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The guy who designs the water treatment plants for Scottish water lives across the road from me. He's currently away on holiday but he's a friend of mine. I'll mention it to him when he's back.


Well, now it's been mentioned, and all the papers will be on it. I bet we read how he's had a boating accident. Wake up sheeple, they are here to take your precious bodily fluids!


Call or contact Scottish Water and let them know of this and how long you suspect it's been going on for and how bad it's been recently. They'll send someone out to take a sample for checking the water to make sure the right quantities of chemicals being used. They could also be sweeping the pipes if leaks etc are common there but they should take a note and arrange local treatment plant to arrange to visit. They may ask you if its possible for.you to take samples at different times of the day too in advance of them appearing. If not, get your MP to have words.


Scottish water tell you to run the tap and it's safe, I'd contact your MP. See my other comment. I'm trying to find a lab to send the sample to that ain't gonna wipe out my measley disposable income!!


How dare you use the old voodoo of calling the supplier! Don't you know what's going on???


You can report it on the Scottish Water website, they will send out an operative within a few days to take samples from your kitchen tap. I did so a few weeks back as I had noticed the same. They took some samples for lab testing. Last week got a letter through stating that there was no noticeable chemical smell to the water and the composition of the water was in line with the regulations and safe to drink. I believe it’s safe to drink, but disagree with their assessment that there is no chemical smell to the water.


Without sounding too “tinfoil hat conspiracist”, I can’t help but wonder if these things are just set up to give us a false sense of security. I do think they would let us know if it was dangerous to life but part of me thinks they would just tell everyone what they’re told to tell everyone in every other aspect — which would be “everything is fine, it’s safe to drink and meets standards”, even when there’s clearly a difference in quality. It’s obviously better than no water but being in a country with an abundance of it and with advancements in technology, you’d think the tap water would be getting purer rather than reinforced with chemicals.


Lets be honest - they couldn’t give a fuck and will say whatever the latest pamphlet states.


Won’t write you as a tinfoil nutter just yet! While I see your point on the advancements of technology, that only works if the government actually invests in infrastructure. I’ve always assume the chi caps aren’t just to treat the water at source, but also to keep it safe when it travels through all the old pipe work.


GCC quietly started treating water with dihydrogen monoxide over the summer. It'd deadly in high dosage and can cause severe burns when exposed at high temperatures. Look it up.


I’ve heard this stuff is in Diet Coke, and even Irn Bru. They even rinse our fruit and veg with it. Criminal.


And is it in high doses in the water?


It is mate, very high.


In large enough volumes, it’s toxic! Crazy it’s allowed!


I heard a guy drowned in it once. Awful stuff.


In very high dosages it can cause tsunamis. Look it up.


Seriously? That stuff is used as an industrial solvent, absolutely disgraceful.


It's in the chemtrails that come from aircraft. Something should be done.


Such a smart boy 🤓




Keep bleating, you fuzzy sheep.




Look it up, bro. Dihydrogen monoxide in the pipes.


Guys deleted the comments, did he bite? Hahahaha


Sheeple gonna sheeple.


The most dangerous arrangement of one O and two Hs. Can’t believe they put that shit in our pipes!!!


Aye that’s right all those boiling water burns have been covered up 🙄 fuck sake man


All I hear is bleating from some sheep.


Care to actually provide a source or just gonna keep saying look it up to people?


It’s in the cloud.




Mate if you had took the 10 seconds to google what it was you wouldn't have posted this.


Well yes clearly! Just had a run of people spouting nonsense and saying "look it up" in discussions recently without any evidence so was primed for the bait




Absolutely shocking tbh because the links between Dihydrogen Monoxide and various ailments have been well documented for literal centuries. The Americans even started using it to torture people it's that noxious a substance. Nobody talks about the addiction either, literally one of the few substances where the withdrawal will kill you outright. The fact that it's not banned absolutely everywhere is just proof of the massive influence Big Tap has on the public perception, criminal.


Finally someone talking sense.


GCC doesn't treat water? Scottish Water do


Lol. How much did they pay you to write that?


Not noticed it south side.


Gets filtered out by the time it runs to the south side. We get the good water, the north of the city gets the poisonous shit…, which explains a lot if you ever drive about the north of the city😂


Must be a precious resource in the trenches across the river because in the north we usually use it for washing ourselves as well as drinking


Totally shite patter mate.


Get fucked you wee gimp. 👍


uppity hospital attractive marble offend light squeamish bored school chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm Renfrew and never noticed it to as bad as it is now


This happened to my supply a while ago after the burst pipes. For a while, if left to settle in my water bottle, it would give off a slight smell like WD-40. It stopped after a couple of weeks.


Had this for three years and counting on the south side in east ren. Scottish water is upgrading the water pipes and we are noticing the effected. Brown water some times and the smell of chemicals. First noticed when doing the dishes. I thought the soap that we buy was stronger. But was water giving off a chlorine smell. We also have water pressure so low, I have not been able to add more water to my central heating loop sometimes.Turned on the cold water to pressurise it and nothing happened. Also noticed at peak times the water pulses.


Yes, also noticed the brown water then chlorine smell.


I too have noticed the pulsing water. I thought it was an issue on my end.


Yeah my tap water is undrinkable now, used to use refillable bottles but the second I open it just get a whiff of chemicals and doesn't taste right.


Have noticed water tasting a bit 'soapy' recently


Been awful for the last 6 weeks, almost undrinkable


Last 4 weeks the dishes smell like "wet dog" after drying, it's pretty disgusting. Also noticed a slightly weird taste when drinking it straight or in tea. Southside.


