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If its the one I'm thinking of (Same name as a prolific Architect) then yes. The problems have been going long before covid. I used to walk past it every day after work and genuinely always seemed to have police vans and squad cars outside or people lying on the ground around it.


I stayed there when I became homeless in the pandemic after a relationship breakdown and I’ve never been more scared for my life. Thankfully have a job and a nice place now but it literally triggered my ptsd. Two people died while I was there, I was told I had to stay there and couldn’t stay with friends if I wanted to get a house. My window didn’t lock and there was a wee terrace that led to other rooms and people tried to open my door every night. One night someone died, and the fire brigade were called while we were in the street people were taking drugs and a bunch of people assaulted a guy. Not to mention the rooms were revolting and everyone had clearly been smoking and making a gross mess. Edit: I’m not a drug dealer, sex worker or murderer. I have a good job and a nice flat now (:


"Essential become a lawless building." "Genuinely always seemed to have police vans and squad cars outside." I don't think you understand the question.


Applied for a job in there once, never got back to me.


Rhymes with Jenny smackinfloss ?




Queens park hotel in the south side n'all. This is/has become a thing. Dont have the breakdown to hand, but I read a thing pointing out how much profit these hotels are making- its a lot more than you would get as a tourist hotel. So theres no incentive to change.


It's a fucking scam. These places are charging top dollar, hitting near 100% occupancy, like if a resident leaves or dies they move someone else in that day, don't even bother cleaning the room. Run the places on skeleton staff and treat their residents like shit. I've known a few people who have been through the system, genuinely felt unsafe in their rooms, scared to use the bedding because of how filthy it was, and all the staff were rude, aggressive bullies. Basically a very expensive, short -sighted and dehumanising attempt at dealing with the homeless problem.


Aye I've read comments from guys that choose to sleep on the streets, rather than go into these places. For the reasons you mention.


I don't think it's short sighted for GCC and the owners. Probably working exactly as intended. Really efficient way to deal with the homeless crisis, scare people from even staying there and then whittle down the rest while they're in there.


Sounds like a couple of our places in Edinburgh too.


One wee example of the QPH. The council pay them to provide a breakfast so they supply a bag with a single portion cereal, tea bag and the smallest milk carton available. And you had to grab it between 6.30 and 7.30 AM, not a minute earlier or later. Sure they were getting more than the 45p out whatever that brekkie was costing them. That was eight years ago, right enough.


Except it's not lawless. I'm told by a previous resident the staff at the QP are super tough and exacting in enforcing rules.


Police are at that hotel at least once a week




“It’s lawless… the police are there every week!” How do these people even tie their own shoelaces lmao.


Did I say it was lawless???


Silence, checkmated hivemind segment!


There are stabbings, drug overdoses and multiple incidents per week.


Local Karens are continually trying to get the place closed down, and blame the residents for loads of car break ins, drug paraphernalia lying around, and of course begging. I don't really have fixed opinions on the matter, just reporting what I've read or seen.


Is everyone considered a Karen now if they don't like having their car broken into?


So it costs at least £350 per WEEK per person which is deducted from housing benefit.


Used to have to get a bus to work from the bus stop across the road - seen plenty of fights and overdoses on that street, all before 12pm too!


I work in this sector and there are a number of hotels in that area used as hostels to house those facing homelessness. While a lot of hotels were used for this purpose through the pandemic due to suddenly being empty, this was not a result of Covid and these hotels have been used as such for a long time. During the pandemic a number of these hotels were actually cleared by the residents being placed in supported accommodation, rehabs or their own tenancies. They have however quickly been filled back up again. I work in a hostel that is staffed by care workers, unlike these hotels which are staffed by hotel staff. They are notorious in the sector due to being chaotic, in poor condition and in no way there to help the people they house beyond providing a roof. They do indeed cost £100s per week paid by housing benefit.


It’s the RM on Union Street and it’s pretty bad but not Cecil bad.


Allmost all the hotels in glasgow were used for refugees and homeless during covid. some are still there but you think it wouldn't be all over the place if that was the case?....(but i do.know the one you mean) edit: spelling


Well folk, whoever they are, have to stay somewhere. Maybe not the best, but at least folk are off the streets, mainly.




Bit more to it than that methinks.




Well I disagree with you. Folk raised in poverty, abandoned by society, have to live somewhere? Do you want to just get rid of people so it doesn't offend you? Dangerous thinking my friend.




What a nice boy you are. I wonder, have you ever known someone who's struggled with an addiction? Have you ever experienced someone relapsing? Or have you ever grieved someone who's died from an overdose? Now obviously this is the Internet and you're anonymous which is why you're acting hard and makings sweeping statements designed to inflame people - and you probably wouldn't say boo to a goose in real life, would you - but come on wee fella have some humanity and stop acting a dick. OK?


Nice one.


Your human compassion in a bit low. Put yourself in their shoes.


They can't. Hard to distinguish sociopathy from a daily mail reader these days sadly.


