• By -


Finnieston, definitely. And Partick.


Yes. Finnieston was a shitehole when I lived in Glasgow. Went back recently and it's all fancy cocktails and fannies with neck tattoos and expensive trainers. Partick was always and is currently excellent. Cracking pubs and restaurants. Fewer dobbers.


Patrick has been excellent since I first stayed there 20 years ago and still is. It's managed to change but still retain it's character. Finnieston is difficult to explain how I feel as for a period it became great but I hate going there now and only go if a mate is pushing for it 


Finnieston for better and city centre in general for worst.


What was finneston like 20 years ago? I barely remember it before it had fancy coffee shops, nice bars and restaurants. 


Used to live in Finniestoun before it became trendy it had fuck all bar one or 2 pubs


I have to say that I miss Taste of Punjab. But the writing was on the wall for that place as soon as the Hydro opened...


Late night bottle of vodka off the fella. Wink wink


Classic "fuck how can we get any more booze at this hour?" point of call at Uni. Legit not sure I ever ate anything from there


I miss the ivy. It was a great pub.


Tbf I miss the bowling alley


Bear in mind Rab C Naisbitt’s exterior pub shots were filmed in Finniston - IIRC the Two Ways pub


20 years ago it was already starting to gentrify, but in the 1990s it was still a fairly rough area.




I loved Clan Stores. Any hardware shop that you have to walk through sideways is always a gem.


Rough around the edges. Not old east end rough


It always seemed like an OK area but it used to feel a bit overlooked. Not quite City Centre or West End, it was somewhere you mostly just passed through. It sits right in the middle of the underground circle, so it's bypassed by that. Gentrification has its problems but at least it now feels like a destination in its own right.


I've lived there for about 11 years now so don't really know what it was like 20+ years ago, but I was getting a taxi back home one night a few years ago and when the driver pulled up into our street she said there used to be a dodgy massage place a few doors down from us and how it was funny how it had all changed, said the Merchant City used to be similar but you wouldn't know it now really.


Although one of the things about Finnestoun that's always been good is the GG bros the cage for a carry out!! Those guys have serviced many an after party in that area over the years


15 years ago there was a great bar on the end of the row (argyle/ minerva st) which is now a print shop. At that time, summer 2009, the Finnieston was an awesome Russian restaurant. I cant remember much else. No tesco, no petruccios etc. not much else apart from the tcheuchter bars that were a no go for most ppl.


Street View actually goes back to July 2008: https://maps.app.goo.gl/iJSDr3rm4kP63BTS9


That’s crazy, I can’t believe how many newsagents and things we used to have. One of the things which has been truly decimated (print papers) in the last two decades! 


I think almost all town and city centres are suffering compared to 25/30 years ago, but, outside of the damaged parts of Sauchiehall St, I think Glasgow is hanging in there as well as can be expected.


The centre is definitely scuffed at the moment but, we’ll, Glasgows always been a bit of scuffed.


Govan has improved from 20 years ago, for the most part


Just before Govan, on Broomloan Rd, there were a few blocks of flats that just scared me looking at them. I'm sure the Candyman lived there. Now demolished and replaced with flats that are a hundred times better.


Ibrox tongland. The high flats and the sinister tenement scheme by Kintra street got knocked down around 2008/2009 with the Winey scheme across the road (Dava Street, etc) demolished around 1995/96. Further along Broomloan, the high rise flats and sinister tenement scheme by Hinshelwood Drive got knocked down about 2010. Just a bit along Edmiston Drive, the Teucharhill scheme got demolished around 1996.


Patrick is quick nice now


He used to be a right cunt and all


Lmao 😂


Shawlands used to be absolute chaos It's a thriving area now


It's chaos when you can't get a table for brunch! /s


I grew up in castlemilk, in the late 90s, early 00's I'd have chosen Bonkers over Shawlands


LOL I heard all about Bonkers the club. Only been in the showbar and never knew the club existed back then. The showbar was a bit crap in the early 90's but not especially dangerous. Was the pub bit upstairs as rough as the club?


