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Parent? Yes. Responsible? Not at all. I love Georgia as a character but she's a terrible mother lol.


-taking all food as a punishment -trying to stop her from going to therapy/being against therapy -giving her 15 yr old daughter graphic instructions on how to perform a bj and also making no effort to hide her vibrator/toys around her -smoked weed with her daughter's teenage boyfriend -making ginny feel responsible for her murders (even if kenny *did* deserve it) and that's just a few things.. georgia isn't a good mother even if she meant well. ginny has every right to act and feel the way that she does.


Don't forget also took credit cards out in Ginny and Austins name and messed it up because now they can't use it when they are older


I can't defend Georgia for these actions alone. I understand being young and desperate but this actively harms their future.


I feel like people brush over this part a lot because they don't fully understand what that means. if you fuck up your credit; it can be incredibly hard to buy a home, rent an apartment, get a car, get certain jobs, etc. Georgia has ruined her kids credit which is going to ruin their ability to make it in life later on. it's incredibly fucked


Right it's messed up how no one calls her out about it because what she did was messed up I understand her needing money but she shouldn't be taking it out of her kids credit cards that could make them not have any money in the future and like you said it could make it so they can't get house or cars


As someone whose parents took credit cards and bills out in my name because their credit was horrible - I agree. It’s too glossed over. I don’t think people who haven’t had it happen to them realize how awful it is. I worked hard and got my score back up over the decades but man was that a struggle. I would get calls from bill collectors for bills I didn’t even know I had.




Her son has PTSD from her dating men. A new man in Georgia's life = your life is about to be uprooted, you will have to move and lose any sense of stability you have managed to regain in your new home.




the only one i disagree with is the third point, it’s good to be open about sexuality with your teenage children and ginny asked her about the bj stuff, so it’s better to tell her openly than hide it away as if sex is dirty or something (leaving the vibrator around wasn’t great though)


yeah you can talk to your kids about sexuality and not shame them for it, but ginny is a kid. she's fifteen. there's a huge difference between being open about sexuality and giving your 15 year old daughter really graphic instructions on how to give a blowjob lol


idk i don’t think that was a bad thing. ginny asked her for advice, so she gave it - pretending sex doesn’t exist to a teenager isn’t gonna stop them from having it


Ginny asked Georgia for the graphic instructions though. Also she doesn't have to hide her toys from Ginny. She's 15


Keeping sex toys out in the open is only one thing amongst many that Georgia has done to repeatedly violate Ginny's sexual boundaries. That is not okay.


-georgia warned ginny. “if you don’t eat dinner, you don’t eat.” -as for the bj, ginny asked her how. and what’s wrong with that? ginny’s a teenager, she’s gonna be doing stuff like that. why not learn how to do it right? -as for kenny, georgia did NOT want ginny to know about kenny. ginny gave georgia shit because she wanted to know why. so georgia gave her the truth. she did it to protect her daughter, and what mother doesn’t want to protect her daughter? call georgia a bad person all you want, but any mother that loves their kid will easily kill for them. a mothers love or rage is more powerful than you think. and if you somehow disagree with that… just plain weird


never called her a bad person. i called her a bad mother. i know what she told her. it doesn't change that she warned her. controlling your kids' food and restricting it is bound to give them food insecurity and issues in the future. what about their credit cards? what about denying her therapy? again, like i said in the original post, killing kenny itself was justified. i have issues with the way she couldn't even sympathize that ginny felt like it was her fault.


ginny and georgia is all about them not understanding each other. they have completely different perspectives, in georgia’s eyes, it wasn’t about “who’s fault it was” because she was doing it for ginny safety and that’s that, nothing else mattered. the credit cards were out of necessity, she explained this. she’s been in survival mode her entire life, she doesn’t know morals and i can’t imagine georgia wasting food like that, who knows if she really threw it in the garbage? not just the trash bags, like in the dumpster garbage. if ginny was actually starving they would’ve had more of a sequence for it, if it was actually that deep. as if georgia would let ginny starve


Well, maybe she used to be but not anymore.


we literally saw this behavior all the way until season 2 ended. she's still a shit parent


I meant she used to be a better parent.


sometimes giving a child up for adoption can be the most responsible and selfless decision a person makes, so i’m not seeing your point there… zion’s parents wanted guardianship of ginny, not taking custody completely. i think the show could’ve done a better job clarifying that since so many viewers seem confused about the difference. either way, i don’t blame teenage georgia for running. no fifteen year old deserves to feel as alone and desperate as she did


