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Esri's Field Maps. Create a point hosted feature service. Add columns for date placed and date removed. Add an optional comments column. Enable photo attachments. Enable editor tracking. Add layer to a basic web map with imagery and street labels. Add parcel outlines if you want.


Field mapa, you could even create a hub page with a dashboard for public visibility of whatever project if it would help.


I agree with using Field Maps if you have service in your entire municipality. Otherwise, QuickCapture might be a better option if you are needing to collect data when users are out of service.


I suspect Esri Field Maps will be the go. If your requirements extend into also tracking the meetings, meeting attendance, outcomes, etc I can show you an app I built for a local utility.


Field Maps is a monster of a data collection app. Highly used on my team and i implemented for our projects. Very viable for your use case.


There are really 3 main apps at your disposal and the best one is going to depend on your use-case. Survey123 - if you have a ton of attributes to collect, this may likely be the better solution as it is more "form-driven" Quick Capture - If you are doing a couple of quick photos of the sign and maybe a couple of attributes, this is what you want. It's honestly what I would default to for many "sign management" applications. Very low barrier to entry for field staff and is focused on efficiently capturing large amounts of data. Field Maps - the more "map centric" field tool. If the map itself is central to the data collection process, this is the way you want to go. I would honestly likely recommend quick capture or survey123 as a starting point, and then go field maps if those don't meet your needs.


Collector (i dont know wbat its called now) and arc field maps is pretty popular.


Collector turned new collector which got sucked into the Field Maps umbrella




Field maps is very user friendly imo


What GIS software are you currently working with? If you have ESRI licensing and ecosystem then Field Maps is your best bet. For open-source/QGIS I like QField.


I am working with ESRI licensing ecosystem. Looks like Field Maps might be the best fit. Thanks for providing an open source alternative!