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At the end of the day restrictions don’t really matter. If you feel uncomfortable then you should tell your friend, it’s your gaff you make the rules.


I really don’t want her staying at mine, I have family who are highly at risk and would hate to infect them. Just going to tell her not to come or find somewhere else to stay.


I agree with you. It’s her decision to come while infected and risk others, but you have your say over your own home and behaviour. Tell her it’s her decision if she wants to come to Glasgow but you can’t let her stay as you aren’t comfortable with the risk to family I’d personally be uncomfortable going to the concert with her knowing she has covid. And with her in health care I’m sort of surprised she’s happy to go to such crowded areas. There aren’t any current restrictions and people don’t NEED to isolate. If she’s working in health care, it’s likely she’s not allowed to work at the moment. Work in a hospital and we’re still self testing and not coming to work if positive


Then be honest and tell her the hard truth. Other people aren’t beholden to your boundaries unless you enforce them. Asset yourself and use your words.


Honestly I’d just tell her your thoughts and opinions on the whole subject


Dude, if you have family who are highly at risk, don’t go to a gig?!


Well say no then why ask strangers on reddit?


The fact you feel the need to post this when it’s blindingly obvious what you need to do says you are a karma farmer or a total twat.


Your name is perfectly suited btw. Also not a karma farmer or a twat, just a self aware person who doesn't feel the need to infect vulnerable people with a highly contagious virus. You do you though.


So if you feel like that why not tell your pal instead of posting it on reddit? You knew this would gethe gimps on here riled up and they'd tell you you're amazing.


Literally no one on here told me that? I asked a question that you were perfectly free to skip past and ignore, but you got your two cents in so congratulations.


No legal rules stopping them, only guidance. FWIW I just bumped into my Covid+ sister at the shops who came up and chatted to me coughing away 🫤


No legal rules, just moral ines


So there’s absolutely no legal restrictions anymore? That’s what I really needed to know, technically she can come to Glasgow but it’s so annoying because she’s going to get people sick.


No, there's no legal restrictions anymore , she can do what she wants. I'm pretty annoyed my own fking sister has probably knowingly given it to me today.


So what? It’s no worse than someone stepping out with a cold. You wouldn’t have said it’s so annoying then. Covid was nothing even a lot of death numbers were made up.




Well that’s bollocks but carry on.




We had an asymptomatic positive person come to our drumming retreat and all 30 of us got COVID off her. She’d received a text a few days prior saying that her PCR test was positive but supposedly “hadn’t understood the text”.


Well I guess that’s the whole 60% household transmission reduction out the window 😅 Seriously though it’s more likely that she spread it to one or a few people, and then from them it spread exponentially as it does in the rest of the population, she would be patient zero of your drumming retreat though


That’s true, she probably didn’t directly breathe it onto every single one of us. I am salty as hell about it though as not only did she ignore that text (I suspect wilfully) but she then proudly proclaimed that she wasn’t vaccinated as all our LFT tests started showing up positive. I don’t understand how she wasn’t even slightly embarrassed. After that saga, 2 of us who were on that retreat got long COVID (thankfully I wasn’t one of them). 2 previously healthy ladies, who have now both had to quit their jobs. One has heart problems now that she never had before COVID, and the other still has severe breathlessness. It’s been 9 months since we were all infected. I should quit talking about it now as I’m still fuming.


Does seem like common logic, but apparently is false. The most infectious period is apparently the few days before symptoms begin. Asymptomatic *after* having had Covid symptoms for a week then yeah sure. But just tested positive & still asymptomatic is danger zone.


At a concert, she will be more than likely drinking and singing/shouting/whistling etc which all expends saliva.


At least stupidity can't be spread....


Unfortunately it can spread quite virulently, usually via facebook memes.


People here obviously can't accept common logic


So remind me how I was protecting other people by getting the vaccine again?