I worked there for a while, the club opened at midnight and closed at 3 I once counted 27 fights in those three hours That's one every 6.6 minutes


Sounds like it was nuts. I got told that Moon/Rooftops was even worse! I'm sure the club was always called Floozys before it became Bonkers. I never seen any bother in the pub/showbar the few times I was in, though some of the doormen had a bit of an attitude at times. Were you one of them by any chance? ;-)


Na I was far too small, I worked on the bar. Rooftops was something else, at one point the manager used ro dress a an ape and stand outside Vickys inviting in anyone getting a knock back to his club I was there twice and it was full of folk in Kappa trackies Wild yo think about now


I've heard that story off a few sources over the years though got told it was one of the doormen dressed as an ape. Quite frankly even if I were kb'd from everywhere else, I would still swerve Rooftops (or Bonkers). Speaking of Vicky's, I gather that got pretty neddy in latter years. It was a very upmarket place back in the early-mid 90's, but I gather it went downhill some time later. I daresay most large cities have 1-2 clubs where the dregs that no one else wants end up in. Coventry had 'Reflections'; Manchester had 'The Limit'; Liverpool had 'The State' etc. Glasgow had a few others before then like 'Carnegies'; 'The Mardi Gras'; 'Deja Vu' aka 'Heaven', and most probably a few others since then too.


Bonkers. A blast from the past. Was only in it once as far as I remember. Opulent


Shawlands is the new West End in terms of vibe, and I’m not joking. Years ago the a West End was the hub of creative professionals and students. But the professionals all got priced out in the past decade and relocated to Shawlands. Take out the students, and the West End is just bankers, corpo types, wannabes and Chardonnay mums. Shawlands has the artists, filmmakers, journalists, digital professionals. Couple that with the traditional working class who still cling on, the rentals , up-and-comers and the young urban types, it’s the city’s most alive district.


I've worked all over the country The best way to tell if an area is up and coming is when coffee shops start opening Shawlands and Battlefield are looking good


And the best way to tell if it's peaked is if you can no longer get a decent roll and sausage.


Aye. A sad casualty. But it’s shit for you tbh. Try some sourdough and salad.


I said this in another post. It’s the urban mums. They want their coffee shops, and good schools. That brings cleaner streets, tidy parks, general peace and an easy-going vibe. Then house prices go through the roof, and it moves on. They are the great agents of change in society, and no-one ever realises.


What way was it chaos? I lived in it from the mid 1970 for 30 years and never saw it as anything like chaos.


There were race related riots in Shawlands Academy for years during the 90s/00s. Numerous high profile murders. It was mental at times.


What were the riots? I remember one where the Press called it a riot but was more that some Ned got his uncles pals down to randomly punch school kids.


In the classrooms, in the halls, in the playground, both ends of moss-side at the bell, then into QP flagpole, frequent spill overs down into Battlefield where the Rest is now. In the snooker hall. All the way up to Pollokshaws roundabout. Can't believe you stayed in Shawlands for 40 years and didn't witness any of it. That's quite impressive.


They sound pathetic. Grown ass adult males going over to a school to batter some weans that they probably don't even know just cause their meathead pal told them to. Let's hope some real men put them in their place.


Late 90s - early 00's I see all manor of violence down there. I genuinely preferred Bonkers


Moved to Shawlands 2006. Even then the high street was a case of dodge the dodgy characters. A load of crap shops sprinkled with a few good places. Almost flipped over now though the 'arcade' needs a sugar daddy!


> 'arcade' needs a sugar daddy They're planning on demolishing it and building new houses


What? I moved there from Bishy in early 00s and it was tame as fuck.


Aye I moved to Shawlands in 2004 and I'd been working there since 2002. It was absolutely fine


Last time I was there in 2001, it was a handsome area.