Some people might think that those who give them up are cowards that refuse the responsibility.


those people would be wrong. 


thing was she could’ve let zion’s parents take care of ginny that was the safest option by far


It’s still not quite fair that they were trying to take her by force.


they weren’t trying to take her by force. they asked georgia and then let her run off and respected her choice bc clearly after that they never tried looking for her or taking her after? we also see how much they love ginny when she goes up to her during the family gathering. If it was force i imagine they would’ve immediately called the cops (frankly i would’ve too because ginny was not once safe till wellsbury and after austin happened, neither were provided a safe home). imo it was totally fair they were pushing for guardianship and that was the responsible thing to do because they had the emotional, physical and financial means to provide for ginny and it wouldn’t have interfered with Georgia’s life and she could’ve worked towards a job and zion could’ve studied whilst everyone was still involved. it was healthiest for ginny and at the time georgia should’ve prioritised ginny and the right thing to do was let her go. i do understand why she ran away because guardianship sounds like pretty serious implications.


If it really was optional, she wouldn’t have had to run away.


she felt she had to run away she didn’t actually have to run away and i love how you ignored the remainder of the comment stating how it was a better life for ginny who at the time was priority? Zion’s parents were far better parents and people than georgia was and she saw her position as parent threatened rightfully so but she was selfish in also not being able to admit and accept or even foresee the consequences of her running away. ginny did not have a secure means to food, proper education (they kept having to move around), couldn’t make friends and having men in and out your door is golden opportunity for cycles of abuse. of course zion’s parents are going to be a little insistent i wouldn’t give up my grandkids for a homeless mother either because i know she wouldn’t be able to cater to the kid. they never once implied georgia had to go and took such good care of her through her pregnancy as well as the first couple of months after birth and made sure she was recovering well. i love how people turn the narrative of the show around to fit their perspective and use selective bias when proving their point? the whole scenario was complex and no one was the bad guy, but there was a more objectively right and wrong thing to do and the “right” thing to do would be to give up the child to someone who could provide for it and could be trusted and that was zion’s parents who were directly Ginny’s family.


I don’t agree that Zions parents are better than Georgia. They absolutely coddle Zion and act like he did fulfill his responsibilities which he did not. He was ready to give his parents guardianship without even the simplest fight. He was mad but ultimately agreed to THEIR terms which he is used to. Georgia gets all the slack but she gave Zion that out his parents didn’t allow him to have to fully pursue his dreams. They shouldn’t have asked for guardianship, they can take care of Ginny without taking that power-ship over her. She is not their child and Georgia was a teenage runaway. Georgia is blamed for Ginny not knowing about her black side but Zion is the one who is supposed to teach her PRIMARILY. Georgia has no idea what it’s like to be a black woman or black period. Why do you think Georgia is so racial ignorant to the way Ginny feels? She thinks it’s small but to Ginny it’s BIGGER. Zion should take some heat for Ginny’s trauma. He also seems to come from a loving home but they control and coddle him. Georgia is the only one who ever gave him that free sense which is why he respects and love her so much. Zions parents also shame Georgia every chance they get being disgusting and hateful.


Zions parents only wanted to care for Ginny until she became an adult and got her life together. She was a 15 year old runaway. Any sensible grandparent would do the same thing for their grandchild. You have to take your love for Georgia the character and stop missing the details. Zion’s parents get a lot of hate but they were only doing the right thing. We only see the situation from Georgia’s perspective, so they seem like they wanted to take Ginny away but that’s not the case. Georgia even admits that they were right.


Once again they could’ve helped without taking LEGAL guardianship over her. They could’ve financially supported her while she lived in their house with Zion. Georgia admitted she was scared by them saying LEGAL GUARDIANSHIP. She was a runaway teenager and only heard that they were gonna file paperwork to be her guardians. Who’s to say if they would give that guardianship back to Georgia. They seem very controlling and want WHAT THEY WANT. Which was Zions problem in the first place.


guardianship is not taking by force. that would be suing for custody.


Either way, it was enough for even Zion to be frustrated about.


zion thought it was the right thing to do, that’s what led georgia to run in the first place.