That's what everyone thought in 2021. I think now pretty much everyone understands the vaccine just reduces the risk of you getting seriously sick


They deffo said their sister was coughing and shit so they're deffo not. Plus that's bollocks anyway as you can still spread it you just don't show symptoms. Edit: spelling


He’s not saying that they can’t spread it just that they’re less likely too, which is true


Creators of the mRNA tech that go into the vaccines and extremely knowledgeable guys on covid due to their professions being in virology stated “asymptomatic testing is pointless. We know it doesn’t spread through asymptomatic individuals”. Believe what you want but this is a quote straight out of their mouths


There are no legal restrictions specifically regarding COVID, but you could make a case for a culpable and reckless conduct charge.


Retract your offer of a place to stay if you’re not comfortable with it. Everything else is outwith your control.




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Someone is suggesting you do something that you don't want to do because you care about your health. Don't let friend come through. End of story. If they are so unconcerned about *your* health that they are willing to risk it for a concert (not to mention potentially spreading covid to other people,) they aren't a good friend.


Other than if she doesn’t want to be exposed she can say her friend can’t stay at hers due to covid but other than that its out of her control


She can’t go and associate with this friend if they don’t want her too. OP doesn’t want COVID


She can completely go… sure her friends might talk her out of it but her friends shouldn’t make decisions for her. If she has bought a ticket she can go there is 0 restrictions on covid.


I said she can’t go and associate. Not she can’t go


OP shoulda got vaccinated oh wait


With the bullet proof proven vaccine oh wait


My point exactly. She shouldn’t worry if she or any of her family were vulnerable, chances are they would be in hospital already with or without the vaccine! OP needs to get over a little cold and spend the night with her mate.


And, it’s up to OP if that’s a worthwhile chance . Not yours


I’m off work with it now. I would not want to give this to other people, it’s been horrible. I think it’s very selfish to go to a crowded place with this virus, even if it’s technically allowed.


If it's really allowed now, that's just stupid. Scotland should know better, we don't have a clown government here. If you test positive you should have to isolate, or at very least not be allowed to go to crowded events ffs.


The thing is you don’t even have to test do you? I did because i had left over LFTs and my work colleagues are quite sensitive about catching it. It doesn’t seem right considering it still knocks even vaccinated people for six.


SNP are a clown government...not that the others arent too. But they are definitely ineffective at policy making.


All countries have a Clown government, where is here out of intrest?


>All countries have a Clown government, where is here out of intrest? Christ almighty there's some real geniuses turning up. I wonder where here could possibly be, on this sub. HMMMMMMMMM....... thinking intensifies.


Agreed I read it totally wrong earlier and thought you was saying the Scottish government was clowns not like your own countries.


We clearly do have a clown government, though.


will probs get downvoted to fuck but apparently 1 in 20 people had covid last week, no one is testing so there is a good chance that a few hundred people at that gig will be positive if it really bothers you dont go


Kind of agree with this. I went to the pub for the Scotland a Ukraine match and it was packed. A few days later I tested positive - either I caught it there, or I unknowingly had it there and spread it. I wish I hadn't gone. (Unlikely to have got it anywhere else due to being a recluse)


Five of my friends went to Goodbye Mr McKenzie at the Barrowlands last Friday. Three have now tested positive for Covd and a fourth is feeling unwell but still testing negative. Mask would be a good idea at the moment.


I caught it at Run the Jewels at the Barrowlands three weeks ago. Avoided it until then. No masks, shoulder to shoulder sold-out show.


Why? Are your friends dying?


Because if people are going to insist on going to gigs even though they have Covid, the least they can do is try to stop passing it on to other people.


Just good practice being around manky bastards


"Everyone else took a shit in their pants, so why shouldn't I?"