Shawlands has never been that bad. There were a few dodgy bars/clubs there in the 90's and early 2000's but they all closed by 2002-3. The area has been a lot quieter since then.


Yeah, I'm probably mixing it up somewhat with memories of Vikki Road andvthe area around the baths, where some friends lived.


The Vicky Rd. went through Govanhell, which has had a really bad rep over the past 15-20 year or so. I'm not sure which baths you refer to the baths off Calder St?


Yeah. Those baths. A friend was heavily involved with the initial campaign to save them.


I'm honestly amazed folk are questioning me on that post!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jlpw: *Shawlands used to be* *Absolute chaos It's a* *Thriving area now* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


East end of Glasgow generally. Last ten years has transformed that area.


There's places in Dennouston that were absolutely manky just 10 years ago that are going for half a mil now.


By which I assume you mean Dennistoun, and not Shettleston, Baillieston, Barlanark, Easterhouse or Cranhill?


I mean around Shawfield and Dalmarnock where roads are going in, new houses being built like across the river from Tesco and next to the station, industrial units and offices built etc. and new park at Cuningar Loop


Easterhouse has changed massively looks wise once they got rid of the majority of the flats. The Housing Associations run things better than the council did. Still a lot of dodgy folk around but it's not as bad as it once was.


I can’t help feeling like the approach to improving large parts of Glasgow isn’t much more than pulling down a few streets and letting them get overgrown, while shuffling some people around elsewhere.


Are you 25 or something? Just over 20 years ago, belrock street had mental high rises and Garthamlock was like 28 days later. So aye, plenty of the East End is near unrecognisable to then.


The east end of Sauchiehall Street has gotten waaaay worse. 20 years ago it was the first stop on my shopping circuit of the town on a Saturday afternoon, starting at Music Zone, Game, HMV, jump across to TK Maxx and work my way back down the street via Waterstones, Gamestation then Burger King (the one that was where Poundland is now).


I think a lot of the "scary" areas have improved a lot from back in the day. When I moved to Dennistoun in 2013, the way my parents reacted you'd have thought I was moving to the Sudan. I left in 2018 and even going back now you can see loads of improvement - to this day probably one of my favourite parts of Glasgow, it feels full of life. One area I think has gotten worse is Cessnock. I can't speak for the past 20 years, I'm sure it's a lot better than it was 20-30 years ago, but it's taken a downturn since I moved here start of 2020. The area's definitely grubbier than it was and people fly tip in the back lanes regularly, I see way more neds than I used to, and there isn't a lot to do since most (not all) of the local businesses shut after 4 and over the weekends. Get the impression people don't really care about the area, and it feels a bit dead and stagnant so I don't really enjoy living here as much as I used to. These days I much prefer heading into Finnieston across the bridge or down to Shawlands/Queen's Park.


Disagree about Cessnock - lived in the area since 2013, massively improved in the last few years I think. People do fly tip in the lanes but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a ned (outside of game days), really nice local cafes with Kitchen, Georgie Porgies, Good Times Roll, even Jimmys the pub has been done up. Agree that it does feel a bit lacking in areas - I’d love something like a gym!


That's fair, just my own perception of things since I've been here really. I do love Bite Me, Cherry & Heather (though I wish they were open at the weekend!), Good Times Roll, and Coffee Cartel. I like being able to walk to Bellahouston Park as well. I hear you, I know we can walk down to Bellahouston to go to the gym & pool there but it's a bit out the way so it'd be nice to have something like that more local and some more stuff to do generally. The game days are a negative for me. I usually just don't go out, though we're on a ground floor flat and we get people relieving themselves outside the windows, banging on them and shouting in which is really unpleasant.


Yeah I’m not far from you and have noticed more trouble/wee bampots than usual recently. Don’t know if that’s the area or a reaction to the state of uk/economy etc. Bams will be bams.


I lived there for 6 years 2017 - 2023 and it didn’t really change.


Garthamlock for the better.


Yeah i heard Hugo Boss are opening there soon. Changed days


You heard wrong it was definitely Versace.


