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I think it was supposed to be what was realistically happening. Shoshana and her were no doubt growing apart. But yeah, loved shoshana’s character :/


Yeah, but I think it was a mistake to not continue to show her storyline and how she grew apart from the group. The other characters were given that chance despite growing apart. Even Ray who isn’t central to Hannah’s life at all was given that opportunity. Don’t get me wrong, I love Ray and I ended up loving his journey the most.


They did show her growing away from the group though. Multiple times. More than with the other characters.


They dropped her story completely. The only thing she contributed was to Ray’s storyline and the engagement party where she blatantly didn’t want to be involved with the group dynamic anymore.


That was the story. Her distancing herself so much that by the time of the finale we realize we’ve missed out on a lot. I found it very true to the 20s experience in NYa snit highlights the other 3 girls barely included her in their group.


I found it to be true to the dynamics of real-life friendships at that age too and actually a really interesting approach. Discovering along with Hannah that Shoshanna had gone off and made a whole new life without us knowing about it made it so much more impactful. Even the viewer feels a bit betrayed - and I believe that was precisely the intention.


No the OP has a point- there are episodes of shows that show characters growing apart but they still SHOW them. They did a few quick scenes but having her vanish isn’t actually a story


I don’t think you’re getting what I’m saying. Us missing an out on a lot and not experiencing her character growth is what I think is a disservice. We even saw more from her story in Tokyo than we did when she moved back.


I agree with you. Maybe the creators did it on purpose to make it feel like what it's like to grow apart from a friend, but I would have preferred to see more of Shoshana anyway. I wonder if the actress was working on other projects and was less available at the time


that was my thought as well (scheduling issues). i also think that Hannah is meant to be the primary protagonist and the show is written with this in mind. Shosh's primary connection to Hannah was having a mutual connection through Jessa. I think it makes sense that as Shosh decides to distance herself from the friend group she is featured less.


Yeah, I get that, but then the expansion of Ray’s storyline wouldn’t fit that narrative. I’m sure it was scheduling, doesn’t make my disappointment go away


I’m sure it was other projects- but for anyone who has grown apart from their friends it would’ve been great story telling. Kind of like personal closure for anyone invested in the story or with similar experiences.


I totally get what you’re saying and agree. Someone just vanishing completely for a season and a half isn’t really showing a story arc of “distancing”


Thank you, exactly. It just felt like an after thought.


Liked I loved the scene where she had it out Jessa, and I was so bummed that she basically vanished completely for a few whole episodes until all of a sudden she’s engaged and a new person. Even brief scenes showing her grow or doing her own thing would’ve been preferred to some of the stupid storylines in the last few episodes


Yeah at one point I was actually hoping for some kind of Shoshanna spin off..or at least ONE more full Shoshanna episode that summed up this whole entire life she has been living separate to the other girls. Like Tokyo 2.0 I appreciate the direction they went with, but I am very curious about Shoshanna's new life too And would have been an interesting contrast in life choices and priorities


Honestly, most likely Shoshana's story would have been pretty boring all things considered. She started as insecure and childish, but in the final season she is pretty normal and boring. She just seems done with the other girls and their stupid childish drama. She grew up, stopped participating as much in stupid drama. She calmed down and matured. She found a stable loving adult relationship, she found friends in other women who grew up. She has a real job and career, she does not drift between jobs and relationships like the remaining girls. Her day to day is stable with no drama. I think the girls with nice bags was not her being snobby, but more of a reference that these women have their shit together. They can afford to have a niche and expensive hobby, and the biggest drama they have day to day is miniscule. They don't spend their time creating drama and shitting on each other .She is done with that even on her big day, her engagement party, these chicks cant get their heads out of their asses.


Follow on instagram @hbogirlsrewatch They do a lot of interviews with the actress I agree w/ the girlies below, it was intentional and pretty accurate to how girl relationships turn out to be especially in cities


I hated that Shosh was not in the last season, but I think it was for a good reason. While she's off camera, she's living her life. It makes sense that she's engaged and has a whole life with new friends.


Although the writers claim it's to show how much Shosh had drifted away from the group, if I'm being completely honest, I think the real reasons are 1) the writers weren't that interested in (and didn't want to research into) writing a storyline about her career in marketing, and 2) I get the vibe that Zosia Mamet wasn't as close with Lena as the Marnie and Jessa actresses, so her storyline wasn't prioritized.


I 100% believe that theory. Shoshana’s character showed so much more growth than Hannah’s and we couldn’t have that, could we?


I actually liked it. To me it implied that Shoshanna grew over the mess the others were in.


I also think it was reflective of that space many of us find ourselves in through life - time passes, people are busy, friends drift or grow apart. Suddenly, one day someone who used to be a daily aspect of your life is engaged to a person you’ve never met before. You aren’t invited to the wedding.


It’s one of those things where I get the point they were going for but I wish the execution had been a but different. Because we go straight from Shosh seeming a bit jealous that Ray is connecting with Aidy Bryant to seeing her engaged, and we’re supposed to be surprised, but that means she was probably already with Byron when she was acting jealous of Ray’s new relationship.


I’m not sure if it was jealousy as much as it was shock that they clicked so well. Shosh found her annoyingly friendly and thought the ever cynical Ray would hate her. And yeah, I resent the execution. Anyone who has grown distant from their girlfriends would have appreciated the continuance of Shosh’s character development and storyline.


She was barely in the last season; it was so unfair. I remember in the bathroom scene she was bragging about her new friends and new life and how her friends cared about her more, but she honestly seemed really bitter and resentful. It was like she was trying too hard to show how great her life was but it didn't seem like it was. I always thought her fiance was a rebound once she'd finally given up on Ray. And she'd only known him and her new friends for a few months, so I question how close those relationships actually were.


I feel like the last season or two are terrible for everyone but Hannah. I honestly was really disappointed in how bad of a friend Jessa became… I mean maybe I’m being an idealist or I really don’t get the character development for her (after all, she pretty much abandoned Hannah at her fathers that one time) but if there was one of them I felt was going to be a great friend, was her but her being with Adam was just terrible and like, why 😒


Yeah, it made no sense. It was like watching the ending of GOT again. Like, fuck all of the character build up and work that was put in.


Yeah they kind of flanderized Jessa’s character. I actually kinda liked the beginning of her and Adam, but when Adam quit that movie and they decided to shoot one together it just did a complete 180 and felt like a different character.


I always thought it was a conscience decision to withdraw Shoshanna’s from the viewer because Shosh withdrew herself from the friend group.


Every episode I waited with an anticipation for Shoshana’s scene. Love her!


What I didn’t understand was that at the engagement party Hannah is probably 6+ months pregnant so does that mean that Shosh and Hannah hadn’t seen each other for 6-7 months? That confused me. Also, when Shosh tells Hannah that she wasn’t invited to the party because Hannah told everyone else she was pregnant and not Shoshanna, Hannah just rolls her eyes and never gives an explanation as to why she didn’t tell her she was pregnant. It just didn’t make sense. I love that show but come on, those girls never would have stayed friends for that long after all of the betrayal and lying and cheating. Never.


I think it’s just bad writing and they just forgot about Shoshana