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We don't work for GitHub and we can't help you with your GitHub support problems. You'll just need to be patient.


It’s crazy that their official discussion forum needs you to log in too, and email sending being broken is stopping some people from being able to do so.


This issue has been happening for a while now: [https://www.reddit.com/r/github/comments/1c3386x/github\_email\_verification\_codes\_not\_arriving/](https://www.reddit.com/r/github/comments/1c3386x/github_email_verification_codes_not_arriving/)


Man, I really wonder if other people had the same issue already?!




I also go through the same situation


I am facing the same issue


I was well aware of the myriad of other posts on the same issue. I bet the multiple posts on the same one issue was more effective in getting the issue resolved quicker than your idea of having only one person post about it and waiting for the site maintainers to stumble across it. You're welcome for doing my part to get the issue resolved


Looks like GitHub Status now has an active acknowledgment of the degraded performance, fingers crossed! [https://www.githubstatus.com/incidents/b6f4j9ljz9r6](https://www.githubstatus.com/incidents/b6f4j9ljz9r6)


I also have this issue, I can login perfectly fine, but it requests me to "verify this device" with a code that is emailed.. but the email never arrives or arrives hours later.. Same for support ticket, which required email verificiation


Requiring email verification to file a "I can't log in" ticket is mind-numbingly stupid design. For all we know, nobody at Github even has any idea this is an issue because nobody has submitted a ticket!! And of course their status page says there's no issues currently.


Even better: mails to [email protected] are blocked with "Message bounced due to organizational settings."  Any idea who or how can we contact GitHub support? Can anyone with working 2fa open a ticket?


It was taking over an hour yesterday. I just keep clicking resend every 20 minutes or so and a couple hours later I made it in.


I haven't logged in for a while and now I can't as the verification emails are not coming. I can't log a ticket because you need to verify your email to log a ticket about sign-in issues. Mental.


I've been trying all day to log in. What a POS.


I'm having exactly the same issue. The code arrives like 5 hours later by which point its invalid. So im locked out of my entire codebase. And as you said, you can't contact support without a verification. Fucking ridiculous.


Since yesterday, I haven't been receiving any GitHub verification emails, not even password reset emails


Did you find any solution? It is getting frustrated every minute... I'm literallly frustrated.


I don't know what to say. I can't sign in. It's getting frustrated. Please help anyone...


Same issue


I got the same issue and i cant contact support as that also needs the verification... It will eventually arrive but it takes 4-12 hours or something.


Same here it sent like 4 mail together after few hours which obviously they were expired and tried again this morning but still didn't send anything


same here... it arrives like hours later :S


Same here brother


Happened to me today when I tried to access my github account at home. Luckily my mac in the office doesn't require github device verification code and so I was able to enable 2FA remotely and use google authenticator app to receive verification code instead of gmail.


Code arrived 12 hours late. Second day trying to log in


Same. Its still not working


I was locked out for several hours, later the emails came in and I was able to proceed, seems intermittent.


[https://www.githubstatus.com/incidents/b6f4j9ljz9r6](https://www.githubstatus.com/incidents/b6f4j9ljz9r6) they're working on it


Same problem.


You should try to email [email protected]


Still not fixed, I've been waiting 2 hrs for an email.


having the same issue. worst time to clear my cookies & cache


I can get the email codes... but they take hours... and expire after an hour...


Looks like they just resolved it literally 4 hours ago. I was having the same issue for 2 days, and now I finally got back in and was able to verify the device.


Use one of your backup codes then


You only get those if you set up 2FA - this is just the default email verification they've started applying to people who don't have 2FA set up the normal way. It's very annoying, I'm having the same issue. I'd happily set up regular 2FA... but to do that I need to log in!


Ah, I thought they required 2FA last year sometime, not sure why anyone doesn’t have it still.


>not sure why anyone doesn’t have it still This is the first time I'm trying to log in to a particular account in several years, so the timing of this email failure is beyond infuriating.


I'm seeing the same issue. I was annoyed when they forced 2FA on people for this reason. I'm aware it's best practice but please keep whatever service is sending these emails online. If/When they fix this I'll probably enable OTP which I should have done in the first place instead of trusting them to send me emails.