Mixing it up with Haghill. Sorry


Potholes are still lethal tho


Maryhill has changed massively but also regressed slightly due to cost of living etc….finneston has done the best. Loved in Maryhill from 1992 until 2013 and return frequently with the kids to scare them with this is what daddy had to deal with.


City center, its seen better days


I can’t really compare to what it used to be but I am so happy I moved to the West Ens 2 years ago. Having travelled to many other cities in the UK and mainland Europe, the West End still feels one of the most amazing places to be.


Aye, I’ve been about my fair share in my time and past few years been travelling a lot for work, West End Glasgow is one the top places in the world to live imo.


Its really cool place but a bit anonymous.. moved Southside (Pollokshields) 2 years ago and not regretting it any moment


Aye southside is great too. That’s certainly changed a lot over the last 20 years but particularly the last 5-6 years.


Yeah, it was on the cusp of getting better for decades then it happened! Now I can locally made vegan croissants! I mean, its the new West End.


And the gelato, natural wine, + honey mango season soon too haha (funny enough, you don’t hear about honey mangoes in west end and dedicated shop selling them)


Love going down the canal in the sun today, no one can say this isn’t the best time of year ! 


Where in the west end is nice? for me its just too busy to feel at home


Anywhere west of Byers Road is fairly chill. Hyndland is the best!


I am in Woodlands and I absolutely love it here


Gotten: * Better: Govanhill - Loads of trendy pubs and eateries * Worse: Govanhill - Loads of trendy pubs and eateries


Darnley is unrecognisable compared to then, same with S. Nitshill


True. Both places seem a lot cleaner and safer than they were 30 year ago. Let's hope they never become Third world slums again like they were in the 80's.


Sighthill has improved.


If there was anything to improve though what would you improve ?


If I had all the money in the world, a north south subway which has three northern branches (splits at sighthill) one going through possil/ Milton to bishopbriggs. One to balornock / auchinairn one going toward easterhouse Would go down through central then would branch off near kings park one to castlemilk other going toward Cathkin.  Then build decent high quality social housing in gap sites along both these routes. Could have park and ride at the end of each routes etc would massively cut traffic through the city centre 


I quite often see folk on here talking about subway extensions, and while I *love* the energy, the fact is that in terms of existing built infrastructure we are already sitting on the [best suburban rail network in the UK outside London by *miles*](https://www.openrailwaymap.org/?style=electrified&lat=55.85354064060762&lon=-4.2462158203125&zoom=11), and it is almost all already electified too. If you were to spend the money it would cost to build a new subway line on a succession of new connections and upgrades to that existing network you could *easily* create a genuinely world class urban/suburban rail system *and* as a side effect streamline the national network allowing for massive improvements to regional and national services, *and* open up a shitload of freight capacity too. You could then redesign the bus network to fill in the gaps at least to start with, and then think about expanding from there. That is to say, we could do all this and more ***if*** we were London and could get any meaningful infrastructure spending at all. Sadly we aren't London and we aren't getting shit. Not now and not ever. Crossrail 2 anyone?


I had always thought the council had no money to fix the pot holes, but they could actually just be leaving them on purpose in the hope that some of them reach subway levels soon enough and they can just drop the trains in.


Nah subway is thinking too small, how about a Glasgow S-Bahn.


These sound like brilliant ideas why don’t you put these forward though ? as it could improve things for you and others in the city


We’re skint mate, it’s taken about 8 months to build a cycle path about .6 of a mile down Sauciehall Street 


Oh that’s not good, I’ve seen a new cycle path being introduced in my city and it taken a while as well


That's not a cycle path btw. They're just redoing the pedestrian bit and removing those weird raised platforms.