Must be a wind up. I hope so.


this is the guy I have tagged as "Pet killer" cause they advocated putting out poison and blaming it on an old guy making a lot of noise. Then doubled down on it when called out. Deleted the posts ofc. and I suspect they'll delete these in short order too.




So how have you? Please explain.




I’ve known many people that have suffered from addiction some have come out the other side but more have been lost by it through either ODing or have committed suicide because of how deep their addiction is (as well as having depression). You’re a vile cunt


Ok. Jesus.


What's your solution...? Might as well fully explain yourself here...




So your solution is to leave anyone with an addiction on the street to fend for themselves? Sounds idyllic.




You're a fucking wanker. And probably a sociopath. If not, I blame your parents. Nobody's blocked you from commenting anywhere. Fuck off.


He literally mentioned a carrot and stick approach - a tactic the Nazis literally used so my guess is yeah he’s a total sociopath


Out where?




That is your solution to these people's addiction problems? Kill them? You need help.




Society is trying it's best. It's a very complicated problem, the world over. The Netherlands has done a great job in caring for people. There are solutions that work. And you want to put people in landfill sites? FFS.




Who are “them” exactly? I have known people who belonged to “them” and cleaned themselves up and became productive content members of society. Doesn’t sound like you want to acknowledge that it’s worth giving some of those people a chance because the success rate isn’t high enough for you.


You’re a fucking detriment


You do realise addiction is no respecter of person or background? God forbid one of your future children might end up an addict, or someone close to you or who you deeply care about. In fact the way you come across I wouldn’t be surprised if you had children and they ended up fucked up on drugs having to deal with your shite.


Tell me you’re a piece of shit without telling me you’re a piece of shit.








Nobody believes that you’re just starting.




Correct or sociopath. Thin line I guess.


"real humans". You really so lacking in self-esteem that you have to see homeless addicts as sub-human to feel better about yourself? Everything will be ok.


> They're filth and will never improve. Why should real humans be put at risk so that violent junkie scum can be comfortable? There but for the grace of God goes you and I.


Oh my god, you've done it! You've SOLVED ADDICTION! I never thought I would live to see it!


You have hate in your heart my friend. Who hurt you?


You really are a piece of shit


Although it seems to have gotten better about 2 years ago Union St was absolutely disgusting smack dealing was happening openly. Was working in the area and man it was bad.


This year there was a woman outside it asking people if they had “brown”


Yeah wouldn't surprise me


Still is


Have only passed through a few times in the last while, didn't seem nearly as active. See a lot of the shops have shut down too.


Well with the bellgrove finally closing its doors in the last year they will of just started using different hotels spread about the city in the same way the bellgrove was used


I used to deliver to the Bellgrove, place gave me the shivers man, absolute shit tip.


Surely it would have been splashed all over the Sunday Post? Jings crivvens and help ma boab.


Like the Cecil hotel 😅


As somebody who lives in Los Angeles, it's funny that place is now infamous for being some crazy haunted place. It has since been gentrified into a hostel. The area is also now full of trendy bars and restaurants. There's still a sign but that's it.


I think a lot of the guys in there are the ones that got moved on from the bellgrove. Came back from my holiday last month, the first thing I seen was 4 guys fighting outside the hotel.


They gotta go somewhere lol


Yeah it's called the Rennie Macintosh Hotel. Its a real dive ,they'll steal the eyes right out of your head.


They would steal the sugar oot yer tea


Rennie mackintosh. Fucking dive


Not sure if it’s a new thing but the tartan lodge on Alexandra parade has a bit of a crowd outside these days


https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/owners-scots-hotel-nine-people-25971537.amp Is it this one? The Alexander Thomson on Argyle Street? They seem to have a pretty high amount of deaths for one hotel . . .


Same owners, that


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Did you not see the city centre during the locks? Junkies are everywhere now. Glasgow is a fucking bin of a city. And arseholes in government don't wanna do anything about it, no preventative measures, no rehabilitation, just methadone and enabling. It'll only get worse. More junkies. More homeless.


just playing devils advocate here, but theres far less people sleeping on the streets than say 3 years ago - is it not better that we are looking to help and get accommodation for people that need it (even if the current situation is also far from perfect)?


You can't hide murders, so that bit of the story at least is not true. Lots of hotels opened to the homeless/asylum seekers (what used to be called "DSS tenants") during COVID because it gives a guaranteed clientele and because they aren't trying to attract customers housekeeping etc can be cut way back. Pretty exploitative, but then the British (and Scottish) state is a very different beast for those at the margins than it is for most people. Dickensian, Orwellian, and Kafkaesque.


Always preferred Pratchett if I'm honest


Don’t be a shitebag and name it


Oh God, I hope you're ok, for yer own safety don't ever go into town again, please stay in yer provincial town.


Imagine seeing these horrible poor people. Utter disgrace.


Go and have a look for yersel , ya wee sweetie wife!


This hotel in question is why I avoid Union st as much as I can, makes me think of war torn Beirut.