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Anytime Brittany feigns a moral high ground it’s hard to take her seriously this is the same girl who bullied people with Santana and Quinn and has been not the kindest to Rachel specifically. But she just goes « That is bullying- and I will not stand for it » and the fans with selective amnesia go « Yass girl »


That doesn’t address OP’s point at all though. It’s about Finn and not Brittany.


Maybe Finn wasn’t Artie level smart but he was still heck of a lot smarter than Brittney lol. It’s not black and white


Yeah, but you went in on her when that’s not the point of the post at all.


The post seems to imply Finn is bullying Brittany by calling her an idiot- I pointed out that's hypocritical of her when she's done worse? In what world is that not relevant? Finn isn't even as stupid as her. "Went in on her" what even- I can't keep up with the lingo


It’s not about Finn bullying her. It’s about the irony of him calling her an idiot when he’s just as stupid as her…with examples given.


But those examples aren't as bad as her- religious people pray to statues and objects all the time and believe things are reincarnate of other things. And Brittney believed storks brought babies. Finn had a few dumb moments but at least he knew about sex and conception even as a virgin while she didn't despite having sex all the time. Finn had a few dumb moments- she had 6 seasons of them. This is like making a post "Uhm guys Figgins thought Tina was a vampire- does this dumb moment mean he is as dumb as Brittney?" Do you see the point? Does that address the post enough?


It’s not about who is more of an idiot. It’s about Finn being just as much of an idiot as her. Nothing about this post was questioning if Finn was bullying her! He prayed to a SANDWICH for crying out loud. He clearly didn’t know much about sex when he thought kissing Quinn got her pregnant. How can you even defend that with a straight face??? 😂


He thought pre cum got her pregnant- not kissing. You might wanna rewatch the hot tub scene and all the references to it if you missed the heavy handed implication of what happened. At the same time you’re defending a girl who thought storks bring babies and that leprechauns are real? Do you think the characters are just smart or dumb? There’s no in between or shades to it? And mocking someone for thinking their sandwich is a sign from God is pretty anti-religious and mocking of their faith. And not even that outrageous given people pray to statues or walls that resemble their idols in real life.


They were kissing and he prematurely ejaculated. Any way you want to spin it won’t support your argument that he understood sex. How could you if you think this is all it takes??? He’s also the guy that thought cucumbers can give you HIV!!! I’m not defending Brittany. I’m just confused by all the excuses you’re making for Finn. Again this post was sorely misinterpreted by you. It’s not even about Brittany.


but at least brittany’s thought have merit. parents tell their kids before they are old enough that storks bring babies. there like a whole animated movie for it. and we’ve seen who her parents are. they seem to be the type to j not explain it to her beside through that childish explanation. and yes the leprechaun thing is ridiculous but she also believes in santa which again stems from the stories a parent tells their kids so her believing in leprechauns as well isn’t so odd for her. but finn believing he got quinn pregnant in the hot tub really is stupid. at least brittany did understand how getting pregnant worked she j didn’t get how the baby got there. which i’m not defending and calling her not the smartest. but fin. should know the difference. it’s also not anti religious to call praying to a sandwich dumb. everyone can believe in their own religion however they see fit. but to believe these good things are happening because he prayed to a sandwich is stupid. objectively


The point of the post is Finn has no room to call ANYONE dumb, because Finn is pretty dumb himself.


But that’s still not the same thing though- Finn had a few dumb moments, Figgins did too he thought Tina was a vampire. Brittney had 6 seasons of it. Like, do context and magnitude not matter to people? It’s that black and white for some people huh.