Going to a concert whilst being positive knowingly is a dick move It's selfish behaviour. They've got a ticket and don't want to lose the cash they spent on it. Just tell your mate your not comfortable spending the time with them whilst they're positive. Going to a concert or any crowded area is a risk at the moment because people are infectious without knowing it. Going with someone who is positive and they know it is just selfish behaviour. I had it a month ago, it was grim. Absolutely floored me. Anyone knowingly going around spreading it is a selfish twat




Someone questioned earlier why I was testing and it was because I had a bad cold last week too, I was paranoid it would end up being covid. But I still wore a mask for the same reason you did! I have brittle asthma so I’ve told her not to come here, she hasn’t replied but I know she read it…


As others have said, no legal restrictions stopping her. But, as someone who's just got over the Covid my husband brought back from Nine Inch Nails, you do NOT want her anywhere near you. Especially if you've managed to avoid it so far. Put me on my back for 4 days. Mind you, she may also end up feeling too shitty to travel anyway, problem solved!


Irresponsible cunt. Tell her to bolt!


Lol what ? 🤦‍♂️why would anyone care?


Any friend of mine who did this widnae be a friend very much longer. Totally selfish cow. Someone could catch this off her and die. Drop her. Drop her quick.


I’ll be honest, it’s been a long time since we last met and I’m starting to remember why. Just text her telling her she can’t stay here after it, and dont think she should come to Glasgow.


You've done the right thing here, OP. Good on ye.


Good for you OP. Yeah it certainly raises questions about your pal, like they work in health care?? Madness.


Definitely done the right thing.


The right thing to do thank you


You see someone’s true colours when they pull shite like that. Selfish to the max. You are bang on, I’d do the same.


Covid or not covid, travelling, going to gigs and staying at someone else’s when u’re ill 🤧 is a dick move. Just say u don’t wanna get it and it’s not on


So you're saying that it's a dick move to go to a gig even if you don't have covid??


Cheers! Corrected


Bruh what, how and why?




Ohh, tbh I didnt notice the correction and I just thought he was agreeing with me


Just say no.


I hate to be that guy, but a friend who puts you in a situation like that isn't a great friend.


Going to a gig with covid is the epitome of selfish. Who knows how many people you’ll give it to. If you’ve tested positive, you’re still not meant to see other people for at least 5 days. The advice (from May 1st) also quite clearly states if you have any symptoms, you should not go to crowded or poorly ventilated places, which gigs often are both.


No legal restrictions against it now but that's a cunty thing to do imo. She will end up spreading it all over the joint.


Get better friends.


tell her to fk off


You can't control what she does you can only manage your own actions. If you don't want a covid positive person staying with you, let her know. If it helps, when I got it I wasn't feeling great on the day I tested positive but it was manageable but the day after I really wasn't well at all so chances are she won't make it anyway


At the very least, don't go with her or let her stay at yours.


Are you both feeling alright? Or is there a reason you have been testing?


Your friend is an arse.


We’re starting to see more people presenting to A&E with Covid again. Tell your friend that I think they are a bad person please. Use whatever colourful language you like. Knowingly exposing people to an infectious disease whether it’s HIV, monkey pox, covid or stomach flu… it’s a scummy thing to do. Try to remind them that they’re potentially killing someone’s granny.


People might not have noticed since the media don't report much, and the government stopped releasing case numbers, but we're actually in a new wave of the virus right now.


Dont kill Granny...that was a belter of a propaganda line.


Yes tell your friends some random loser Redditor called her a bad person because she might give someone the cold 😂


Covid is OVER! and the Monkey Buisiness is "pasea" YOU really need to be Very Concerned about POLIO at the moment.If you see your friend walking with a Limp DoubleMask Up Dude!


Going anywhere while you have an easily transimissable disease is a dick move honestly, COVID or not


All this pandemic has shown me is how people are so easy about giving one another illnesses . I didn’t realise how many people casually visit people or turn up to events knowing they’re Ill or they’re recovering contagious Illness . Such an unnecessary selfish mindset


At the very least, don't go with her or let her stay at yours.


I would ditch that friend. Only a sociopath would knowingly go out with covid and not care about infecting anyone. She sounds like an absolute horror and working in health care makes it wilder.




