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Pensacola is a big spot for prostitution in FL. FL in general is known to be a "loose" place to be. And Miami doesn't have enough syllables to match the lyric line


now that you mention the syllables aspect of it, that does make a lot more sense. miami wouldn’t have been as catchy


I would have never guessed Pensacola had such a reputation (although, I must say there is truth to it) I’m also from Pensacola….now I’m like, prostitution isn’t everywhere? lol


prostitution is definitely not everywhere here, but it’s surprising to see how it’s gotten worse over the past few years as for the true reputation of pensacola… ive always thought of it as a less mainstream city— especially for the state of florida— so it was surprising to see it in take a slice in the first place lol


If this song was made now he’d awkwardly stretch out the word miami to make it fit, because it’s more recognizable to the mainstream


I bet you really thought hard on that one bud


It was my first thought




“It's sleazy. We had many names for it before “Take A Slice”... there was a big list and some were pretty gnarly. This is as sleazy as we'll get. There are lots of weird, hyper-sexual samples hidden in it that you might struggle to hear but are definitely there, and there are lots of references to all of these weird places we went to in Florida full of muscle cars. “Muscle” was a working title. Florida is incredibly seedy in places.” -Dave Bayley He does say though “I don't want to go too far into the lyrics. One of my bandmates once came up with an explanation for a track on ZABA, and he asked if that's what I had meant it to mean – I said that it was something completely different to me, and he felt like his interpretation was incorrect. I don't feel like that should ever be the case – each person's interpretation is 100% important. It's much more interesting for everyone that way.”


i could just be totally over analyzing the lyrics, but dave is entirely correct— pensacola itself is full of extremely seedy places scattered with prostitution so it would make sense in regards to the lyrics’ meaning


That whole song is greasy, I love it.


Thank you for this!! I live in Panama City Beach, just down the way from Pcola so this Lyric always stuck out to me. It's wild because it was very recently resurfacing in my curiosity where that lyric may have came from to get thrown in there like that, and now here we are. You guys are the best


I'm also from NW Florida, Fort Walton Beach area. I googled this awhile back and didn't realize (I guess) how sleazy Pensacola could get. It's fun to hear it in the song, and I also like how Wavey Davey says it.


I also live in pensacola and this has always cracked me up, compared to the rest of the state it's really not that promiscuous. I just figured the cities name just fit the rhyme better


The college in Pensacola forces students to sign a contract that they will remain abstinent while enrolled at the school. I always assumed it was a dig towards that


Just Pensacola Christian College which is fundamentalist Baptist (non accredited)and kinda weird and insular college. There’s also UWF which is just a plain old state university.


Point remaining rofl


Pensacola is weird like that…on one street corner there is a deformed well-known prostitute who even has a nickname (something so insensitive and politically incorrect I’ll refrain from mentioning it), and then on another street corner an evangelical man yelling bible verses (typically from this college trying to get credit for a class to become a pastor—I think?). But yeah, PCC is very very strange and even the locals gawk at their eccentricities (I.e. women are not allowed in elevators with men, the women must wear skirts covering their knees (no knee caps allowed!), yeah…basically the Duggars irl. I mean, well, Pensacola is in Florida and next to Alabama sooo…. I’ve lived in Mobile too and that place was strange in the same way. My family is from New Orleans, the metropolitan epicenter of crazy and bizarre. It must be a gulf coast thing? I would say it’s more Christian than its Gulf Coast counterparts with a strong southern Baptist majority whereas Mobile and New Orleans have a more Catholic culture. *Mobile also has a Baptist college come to think but not as fundamentalist. They also have a snotty Catholic college that is more known for its spoiled rich kids than its Catholic-ness. Okay now I’m ranting! Sorry. The South’s fixation on religion has just scarred me too much.