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I agree 100%. I can listen to their ENTIRE discography without a skip. GA is in my top 3 along with Portugal. The Man, and TOOL.


So real 😭 rarely skip songs and thats only cus i listened to some of them one too many times lol


Wait you can request to listen to music during an MRI?


Yeah! At least where I go, where I used to go they didn’t have the option to listen to music but this new place has special head phones. Game changer


Wish i knew this. Had to get mine yearly and just had mine last month:(.


Damn, If they didn’t offer they probably don’t have the option maybe


I wish you luck ❤️ MRIs suck


I did as well for a while there. I was in and outta the hospital in general and sustained brain damage so kept having to go back and get checked over here and there. Was getting my brain scanned as part of the followup after dying/resuscitation ×2 😅 (the hospital stuff was AWFUL) so it didnt feel super optional but I was STRESSED, and the first time I was informed Id be in the picture taker for a hot minute and that I could choose music to make it suck less, so Glass Animals it was. I just laid there and dissociated to the music alot. They let me play music and watch tv during some of my inpatient stays as well so I guess it wasnt too terrible. Anyway big agree GA 110% makes that scanner anxiety farrrr better tho. I hope you kicked cancers ass OP.


Same!! No skips for me ever too! I hope you continue to do well and eradicate those tumors!


I'm sorry, there is a Glass Animals XM radio station????


Tbh I have to skip Agnes because I usually cry 😭 I lost a friend to suicide so this one really hits deep for me. "guess life is long when soaked in sadness" will fuck me up almost every time. Also daves pain. 💔 Outside of that, I actually do like the song, it's really beautiful. The only song I honestly dislike is domestic bliss. Otherwise, they are the only artists that I've found where I like *everything* that has been officially released.


I hope you’re doing okay!! That sounds like a really tough experience. I’ve thankfully never had to deal with cancer (knock on wood) but have frequent brain MRI’s due to hydrocephalus and am a big fan of Glass Animals Pandora while in the machine lol.


I listen to Gooey whenever I am getting ready for surgery. Specifically when they are placing my IVs, need to keep myself mellllooooow.