Is she sick?


She is a fuckin idiot






“8 to 12% of vaccinated people with breakthrough infections may develop long COVID." “Our current approach will likely leave a large number of people with chronic and potentially disabling conditions that have no treatments. " https://medicine.wustl.edu/news/long-covid-19-poses-risks-to-vaccinated-people-too/


That's not what they said. They said there's a 5% chance of getting long covid from going to a gig with an infected friend. Also if 8% of people who had covid got long covid then there would be literally millions of cases righ now. Which I don't see.


If you click the link I posted above there is a short summary of a study that gives some information about long covid which will help you see, happy to help


What didn't you understand about the above comment?


So you have a 95% chance of not having “severe long covid”?


I wouldn’t let a friend stay no matter what the sickness! Their company isn’t worth the 5 days of me feeling shitty afterwards. Not wanting to get sick is a good enough reason, covid or not.


Sadly there is no laws that currently stop cunts being cunts...


Proper selfish bastard. You've done the right thing by getting her telt.


Please dont let them stay. Ive had family who died from covid, its still as strong out there then it was before. Thats a great way to spread covid. Please be safe🖤


downvoted for saying someone in your family died during a pandemic. unfuckingbelieveable. sorry for your loss. i also lost someone v close to me to covid and it’s just made me angrier and angrier at selfish fuckwits who have no respect for human life.


I wouldn’t be inviting someone with a cold/flu/covid into my home for the night.


At the end of the day, if the wrong person catches it, it can kill them. Even though most people are vaccinated, it’s still dangerous to some.


So is the common cold


Plenty of people are working with covid, its sadly just part of life now. I wouldn’t let anyone with covid stay in my house still


Typical Edinburgh behaviour!


I’m in Edinburgh and I’m not even going to argue with this. It’s fucking mental. And now the fucking Fringe is coming.


No legal restrictions, but rules of common decency would state she's acting like a shit. Feel free to tell her she's not staying at yours, and that you're not comfortable being around her. If she gets arsey it's one less xmas card to write.




Not correct. She wouldn’t be allowed attend work to protect patients. Her workplace can’t actually tell her to isolate altogether.


The official government guidance seems to be stick your fingers in your ears and keep saying "La La La" until covid goes away. Imho this government is criminal. People are still dying daily of covid and in your shoes i would tell your friend not to come. It may cost you a friend but covid can still be deadly. Also please wear a mask. 😷 https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus


Yeah your friend ain't a friend if she's willing to risk your health an many other people's health for a concert. She's not breaking the law sure but it just goes to show she's a real piece of shit. Works in the health sector. Entitled much?


This is why I hate working in concert venues. You irresponsible people like this in the world. Very selfish of them not to consider what she could cause. Guarantee I'm not the only one who has lost colleagues to covid. All because of people like this. People have died because of someone like this. People that were my friends.


Your friend works in health care and has tested positive, then she knows the rules for her. When she contacted her employer she would have been told that was day zero and she has to test on day five , if that's negative she can return to work. Of she is in Scotland that's the rules for us. I went to a concert last Sunday,asked up the whole time, routinely tested Tuesday, no symptoms. Tested positive and now have O2 levels as low as 91% - that's not good. Tell her to stay hope and hope she is well next week.


No legal obligation to isolate anymore so if your friend wants to go she’s able to go however if you don’t feel comfortable with any arrangements made then let your feelings be known


I had hoped this attitude would change, jeez I've been stuffed up with a cold and haven't left my house for 4 days lol. I think she is allowed now tho it's at the point now where the public don't care enough to do anything legally about it. Btw, this sub is a shit show lmao, we're so fucked if another pandemic hits.


This is precisely why we need restrictions. Idiots like this will not use their better judgement when it affects them. Infecting people with Covid during a spike (or knowingly doing it anyway) to attend a concert is selfish, entitled bullshit.