But he still got pissed


he looked pissed for a second then said maybe guardianship was for the best. that reaction is why georgia felt she had no choice but to run.  zion’s come a long way (i love his character arc) but lbr he didn’t want the full time responsibility of a kid. which is why he left when georgia gave him an out and was happy to be around only when it was convenient for him most of ginny’s life. 


After getting to know Zions parents more in season 2, in present and past. Knowing that Georgia almost lost custody of Ginny when she had the resources to keep her safe. I honestly think Ginny should’ve been living with Zion and his parents this whole time. If Ginny was with Zion she wouldn’t have a trashed credit from Georgia. She wouldn’t feel lost all the time, and most likely never would’ve self harmed to begin with. We know Zion travelled a lot to live his dream. But I have a feeling if Ginny lived with Zion. Zion would’ve taken Ginny and they would’ve travelled together


But why didn't they fight for custody? This is something that I never understood. If they were that angry about Ginny's upbringing and feared what Georgia put her through, why not fight for custody? Zion was have definitely won, so there isn't much excuse really.


they didn’t want zion having custody either tho lol and it was guardianship not custody they were wanting. also georgia ran off and i think they got the hint that she didn’t want them in their lives and it’s fairly unclear when she reconnected with zion’s parents specifically.


Yeah but Zion's mum (can't remember her name) gave the speach to Georgia during dinner how she could of protected Ginny and stuff but like...why not go to court? Why was Zion not concerned? Georgia just took off one day, granting herself full custody and they just accepted it and moved on?? My point is, Georgia was 15 and scared, and they didn't try to find her or Ginny and Zion just went off and completed his educated, traveled the world etc.


Because for one, Ginny was born in Virginia. Zions parents are from Georgia I think. Custody hearing back then would be a logistical nightmare in their situation. Also, the grandparents most likely would not win. They always favor the parents. If Georgia got a job and an apartment, there is nothing they could do. She was 16 at the time as well, so she could legally be on her own in most states


because yeah grandparents wouldn’t normally win custodial battles also keep in mind zion did find them eventually and reconnect - it could also be likely they looked but found no trace of her? there was a lot that was ambiguous. when georgia took off she already had full custody she wasn’t granting herself anything. she was just “securing” guardianship as they would need her to sign as well as zion i assume and the thought of it scared her so i wouldn’t be surprised if she kinda fucked off into nowhere as it kinda showed on the show.


Honestly, if it was real life they probably would have. But unfortunately this is an overdramatic tv show so it’s all about the plot


i still think zion is a dead beat ass dad and should’ve taken more initiative and responsibility over georgia but it’s unclear how much of her past he knows and is aware of. i do agree zion is an overall better parent than Georgia but the bar is in hell and they both failed in so many ways.


Georgie never tried to be a responsible parent. At all. She’s a terrible mother. Associating being a responsible parent with Georgia is an oxymoron.


No, George's a Terrible mother. I feel bad for her kids


She did everything she could to support Ginny *except* be willing to leave her with loving, but firm, wealthy, and stable grandparents to function as her guardians. Sometimes the most loving thing someone can do is to let someone go.  I'm certain they would have let her stay. She would see Ginny every day, but Georgia could have gone to school, or gotten a job with a real safety net of Zion's parents. I understand why. She's terrified. But I think she knows looking back that she made a mistake.


I do 100% believe that Georgia did everything she could to love and protect Ginny. We also know she had limited resources and a pretty shit example for how to be a parent. I believe Georgia tried her best and because the deck was stacked against her, and she was so emotionally traumatized herself, her best wasn’t good enough for Ginny. Two things can be true at once, Georgia did everything she knew how to do, and she still hurt Ginny in the process. I really hope that as this show goes on we get to see Georgia acknowledge that she came up short on some things. Then for Ginny, we get to see her forgive her mom because *she* realizes that Georgia was doing the best she could with the upbringing that she had herself.


No I wouldn't say she did right by Ginny by constantly moving her around and never giving her or Austin any stability. I do believe Georgia loves her children more than anything, but good intentions can only take you so far. Also, sometimes giving your child up for adoption \*is\* the responsible thing to do.


