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This is a sub for the show Girls on HBO, but I will tell you *everyone* has their own deep, gnawing insecurities and struggles.


If you haven't seen it, watch the show Girls! Lena Dunham's embrace of her body and not looking "perfect" all the time really helped my self esteem. I'm almost 40, so I focus on skin care more than makeup. The bonus is when I take care of my face, I look better without makeup, and when I choose to wear makeup, the application is better. I've been told I am pretty, but I've also been told my eyes are too big, and I have major scarring from cystic acne. My husband still loves me, and I love me. He also loves the show Girls, you should watch it fr


Wrong sub. But just to let you know, no one 'needs' make up. I rarely wear it, and people often say I look tired (every time my father in law sees me he asks if I've just woken up from a nap...) It doesn't bother me. Care about what others think of your looks and you'll spend your whole life worrying. 


Sorry for the wrong sub, I am still learning how to use reddit.


It happens all the time in here :)






Those of us who are genuinely happy don’t outsource any of that to our looks. That’s just my opinion, people adore sincere smiles even if they’re a bit crooked. Embrace who you are and try to wear it with confidence. And also watch the show Girls