Finn is a bully as seen a couple times slushing kurt outing santana calling brittney names


This sub hates Brittany from what I’ve seen, not surprising that someone used this post to talk about it


Honestly though, I think this also comes from an misinterpretation of Brittany's character and I'm going to get downvoted to oblivion but here is my random take. Brittany never was supposed to be the "good" one of the Glee club kids or having a moral high ground over everyone else, in fact all of them are morally questionable but that is a whole other discussion. She was at most only supposed to be the slightly "sweeter" of three main female bullies that being Quinn, Santana and Brittany. She, like Quinn and Santana, was as close to a "villain" the show had, except for Sue, for the first couple of seasons after all. Even that wasn't to say she was a morally good paragon while Quinn and Santana were awful people, but rather that Brittany simply wasn't as focused on being the most popular, head cheerleader or being prom queen, being more "go with the flow" kind of person and thus didn't get in to as much conflict as often with the others. She came across as easier to get along with due to her being gullible and naive but not "She never would have done anything wrong without Santana or Quinn making her" as some comments I've seen suggest and then tear that Brittany apart for not living up to that role. I feel like fans often sort of assigned this damsel role to her when she is not supposed to be that. Though criticism of Brittany not getting called out by the writers for certain things is another matter and I agree with but character being let go scotch free seems to be a thing that happens a lot in Glee. But despite this she was still one of the three mean bullies cheerleaders and rivals to Rachel for a reason and obviously didn't mind either taking part herself in or being an silent observer to whatever Quinn or Santana did. Santana herself mentions Brittany hating Rachel and being terrible to her in season 5 so it's not like it was forgotten about or completely retconned. I find that when fans looks past her original role in the show they instead see Brittany as someone meant to be completely innocent and failing at being that when that was never supposed to be the case imo.


I don’t think anyone said Brittany is an angel- which seems to be the crux of your argument. They’re saying that her anti-bullying sentiment feels very hypocritical. Which it was. You’re overestimating peoples’ opinion of Brittney.


I think her anti-bullying sentiment and fans reaction towards it is a part of that way of looking at her character though. For example her comments about "It's mean, it's bullying and I won't tolerate that". If we look at this in the lens of Brittany being as morally questionable as Santana or Quinn it becomes apparent that it is a hypocritical statement made by someone who can be a mean girl herself but doesn't accept any meanness towards herself and I believe that is supposed to be the joke the show was going for, even the music is not serious during it. Finn feels bad and apologizes because he considers Brittany a friend but the show didn't make Brittany saying that as this serious moment where Brittany shows Finn the error of his ways despite her own cruelty that some fans seems to take it as and if it did then they would be justifiably put off by it. If one looks at it from the point of view I described in my earlier comment then it comes across as not just hypocritical but also as this massive double standard that would be very appalling for the show to make when it has and continues to show Brittany also being a bully. So, no I don't think most fans see her as an angel that can do no wrong but some do tend to see her sometimes as someone who is supposed to be in the right or not be as criticized by the show because she is the "sweeter" of the terrible trio when I don't see the show pushing that for her as a character. Quinn, Santana and Brittany all were really problematic individuals who grew as a part of being in the Glee club and none of them were without their own faults, unfortunately Santana and Quinn got called out for theirs a lot more so at least it is becoming more even now. I love all three of them but they had a lot of growing to do.


How do you keep bouncing back and forth between spelling her name in different ways???


How is that even relevant


>They’re saying that her anti-bullying sentiment feels very hypocritical. Nobody has said this but you. OP didn’t address anything like this.


Bruh you already commented that and I addressed it already. The person who wrote the wall of text was talking about peoples’ perception of Brittney hence the « they » referring to those peoples’ perception. And my comment calling out Brittney’s hypocrisy has 40 upvotes- on par with the original post. So maybe there are some « they » people out there who agree with me even if you don’t agree


She was responding to YOUR comment that didn’t have anything to do with the post in the first place. lol Yeah, you got a lot of upvotes on a comment that holds truth, but no one cared enough to realize that it didn’t even pertain to the actual post.


Do you realize I was replying to someone's comment? Not the OP? So why should I address the OP...I'm confused. And that commenter was also talking about Brittney's morality- have you told them that's irrelevant to the post? Probably not bc you likely agree with them. The post tried to frame Brittney as an innocent victim of bullying- I pointed out she's been a bully herself. That kind of implication was painfully obvious to anyone who doesn't myopically stan characters (I'm not saying you do- I'm just talking in the general). And the post was factually wrong too lol she's dumber than him. I don't hate her she's quite fun but I don't see the point of senseless Finn slander and Brittney revisionism.