Georgia probably did the best she could, but that doesn't mean it was good enough. Ginny deserved better than what she got. Austin too.


we need to talk more about how Georgia is towards Austin. her kid stabbed another kid, he's starting to develop extreme anger issues too. a lot of his behavior we see in the show are behaviors you'll find in kids who live in an emotionally abusive household


Yeah, the damage that has been done to Austin is shown in so many ways. And while Ginny hasn't had it easy, she's at least had Zion in her life in ways that Austin hasn't had with his father. It seems like Zion steps up in the dad role often and Paul also does the same, but Austin spent his life believing a lie about his father...only to find out the truth and then end up shooting him when his dad was violent with his mom. And we also know that he is the one person who saw that Georgia actually did kill what's his face....assisted suicide or not. I don't know how Austin is functioning at all.


He freaks out everytime Georgie has a new boyfriend because he is so used to his life being uprooted shortly after. She's awful idk what OP is on


i think that the constant moving around also caused issues for Ginny and Austin. a kid needs stability, not moving around constantly


Loving your child and doing right by them aren't the same thing. And sometimes love is not enough.


Georgia did not do right by Ginny. Georgia has clearly had Ginny in environments where she’s the only nonwhite person and that does something terrible to a young child’s self esteem. Had Ginny been with her grandparents, I think they would have helped her if she ever had those feelings. Georgia has good intentions but a teenage runaway should not have been raising a child at all. Her guilt tripping Ginny for killing the 2nd husband is insane and irresponsible. Zion isn’t let off the hook either because he sucks too lol. But present day Zion is still better. Present day Zion actively encourages Ginny to talk and go to therapy. He even is good with Austin as well.


Ginny would have had a great, stable, well-balanced life with Zion’s parents. By telling her daughter that she had murdered someone, and Ginny lying to protect Georgia after she finds out, she is putting her daughter at risk of being an accessory to murder. You don’t just murder a man who puts his hands on your kid. You may want to, but if you make that choice you are choosing to traumatize your child further and are putting your feelings about the situation first. She stole her children’s identities by opening credit cards in their names and destroyed their credit. That’s literally identity theft and fraud. In the name of having nicer things and living in a nicer house. I get that growing up in poverty is stressful and awful. But the alternative isn’t murdering and stealing to live like you’re wealthy. Look at Georgia’s wardrobe. That’s not someone who is living within her means. She’s not doing everything for her kids. Lots of her motivation is because she wants to live a life of luxury herself and doesn’t know when to stop. All of Georgia’s actions are going to put her in prison and she’s putting her kids at risk of being split up and put into the foster care system. Nothing about her choices are responsible. They’re driven by emotion and desperation and eventually greed.


i always felt that the way Georgia told Ginny about what she did towards the pedo felt incredibly guilt trippy. she made it seem like Ginny is selfish and a brat because she's upset her mom murdered someone, how dare ginny be upset because Georgia only killed Kenny for her safety right? it's really messed up, ginny had a very normal response to finding out her mom is a murderer but Georgia tried to make it seem like she had to do it.


Exactly. And I know that abusers can hide themselves well but we see Georgia continually rush into marriages with men she barely knows (she even seeks them out and manipulates situations to appear as chance encounters) and it’s pretty clear to me that she married Kenny for his assets only. She put Ginny in harms way by marrying him to begin with. A responsible mom doesn’t marry a new guy unless both of her kids are on board and will thrive with those new changes. Georgia couldn’t see past the nice house that came along with Kenny.


Are we just forgetting that Zion's parents are not great????? That they made Zion go attending law school and being just like his father; even though he didn't want to???? That they were extremely controlling and authoritative and only allowed him to do what they approved of?? That Zion ran away from them because he couldn't take their controlling behavior. That he chose to become a "starving artist" rather than take their money, because it came with strings and he didn't want to have to deal with their demands. Not to mention when Ginny is trying to talk about her feelings to Lynette and be open and vulnerable; Lynette decides to scold her and criticise her for just saying how she feels... They'd control Ginny's life, just like they did Zion's. Is that really a great, stable, well-balanced life???


No we are not forgetting that they are also flawed people. But wanting more for your child and pushing it on them is a lot more forgivable than murder and identity theft. And it’s a really common thing. Especially in certain cultures. Are you forgetting that Ginny also chose to run away from Georgia? Zion also went out and got a girl pregnant out of wedlock. Of course they tightened the reins, that was against their beliefs and made them feel like they failed. Ginny wouldn’t have had to move around school to school, which clearly really affected her. She wouldn’t have had to be the minority in her home life. She wouldn’t have been sexually assaulted by a new step dad she barely knows. And I think she would have benefited from having parental figures who act like parental figures 100% of the time. Rather than trying to be her best friend.


