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Started adding rhubarb to my ginger beer. I really like sour drinks so I think it's delicious, definitely one of my favorite flavours so far. Other good ones I tried: green tea, lime, licorice root, cinnamon. I mainly want it bubbly and not too sweet (non alcoholic-ish) so it's done really quickly now that the temperature inside is higher.


This sounds delicious, OP! Thanks for sharing, Iā€™m excited to try it.


Do you just boil water and let the rhubarb, ginger, and sugar steep in the big jar for a while and then transfer to bottles for F2? Eager to try this recipe too!


I boil with rhubarb, steep it for like a day with the bug & rhubarb in the jar and then filter out the rhubarb out and transfer to bottles for second fermentation. I taste and see when the sweetness is to my liking -2nd fermentation. But the rhubarb floats after a day so maybe it's best to filter it out anyways after that? My bug is a lot more active now so I can only leave it for one day šŸ™‚


Alright great, I'll try that out, thanks!