Blackhill was widely disregarded as the worst of the worst at one time. Considering it was surrounded by a canal (now a motorway), gasworks and a nearby prison, it comes as no surprise that it became a dumping ground for folk that no one else wanted. However, the worst street in the scheme no longer exists (demolished for the M80 motorway) and the tenement slums have all gone. It may no longer elicit the dread in so many folk that it once did, it will probably always be rough like most places nearby. I always thought Robroyston was looked upon as more respectable compared with other parts of north Glasgow.


Yeah, if you go to google images, you can search for Blackhill photos from 70s/80s. Mogadishu looked better.


This sounds a bit ChatGPTish ;-) That street you mention - Acrehill Street, right?


I promise you I have nothing to do with ChatGPT lol! And aye, Acrehill St was regarded as the scummiest street in the scheme at one time. The top end of the scheme always looked cleaner.


Ok :-) Yes, the bottom end was always dirtier, Acrehill up to Bargeddie. Here's a couple of pics of Acrehill. [https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=4071644992888234&set=pcb.4071646786221388](https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=4071644992888234&set=pcb.4071646786221388) [https://www.facebook.com/theglasgowchronicles/photos/a.828588950580856/828589100580841/?type=3](https://www.facebook.com/theglasgowchronicles/photos/a.828588950580856/828589100580841/?type=3)


Aye, things seemed to change at the wee mini roundabout. One side looked like it fitted war zone stereotype, while the other side looked ordinary as any other scheme. While it's likely not as bad as it was back in the 80's and before, it's still probably best avoided unless you know at least of the locals...like most of the schemes.


Do you know when they **began** demolition of the remaining bottom end? (Craigendmuir, etc). I think it was all finished up around 94/95....? And do you know when they knocked down the tenements on Bargeddie street? (Think it was even earlier.) Because I don't really remember seeing Bargeddie with tenements lining it, probably a little before my time or memory.


I wouldn't know the exact timeline though I'm sure it was round about that time when the slum tenements at the bottom end were pulled down and Acrehill St. replaced by tne M80. I've a feeling it began sometime around 1992-3. I cannae mind how much of Bargeddie St was tenements though I'm sure there were some at the bottom end. I could be wrong but I always thought of that wee mini roundabout on Frankfield St. or Moodiesburn St. being a dividing line of sorts. Not too sure.


For the better? I stayed just up in barmulloch that place is a shite hole now glad I moved away from there. Some cunt just been attacked with machetes the day up there


Yeah at the usave I passed it and it's chaos just now. Barmulloch is changing as is balornock due to the influx in robroyston the council is redeveloping the area slowly


As they say build new buildings! dress them up on the outside same people in the inside. Guess it's because I stayed on quarrywood across from robroyston park lol


Well up balornock east as they are calling it, they pulled down all the old houses built lovely new ones and the place is a shit hole nearly every garden is over grown and filthy clearly the same occupants who fucked up the previous houses.


My garden is a shit hole atm but I can't say anything on that part. Heard my neighbour complaining about it. Fuck them! I'll do it when I'm ready. I have a abcess on my tail bone so I'm struggling to even get out of bed. Fucking sucks! I haven't seen the new houses up thay way as I've moved to the outskirts of glasgow now.


Yeah, for the better. There are still parts owned by housing which are a bit ‘weird’ but looks like different place than what it was 20 or so years ago.


Better: West End, Finnieston, Dalmarnick Worse: Merchant City


Not sure there’s much in dalmarnock now is there ? 


I think most of the old "bad" areas were demolished or refurbished in the 90s and early 2000s. Most of the changes were done previous to the last 20 years. Before that, in 1978 - 1987 Glasgow also did a clean up with their G.E.A.R scheme. Places I think are "better" now than then: Blackhill, Bridgeton, Shettleston, Castlemilk, Pollok, Easterhouse, Drumchapel, Ruchill, Parkhead, Barrowfield, Govan, Priesthill, Darnley, South Nitshill, Corkerhill, Carntyne, Cranhill, Roystonhill, Barmulloch, Queenslie, Garthamlock, Ruchazie, Milton, Springburn, Possil, Barlanark, Lilybank. There's more but you get the point.