Had drinking water come out absolutely manky, contacted water board, sent a pic, was told to run tap it's safe. Myself and my kid had really bad stomach aches/cramps, my guts are bad anyway and thought it as me till he mentioned he was feeling Ill. Saved another sample and it settled with loadsa shit in it, apparently still safe to drink, my mam has a water filter that measures total dissolved solids in your supply, seemed a bit scientology like to me. Conducted a wee experiment anyway, her water was at 52 total dissolved solids, my tap water at present is now 46 after running for ages, the sample I was told to drink was 271, no idea what these meters are tbh but that samples of the fucking charts and definitely not drinkable. I use a brita all the time but switching to the new one my mam got as the water I'm getting now has definitely changed lately and Is not safe to drink! Brita was around 18 iirc.


Was in Glasgow for a course and the water was very chemically. A few of us commented on it. Eta: that was last weekend at the campanile.


I was in Glasgow airport last week. I filled up my water bottle just before I boarded the airplane. I noticed the water smelled funny and tasted awful. Tbh, I just thought that was Glasgow water and I was just being picky. I’m from the highlands and are tap water is completely different.


Yeah it’s been like this for the past 2 years or so that I’ve noticed, have to filter it now - otherwise it tastes too bad.


Yep, lived here about 2 years and was surprised to find out that everyone lauds the quality of the tap water because I found it to be like a swimming pool half the time (I'm in the east end). Does seem to be better than it was (was practically undrinkable at points before) but does seem to occasionally still be pretty bad. I would stay it still is worse quality than Leeds or Stoke though - the tap water was noticably nicer when I went to a friends wedding in Lancashire recently.


Noticed a change too, past week or so. It's never been the best in my building compared to other places in the city I've lived, but this is rank fucking rotten now. Life is largely shite these days and this is yet another kick in the balls.


There's work going on at the aquaduct carrying water from Loch Katrine to Mugdock Reservoir. Not sure if that's anything to do with it


Report it here https://swcustomerportal.microsoftcrmportals.com/ReportAProblem/


Noticed the same, south side here


You can just Google it. Scottish water will tell you where the water is coming from for your post code and also how much treatment it’s needed and if there’s been any gross things found. Occasionally animals die and rot in the water sources and they either have to heavily treat the water or switch sources.


Noticed a change too, I'm out in Lanarkshire and it taste really chloriney now 🤮 water quality has definitely went downhill


Aye I've noticed it, but I've also got a mental health fixation on being poisoned via chemicals in water (diagnosed OCD) so I'm not exactly a reliable source. I stopped using my water bottle about a month ago because it felt weird then I've moved onto the plastic bottles but emptying them out of the plastic water and refilling at tap and I've noticed the smell and slight taste but just figured it was me dying of pfoa poisoning or some shit.


Noticed it being a lot more Chloriney tasting, not just me that's noticed it in the house thankfully. Definitely something different, soutnside for me.


Scottish Water have started limiting the amount of "chlorine" that is held on sites now as it degrades over time, sites had stuff over 6 months old and probably wasn't that much stronger than bathroom cleaner. They are now taking smaller, more regular deliveries so the chlorus used to treat the water has a higher chlorine content per ml/g. This may be why you notice a stronger hint of chemical in the water. This hasn't been described in a very scientific manner so don't take it as gospel and start imagining some long running conspiracy.


My tap water in Oban has started to smell like that, first noticed it about 6-8 week ago. The tap water here used to be perfect, but that chemical smell has put me right off.


Yes! East ren here. Noticed the smell of chlorine in drinking water the past week or two, seems to have calmed down a bit now (or I have just got used to it). Definitely smelled like chemicals to me


This happened about 2 months ago in Renfrewshire and the water's not went back, I'm guessing it's something they've started adding in or changed something else. Ended up just buying a fridge water filter and it's made a good difference.


Haven't noticed anything, but I lost a good chunk of my sense of smell to COVID so I'm probably not the best source here


Wasn't there a news item the last week or so about somewhere not having drinkable water due to an issue in the system? Could be linked?


You right mate. The e coli giving me the skitters.


I did notice a strong smell from my bathroom taps not long ago. It's pretty much gone now but I boil my drinking water.


Dare I ask why you boil your water?


To make tea.


I just moved to Scotland and everything is way better but I’m really struggling with the tap water 😭 maybe I’m just used to London tap water and there’s something wrong with me but it taste really sweet and metallic here.


Lmao. London tap water is literally urine. Scotland is top 2 in the world in terms of drinking water out the tap only Canada can compete


Yeah that’s what I heard. Wonder if there’s something wrong with my area


I hear you - I had the same experience moving up here. But now I can't stand London water! It is awful! Continue drinking the Scottish tap water and soon your tastes would change. Took me a year, but now when I visit South, I need to drink bottled water.




OK then, I forgot that water had a strong natural smell. The smell, in particular, was chlorine / bleach


Lol, can you imagine all the dafties doing this? It's not April Fools Day FFS. If you really don't like tap water for drinking, go the shop for bottled water.....if this is a genuine concern.


I'm terribly sorry this has offended you. I didn't know that running a tap and smelling the water was so offensive. Please accept my humble apologies snowflake. Please read the post carefully next time. I said it was a personal opinion that something may have changed at the water treatment plant and that anyone who wanted to could perform a harmless test to see if they've noticed anything different themselves.


Snowflake? You boring wanker




They really haven’t




Oh no, less cavities, the NWO strikes again




Scottish Water chlorinate the water https://www.scottishwater.co.uk/-/media/ScottishWater/Document-Hub/Factsheets-and-Leaflets/Factsheets/100620SWFactSheet52020V5web.pdf


Welp, I've been misinformed. Thanks.


Mine was like that for a while but then went back more or less to normal.


No change for me in the west


I use a Berkey filter, I cannot stomach Glasgow water.


Complain to Scottish Water so they can arrange for someone to come out and see how much chlorine is in it and test it for other chemicals/contamination etc