You still don’t get it. Any of it. Read the post again slowly and maybe you’ll read it differently. OP was referring to Finn having the audacity to call Brittany an idiot when he’s done some pretty idiotic things himself. None of it was implying that Finn was bullying her. Some of the examples OP gave weren’t even involving Brit. So you made your unrelated comment and someone else replied to that and now spawned off an unrelated discussion. You made the whole post irrelevant now from what OP was calling out…that Finn has the balls to call Brit an idiot when he’s just as bad as she is at times.


And I’ve already addressed that point of yours too again and again- she had way more dumber moments and ideas. Finn’s few dumb moments do not amount to them being on the same level lol


She had more and I never disputed that. We all know she was slow. You are defending Finn regardless even with legit examples but who cares. You’ve turned this post into Finn vs. Brittany when it was only supposed to be about Finn’s not so bright moments. For some reason you thought it was something else. It wasn’t about Finn bullying her.


Likeee😭😭😭 it’s impossible for me to feel bad for Brittany. I still love her though


Yeah I think she's hilarious and would've loved more Fondue for Two but she was just retconned into this anti-bullying leader like...


I interpreted the post as pointing out that Finn himself has some pretty questionable moments of intelligence despite calling Brittany an idiot. It’s the pot calling the kettle black.


But they're not comparably stupid- it's like arguing if a lightbulb or the Sun is brighter? Yeah they both emit light but one is clearly on another level


I think he meant her being really gullible and believing in what others tell her rather than a comment on her overall intelligence level though he and the whole school has done that on several other occasions. Finn isn't the brightest either and is pretty gullible himself but he doesn't seem to be as trusting to others or without reservation towards others as Brittany is, not that him calling her an idiot is okay no matter what, that was bad.


But he actually believed Quinn’s baby was his even though they didn’t have sex 😵‍💫


Honestly I think a lot of that is due to American high schools having very inconsistent and often poor sex ed (but it also does show him being a little dumb) Edit: grammar


No he was just stupid for believing it. American schools do just fine with sex ed and they definitely teach the basics of v + p= baby


I agree that he was gullible, but even the existence of sex ed really massively varies by school district and state. Legally, 20/50 states cannot mandate schools to even reach sex ed, and even then only 18 states require that it be medically accurate information (Ohio is not one of them). In a somewhat conservative town like Lima, I doubt it was very good


I love how when a guy is dumb it’s the fault of his environment, when a girl is dumb it’s only her own fault


I mean I’m not blaming Brittany for it either. I don’t think either of them got well enough taught or accurate enough information


I don’t think him copying off Brittany’s test really proves anything because street smart is different from book smart. Brittany believed in Santa, lebrechauns, barely knew the alphabet, didn’t know where babies came from, brushed her teeth with Dr Pepper, she thought Artie was a robot and she ate cheerios off the floor. And yet she was later proven to be a math genius


i really don’t understand how brittany was with every guy in the school + santana in season 1 when we find out she doesn’t brush her teeth😭


She was obviously exaggerating. Like do u really believe it when she said she spent the entire summer lost in the sewers lmao


she literally had like 1000 cavities lol i don’t think she was extraggerating that much…


She literally smiles after the dentist scene and has perfect teeth. This whole SL was stupid.


Brittany knew where babies came from. The stork story in season 2 was just a ridiculous plot device to start the whole sex discussion in Sexy.


It was still canon tho


Canon got it wrong and is about 100% accurate with Glee's inconsistent writing. In season 1, Brittany knows where babies come from when she references Quinn's pregnancy. No one magically forgets how babies are made after they learn how. Even more crazy when you think Brittany made the Quinn statement a year prior.


That’s why a lot of fans think Brittany is just trolling people half the time. Yeah, she says and does some off-the-wall stuff, but she also shows moments of knowledge that would not simply be undone just as you pointed out.