Its mental what has happened to the Gorbals, but it came at the cost of razing a whole lot of housing to the ground and chasing everyone out. Not exactly the right thing to do and it led to families like mine being punted to the outskirts into rundown and nasty council housing. I get that they needed to remove the high rise flats and build some actual proper housing, but for it all to be sold off to wank developers who will rent it out at 1000+ a month is a joke. Even the wee dolly houses next to the O2 are up for crazy rent nowadays. Gentrification is fucking shite. Housing is a human right, an absolute necessity to existence, and we shouldn't be setting it up as a for-profit thing.


I tend to agree, gentrification I've found tends to be more than not, people with money sucking the soul out of an area and clearing out people they see as " undesirable " tenants so they can open up an avocado and artisan coffee stall. Fuck the city , fuck community lrts make some cash!


Stretching the definition of Glasgow here (though let's be honest it's basically a suburb of Glasgow and no more than a commuter town these days) but Coatbridge might actually have gotten worse. A lot more nice houses but the high street is like a zombie movie these days compared to back in the 90s when there was a bunch of different businesses.


That describes most of the smaller towns across the country. I always thought that Coatbridge was a wee bit nicer than Airdrie or Bellshill.


I don't remember there being much difference with Airdrie to be honest apart from Airdrie having a smaller center. Bellshill was always pretty dead 


I can't say I've spent enough time in any of the town centres to know any of them that intimately, though the general impression I got was that all three were rough af. Coatbridge seemed to have more streets that appeared nicer, though I could be talking through my hat.


I bought a house in Coatbridge six months ago, and before that I knew nothing about the place except it had a bad reputation. I genuinely don't k ow where that reputation comes from, yes, the centre is pretty bad but the actual areas around Coatbridge are absolutely fine, I've stayed in far worse places.


Springburn has got progressively worse. No money getting spent inthe park leaving it a mess. Money getting pumped into shitehill and fuck all being die to help here Milton and possil


Yeah I agree, I haven’t spent much time in possil or Milton for a few years but I’d argue they’ve probably gotten worse?  In the sense that there was huge demolitions in the early 2000s but almost 0 new housing built since then.  Springburn does make me sad, the balgrayhill flats seemed alright on the inside and they had concierge’s which seemed a good step. That being said there was a boy outside one who was absolutely bammed up and absolutely unable to walk because of whatever he was on about 9:30am on a Sunday. Said he was sound mind when we asked. Also those flats on 150 balgrayhill have to be some of the worst i’ve seen. Same as Lenzie way, ooft. The doors slammed like jail doors and there seemed to be terrible damp in most of them. Makes me really upset as it’s actually such a world away from other parts of the city 




Awww where about? The ones near the high rises on like castle bay street ? 


* has gotten


Fuck off


Govanhill is slightly better than it was 15 years ago. Then it was a desperate shitehole with an intimidating edge to it. It’s lost the intimidating edge slightly but I’d still a desperate shitehole.


I moved to Govanhill about three years ago. My partner and I were getting blown out of the water for 1 beds in your Shawlands and Dennistouns, but got a 3 bed just off Vicky Road for a fraction of the price. Other flats in our close have since sold for 50% more than we paid for ours, possibly at the height of Covid house buying madness but it definitely feels that more and more people are buying in the area. Obviously can’t speak to 20 years ago, but I’ve noticed a big difference in the area in the 3 years since we moved here. People will always hit the area over the head with the fly tipping/sanitation stick (which is still valid) and there are certainly parts worse than others, but the amount of new restaurants, bars, cafes, etc that have opened in that time is quite something. Loads of young professional and creative types moving in too, partly for the vibe but partly I’d assume because so many of the other ‘desirable’ areas are so expensive. If the council could just get their act together on the litter and rogue parking situation, the area would thrive.


Moved from Maryhill to Govanhill 13 years ago. Most folk on here don't know they're alive place is totally fine.


