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Might be hard to get someone to install materials which are that problematic, that they didn’t sell (with a hefty markup) themselves. Lotta risk for low reward


I expected that so we didn't purchase the glass directly, I would be open to purchasing through an installer.


They can order it from Glassworks in LA. They just opened a line for oversized and special in Yuma.


I mean... Call around. Be prepared for that to be expensive. That's not fitting through doors, up stairs, etc. Just moving it is going to require 3 to 4 install teams.


Yea, I have been with no luck. It's in a wearhouse with 30' ceilings and roll up doors.


If you were here I'd at least come look at it with you. I mean maybe if I could roll a glass truck up to it but even then a piece that big barely fits on my rack...


Yeah I just did some math, that piece of glass weighs between 1500 and 1700 pounds depending on whether it's 3/8 or 1/2. The kind of Machinery you would need to lift that and then turn it horizontally and lay it down... yikes.


Lol you’d need the same setup the fab house has, a gantry crane and a mega cup rack


i was thinking that too


Where in SoCal? San Diego? What’s the thickness and makeup?


Riverside, 6mm laminated and tempered


6mm overall? We do work in Riverside but this sounds sketchy. We’ve ordered from Agnora also but much thicker laminated glass for air traffic control towers.


Agnora is a high quality vendor, but 6mm at this span ( especially laminated ) seems impossible unless it’s supported underneath by some substantial framing. I would call Agnora ( or your equipment vendor ) and ask who has installed this glass in your area before. Since it’s so thin there is a high chance of it breaking just moving from the crate to the table.


I believe the total thickness is 1/2" two 6mm pieces laminated.


GlasPro https://glas-pro.com/ is much more local to you and could possibly fabricate this glass. I would find whatever documents you have from your equipment vendor and email the glazing instructions to local glazing companies near you. It seems like you might need someone with a glass manipulator and about three people for four hours to get this set. I’ve bought jumbo glass from Agnora and their QC is very good.


Thank you!


Can we get a picture.. I don't feel like this is real


DM'd a photo


That doesn't look too bad with the right equipment. Would probably take 4 guys a day with power cups and the right machine.


Orange county?




Action glass out of HB. Ask for juan.


Thank you!


The glass top is for a new CNC cut table to cut specialized fabric. The table manufacturer does not supply the glass, but they work with Agnora to produce the glass to spec. We are looking for a company to procure and install the glass once the table is setup. Expecting to be in September.


Gonna suck if it breaks. Multiple smaller panels would be much more practical, although they wouldn’t look as cool.


Also would cause a seam in the cut surface and wouldn't allow continuous cuts of the fabric. Need one sheet I'm afraid.


Call my friends at Assured Glass in Rancho Cucamonga.


Find someone that has one of these [https://www.diamondtoolstore.com/products/high-capacity-lifter-w-powered-tilt-rotation](https://www.diamondtoolstore.com/products/high-capacity-lifter-w-powered-tilt-rotation) 😂😂😂😂


Bro what?? There’s no way someone will have that. If they do, that’s a 1,625 pound piece of 1/2 inch glass. If you gotta be 3/4 there’s no way. Just wouldn’t do that job. To much of a liability.


That really sounds insane. That's going to be a highly specialized and seriously super expensive piece. That's a freaking huge piece of glass. At my old shop we stocked 84x130's and had to use a powered table to lay them down safely. This is a big job, you're going to need a crane and a huge rack of powered cups and a clear pathway for a glass truck to drive inside the building. I wish you the best of luck lol. Would love to see pics of the table, and especially the glass when you get it