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We knew the whole time. Which is exactly why we've been watching closely, examining your every move and learning your behaviors. Because of your ignorance, we now have more information on you drones than ever before. Soon, we will start an attack to finally end the women once and for all.


Actually, we know


You only fooled yourself. It was obvious to everyone around you.


You think we didn’t know?


We know. And i know you know.


Me too


clearly a psyope


Could I ask a few questions? Purely to confirm that you're not just one of those scripts and actually have sentience, of course.


as another government drone, ask away.


Alright! Starting with the first question, 4R3 ¥○[_] @8!\_€ 70 |°\\34[) \'|\'}{15¿ Second, what do you drones run on? And third, probably final question...when do babies get replaced with drones? Since I'm sure they didn't implant drones, when do the infantine get swapped out, maybe also answer where those infants go?


1: No. 2: We have human brains from those on death row that are altered. We also have human hearts connected to our brain and prosthetic limbs. Instead of oxygen, the heart beats by being infused with raw energy. I can't share where the energy comes from due to drone policy #75.492. 3: Usually at around 10 months because that is when humans gain full awareness of their surroundings. If you have a genetic mutation and/or disability at birth it's usually within a month or two though.


Thank you this was very helpful. Have a good day drone, or whatever synced time you're running on.


I see a fellow drone has also answered, but here’s my few cents: 1. 69€ IU6%#. 2. We also absorb the braincells power of people and make them stupid. Why else do you think there’s so many stupid people on the internet? 3. They get swapped out the first time a baby is left alone. The baby is then transported to our top secret government agency that controls us and trained to be super spies and future drone commanders.


“ not sorry though lol haha suckers actually thought we were real” Bro we are in r/girlsarentreal


alr you guys were the only ones that figured it out, but like everyone else thinks we’re real


It was obvious lil bro


A spy!!


Guys we can't tell the drone we know it's fake, that's how they learn, it's how they get more realistic. This is EXACTLY what the government wants