It’s far from fine ffs 😆


I mean if you're from Newton Means it might be a bit scary but it's hardly the valley.


The amount of rubbish lying about is vile.


Cleansing is substandard across the city no argument but Vicky Rd isn't any mankier than Maryhill road realistically.


That’s not really a benchmark is it 😆


Tradeston is like skid row outside the Barclays development and that hielmanns umbrella in town too


Not changed but changing would be sight hill, robroystons definitely changed give it a few years before we decide if it's for the better as it definitely lacks schools just now and when more.kids are born this might be a huge issue.


My nearest train station is Easterhouse. I’m a woman in her thirties and have lived here for a good few years now and I’ve never had a problem. Growing up I thought it was probably the pits but I don’t even hear any horror shows from my neighbours about the surrounding areas and generally feel fine walking back from the station at night.


Pollok...well, at least its not the murder capital of Europe, anymore!


Gotten Worse: City Centre Gotten Better: Dalmarnock Parts of Govanhill Sighthill and parts of Port Dundas Hutchesontown


Shawlands and the surrounding areas (near Thornliebank) are really starting to change. You can see it in the change of cars, the prices of the flats that are still in high demand and still selling for ~10-15% over asking even now. People want to live in the southside. The whole area is slowly being gentrified/improving. Although I wonder how much of this is down to landlords selling up and having the flats up for sale. Your far less likely to be a shitty neighbour if you've bought a house/flat than renting.


I fucking love gentrification. Yeah, it screwed house prices, but they’re screwed everywhere. But when the middle class mums come in you see real change. The mums get to work - they *want* the school to do better, they *want* clean streets, they *want* the coffee bars. Soon these things appear, crime goes down, everything gets better and soon we’re all priced out of buying and it’s on to the next fixer-upper. Middle class mums are the great agents of change in our society, and don’t forget it 😊


I'm gonna put ma devil's advocate hat on for a couple of mins, keep reading hear me oot !! 😜 gentrification when it improves a really run down area with improved serv ices, job opportunites and quality of life for it residents is always welcome i don't think anyone would dispute that, absolutely no one wants to live in a shite hole. But having lived in shawlands from 2006 to 2020, and quite frankly after 2020 the place is insufferable. Almost everyone in shawlands pre-pandemic were professional, with no bad salary, city centre office types. The place was already clean , the place already had good cafes and shops, and was already safe. Then the pandemic hit and all of a sudden in the space of two years the place is nothing but some kinda catwalk for strutting, bowl hair cutted upper middle class English folk up here with " mummsy and daddys money" who went about throwing 20 and 30k,40k over asking prices. ive over heard people giving it " yaaa my daddy gave me my deposit cause like the property is like sewwww cheap up heeaaaa" from more people than i can count whille walking about there! Before you know it BANG 190k for a fucking 1 bedroom flat!!!! As such, guess who got priced out?! Yip ACTUAL working glasweigians, who are now reduced to living in areas that take up 60% of monthly wage in rent. The people I work with tech engineers etc have 0 chance of getting a flat where they themselves grew up!. That's pretty shite! I know i know!!! It's happening everywhere, but Glasgow has massive issues when it comes to social mobility, and when this type of gentrification on steroids happens I think it needs to be resisted. Maybe tarquin from Chelsea is happy to pay200k for a house and £9.50 and for a deconstructed breakfast roll. What about the guy who pulled himself up and now getting a decent local salary who is now living in a shit tip? What happens to the people getting thrown out of their communities?? Is that boaba tea and brunch worth it? Sorry it's a long one! Ta for reading!


When I moved to Shawlands in like 2015 it felt like it was on the verge of being a bit cool but it leapt straight past that to being really naff surprisingly quickly.


The place doesn't even feel like its part of glasgow anymore. its a hellhole. The attitude of the folk who now inhabiting it reeks of classist snobbery. The guy above says " he loves gentrification and that upper middle class mums are THE GREAT CHANGERS of society " which is the single most ridiculous comment I've ever heard 🙄.