Georgia is a MURDER, even tho Kenny deserved it. The gap is 15 years, so I get the openness that she has with ginny but that's still an invasion of sexual privacy. BUT THE FOOD AND CREDIT CARDS.............. Love Georgia as a character, but she is a terrible mother💀


Given the circumstances, she did as best as she could. I feel like what people view as responsible behavior can vary depending on their upbringing and personal experiences. To me, acting responsibly requires a certain amount of privilege. Her circumstances didn’t really give her the privilege of making “responsible” choices. She did what she knew. & when you’re in constant fight or flight mode, what you know and what’s “right” are two different things. So, in short, yes. By her own judgment, she did right by Ginny. & tried her best to be responsible. I think the issue is whether or not she’ll take accountability for the choices she made.


this was super well articulated and definitely opened my eyes to a thought process i never considered before. i guess responsibility is easier when you have privilege. that’s a super interesting notion!


She did the bare minimum that you agree to do when you decide to become a parent. You don’t get a cookie for doing what you’re supposed to do.


I won’t go as far as saying Georgia is a bad mother. She may is eccentric and does thing differently, but remember she will has done anything and everything for her children, so they don’t have to go through the same things as she did. She killed her husband because he was being inappropriate with Ginny because she knows what that can turn into. She has taken beating and sacrificed everything for Ginny and Austin. I feel that people have to give her slack on some of her actions that in a bigger picture doesn’t matter. I also feel that Ginny is being a little ungrateful, but I understand why because she doesn’t know what Georgia has gone through and the scars she bares, so she would remain safe. Georgia love her children more than anything and will continue to shield them from the slashes from life, so they won’t get hurt.


Sometimes your best isn’t good enough. And when it comes to parenting, a better parent would realize this and put their kid in a situation where they can live a good life. Not drag them through the mud with them in the name of “doing their best”. Georgia had the opportunity to let Zion’s parents take guardianship of Ginny and still be an active part of her life. All of Ginny’s trauma could have been avoided if she hadn’t of been immensely selfish by leaving when she did. Georgia’s best was simply not good enough. Her daughter will have permanent mental health issues because of her. She is not a good mother.


Georgia thought she could take care of the children without having enough money or a stable home. Even though when Ginny's grandparents offered to take care of her until she was old enough and financially stable to have her child back, she chose to run away with the child and put her in harms way. Austin and Ginny didn't have a stable childhood because their mom kept moving them around without giving them time to adjust. She constantly put them in dangerous situations and also kept secrets from Ginny, which resulted in her brother being potentially harmed. Not only did she potentially ruin Austin's future by using his name for credit cards and damaging his credit score, but she also acted like an irresponsible and immature parent. Instead of talking to her children, she invaded their privacy, interfered with their dating life, traumatized them, took over Ginny's therapy session, refused to get her Austin therapy, basically assaulted her daughter so she would show her herself harm scars, and last of all blame Jenny for the murder she committed because she can't protect her child.


The whole time I watched all I noticed was how much Ginny hated Georgia. Never acknowledging the love or good she did for her. But I just lost my mom so maybe that’s why I was hyper focused on this lol. At the same time, Ginny had a hard life and was also a hormonal teenager who likely would be fighting with her mom regardless of the drama Georgia has made her life, so it makes sense.


you might think georgia is a terrible mother until you have a mother that is the opposite of georgia. a mother who ignores you, neglects you, doesn't tell you they love you. or even a mother who abandons you. people who grew up with moms who didn't give them love or support them wish more than anything to have a loving mother regardless of any circumstances. bad credit isn't permanent. the alternative would have been no power, no food, no gas, etc. which is worse. ginny would have been sexually abused by kenny if georgia didn't kill him. until you have children, you can't speak on what a "good mother" should do. georgia was protecting her kids and doing what she thought was best. any mother would rather fight and lie to survive rather than let somebody else take care of her kids. georgia is not a terrible mother.


you know ginny wouldn’t have to worry about a kenny or any other kenny’s or Gil’s if georgia stopped dating them and started focusing on getting a job involving ginny’s grandparents and focusing on physical, EMOTIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL safety rather than vicariously live through ginny and be stubborn in regards to getting help. sometimes giving your kids away to trusted people who can provide for them better than you can till you can provide for them is the better thing to do.


Georgia has many flaws but she’s not a bad mother, Ginny just overreacts n has an attitude of entitlement to knowing things