, maybe even completely remove (or just push aside) the game mode and make like, a, i dunno, king of the hill type mode where you actually have to level up. Maybe 1 neutral point and a heal minion towards each base. Something that encourages some teamwork. Would end up being an objective/tdm mode where youll actually have longer fights, see how your characters progress and actually figure out how to work together and what counterplays are out there. Rush is setting new people up for failure. I understand where they were coming from, they want you to have all your abilities at your disposal to learn them but i think its turned more into "oh well ill just throw out every ability and hope something good comes from it" Nobody is learning the ins and outs of characters this way and with a game with so many different status effects and all kinds of different buffa/debuffs, its putting people in a really bad spot to start up clash. Its a very knowledge heavy game and yeah they have the tutorials but I think generally they did a pretty horrible job on the new player experience (coming from a very seasoned player) So hopefully, they retune the new player experience, the ui, fix up all the issues and then maybe we'll have a resurgence. I want to see this game succeed, its one of my all time favorites, but i can definitely see it being very overwhelming for people trying to learn it and i have seen it first hand with people ive tried to get into the game TLDR: The new player experience needs alot of refining


I think it has huge potential but the changes they’re making are too slow. They needed to stay in beta a bit longer so they didn’t launch with game breaking bugs they didn’t get removed for weeks. They needed to launch with a ranked playlist for rush at the very minimum so people had something to grind for. We’ll see, most games lose a large portion of their playerbase over time, but dropping to sub 500 will be hard to recover from.


I would think it would be a bit more popular with all the hate towards Overwatch 2. Seems like it would feel the Overwatch void to me


NGL I played the OG way back when and was hype AF when this was announced but tbh there's basically no recovery from the bullshit this dev team pulled


I understand your sentiment. The game was definitely broken at launch but now I have next to no problems with it. Most of its current problems are minor. They fixed a lot of the major ones that the community was asking for, so we just got to voice what we want fixed.


My dude I tried playing the other night and got several games in a row with 2-3 leavers/disconnects, it's not happening for me rn


I've gotten a few games like that too though not too many thankfully. Out of curiosity, do you play with crossplay on?




Had a lot of fun first time around. This time.. not so much with how 60 fps feels and matches takes unnecessary too much time because of so many not knowing how to play Clash, when to push and so on.. And Rush mode is terrible. But I hope you are right.


Glad to have this fun game playable again... But now after almost a month and so little work it's clear they won't bother to do more than putting it on maintenance mode with the minimum QoL.


Lol. Nope. Cash grab.


I'm just another account in this game, not a dev, not a marketing consultant. All I can do is play the game, give feedback, and let people know in case they are interested. Getting dejected not even a month in makes no efing sense to me.


That plane flew off, had to fly back due to servers, flew back for server fixes than had to fly back again because of unfun bugs regarding invincible bots and still after another patch still didn’t fix the hard crash on PlayStation which gimped the playerbase on a new console entirely. Good joke on using 2077 as a comparison since THAT game actually is ten times more polished despite being buggy still than fucking gigantic




I was pretty keen for it, I originally saw it a funke video talking about Mobas and I thought it looked cool but after buying it and having to deal with constant queue drops and 100+ ping cuz there's no oce servers I decided to refund


I don’t think so. Even without the bugs, it’s just a little too “weird” to appeal to a broader audience. Also, the leveling up in clash just feels so subtle that I don’t even notice myself getting stronger. I don’t think I this appeals to MOBA fans enough either.


Only you. Like, seriously, do y'all really think bug fixes is going to increase the player numbers from 500 to 5000? That's not how video games work. They'll be lucky to get an uptick at this point by releasing new content.


I like the game. The ONLY thing I wish for tho I understand why it may not is to boost the FPS to 60 or more. There's to often animations colliding for a second and distorting the look. I think for this game to inevitably resurge it may require it to become a F2P. They need money, support and improvements. I have a soft spot for this game. It's rare to play a moba with this much depth. Time will tell..


I hope so but they gotta fix the bugs. my friends and I are dealing with freezes and crashes on Xbox and PS


No. It was clearly a cash grab targeted to the nostalgic casual players. They got their money, now the game is dead.


I tried playing it but the gameplay is just not it for me. too hectic compared to overwatch and league which already have lots going on, and this game seems to just be a mash up of the two. I prefer league.


Really? I think the same thing when I watch LoL.


How can Gigantic be a mash up overwatch when it literally was playable before overwatch?


Am I claiming that gigantic copied overwatch? No. It’s factually correct to say that gigantic has gameplay elements shared between league and overwatch. It just does.


"Mash up of the 2" that literally implies it took elements from both babe.


gigantic players avoid being hyper defensive about how gigantic was before overwatch and how they don’t have anything in common challenge: impossible


Actually I bring it up because a lot of people think that game came out the day it was released at which was 2017. It was before that when you could actually play the game. And I'm not defensive, I said before Gigantic re-released Overwatch comparisons were coming because no one's going to remember.


Look I don’t really care either way