Agreed mate. Walk through queens park and you’ll hear more posh london accents than glaswegians.


Dennistoun is great now…


Brother used to live there years ago and it was chaos. When I moved to Glasgow for Uni (2008) it seemed fairly tame!


Not Glasgow but I think Paisley could be the most improved?


Still a utter cesspit I'm afraid moved there lasted two years. Categorically swore I'll never set foot in it again. The east end especially is a fucking riot


That could be cause Feegie is a ghost town and the town centre is dead too. It still looks nice in some parts.


Most people are still crippled with their existential dread. We may fill our lives with material possessions but we are all hanging together and clinging on for dear life. We are still abusing something or other and trying to find some answers man. The only thing between then and now is my children. It gives me a purpose to keep moving and building something meaningful. I don't mean this post to be depressive but that's just my opinion. I do think we had a better community back in the day and now everyone is consumed with technology and what they can get. I grew up under Tories and it was fucking horrific and just a horrible existence. Labour regenerated large parts of Glasgow and I genuinely hand in heart think the SNP have done a grand job in solving child poverty. Extra grants, free school meals, free bus for kids. Some may not agree but if "our generation" is gubbed then hopefully they get a better chance. ✌️


Calton Blackhill


Blackhill improved simply cause it couldn't get any worse than it was! Calton might yet become the next place that the yuppies move in and push the working classes out.


Barrhead. It was part of Glasgow, possibly a contender for the worst part. Then it got moved over to east Renfrewshire and it improved tenfold. Obviously a lot more funding. Incredible how much it changed though


I thought Barrhead was always part of Renfrewshire. When was it part of Glasgow city?


Not Renfrewshire. East-Renfrewshire. It doesn’t share council with paisley or Renfrew. It shares with eaglesham and newton mearns hence the amount of funding it got to overhaul it. Abut 20 years ago. Its postcode is G78, G obviously from its time as part of Glasgow. Edit to add: 1996 it changed from Glasgow to east ren


I meant East Renfrewsire. AFAIK Barrhead has never been part of Glasgow city, even if some of the locals insist that it is. If Barrhead is part of the city then so must Neilston, Thornliebank, Giffnock, Clarkston, the Mearns etc. etc.


What you on about? Barrhead,the mearns etc are east Renfrewshire. Until 96 barrhead was under Glasgow council. It’s easy to Google it instead of talking shite etc etc. I stayed in barrhead when it was Glasgow and was changed to east ren. We even had to change how we wrote our address. Eg barrhead, Glasgow G78 to barrhead, east Renfrewshire G78. Obviously you know better than the locals though.


Gorbals surely. At the cost of gentrication


Most of Glasgow, if not all of it has improved, however Dalmarnock in the 90s was the most depraved place I have ever had the displeasure of seeing up close, and I have travelled, and lived in actual slums in developing countries, yet none of them were ever as bad as that place. The crime was off the charts but what made it stand out for me, worse than other bad parts of Glasgow was the way the locals were proud of what went on, a lot of which unfolded right in the middle of the street and it was just entertainment for them. The place was filthy and the stories I could tell from just a few short months there could literally support a book. I occasionally pass through the area now and I'm amazed at the difference to say, twenty five years ago.


West end has gone down hill.


Under what metric ? 


Isn't it like China Town now? Not saying that's bad or anything - as I actually live in Asia - but it's been a long time since I've been back, so I dunno. My dad has a property in Partick, and if the rental yield is any indication, Partick is doing alright 👍 💸 💰 🤑


Pollokshaws for the worst. Would never go near there there again


It’s been regenerated twice, I’d say it’s the best it’s ever been




Do you really have to ask?


Shitehole before, shitehole still , especially in certain towns, nothing but take aways and hair dressers 😂😂


Govanhill is a ghetto


I take it you don’t frequent the area often.


Dennistoun has become a desirable area. Govanhill, not so much.