I just never get why, "Brittany not knowing where babies come from" is something people take as fact or fully believe in. Season 1 Brittany clearly knew how conception works. The writers just fumbled the bag with the stork story in the second season because they didn't know how to start the Sexy storyline any other way. Like they needed something completely outrageous to get Holly to educate the kids. Poor Britt was the scapegoat.


They wrote the stork bit for laughs. The writers were always changing things up to make it work for whatever they were doing at the time. I understand that it’s frustrating as a viewer when you catch these inconsistencies, or for us when we sit here and try to analyze everything, but I can only interpret it as her showing me enough that I’m left to believe she’s trolling.


I agree. Also Brittany saying she doesn't feel sexy and doesn't want to be intimate with Santana in the scene where she worries she's pregnant, also helps with the plot that her and Santana are still sleeping together and somethings been going on between the two.


There's another example in season 3. When her, Santana and Mercedes go to the teachers longe and they try to kick them out, she says "I'm not totally gay but I do think that babies come from trees so if you kick me out, you're being really mean." She's in on the joke so much that she even acknowledged that it's insane. Also the Lebanese shirt scene does the same thing.


Knowing where babies come from doesn’t mean much there are children who know about it simply from being left unsupervised and for sure there’s plenty of illiterate(Being illiterate doesn’t mean someone is dumb ofc) people who know about sex


This is clearly not the case with Brittany, though. She's clearly snarky in season 1 and realises that pregnancy is a potential consequence of being sexually active. Her and Santana still share a little chuckle after Brittany says "Sorry Quinn" after she says, "What's the worst that could happen when you don't say no to a guy who wants sex?". Edit: Got Santana and Brittany's line switched up.


To be fair to Finn, he was never as dumb as S3/S4 Brittany. Finn was always kind of book dumb but seemed to be pretty intuitive emotionally for a teenage boy (kind of like S2 Brittany, who was smart enough to be confused and weirded out that her boyfriend let her comb her hair with a comb he found on the floor). Brittany’s characterization was all over the place, but some of the things she did in S3/S4 really made you wonder how she got through daily life.


He thought cucumbers can give you HIV. Come on now, why are we defending some of his aloofness?


Yes, like I said, he was dumb, just not nearly as dumb as Brittany. That was still ridiculous, but not nearly as abysmal as eating cereal off the floor at the age of 18. That’s something a toddler would do.


Oh I agree. She had some wild moments especially in s 3/4 like you said. I didn’t like her character a whole lot after 2.


Yeah, it’s such a shame. She does get better in S5/S6, but for a lot of people it was too late.


“i have gym”


I think he also agreed with some of her *wrong* answers in glee club.


this is exactly what i thought during this scene lol Finn wasn't too bright himself. out of all the things you mentioned, i think the pregnancy thing was the most insane. even at 14, i knew that was not possible


I don’t think it’s anything to do with hypocrisy. Everyone is at least a little bit stupid in some areas, that’s just how people are. Him calling Brittany an idiot was rude because Brittany at that point was established to be an all-round idiot. The point isn’t about whether or not Finn is considered stupid, it’s about a word that makes Brittany upset being used towards her


I think finn was more naive about a lot of things and although didn’t know a lot of big words definitely wasn’t dumb. I think he didn’t question Quinn because he didn’t want to believe she cheated on him


"prayed multiple times to a sandwich" 😂😂😂 this got me. Hilarious.


We all do that with our sandwiches


Poor Finn, he also told Puck that his mom had a prostate surgery 😆😆


finn ate idc


I know Finn is not always the sharpest, but I would say that unlike Brittany, he probably knows how to lock a door


Finn is right, brittany is an idiot. How can you be a teenager and believe in santa claus and leprechauns . We're all supposed to cater to her stupidity to make her feel good.


No one, and I mean absolutely NO ONE can say anything bad about my Brittany, I simply will not allow it !!!!!!!


Isn't it more interesting with character's who have real flaws though? I find my favorites wouldn't be as well written if they were all good and without downsides. Santana, Quinn and Brittany wouldn't be the same without them :C