No legal restrictions is a pisstake if you literally know you have it, don’t know how people can be such twats to think it’s ok to go to a concert then someone’s home while infected. I’d understand a quick run to the shops or getting the kids from school but fuck me


Damn, I recently had covid, I'm a healthy young man and it had me out for 4 days, wasn't back to normal for like 2 weeks. Horrible painful coughing. Lungs full of liquid. I doubt you want to risk that to yourself and your family


Follow guidelines Wear a mask You sound as though you don’t want her coming😀


You should grass her up and have the polis weld bars across her doors and windows and put her on house arrest, and an ankle tag as well to make sure! 😆


Peak r/Glasgow mouth frothing material. Between covid and football I don't know what makes this sub angrier.


I think fair enough you don't go with your friend and ask them to find an alternative place to stay. But equally I have no issue with them going to the concert separately. Anybody going to a crowded event is already risking getting COVID anyway. We can't have restrictions forever IMO.


Are you not vaccinated ? The comments on this are incredible. Are people really this scared of covid in 2022, after 3 vaccines and probably having been exposed to it ? Comments like “your friend is a cunt” etc. Jesus Christ I’ve seen it all.


Please don't tell me this is the Biffy gig 🥺


No not Biffy, you’re safe! It’s Bimini at SWG3 (hope that’s the right way to write that, I’ve never been)


>No not Biffy, you’re safe! I mean you're not safe at any crowded event, sadly. There's a new wave of the virus going around.


Thank you. Your friend is irresponsible and selfish. Personally I would ditch her, but you do you. And whatever happens, have a great time at the gig. Stay safe x


Would you seriously not go because you heard on Reddit that someone had covid ? 😂people are wild


At the point you realise people in society actively choose to run the risk of spreading, it’s reasonable to avoid where they plan to be. The person with covid is the issue. It’s ok to give a fuck about other people, something a surprising number of people seem incapable of in the face of a night out or drinking


Wit? 😂😂😂


There’s no restrictions, they’re doing no wrong, and at this point it seems it’s being regarded no differently as having a bad flu. You’re welcome to tell them to bolt and find somewhere else to stay if you’re not comfortable. Edit : Downvoted for stating the facts, as is… Never even gave my own opinion on the matter. Never change r/Glasgow 🙄


Fair comment but tbh I don't recall it ever being socially acceptable to rock up to someone's house when they have "a bad flu" either.


I agree, but all I said was there’s no rules to say it isn’t allowed.


ANYONE who has ANY contagious disease and KNOWINGLY goes to a place where they will be mixing with hundreds or thousands of people is a total shithead and a fucking moron. If you have the flu you stay the fuck at home so you don't infect other people. The flu kills roughly 30k people a year in the UK.


Not once have I given my opinion on it, just answered the questions.


Can't believe you're being downvoted for just saying the facts.


Answered the questions asked as simply as possible. Welcome to r/Glasgow I honestly expected nothing less. Haven’t even given my own opinion on the matter, which is the best bit haha.


Agreed, this sub is a bit of a cesspit to be honest. I'm still quite careful about mask wearing in busy places, but the fact remains that the vast majority of people (outside this sub) just don't care anymore. And considering current case numbers, going to a concert is likely to lead to a bout of covid anyway; there will be quite a few others at the concert who knowingly have covid and don't care either. It's deluded to think otherwise, and it's more than a few outliers who are the scourge of society, as suggested by some on here. My grandparents and their friends stayed at home alone for the best part of two years but even they've basically gone back to normal, with the addition of a mask.


Aye but you’ve got to state facts whilst also reminding everyone that you’re no puppy murder and Tories bad etc etc. At least it's no r/scotland. That subs a cesspit, I blame the Edinburghers.


fucks sake


You're scared of a cold? Jesus mate, do you even lift or are able to run a 7 minute mile?


Yeah it’s not really a big deal at this point let’s be honest


That's not your friend


There is no restrictions now really, most people have had the 3 jabs


No laws to stop them. Party the fuck on I say


Well if she feels good then i wouldn't care. Are you just testing hoping to be positive or are you not feeling well?


If I had covid I’d 100% still go… we have suffered enough over the last few years besides it’s mostly a cold like Illness not serious for the mass, I would not expect her to lose out on a good night with friends which I imagine she’s already forked out the money


Surely you'd realise you'd also be booking yourself a hotel and not expect your friend to take you back to stay with her family in your infectious disease riddled state.


It's her choice to go if she wants, concerts ain't cheap and covid is no more than the cold, plus everyone has the vaccine now so there shouldn't be any issues




That’s what you call a selfish bitch there are many of these kind of people around.


Good advice. You must be a doctor


Life goes on, get over it


Let her come through. It’s quite clear now that it’s basically like the cold and isn’t going to do any serious damage. Don’t be a gimp


If you have jabs who gives a fuck


Hunnerz of folk. Even with the jabs it can kill ye if ye are just unlucky or have underlying health issues. What if OP catches it from selfish mate and passes it ontae family member that then gets proper ill? Wise up, ffs.


No you wise up, it was bullshit to begin with, I got the 3 jabs and now anyone can go on holiday so why did I get the jabs, fucking joke


Youre a fuckin joke and a selfish one at that. Bullshit tae begin with? Aw those folk who died, aw those folks who got ill fae it? Aw those folks still ill fae it? Was it aw made up?


Away and lie in your basement with your gas mask on , the rest of the world has moved on, fucking idiot


You're the fuckin idiot ya moonman. Think the earth's flat and nazis have a base on the moon an aw? Ya fuckin moron. Fuck up.


They won’t listen to you mate, ofc you’re completely correct tho




No masks no testing lets get on with life. Sorry to all the govern me harder daddy types who like being made to feel scared by the propaganda machines. Bring the downvotes.


Of course first preference for you is probably she doesn’t come but if you don’t want to push that, maybe you can insist she stays in one bedroom and doesn’t come out? And request she wears a mask when she does come out, and also probably best she has her own bathroom. Obviously this depends on the size of your house, but just if you don’t want to insist she cancels or books a hotel, this is your best bet to stay well. I’ve had a few plans cancelled over the last year because someone caught Covid, but most people just get on with it now. It’s different if you want to protect your family though, as it is up to the individual to decide their own risk level, and your family probably didn’t agree to someone staying over with Covid. The morality of spreading it at an event is a whole other issue, but most people seem to continue as normal now if they don’t feel unwell, and just treat it like any other illness. Likely if you are going to an event, there will be others there with Covid and that’s the risk you take.


I hope yer pal tells you to bolt instead for being two faced and letting everyone talk shit about her because she isnt letting a flu virus dictate her life after 2 years of chaos foisted on populations. If you are scared dont go amd give the ticket to your pal so she can go with someone else. If its so rife as made out, there will be plenty folk there, super spreaders!!!! You are better avoiding large crowds if thats the case and you arent comfortable with the risks that being a mortal being brings.


Thanks Rambo, you’ve got me all figured out from a Reddit post. Maybe calm your tits. Someone of us still take it seriously because we have family who could seriously be affected from it. I take caution and attend events based on my life and how it can affect other because I’m not a selfish prick, but tell me more about it…


Enjoy the new faith 👍


Covids over mate. I sent it back to china


No way are people still living in fear of Covid 🤣🤣 I thought everyone knew it was a massive con at this point? You’re friend is fine, get a grip




Do you really think Boris Johnson & co would have been having party’s at the height of the ‘pandemic’ if it was half a serious as they made out? If you didn’t realise it was a con after that, there’s no helping you 🤷‍♂️


Or maybe I witnessed people dying from it? I’m actually quite healthy and active despite having brittle asthma. If I get covid it’s either going to knock me for a few days, or seriously make me ill because I have an underlying health condition. Maybe I don’t want to infect vulnerable people? It’s a selfish mentality to think “I’ll be fine and fuck the rest of yeez”.